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KD5 :Final Feasibility Consultancy Services for Preparation of Feasibility Report for Construction of Bridges including

Report including Schedules Approaches on Tamu – Kyigone – Kalewa Road Section from km 0.00 to km 149.70 in Myanmar

drinking as well as other daily use purpose. Noise levels in the area, particularly at crossing
points and in the urban settlement, exceed the limits.
5. The proposed alignment of the bridges and their approaches would be such that it has
minimum impact on physical and social environment. Approximately 158 numbers of trees
may be cut down due to the proposed approach roads connecting bridges. No forest area will
be diverted.
The scopes of the E &SIA study are: -
• Baseline status of environmental parameters.
• Identification of the potential impacts during pre-construction, construction and operation
• Developing mitigative measures to sustain and maintain the environmental scenario.
• Providing compensatory developments wherever necessary, including plans for highway side
tree plantation.
• Designing and monitoring the Environmental Management Plan.
• Suggesting the Environmental Enhancement Scheme and its monitoring.
• Screening, scoping and consultations with public, experts in various fields, non-government
organization (NGOs), etc.
• Review of policies and legal framework.
The baseline environmental parameters were monitored during May,2014. The ambient air quality
was monitored at four locations and all the parameters are well within the standards in India .The
data is compared with Indian standards as there are no such ambient standards in Myanmar. The
Noise levels are also very low as study area is devoid of commercial activities. The water quality
of the study area is good and fit for drinking except for coliform in surface water. The soil quality
in the study area is generally good for agriculture. The land use in the study area is mainly
Public consultation at all stages of planning and implementation of a project is necessary. It helps
in making the project more environment-friendly and easy to implement. Public consultation in
this project is done by field-testing of questionnaires for various environmental / socio-economic
The Environmental Management Plan is prepared for avoidance, mitigation and management of
the negative impacts of the project. It also covers remedial measures require to be taken for hot
spots. EMP includes the list of all the project related activities, their impacts at different stages of
project during pre-construction phase / design phase, construction phase and operational phase on
environment and remedial measures to be undertaken to mitigate these impacts.
The Environmental Monitoring Programs are suggested to provide information on which
management decisions may be taken during construction and operational phase. The objectives of
these programs are:-

MEA 7-3

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