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CONFIDENTIAL @UTHM Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER II SESSION 2017/2018 COURSE NAME : MECHANICS OF MATERIALS COURSE CODE : BFC 20903 PROGRAMME CODE : BFF EXAMINATION DATE : JUNE 2018/ JULY 2018 DURATION : 3 HOURS INSTRUCTION : 1, ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. 2. WRITE DOWN YOUR ANSWERS IN THE ANSWER BOOKLET. 3. ATTACII ALL YOUR ANSWERS IN GRAPH PAPERS TO THE ANSWER BOOKLET. * GONFIDENTIAL BRC 20903 CONFIDENTIAL ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS a @ (b) Explain with the aid of sketches the terms. (@ Principal stresses (2 marks) Gi) Maximum in-plane shear stress (2marks) Figure Qt shows an element at maximum in-plane shear stress Tmax = 82 MPa and average normal stress, 6ayg = 35 MPa. By measuring angle @, = 21° clock wise from the point of maximum in-plane shear stress; (Construct and draw the Mohr Circle. Show the point of maximum in-plane shear stress, average normal stress and angle 8, = 21° (9 marks) (ii) From the Mohr Circle obtained in QU, determine the normal stresses of Gz , Oy and shear stress Tyy. Sketch the orientation of the stress block. (6 marks) (ii) From the Mohr Circle obtained in Q1, determine the principal stresses of ©, , &; and principal angle 0,. Sketch the orientation of the stress block. (6 marks) Q2__ The simply supported beam shown in Figure Q2(a) is loaded with uniformly distributed oad of 30 kN/m from A to B and concentrated load of 20 KN and 25 KN at point B and C, respectively. The cross section of the beam is shown in Figure Q2(b). @ () © Draw the shear force diagram (SFD) and bending moment diagram (BMD) of the beam. (6 marks) Calculate the moment of inertia, I of the cross sectional area. (9 marks) Determine the maximum bending stress and maximum shear stress in the beam, and sketch the distribution diagram (for both bending and shear stress). (10 marks) CONFIDENTIAL BRC 20903 CONFIDENTIAL @ (b) 4 @ () re Q3 shows a simply supported beam with length, L subjected to a uniform distributed load of W along the beam. (i Derive the general elastic curve equation of bending moment-deflection, slope-deflection and deflection-equation of the beam. (6 marks) (ii) Determine the maximum deflection using double integration method. (4 marks) (iii) Determine the slope at point A using double integration method. (3 marks) A hollow steel shaft has an outside diameter of 250 mm and an inside diameter of 200 mm. The shaft is subjected to a torque of 45 kNm. The modulus of rigidity for the steel is 90 GPa. Based on the given data, solve the following problems. (Calculate the shearing stress at the outside surface of the shaft. (4 marks) (ii) Calculate the shearing stress at the inside surface of the shaft. (4 marks) (iii) Calculate the magnitude of the angle of twist in a 3.5 m length. (4marks) ‘The stress in column can be calculated as /=P/A, by assuming fis uniform stress to the entire cross-section. State THREE (3) situations where stress state will not be uniform. (5 marks) A steel column of channel cross-section is given in Figure Q4 with height 4.5m. For major axis (x-axis) buckling, it is pinned at both ends. For minor axis (y- axis) buckling, it is pinned at one end and fixed at the other end. (® Sketch the major axis and minor axis buckling shape. (S marks) (ii) Determine the effective length for major axis and minor axis buckling. (4 marks) copes BC 20903 CONFIDENTIAL ii) Calculate the buckling load and state which axis buckling governs. Given Ize is 8230 cm* and Jy is 568 cm‘, Modulus of elasticity for steel is 210 GPa. (7 marks) (iv) Ifthe column is subjected to out-of-straightness, what is the additional load that must be accounted for buckling load. State ONE (1) technique used to calculate buckling load in the respective column. (4 marks) — END OF QUESTIONS- CONFIDENTIAL AHO @ HOF AG AY CONFIDENTIAL BFC 20903 FINAL EXAMINATION | SEMESTER/SESSION: SEM II 2017-2018 PROGRAMME: BFF ]COURSE NAME __: MECHANICS OF MATERIALS COURSE CODE: BFC 20903 82 MPa \ 35 MPa 30kN/m OHOM @ HOT We as a 5 CONFIDENTIAL . BFC 20903 CONFIDENTIAL FINAL EXAMINATION ‘SEMESTER/SESSION: SEM 1/2017-2018 COURSE NAME: MECHANICS OF MATERIALS cht 375 mm 25mm 200mm , CONFIDENTIAL, 6 nab ws BFC 20903 CONFIDENTIAL FINAL EXAMINATION 'SEMESTERYSESSION: SEM 11/2017-2018 PROGRAMME: BFF ‘COURSE NAME: MECHANICS OF MATERIALS ‘COURSE CODE: BFC 20903 y L. * Figure Q4 CONFIDENTIAL

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