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1. What these different plants are?

(i) My sharp spines are really leaves that help me to survive.

(ii) They call me a plant but I cannot make my own food.

(iii) When any insect lands on my leaf, I catch it and eat it.

2. What are they called?

(i) Plants that live on land.

(ii) Water plants

(iii) Plants that eat insects

(iv) Trees that do not lose their leaves in winter.

(v) Trees that lose their leaves during winter.

3. Which type of terrestrial plants give us food?

4. How do the following help these plants to survive?

(i) Roots of a mangrove tree

(ii) The stem of a cactus plant

(iii) The sloping shape of conifers

5. Where do we grow tea-plants?

6. Why do some trees lose their leaves in winter?

7. Name one plant which eats insects?

8. Where do mushrooms and moulds live?

9. Why do some plants eat insects?

10. Some desert plants have roots that go very deep inside the soil. Why?

II. Match the following:

(i) crow                                 (a) evergreen tree

(ii) monkey                           (b) fixed aquatic plant

(iii) pine                                (c) aerial animal

(iv) rice                                 (d) amphibian

(v) lily                                   (e) arboreal animal

(vi) frog                                (f) a plant of the grass-family

1) Abhi knew that plants adapt themselves to the conditions in the

environment in which they live. He observed a plant and noticed the following
(i) It has lots of branches and Leaves
(ii) It can with stand summer heat
(iii) It sheds its leaves in the autumn
But he is confused to identify what kind of plant it is. Can you help him?

A)  It is a plant that grows in plains.

B)  It is a plant of hilly areas.

C)  It is a plant that lives under water.

D)  It is a plant that grows in marshy areas.

2) Given below is a list of some plants and the habitats in which they live.
Which one is wrongly matched?

Plant Habitat
Mangroves Marshy areas

Plant Habitat
Coconut Coastal areas

Plant Habitat
Cactus Hilly areas

Plant Habitat
Mango Plains
3) Shreya plucked a lotus plant from a pond near her house. She observed
that it has a long hollow stem. Can you explain the function of the stem?

A)  To help leaves float on water

B)  To absorb soil

C)  To fix the plant to the bottom of the pond

D)  To make the flower beautiful

4) Plants in hilly areas have to bear high speed winds and cold. Which of the
following adaptations best helps them face the above conditions?

A)  Having lots of branches and leaves

B)  Tall and straight trunk with needle like leaves

C)  Leaves which are modified into spines

D)  Breathing roots which come above the ground

5) Plants give out water through the pores present on the lower side of their
leaves. Plants living in deserts need to reduce the loss of water because water
is very scarce in deserts. Which of the following is an adaptation developed by
the desert plants to manage the above situation?

A)  They have lots of branches and leaves.

B)  They do not shed leaves in the summer.

C)  They develop roots which come above the ground.

D)  Their leaves are modified into spines.

6) Which of the following have leaves without pores?

A)  Underwater plants

B)  Fixed plants

C)  Floating plants

D)  Evergreen plants

7) In cactus plants, photosynthesis occurs in

A)  leaves.

B)  spines.

C)  roots.

D)  stems.

8) Match the following plants in Column-I with their examples in Column-II.

Column-I Column-II
p. Conifers i. Pitcher
q. Insectivorus plant Ii, Cactus
r. Desert plant iii. Pine

p−i, q−ii, r−iii 

p−ii, q−i, r−iii

p−iii, q−i, r−ii

p−iii, q−ii, r−i
9) Observe the plant given below and identify its habitat based on the given
1) It has no branches.
2) Leaves are reduced to spines.

A)  Hilly areas

B)  Deserts

C)  Marshy areas

D)  Plains

10) Ramu brought a plant with thick branches and leaves from the plains and
planted it in a marshy area. What must the new plant do to survive in its new

A)  It must change its colour in its new environment.

B)  It must change its leaves into spines to reduce the loss of water.

C)  It must start trapping insects and eat them.

D)  It must develop breathing roots to get more air.

11) Mangroves develop aerial roots. This is an adaptation to the

A)  type of soil

B)  temperature

C)  amount of water available

D)  amount of rain
12) One of the following plants is NOT matched correctly with its habitat.
Which one of these is it?

Plant Habitat
Cedar Plains

Plant Habitat
Cactus Deserts

Plant Habitat
Mango Plains

Plant Habitat
Mangroves Marshy areas

13) Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding hilly trees like the

A)  They do not have flowers.

B)  They are dome shaped.

C)  They are conifers.

D)  Their leaves are needle-shaped.

14) Which of the following plants does not need soil to grow?

A)  Cactus

B)  Fern

C)  Water hyacinth

D)  Pitcher plant
15) The plants that are most useful to man are

A)  hilly plants.

B)  underwater plants.

C)  desert plants.

D)  plants of the grass family.

16) Hydrilla and tape grass plants are

A)  floating plants.

B)  fixed plants.

C)  under water plants.

D)  Both a and b

17) Plants adapt themselves to surroundings. Can you identify the features in
the plants shown in the figure which help them to adapt to their surroundings.
Match the plants with the features given below.

p. prickly spines
q. breathing roots
r. broad, wax coated leaves
s. needle shaped leaves




18) The features of the given cactus plant is designed to 

(i) protect the plant from being eaten by animals.
(ii) prevent the plant from losing too much water.
(iii) protect the plant from other plants.

A)  Only (iii)

B)  Only (i) and (ii)

C)  Only (ii) and (iii)

D)  (i), (ii) and (iii)

21) Which of the following functions is also performed by the roots of the
mangrove plant. Besides taking in water and mineral salts from the soil?

A)  Absorption of food

B)  Absorption of water

C)  Food storage

D)  Breathing of air
22) Which of the following statements about the plant given below is/are


A)  Spongy and light stems water hyacinth

B)  Hairy leaves

C)  Feathery and fibrous roots

D)  Both a and c

23) Look carefully at the classification table given

below.   What could P and Q represent?

Floating Fixed

Floating Fully

Partially submerged Floating

Partially submerged Fully
25) Some girls came across a plant. The sketch that one of them made is

shown below.   In which of the following groups can this plant be
placed in?
Group P Grows from Group Q Bears Flowers Group R Makes its own
spores food

A)  Only groups P and Q

B)  Only groups Q and R

C)  Only groups P and R

D)  Groups P,Q and R

26) A cactus plant is able to survive in deserts by

A)  not having leaves.

B)  not having fruits.

C)  not having flowers.

D)  not having roots.

27) Study carefully the diagrams given below.   

Which of the following statements about the two living things above is true?

A)  They are parasites.

B)  They grow well in dry places.

C)  They are both fungi (non-green plants),

D)  They need sunlight to grow well.

28) Study carefully the classification table shown

below.   Which of the following is most likely

to be S and T?

Mushroom Yeast

Yeast Mushroom

Fern Mould

Mould Fern

29) A lotus plant has

A)  needle like leaves.

B)  very thin leaves.

C)  long leaves.

D)  broad leaves.
30) Cactus is a desert plant. To minimise loss of water it does not have
leaves. The stem is green and waxy and prepares food for the plant. This
shows that

A)  habitat changes according to plants.

B)  plants have modified features according to habitats.

C)  cactus is insectivorous in nature.

D)  wax is obtained from cactus.

31) In which of the following plants are stoma present on the upper surface of
the leaf?

A)  Desert plants

B)  Floating plants

C)  Land plants

D)  Aerial plants

32) Which of the following has aerial roots?

A)  Lotus

B)  Sunflower

C)  Banyan

D)  Mango

33) In which of the following regions do plants shed their leaves during the
winter season?

A)  Deserts

B)  Plains
C)  Cold regions

D)  Water bodies

34) Which of the following plants has breathing roots?

A)  Banyan

B)  Sugarcane

C)  Maize

D)  Mangrove
 35) The plant given below is a cactus. It is able to survive in harsh

conditions like the desert.   Which of the following labelled parts

represents modified leaves?

A)  Only P

B)  Only Q

C)  Only R

D)  Only P and Q

 36) Match the following terms in Column-I with those in Column-II.

Column -I Column ? II
p. Pine i. Aquatic plant
q. Venus fly trap ii. Fungi
r. Mould iii. Insectivorous plant
s. Hydrilla iv. Cold climate

 A)  
 p−ii, q−iii, r−iv, s−i

 B)  

 p−iii, q−iv, r−i, s−ii

 C)  

 p−i, q−ii, r−iii, s−iv

 D)  

 p−iv, q−iii, r−ii, s−i

 37) Which of the following are NOT adaptations of a cactus plant to the
harsh environment?
I. Needle-like leaves to prevent excessive water loss
II. Broad and thin leaves to synthesise food
III. Tall and slim stems to get more sunlight
IV. Swollen stems to store water

 A)  Only I and III

 B)  Only II and III

 C)  Only II and IV

 D)  Only III and IV

 38) Which of the following adaptations help a cactus survive in a


A)  Thin and wide leaves

B)  Fibrous root system

C)  Leaves reduced to spines

D)  Long and branched stems

 39) Bhuvan while putting the living things in one group made a mistake.
Identify the odd one.




D)  Both [a] and [b]

 40) Identify the odd one from the following:




Answer the following questions:-

Q1.Give five uses of plants. Ans-The five uses of plants are:- A. Plants give us
fruits,vegetables,oils,sugar,cereals,pulses,nut,tea,coffee etc. B. Plants give us cloth material like
cotton,jute,flax. C. Trunk of Sheesham,Teak,Sal etc.give us wood for making furniture,doors etc. D.
Many plants like Eucalyptus,Tulsi,Neem etc. are used as medicinal plants. E. Plants give us
rubber,oils,gums,resins etc.

Q2.Differentiate between fixed plants and underwater plants. Ans-FIXED PLANTS- a.These plants
have roots which fix them to the bottom of the pond. b.Leaves of these plants are broad and flat
with a waxy protective cover. c.Example: Water lily,Lotus

UNDEWATER PLANTS-a.These plants grow completely underwater. b.Their leaves are long and
tapered. c.Example: Hydrilla,Tape grass

Q3.What are floating plants?Give two examples. Ans-Floating plants have spongy bodies which trap
air in between such plants,thus become light

and hence float on water. Examples:- Water Hyacinth,Green Algae

Q4.What are breathing roots?

Ans-Swampy and marshy areas have sticky and clayey soil.This type of soil does not have air

spaces in between.As a result,it becomes very difficult for the plats to grow here.Hence,the roots

of the trees growing in such areas,grow above the ground.These roots are known as breathing

roots.Example:- Mangrove tree.

Q5.What are saprophytic plants?

Ans-Non-green plants like mushroom and mould cannot prepare their own food and depend

upon other plants and dead decaying matter for food.Such plants are known as saprophytic

Q6.What are deciduous trees?

Ans-Trees which shed their leaves periodically are called deciduous tree. Example:- Neem ,Banyan

Q7.Give the features of coniferous trees With examples. Ans-The features of coniferous trees are as
follows:- A. They grow in cold hilly areas like Shimla,Darjeeling etc. B. These trees have needle like
leaves and bear cones instead of flowers. C. Some examples of coniferous trees are pine,fir,cedar

------------- SCIENCE





Q1.Define:- A. HABITAT-A place where a plant lives is called its habitat.

B. ADAPTATION-The process of adjustment of a plant in a particular environment is

called adaptation.

C. EVERGREEN TREES-Some trees have leaves all through the year,such trees are

called evergreen trees.

Q2.Give one word for the following:- A. Plants that grow on land. -TERRESTRIAL PLANTS

B. Plants that grow in water. -AQUATIC PLANTS

C. A desert Plant in which leaves are reduced to spines. -CACTUS

D. A poisonous plant which causes itching sensation on skin. -POISON IVY

E. A tree growing a sea coast.SS


F. A thorny plant. -ROSE

Q3.Fill in the blanks:-

A. Leaves of Touch me not plant are sensitive and close down when touched.

B. Coconut and rubber grow in damp areas.

C. The fungus which grows on bread is commonly known as bread mould.

D. Coniferous trees have needle-like leaves and bear cones.

E. Mushroom and moulds are parasitic plants. -----------------------

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