The News 28-07-10 PDF

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Students need
PMDC nod to study
in .China
..CARs .
D Admission only to be allo\l\(e~ in WHO-approved colleges D Kyrgyz
govt formally asks Pakistani students to return and resume studies
Staff Report to. the PMDC, the candidate Pakistani students to return to. the
wauld be issued an NOC far republic to.cantinue studies.
ISLAMABAD: Any Pakistani applying far admissian abroad in Nadeem said the letter wauld
student desiring to. pursue post-
that particular institutian. be submitted td the PMDC execu-
graduatemedical ar dental educa-
Earlier in the day, the gav- tive cammittee, which wauld make
tian. fram an inStitutian in China
ernment af Kyrgyzstan farmally a decisian an the matter by July 31.
ar the Central Asian Republics asked all Pakistani students who. Cammittee members include
(CARs) will naw have to. were studying in variaus institu- PMDC President Dr Syed Sibtul
approach the Pakistan Medical tians af the cauntry to. return to. Hasnain, Vice President Dr Asim
and Dental Cauncil (pMDC) far their institutians and resume Hussain, .Dr Masaad Hameed
the issuance af a na-abjectian cer-' their studies. During the Kyrgyz Khan, Dr Rafique A Meman, Dr
tificate in this regard. . crisis last manth, 247 Pakistani Laiq Hussain, Dr Inayatur
I Talking. to. Daily Times, students returned to Pakistan to. Rehman, Khalil, Dr Manzoar
PMDCRegistrar Dr Ahmad escape ethnic clashes. Hussain, Dr Rashid Jaama and
Nadeem Akbar said intending stu- According to. afficial saurces, Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan.
dents. wauld have to. provide
the gavernment af Kyrgyzstan has The farmal annauncement
detailed documentary infarmatiap. decided to. reschedule the exami- has lifted the shraud af uncer-
regarding the qualificatian and the natians of the students to. tainty aver the fate af the stu-
course, as well as the institutian he
September 10-15. dents enralled in Kyrgyzstan,
I or she intended to. jain abroad. Kyrgyz Ambassador Nuran S who. had expressed their reseiva-
I He said:that as per rules, astu- Niyazaliev presented a memaran- . tians aver an entry test being
, ?ent was eligible tajlurs~e med- plalUied far them to. get admis-
I. ICai ar dental educanan If he ar dum letter in this regard to the
PMDC registrar, claiming thlj.tthe sian in the cauntry's medical cal-
I she had abtained at least 60 per-
situatian in the Kyrgyz Republic leges. Each year, 3,350 students
. cent marks in .the Intermediate
was naw stable. The letter said tPer, get admission in variaus gavern-
(pre-medical) examinatlans..
gavernment af Pakistan had been . ment medical calleges across.the
Dr Nadeem said the NOC infarmed about the situatian and cauntry, while 525 are admitted
wauld anly be given to. students Kyrgyzstan. had adapted a new . to. gavernment dental calleges.
who. studied at medical institu- demacratic Canstitutian and elect- It is expected that due to. lim-
tians included' in the World ed Raza Otunbayeva as its presi- ited Selj.tsin gavernment medical
Health Organisatian (WHO) dent an June27, so. the law and calleges, the cancerned authari-
directary af medical schaals. , arder situatian was satisfactary. ties are likely to. request the par-
The PMDC afficial said if PMDC Registrar Dr Nadeem ents af the returning students to.
an intending student fulfilled the canfirmed .receiving the mema- . send them back abroad, so. that
cauncil's criteria and if the randum letter fram the ainbassa- maximum appartunity is provide
caurse and the standard af insti- dar af Kyrgyzstan, who. himself ed to. ,students appearing far this
tutians 'abaard were lj.cceptable visited the cauncil to. invite year's entry tests.

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