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∆...\\::+ Run . Net +:://...

official Rule Set

I believe its time to get this started. I will be filling this thread out with the official Run.Net rules.
You can read about the development of Run.Net in ​the beta thread​, or you can continue to discuss
anything having to do with the system in ​the discussion thread​.

Look for updates here to see a cleaner, leaner, meaner version of the system as its transcribed.\

So you want to be a Netrunner? You've come to the right place.


Run.Net​​ is a lean and ruthless system for powering your Hacker. The system has been
overhauled, recompiled, and rebooted to be fast, frenetic, and flexible. It's lightweight to run, but
packs more than enough power to take on the biggest system and the deadliest I.C.E. they can
throw at you.These rules will be all that you need to get your rig booted up and slicing code in
nanocycles flat. This system will cover how to hack anything that you can think of (and probably
somethings you haven't thought of), all you need is skillz, a deck, and some guts. Think you can
handle it?


Interface Points

Here's how it breaks down:

Your Netrunner has a Special Ability called ​"Interface"​​ which ranges from 1-10. Whether or not
you use special abilities in your game you will need to include this. This skill creates a pool of
points that break down into 2 separate categories. One is the ​Command List​​ and the other is the
Target List​​.

Take your Netrunner's ​Interface​​ skill and multiply it by ​10​​. The result is your pool of points to
distribute. Half of the points go into each list.

// Example:​​ BoxPhreak has an ​Interface​​ of ​6​. Multiply ​6 x 10 = 60​​. ​BoxPhreak can now
distribute 30 points into the Command List and 30 points into the Target List.

Command List / Target List

What are the Command List and the Target List? I'm glad you asked.

Commands and Targets are what your Netrunner will use to form "Command Line
Actions". This is how everything is done in Netrunning. If you want to hack anything you
will have to do it by making an Action. You can create an Action by taking your
Intelligence + Command + Target + 1D10 Versus an opposing Difficulty Value. Now you
need to know what the available Commands and Targets are. Each is divided into a list
of 10 items.

//The Command List:

1. Detect/Conceal - To determine presence of Target or overcome concealment / to
hinder discovery or disguise to avoid detection by another party
2. Locate - To find physically or Digitally within a given set of parameters
3. Infiltrate - To gain unwarranted access to or bypass security of Target
4. Control - To execute normal operation of Target
5. Secure - To prevent infiltration, modification, or control of Target by outside force
6. Cipher - To render a File or Signal indecipherable to another party / To decipher
an encrypted File or Signal.
7. Scan - To assess the condition of a Target. To maintain passive observation of a
8. Query - Request specific information that can be gained from Target. Serial
number, version, manufacturer, size, hardware linkage, range, mode of
operation, etc.
9. Edit - To alter a Program, File, or Database
10. Run Program - Execute software from a controlled system
//The Target List:
1. File/Database - Set of data contained as a unit for use by program, system, or
2. Cyber - Hardware that utilizes bio-mechanical interface technology
3. Comm. - Technology designed to enable the communication of 2 or more parties
(e.g. phones)
4. Sensor - Hardware designed to gather sensory data (Camera, Microphone,
Touch/Heat/Motion sensor, etc)
5. Remote - Mobile system operating under control of user or system from a
6. Cybermodem - Hardware designed to interface a user or system with the Net.
7. Vehicle - System designed to physically transport user or materials
8. Weapon - System designed to cause physical damage
9. CPU - CPU in control of a given system or set of parameters
10. User - Human (or AI) operator connected to a CPU
With these lists, you can have any system at your command... If you are good enough.

Now that you have your lists, its time to load em up and get hacking. Above we said that
you get your list points like this: Interface x 10 ÷ 2. That number is then distributed into
each item on your Command List and Target List separately. Each List Item can hold 0-5
points. You may have noticed that this means any combination of Command + Target
adds up to 0-10 points. That's no accident pal. This allows Run.Net to be used like any
other skill check in the Interlock™ or Interlock Unlimited rules systems; (Stat + Skill +
D10) Vs. Difficulty Value.

// Example: ​BoxPhreak has 30 points to distribute into the Command List and 30 points
into the Target List. ​They break down like this:

Command List (30 Total): Detect/Conceal = 4, Locate = 4, Infiltrate = 5, Control = 3,

Secure = 4, Cipher = 3, Scan = 2, Query = 3, Edit = 2, Run Program = 2

Target List (30 Total): File/Database = 2, Cyber = 3, Comm. = 2, Sensor = 3, Remote, =

4, Cybermodem = 4, Vehicle = 2, Weapon = 3, CPU = 5, User = 4
Using Command Actions

How do you use the Command and Target lists? Hang on there, slick, that's coming up

Each Command and Target can be combined to form "Command-Actions", or just

"Actions" for short. An action describes what the netrunner wants to do (Command) and
what they want to do it to (Target). Given the different values that each item has, this
creates wide variation in how good a Netrunner is at any particular Action. Two
netrunners might have the same Interface level, but vastly different abilities in specific
situations. It's all about how you put your Actions together.

// Example: ​If our boy BoxPhreak wants to get some free wireless access from his
neighbor's flat this is how he might go about it:

// First, he has to check and see if there is a signal available to hack into: ​(INT (8) +
Detect (4) + Comm (5)(wireless network) + 1D10 (6) = 23) ​Finding a network like that
would be easy( ​ Vs. DV 10) SUCCESS!

// Next, he would have to gain access to the system:​​(INT (8) + Infiltrate (5) + Comm
(5) + 1D10 (3) = 21) ​Now a system like this might have some basic security on it, but
nothing that any decent hacker can't get through.​(Vs. DV 15) SUCCESS!

// Now that he is in the system he wants to use it to download some music:​​(INT (8) +
Control (3) + Comm (5) + 1D10 (7) = 23) ​Since he is simply using the system for a
standard purpose this is pretty easy(
​ Vs. DV 10) SUCCESS!

Number of Actions

You may have noticed that in the example we performed several Actions to achieve the
goal. This brings up the question of how many Actions a netrunner can complete during
a round. That all depends on how ​FAST​ they are.

Netspace moves ​fast​, faster than the speed of thought. To reflect this, a netrunner can
have multiple Actions Per Round. There are several things that can effect how many
Actions you get. These include how good you are, what kind of gear you have, and other
environmental factors like what the network is like or how strong a signal you have to
work with. Actions Per Round is calculated like this:

Intelligence(1-10) + Interface(1-10) + Deck Speed(1-10) + Modifiers ÷ 4(round up) =

(1-10 Approx.)

As you can see, this means that every netrunner gets at least 1 action per turn no
matter how much they suck, and expert netrunners can pull off upwards of 10 actions
(or more) in that same turn. This reflects the power differential possible in the Net. This
creates immediate disparities when 2 netrunners face each other in combat and even
allows one experienced netrunner to take on several and maintain an advantage. In
short, you are either fast or you're ​flatlined​.
// Example: BoxPhreak has an Intelligence of (8), an Interface of (6), a decent Deck
with a speed of (4), and is using a direct neural interface (+4), and low-impedence
cables (+1).
His speed will be: (INT (8) + Interface (6) + Deck Speed (4) + Cables (5)) ÷ 4 = 6 (For
6 Actions Per Round)

Equipment Modifiers

What's that you say? Where am I coming up with the modifiers in that last example?
You're a sharp one aren't you. Here's how:

Like I said before, the Net moves ​FAST​. A lot of net-heads are jacking their brains
directly into the system via neural interface. This has the advantage of giving you a lot
of speed but at the risk of exposing your tender gray-matter to the digital wilds! Others
get a little queasy at the idea of sticking something into their skull or spinal column just
to use the Net and prefer to use a combination of Gloves and Goggles to give them that
virtuality fix, but still protect the old brain box from the nasties out there. There are
others who aren't with it at all and still use the old Keyboard and Monitor set up from
forever ago. Whatever your flavor, these all have an impact on your SPEED.

With each increase in how close your are to the Net there is the trade of more speed for
more exposure. Sure you can use some tricks to work around this, but for now we will
just break down the speeds for each:

Plugs/Cables = +4, Induction Trodes = +2, Gloves/Goggles = +0, Keyboard/Monitor =

-2, substandard keyboard/monitor (too small, missing keys,etc) = -4 If you don't like it
then get a better rig or STFU.

Calculating Initiative

All this talk about speed is probably making you wonder what happens when you run up
against a system or user you want to show-down with. How do you know who is faster
on the draw?

Your SPEED in the Net has 2 major functions. First: as we have already discussed, it
impacts how much you can get done in a given amount of time (aka number of actions).
If you have one thin round to get something done, you had better be fast enough to do
the damn thing. Second: it impacts who is off the block first (aka initiative). In a
face-down you had better be the fastest on the draw or you might not get a second

Initiative in the Net works the same way that it does in the meat world. When 2 or more
parties don't see eye to eye and want to settle things with good old-fashioned violence,
the first thing on everyone's mind is "who gets to shoot first?" Well, the net is no

So, your Initiative works like this: SPEED + REFLEX + 1D10 + Mods = Highest goes first
// Example: ​(BoxPhreak: SPEED (6) + Reflex (5) +1D10 (7) + Mods (0) = 18) Vs. His
opponent's initiative (12)) = BoxPhreak goes first.

You may have noticed above that I said ​REFLEX​ and not ​INTELLIGENCE.​ You noticed
correctly! You see, when it comes to initiative we are talking about reaction time here -
that gets bundled under Reflex rather than Intelligence. Don't worry brainiac - your
Intelligence was already factored into the SPEED portion of your Initiative, so don't get
your knickers in a twist over it.

Finding Targets / Info Gathering

Now you know how to get the jump on some poor fool I bet you want to know how you
find your first victim? Well, in the Net things are a bit different than in the Meat World.
For one thing you don't use your senses (sight, hearing, etc) in the same way. The only
information you can get has to come to you through your equipment. Sure your brain
might be jacked directly into the electric wild, but all that is just ​Virtual-​ not actual.

Because of this, any Netrunner worth her bits knows how to conceal her actions in the
Net, so I wouldn't trust your digital eyes if you want to live very long. Instead you have
to fight fire with fire - use Commands to get a lock on your potential target. How do you
do this? Glad you asked.

As you already know, there are 4 commands dedicated to information gathering. These
are Detect, Locate, Scan and Query. This is ​Information Technology​ we are talking about
here, so it makes sense that nearly half of your commands would be geared towards
gaining Info.


> Scan - Has 2 major functions: First, it allows you to make a broad sweep of anything
"around" you (meaning any system or user who may be able to interact digitally with
you). Second, it allows you to keep an eye on something without having to spend an
action checking up on it every round. So you are able to run a basic Scan to see if there
are hostile Netrunners ready to pounce on you, or you could use it to keep a constant
status observation on a device such as a server, drone, security camera, etc. ​Scan will
NEVER reveal anything that has been ​Concealed!​ ​ (That's what Detect is for)

> Detect - Allows you to reveal a target that is Concealed. This can be used in a general
sense - such as in attempting to reveal ANYTHING in the area that might be concealed,
but this comes with a serious penalty (-5). When used in this manner, an additional
Detect Command will be necessary to defeat the Concealment. If you ​know​ that target
should be there but the target has been concealed - you will have to run a Detect
command to reveal it (no penalty). Think of it like this: you can use a metal detector to
show you a land-mine that is concealed below the ground, but you would still have to
dig in the dirt to reveal it. The metal detector sweep is ​General Detection​, digging in the
dirt is ​Specific Detection.​ ​Detect ONLY works to show you ​Concealed​ targets!

> Locate - When you need to find out ​Where​ a target is, this would be the command to
use. Locate can be used digitally (e.g. find a file within a database) or in Real-Space
(e.g. find a cell-phone user by triangulating cell towers). Locate will NOT work on a
Concealed target. ​Locate gives you location information only - it will not expose a
Concealed Target or give any information about it.
> Query - If a Target has been Located and/or Detected, you can use Query to request
information about the Target. Obviously this only works in certain situations. This
command can be used to find out model numbers, serial numbers, what operating
system the target uses, how many systems or devices might be connected to the target,
basically anything you might find in the user manual or from routine status diagnostics.
You could Query a Database to find out how many files it contains of what type, Query a
security system to determine how many cameras are operational, Query a Cyberdeck to
determine what connection type the User is employing at the moment. ​Query gives you
simple facts about the target - it will not Locate the Target, expose a Concealed Target,
or give you an assessment of strategic information. You must already have access to the
Target before using Query.


Those 4 Commands cover all of your information gathering needs. Let's take a look at
how those might be used during a run.

// Example: BoxPhreak has gained access to a corporate database and is looking for the
secret plans for the new spy plane being developed. He is also keeping an eye out for
any Corp Hackers who might ​Flatline​ him in the process.

// ACTION 1: ​Scan:Database​ - This will give the lay of the land and reveal any obvious
problems.​​(INT (8) + Scan (2) + System (5) + 1D10 (7) = 22) Vs. (DV 15) SUCCESS!
Scan successful - there are a crapload of files, but nothing came up regarding other
users or Black ICE. But BoxPhreak knows better than to let down his guard!

// ACTION 2: ​Detect:General​ - This general Detection might uncover hidden traps or

other users lurking around in the Database. He takes a -5 penalty for not specifying a
Target, but he gets a broader sweep in exchange.
(INT (8) + Detect (4) + General (-5) + 1D10 (8) = 15) Vs. (DV 15) SUCCESS!​​ Scan
successful - Nothing comes up. (BoxpPhreak doesn't realize that the -5 penalty has cost
him in this case. He failed to detect a defensive program lurking amongst the files in the
Database. He would have had to beat the Conceal value (20) in order to notice it)

// ACTION 3: ​Query:Database​ -BoxPhreak pulls up a list of the different file-types

contained in the Database looking for anything that might resemble the secret plans.
(INT (8) + Query (3) + Database (2) + 1D10 (6) = 19) Vs. (DV 15) SUCCESS! ​Query
Successful - He sees a number of files that might be what he needs. Now he has to find
those files and take a closer look...

// ACTION 4: ​Locate:File(s)​ - He jumps to the section of the Database containing the

promising files.
(INT (8) + Locate (4) + File/s (2) + 1D10 (2) = 16) Vs. (DV 15) SUCCESS! ​Locate
Successful - Now to take a look at the files to see if any of them have what he needs.

// ACTION 5: ​Query:File(s)​ - BoxPhreak has been given a special code that should
appear in the correct documents. His Query was to see if any of these files contain the
(INT (8) + Query (3) + File/s (2) + 1D10 (10) = 23) Vs. (DV 20) SUCCESS! ​Query
Successful - The Query turns up nothing. Confused, BoxPhreak thinks for a second. He
realizes that they probably Concealed the specific file that he needs, but now he knows
the section of the Database that it should be in as well as what type of file it is and
approximately how large the file should be (based on the other similar files he found).
He decides to try and Detect it - hoping that he will find something before he runs out of

// ACTION 6: ​Detect:File(s)​ Earlier we found that BoxPhreak only has 6 possible Actions
per round, so this is his last Action this round whether he is successful or not.
(INT (8) + Detect (4) + File/s (2) + 1D10 (5) = 19) Vs. (DV 15) SUCCESS! ​Query
Successful The Detect Command worked! He uncovers the file he was looking for by
defeating the Concealment. He'd better be ready for the black ICE that he failed to
Detect earlier or this may be his last Action ever. On his next turn he will have to try to
get out of the Database alive and cover his tracks so they won't know he was in there, at
least he has the file he was sent to find!

Causing Damage

So now you know how to find a Target and you know who is going to attack first - but
what can they do with that attack? Let me show you.

There are 3 basic attacks that can be performed on most Targets. The first is
Feedback/Overload, the second is causing a Signal Break, and finally you can pick a
nasty piece of software and Run Program. Here's a look at how each one of those works:

1. Feedback/Overload: These are 2 sides of the same coin. Feedback is achieved by

routing signals coming from the opponent directly back into their neural interface
(Attacker INT + Control//User +1D10 + Mod) Vs (Defender INT + Secure//User +1D10
+ Mod). This feedback loop (picture feedback at a stadium concert inside your cranium)
has the potential to knock the target unconscious via stun damage (3D6), but is unlikely
(10%) to cause any physical damage.

// Example: BoxPhreak hits ICE-9 with a blast of Feedback:​​(INT(8) +

Control(3)//User(4) + 1D10 (5) = 20) Vs (ICE-9: (INT(6) + Secure(5)//User(1) + 1D10
(3) = 15).​​ ICE-9's senses fill with a torrent of digital fire. BoxPhreak rolls 1D10 to see if
the damage is physical (4) = Stun Only. Now roll 3D6 for stun (11). ICE-9 had better
hope he can beat his stun save!

Causing an Overload works similarly, by flooding a piece of target hardware with

requests until it breaks (Attacker INT Control//(Target) +1D10 + Mod) Vs (Defender
INT + Secure//(Target) +1D10 + Mod). This could be a servo motor on a security
camera or piece of Cyberware, it could be the transceiver on a Comm unit, it could be
nearly any vital component that you can get your grubby digital mits on. For every point
over the defending value there is an additional +10% chance that the Target in question
is damaged.

// Example: BoxPhreak targets the security camera at the end of the alleyway and
attempts an overload:​​(INT(8) + Control(3)//Sensor(3) + 1D10 (8) = 22) Vs (Average
Diff. (15) + Secure Bonus set by GM (5) = 20 Success) ​The Camera sweeps all the way
to the right, there is a high-pitched squeal as the motor keeps pushing past its limit. The
squeal is replaced by rapid-fire clicking as wisps of smoke rise above the camera.

2. Signal Break: At any point along an opponent's signal chain, a Signal break can be
attempted (INT + Control//Comm or CPU +D10 + Mod) Vs (Defender INT +
Secure//Comm or CPU + D10 + Mod). If successful, the defender loses their connection
and is booted out of the system they were in. If a Signal Break is used against the User's
main connection to the Net, they will be kicked out of net-space entirely. At that point
they will have to start their run over before continuing any activities in the Net.

// Example: ICE-9 has recovered from the first attack and needs to get BoxPhreak out of
his way fast. He has located the router that BoxPhreak is using to connect to the Net and
he attempts a Signal Break ​(INT(6) + Control(4)//Comm(2) +1D10 (9) = 21) Vs
(Defender INT(8) + Secure(4):Comm(2) +1D10 (4) = 18)​​ BoxPhreak is navigating
through the digital slipstream one second - and the next he finds himself back in the
2-bit coffin hotel he rented to make this run. Dammit!

3. Run Program: An array of software has been written to use the Direct Neural
Interface to do some truly terrifying things to the human organism. If you look hard
enough, you can probably find a program to do just about anything you can think of, if
there isn't one, you might be able to write it yourself - If you have the skill.... You can
find ​a list of different effects here​​. Any of these effects can be employed if you have the
program to do it. You must first activate the program using an Action [Control//File] (at
any time during your run) and then when you want to attack a target, you use another
Action [Run-Program//Target] ​at that time​.

// Example: BoxPhreak jacks back into the Net on a mission for revenge. ​He spends an
Action loading​ up "TWITCH_v3.1" (Strength 3). After he has tracked down ICE-9 (using
various Scan, Locate, and Detect Commands) he catches him off guard ​(INT(8) + Run
Program(2)//"TWITCH" (Str 3) + D10 (4) = 17) Vs (Defender = INT(6) +
Secure(5)//User(1) + D10 (2) = 14)​​ Before he even has a chance to figure out what is
going on, a signal spike races through the cables in ICE-9's deck straight through the
Direct Neural Interface and begins telling his spine to jerk uncontrollably. The seizure
lasts for a full 30 seconds in real-space leaving a battered, drooling and unconscious
Netrunner heaped over his equipment as the rest of his crew continue trying to get past
the corp guards nearby. Too bad.

Using Programs

So that last example using Run Program sounds pretty killer, eh? Well that aint the
whole story. Programs are incredibly useful, but like everything in the Net its all about
your skills and your kit.

In Run.Net, system memory is handled a bit differently than you might be used to.
Rather than assign each program an amount of memory to keep track of, it is assumed
that any skilled Netrunner knows how to keep their gear upgraded and running
smoothly. You stay on the bleeding edge of your warez, both hard and soft - and
yesterday's killer programs are today's weefle-appz.

The idea is that as the complexity of software increases, so does the capacity of the
hardware running it and vice-versa. So its pointless twiddling numbers back and forth
tracking every little byte of memory usage - that is way too slow and way too boring.
Instead you can find out how many programs you and your set-up can handle by looking
at your stats.
The limit of how many programs you can maintain control of at any given time looks like
this: (Run Program (0-5) + Your CPU Speed (0-5) = (1-10) Program Limit). Each
program that you keep active carries a cumulative -1 for all actions. Choose wisely
(IMG:​​style_emoticons/default/wink.gif​​) .

You can always shut down a program you don't need to make room for one that you do.
The most cryo-chilled Runners out there always know how to juggle. However, you may
not want to go loading yourself up with unnecessary programs like some kind of digital
juggernaut - otherwise someone who is running leaner than you might get the drop on
your bloated system and ​Flatline​ you faster than you can say "I'm runnin' too many

Scratching your head and wondering why you only can run up to 10 Programs? Well,
Ace, it's because we're not counting the myriad Simple Programs running on your Rig to
use those Command Actions. Each Command Action is actually being done by a variety of
small, effective simple programs depending on the situation. Some of these vary from
Runner to Runner, some are common amongst many, some are one of a kind - but all of
them are behind the scenes. The kind of Programs that we are talking about in your
Program Limit are ones that take either special ​resources​, or special ​attention​ to
operation. Since you have a finite amount of attention and a finite amount of resources,
you can only operate a finite amount of Complex Programs. So you have 3 choices,
improve your Deck, improve your skills, or FIND A DIFFERENT HOBBY!

Make no mistake, Programs require a system to run on, they do not exist autonomously
from some form of storage. But whether the program is located on a Server, a Dataterm,
a SmartAgent, or a Game System, Programs can be run from ANY SYSTEM UNDER YOUR
CONTROL. That's right, if you Infiltrate and Control any Target containing programs,
they are yours to run with as long as that Target is controlled by you. Just think about
the possibilities of that for a second

Controlling Remotes

Well look at you. Now you are using commands, putting together actions, attacking
targets, and running programs - Bet you feel pretty tough now, don'tcha? Don't get too
cocky there cowboy, you have to have your skills down cold before you get too big for
your bits.

There are a lot of different devices and other goodies hooked into the net that can ruin
your day and frag that slime wad you call a brain. To get an idea of what is out there,
just take a look at your Target List.

//The Target List:

1. File/Database - Set of data contained as a unit for use by program, system, or
2. Cyber - Hardware that utilizes bio-mechanical interface technology
3. Comm. - Technology designed to enable the communication of 2 or more parties
(e.g. phones)
4. Sensor - Hardware designed to gather sensory data (Camera, Microphone,
Touch/Heat/Motion sensor, etc)
5. Remote - Mobile system operating under control of user or system from a
6. Cybermodem - Hardware designed to interface a user or system with the Net.
7. Vehicle - System designed to physically transport user or materials
8. Weapon - System designed to cause physical damage
9. System - CPU in control of a given set of parameters
10. User/Runner - Human (or AI) operator connected to a system or hardware
We have already mentioned a few tricks to help you locate, sense, and mess with some
of these targets, but that's not the whole story. What happens when some net-enabled
device comes to track you down in the meat world? That's a whole different ball game,
and something you'd better get familiar with before you learn about it the hard way.

Looking at that list, you can see that several of the targets on it act primarily in
meat-space. Specifically; Cyber, Remote, Vehicle, and Weapon. Additionally, some apply
to either net-space or meat-space depending on circumstance. These are Comm, Sensor,
and User. Bridging the gap between net-space and meat-space is a major strategic
focus. If you can't protect your meat, you aren't going to be running the net for very

Perhaps where this applies most is with Remotes. These little bastards can combine
several features of different technology together into a small and deadly package.
Remotes can be used to infiltrate hard-to-reach locations, gain reconnaissance, repair
damaged equipment, act as a network relay, or even kill. Learning how to utilize or at
least mitigate them is vital if you want to call yourself a netrunner.

Let's cover the basics first.

Like with any target, you will have to get control of it before you can do anything with a
remote. This is achieved with the same actions you would use for any target: it has to be
Located, then it has to be Infiltrated, and finally it has to be Controlled. There may be
more actions required depending on whether or not you know there is a remote around,
if it is concealed, if it is secured, and most significantly - if it is being controlled by
another User when you go after it. If so, you will have to deal with each of those with
further actionsbefore you can get your digital paws on it.

// Example: BoxPhreak knows there is a remote being used to patrol the vault that his
team wants to crack. It's his job to neutralize the little bugger before it causes any

// ACTION 1: ​Locate:Remote​ - This will show him how to access the Remote from the
vault's network which he broke into earlier.
(INT (8) + Locate (4) + Remote (4) + 1D10 (8)) = 24 Vs. DV 15) SUCCESS!​​ He find's the
control signal for the Remote and can now attempt to Infiltrate it.

// ACTION 2: ​Infiltrate:Remote​ - BoxPhreak's system will attempt to use the Remote's

signal to break in and take control of the unit
(INT (8) + Infiltrate (5) + Remote (4) + 1D10 (2)) = 19 Vs. DV 20) FAIL​​ BoxPhreak's
system crunches away as his synapses speed through the task. He can't seem to
calibrate to the Remote's sequencing - he will try again.

// ACTION 3: ​Infiltrate:Remote​ - He is simply retrying the previously failed Action

(INT (8) + Infiltrate (5) + Remote (4) + 1D10 (6)) = 23 Vs. DV 20) SUCCESS!​​ He rides
the signal to the Remote's processor and succeeds in getting past its standard defences.
// ACTION 4: ​Control:Remote​ - Now that he has access to the Remote, it's time to try
and Control it
(INT (8) + Control (3) + Remote (4) + 1D10 (8)) = 23 Vs. DV 20) SUCCESS! ​BoxPhreak
has acquired Control of the Remote… at least for now.

// ACTION 5:​​Control:Remote​ - BoxPhreak decides to use the remote to help his team
break into the vault room from the inside, so he is going to have it walk over to the
locked door.
(No roll necessary for this Action) SUCCESS! ​Since he gained Control of the Remote with
his previous action, BoxPhreak is free to use any of the Remote's capabilities as he
chooses. However, since Real-Space works at a different speed than Net-Space, the
Remote will not resolve those Actions until its own turn in the initiative order. The
Remote has its own stats which determine initiative and abilities. This includes how fast
it moves and how many Actions the Remote is capable of executing. Any Commands
given to the Remote during the Player's turn will be resolved during the Remote's turn
after that in the initiative order.

// ACTION 6: ​Control:Remote​ - When the Remote reaches the door, BoxPhreak wants it
to access the control-panel for the door lock.
(The Roll for this Action will take place during the Remote's turn in the initiative order)
The Remote is on it's way towards the door, but BoxPhreak will have to wait for the
Remote's turn to see how these last 2 Actions resolve. Anything the Remote can do
normally, there is no need to roll for; but using it to break into the door's control-panel
is a bit more complicated. Either way, these things will be determined by the stats that
the Remote uses.

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