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of the discipline “PSYCHOLOGY”
on topic “A dangerous method”

Prepared by:
Zakotei K.R.
Checked by:
Maliukina A.O.
For my essay, I chose the movie “Dangerous Method”. Keira Knightley, Viggo
Mortensen, Michael Fassbender, and Vincent Cassel. The film I chose tells about
the great psychologists of the twentieth century who made a huge contribution to
psychology. This is a well-known to all Sigmund Freud - Austrian psychologist,
psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and neurologist. Best known as the founder of
psychoanalysis, which had a significant impact on psychology, medicine,
sociology, literature and art of the XX century. Freud's views on human nature
were innovative for his time and throughout his life the psychologist did not cease
to cause resonance and criticism in the scientific community. The interest in the
theories of the scientist continues to this day. Slightly less well-known Karl Gustav
Jung is a Swiss psychiatrist and teacher, the founder of one of the areas of depth
psychology - analytical psychology. And the least known Sabina Spielrein is a
Russian and Soviet psychoanalyst, teacher, and student of Carl Jung.
In this film, the two main storylines. The relationship of Carl Jung with the patient,
and then mistress and colleague Sabina Spielrein. And the relationship of the
same Young with Sigmund Freud. The film reveals the identity of each of the
characters. Since the action of the film covers the period from 1904 to 1913,
Freud was already an accomplished scholar. Confident in his theory, sophisticated
experience. Against the backdrop of Freud, Jung seems insecure and confused.
The most interesting character is Sabina, who was admitted to hospital with a
mental disorder. Her doctor was Carl Jung, who tried Freud's psychoanalytic
method on Sabina. Success surpassed all expectations: a significant improvement
in the condition of Spielrein was achieved in eight months, about which Jung
enthusiastically wrote to Freud. The effectiveness of psychoanalysis was proven
(once again), and young Mrs. Spielrein became interested in psychology and
psychiatry. She became a student of Jung. At the same time, in her ideas she was
much closer to Freud than to her teacher. After 1911, after parting with Jung, she
began to actively communicate with Freud, at first it was a correspondence, and
then - meetings and speeches. There is an opinion that part of the ideas of
Spielrein Freud was finalized and developed. Thus Spielrein had some influence
on the development of the concepts of both Freud and Jung.
The interaction and cooperation of Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung from
1909 to 1913 was perhaps one of the most promising phenomena in psychology
and psychiatry at the beginning of the 20th century. Two great scientists, who in
their cooperation went beyond the “student-teacher” relationship, individually
became real titans of science. The results of their joint work could be
overwhelming, but after a few years, the paths of Freud and Jung diverged. One
of the most significant reasons for the divergence of scientists was Jung’s refusal
to fully accept exclusively sexual interpretation of the motivation of human
actions, thoughts and aspirations. According to Freud, the libido ultimately
determined everything - including mental disorders that developed because of
the suppression of one's own sexuality and the transfer of erotic interest from
external to internal objects. According to Jung, the interactions of the individual
with the outside world were determined and supported not only by sexuality.
Jung noted that it is impossible to explain the reasons for the loss of contact with
reality (in schizophrenia and other mental disorders) solely by sexual repression
or substitution. Freud's approach to the mental field seemed to Jung to be overly
mechanistic and not taking into account particular cases. According to Jung, it is
impossible to consider the existence of human beings solely within the framework
of strict laws that are permanent and apply to everyone.
Another point of divergence of scientists - a look at the field of dreams and
fantasies. According to Freud, dreams and hallucinations have a clear connection
with the real life of a person; these are only unfulfilled desires that manifest
themselves in the human mind, demanding incarnation. In the end, it all came
down to depressed and forbidden sexual desires. Jung, especially in his later
works, regarded psychic reality as something experienced by man. Dreams and
hallucinations are not a hoax or a cipher that requires proper interpretation, but
rather channels of communication with the unconscious.
The action ends on the eve of the First World War, when Jung visits the vision of a
bloody avalanche, which should soon flood Europe. In conclusion, the film reports
the tragic fate of the Jews Spielrein and Freud, as well as the fact that the “Aryan”
Jung lived safely on the shores of his mountain lake to a very old age.
I really liked this movie.

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