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Plants (Science)

Quiz Questions and Answers on Chapter - Adaptation in Plants Class 4 Science

Level - 1

1 The thing that grows on the slice of bread is called __________.

(a) bacteria

(b) mould

(c) virus

(d) lettuce

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2 Which of the following plants floats freely on water?

(a) hydrilla

(b) water lily

(c) water hyacinth

(d) lotus

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3 Which type of trees grow in marshy or swampy places?

(a) Mangrove trees

(b) Deciduous trees

(c) Evergreen trees

(d) Cactus

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See the picture and identify this insectivorous plant.
4 x

(a) Pitcher plant

(b) Waterwheel plant

(c) Drosera Capensis

(d) Venus flytrap

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5 Fungi grow on _________.

(a) dead animals

(b) dead plants

(c) stale food

(d) All of these

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6 Which of the following plants have roots that fix the plants to the bottom of ponds or lakes?

(a) lotus

(b) water lettuce

(c) water hyacinth

(d) Both lotus and water hyacinth

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7 Which of the following is called submerged or underwater plant?

(a) water lettuce

(b) hydrilla

(c) tape-grass

(d) Both hydrilla and tape-grass

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8 See the picture and identify the tree.

(a) Mango tree

(b) Spruce tree

(c) Banyan tree

(d) Oak tree

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9 Which of the following is a feature of conifers?

(a) They have broad leaves

(b) They do not produce flowers

(c) They eat insects

(d) They shed their leaves in winter

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10 The leaves of which plant are like sharp spines?

(a) cactus
(b) oak

(c) pine

(d) cedar

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