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Solutions for QCT3532005

Solutions for questions 1 to 20: 5. Let the time taken to fill the tank be t minutes.
P and Q were open for t minutes.
1. Let the times in which A, B and C can complete the job
be a days, b days and c days respectively. 1 1
Part of it filled by P and Q = (t) + (t ) .
1 1 1 12 18
+ = (1)
a b 40
R was open for (t − 4) minutes.
1 1 1
+ = (2)
b c 30 1 t−4
Part of the tank emptied by R = (t – 4) =
1 1 1 36 36
+ = (3)
a c 20
Subtracting (1) from (2), t t t−4
+ – =1
1 1 1 12 18 36
− =
c a 120
3 t + 2t − ( t − 4 )
1 1 1 =1
⇒ = + substituting this in eg (3), 36
c 120 a
4 t = 32
1  1 1 1 t=8 Choice (4)
+ + = 2
a  120 a  20
a 120
or a = 48 Choice (3) 6. In one day Rajdeep can do th of the work and Pranav
2. Let the times in which A, B and C can complete the job 1
can do th of the work.
be a days, b days and c days respectively. 24
1 1 1 1  1  10
+ + = Work done by Pranav in 10 days = 10  =
a b c 30
 24  24
i 1 1
+ = 14
a b 45 Work remaining =
1 1 1
∴ + = Number of days taken by Rajdeep to complete the remaining
45 c 30
14 15 3
1 work = × =8 Choice (2)
c 90 24 1 4
1 1 1
+ : =2:1 7. As A and B worked for 32 days on the whole, work done by
a b c
32 4
1 them = = .
C’s share = (`3600) = `1200 Choice (3) 40 5
∴ Remaining work i.e., th of the work is completed by C
1 in 24 days.
3. Pat of the job completed by A in a hour = 2 = ∴ C takes 24 x 5 = 120 days to complete the work.
10 20 Choice (1)
8. Number of man-days required to fill 20,000 tyres
3 = 1
Part of it completed by B in a hour = = 80 × 84
6.5 19.5 Number of man-days required to fill one tyre
4 = 1 = 80 × 84
Part of it completed by C in a hour = 20 ,000
4 .5 18
Number of man-days required to fill 30,000 tyres
= 80 × 84 × 30,000.
6 = 1 20 ,000
Part of it completed by D in a hour =
3.5 21 To complete filling 30,000 tyres in 63 days, number of
80 × 84 ×1.5
Part of the job completed in a hour was the greatest for C. persons required = = 160.
∴ C is the most efficient. Choice (3) 63
Choice (1)
4. 5 men = 10 women
9. Number of bolts produced by type A in 10 days
∴ 1 man = 2 women
∴ 1 man + 1 woman = 3 women. 10
= (1500) = 500 Remaining = 1000
10 women can complete the job in 10 days. 30
∴ job (in woman days) = (10) (10) = 100 Type B produces 1000 bolts in 10 days.
Required time (in days) = time in which 3 women can ⇒ 3000 bolts are produced in 30 days by type B.
100 Together they can produce (3000 + 1500) = 4500 bolts in
complete the job = days Choice (1) 30 days. Choice (2)
 Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.), 95B, Siddamsetty Complex, Park Lane, Secunderabad – 500 003.
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing.
This course material is only for the use of bonafide students of Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. and its
licensees/franchisees and is not for sale. (2 pages) (ascu/ascv) QCT3532005.Sol/1
1 15. By the unitary method
10. Amount of work done by Raman and Rajan in 18 days = .
2 ౮
ሺ୶ሻሺଵଽሻሺ଼ሻ ቀ୶ ି ఱቁሺଷ଼ሻ୷
1 = ….y is the number of hours worked
Amount of work done by Raman and Rajiv in 12 days = . ଵ ଵ
Rajiv alone can complete the work in 36 days. per day

Amount of work done by Rajiv in 12 days =
. (x) (19) (8) = ቀ x ቁ(38) (y)

∴ y = 5.
Let Rajan alone complete the work in x days. Choice (4)
Amount of work done by Rajan in 12 days = .
x 16. Time taken
12 12 1 P 30 days
+ = Q 60 days
36 x 2
R 90 days
6x = 12 × 36; x = 72 Let the total work = 180 units, i.e. (LCM of 30, 60, 90).
Rajan alone can complete the work in 72 days. Since the Q and R started and worked for 3 days, the work
Raman and Rajan complete half the work in 18 days. completed = (3 + 2) 3 = 15 units.
Amount of work done by them together in one day = (1/36)th. When P joined them. The remaining work = 165 units.
Amount of work done by Raman in one day P, Q and R together completed 165 units in 15 days
1 1 1
= − = ⇒ Raman takes 72 days to complete the ଵ଺ହ
36 72 72 ቀ = 15ቁ.
work alone.
Choice (3) ∴ Total time taken = 18 days.
Choice (2)
11. In 20 days Krishna does 1 work. In 6 days he does th
20 Alternate solution:
part of work. Required days be x.
୶ –ଷ ୶ ୶
∴ He should get
6 Given + + =1
x 720 = `216. ଷ଴ ଺଴ ଽ଴
6 ଺୶ –ଵ଼ାଷ୶ ା ଶ୶
Similarly, Rama should get × 720 = `144 ⇒ =1
30 ଵ଼଴

Hence Gopi should get 720 − (216 + 144) = `360 11x = 198 ⇒ x = 18
360 Required number of days = 18.
Daily earnings of Gopi = ` = `60
17. Let Q took x more minutes to fill the cistern after P is turned off.
Choice (4)
⇒ Pipe P is kept open for 8 minutes and Q for ‘x + 8’ minutes.
8 x+8
12. Money received for one day’s work =
= 300 ⇒ + =1
45 24 30
3 x+8 2
Amount of money received by Gagan = × 300 ⇒ =
4 30 3
= 225 per one day. ∴ x = 12 minutes.
For 10 days, Gagan receives 225 × 10 = `2,250. Choice (2)
Choice (2)
x x
13. Let Peter and Pan take 8 and 12 days respectively to do 18. – = 1
25 50 2
1 unit work. Let the job mentioned in the problem
be x units of work. So, they take 8x days and 12x days to do 50
x= = 25 minutes.
x units of work respectively. Both together can complete 2
Choice (2)
(8 x ) × (12 x )
x units of work in = 4.8x days
20 x 19. Let the times taken by the pipes X, Y and Z to fill the tank
be x, y and z (in hours) respectively.
Given that 4.8x = 36 ⇒ x = 7.5 Given that, 1/x + 1/y = 1/9 --- (1)
∴ To do x units of work, Pan working alone, takes 1/y + 1/z = 1/12 --- (2)
(12) (7.5) = 90 days. 1/z + 1/x = 1/16 --- (3)
Choice (2) (2) − (3) ⇒ 1/y − 1/x = 1/12 − 1/18
⇒ 1/y − 1/x = (3 – 2)/36 = 1/36 --- (4)
14. Given that A is four times as fast as B, let the individual time
taken by A to complete the work be t. (1) − (4) ⇒ 2/x = 1/9 – 1/36
Then the time taken by B = 4t. ⇒ 2/x = (4 – 1)/36
⇒ 2/x = 3/36 = 1/12
Given that =8 ⇒ x = 2(12) = 24 hours.
ସ୲ ା ୲ Choice (4)
=8 20. Let the faster pipe alone can fill the tank in x minutes.
ହ୲ ⇒ the slower pipe alone can fill the tank in 3x minutes
1 1 1
t = 10. ⇒ + = ⇒ x = 96.
x 3x 72
∴ Time taken by A is 10 days. Choice (1) Choice (4)

Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–40088400 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : QCT3532005.Sol/2
 Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.), 95B, Siddamsetty Complex, Park Lane, Secunderabad – 500 003.
All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing.
This course material is only for the use of bonafide students of Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. and its
licensees/franchisees and is not for sale. (2 pages) (ascu/ascv) QCT3532005.Sol/3

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