Sampling Case Study PDF

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Week 6 Case Study

This paper is a case analysis of Sampling. This case study is a part of CHAPTER 13: ​BANKS


skill-building Approach (7​th​ ed.) by Sekaran and Bougie.

Explain how sampling in qualitative research differs from sampling in

quantitative research?

The sampling in qualitative research is more of exploratory research. Qualitative

research is used for the understanding of reasons, opinions, and motivations (DeFranzo, 2011).

For qualitative research also it is hard to know how many people would need to be reached for

the data that is needed ​(Sekaran and Bougie, 2016).​​ ​This research gives thought and ideas and

allows a more in-depth look at the problem. Some methods of this research are focus groups,

individual interviews, and observations.

The sampling in quantitative research generates numerical data that will be used to

quantify the problem. This research quantifies attitudes, opinions, and behaviors which result

from a larger sample group (DeFranzo, 2011). The methods used for data collection for a

quantitative study are structured and include different forms of surveys.

Define the population of Ralph’s quantitative study.

Sampling or population of the study involves the selection of data from which you will

gather to define the study (Phrasisombath, 2009). Ralph wanted to do a field study with minimal

researcher interference, so he chose to do a questionnaire which he sent to everyone in his mail

directory. His population would be friends, family, members of the Golden Gate Park tennis club,

and Phi Rho Omega Marketing Students association, and staff of Da Paolo, an Italian

restaurant. He had a total of 254 people.

Is Ralph using a sampling frame? Please explain.

I would say yes it does because his questionnaire asked his consumers their overall

perceptions toward banks and their attitudes toward six relevant factors that shape the whole


A. According to Ralph’s supervisor, the proposed sampling method is subject to

coverage error. Please explain why.

A coverage error occurs in the statistical estimates of the survey. These gaps can lead to

biased results and affect the variance results (Harrison, 2006).

B. Do you think that coverage error is problematic in this case?

Why and how? Is there anything that Ralph can do to solve this problem?

It can be problematic because this survey would exclude some member of the population

(Harrison, 2006). This reason is probably why his supervisor was concerned about his sampling

method. Depending on how many people respond could also be a problem. To get an accurate

view of his sampling question, it would need to go out to a greater diversity of respondents

(Harrison, 2006).

Is Ralph putting forward a probability or a non-probability sampling technique in

his quantitative study? What specific sampling technique is Ralph putting


Since he wants the least amount of interference from the researcher, then he is using

probability sampling (Andale, 2017). In Probability sampling, the odds for a sample can be

calculated. This sampling method involves random selection. Ralph is using probability


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