F-47 Modification of Screen

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Configuration of SAP Special
G/L Transactions

Special G/L transactions are special transactions in accounts receivable and accounts
payable that are recorded in the General Ledger in alternative reconciliation accounts
instead of the normal Vendor/Customer reconciliation accounts. We usually make use
of Special G/L Transactions to take care of business process requirements of down
payments, retentions, guarantees etc. In this post we will discuss the concept of Special
G/L Transactions, the system settings for Special G/L Transactions and some end user
activities related to Special G/L Transactions.
Types of Special G/L Transactions
SAP has already made available various types of Special G/L transactions in the
standard system. You can also define your own special G/L transactions if your
business requirements make it necessary to do so.
The following special G/L transactions are available in the standard system:
a) Down payments (made and received) and down payment requests
b) Payment requests
c) Guarantees (given and received)
d) Bills of exchange receivable, bills of exchange payable and checks/bills of exchange
e) Bank bills
f) Reserves for bad debt
g) Security deposits
The configuration steps of the various types of Special G/L Transactions listed above
are similar, as well as their treatment by the system. Therefore we will concentrate only
on a few of them. In this post we will discuss the down payments and down payment
requests. In the next post we will discuss other special G/L transactions like payment
requests, guarantees etc. These are the more commonly used special G/L Transactions
and also because we cannot talk about all of them in detail in just two blog posts.
Configuration of Down Payments and Down payment Requests
A business requirement may dictate that a down payment is received (as in the case of
a sales transaction) or made (as in the case of a purchase transaction). A down
payment is a payment made or received before the physical exchange of goods or
services. Upon the receipt of goods or delivery of services the down payment is cleared
against the final invoice. A Down payment is normally preceded by a down payment
request, although this is not a required condition. We will go through the configuration of
down payments in two stages
1) Down Payments made
This is the down payment you made to a vendor. To configure down payments made,
we follow the menu path below:
IMG — Financial Accounting (New) — Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable — Business Transactions — Down Payment Made — Define Alternative
Reconciliation Account for Down Payments
Or use transaction OBYR. Alternatively we can use transaction FBKP to make all
relevant special G/L Transaction configurations from this single transaction code.

We will concentrate on the special G/L indicator “A” and “F”. However, whatever applies
to them applies to the others as well.
Click on create icon if you want to create a new special G/L Indicator. The standard
SAP provided Special G/L Indicators are more than enough for our purpose.
Now double click on the special G/L indicator “F” (Down payment request).

Assign your alternative reconciliation G/L accounts alongside your normal vendor
reconciliation accounts. It is assumed that you have already created these Alternative
Reconciliation accounts, if not create them with FS00. The alternative reconciliation GLs
should have the following characteristics.
i. Special GL Account (alternative reconciliation account) for down payments made is
define as a reconciliation account for account type “k-vendor”.
ii. Special GL Account (alternative reconciliation account) for down payments made is
assigned the field status group G067.
iii. One special GL Account can be assigned to more than one normal vendor
reconciliation account.
Now click on Properties to configure the Special GL properties.

 Noted Items: If this Indicator is set it means that postings with this special G/L
indicator does not lead to an update in accounting. Therefore, there is no debit or credit
entry with noted item transactions. There is only a one line record on the vendor for
information purpose only, because you are just recording a request to pay and nothing
else. This is the case with down payment requests and bill of exchange payment
requests in the standard system. You can specify in configuration whether a particular
special G/L transaction will update accounting or not by flagging or not flagging the
noted item check box.
 Relevance for the credit limit check: If you have a customer credit limit
management process in your organization, setting this indicator means that special g/l
transactions are included in your credit limit calculation.
 Commitment Warning: If this indicator is set, the system gives an alert that a down
payment exists when you try to process a transaction on an affected vendor or
customer. For example you post a down payment on a vendor and then subsequently
you try to process an invoice on the same vendor, the system will issue the warning that
a down payment exists on this vendor. It is more relevant to set this flag when
configuring the down payment and not the down payment request.
 Target special G/L indicator: Just enter here the special G/L indicators permitted for
noted items during document entry (F-47).
 Special G/L transaction Types: For each special G/L transaction you are defining,
you have to decide which type of special G/L transaction it will be (bill of exchange, a
down payment or another transaction).
 Posting Keys: Posting keys determine how a particular special G/L transaction will
be posted in the G/L either as a noted item or real update postings (if not a noted item).
With a standard Special G/L item the posting keys appear as a default. If for any reason
you want to define your own posting keys you can do so.
Now repeat the same process by double clicking on the special G/L indicator “A”
(Down payment) and go through the same process.

Assign your alternative reconciliation G/L accounts alongside your normal vendor
reconciliation accounts, just like in the preceding steps above.

The same explanation as in the case of the down payment request (see above) applies.
The only important difference is that commitment warning is flagged here, and what
means (as explained above) is that, the system will issue the warning that a down
payment exists on this vendor if you want to process anything on it. Another difference
is that we have not set the noted item flag here because a down payment updates the
accounting books unlike a payment request.
2) Down Payments Received
This is on the opposite side of the coin from the down payment made. Here we are
referring to down payments received from customers through sales activities as
opposed to purchasing or procurement activities.
To configure down payments received, we follow the menu path below:
IMG — Financial Accounting (New) — Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable — Business Transactions — Down Payment Received — Define
Reconciliation Accounts for Customer Down Payments
Or use transaction OBXR. Alternatively (as in the case of down payments made) we
can use transaction FBKP.

Notice that the account type here is “D” meaning we are dealing with Customer here. If
you compare this with a similar screen shot for down payments made, the account type
there is “K” meaning Vendor.
Now double click on the special G/L indicator “F” (Down payment request).

Assign your alternative reconciliation G/L accounts alongside your normal Customer
reconciliation accounts. The characteristics of the Special G/L accounts (alternative
reconciliation accounts) are similar to the case as in down payment made, except that
the alternative reconciliation account in the case is of type “D- Customer” and the field
status group is G031.
To continue, click on Properties to configure the Special GL properties.

The fields here have the same explanation as in the case of the vendor down payment
request (see above). The major difference is in the posting key. We use
here “09” and “19” posting keys for debit and credit postings respectively.
We repeat the same steps as above for the special G/L Indicator “A” (down
payments), by double clicking on it and maintaining the properties.

3) Other settings relevant to Down Payment Request
In SAP a down payment process starts with a down payment request, although this is
not a required condition.
A down payment request (down payment made) can be created in FI (F-47) either with
reference to Purchase Order in MM (WRTPO) or independently, without reference to
PO. If you are going to be creating down payment requests with reference to PO, then
additional configuration settings have to be maintained in MM.
 Activate the business function LOG_MMFI_P2P: (MM Integration of Materials
Management and Financial Accounting).
Usually this activity should be carried out by your basis team. Use transaction SFW5 to
activate this business function.

The activation of this function module, has the impact of adding an additional tab
(Payment Processing) in the ME21N transaction (creation of a purchase order) and also
an additional field (Down Payment Category).
With this setting you can process down payment from MM.
 Activation of the PO field in the F-47 screen
Additionally, the PO Field should be activated for your F-47 screen, to be able to
reference the PO that the down payment request relates to.
Use transaction OBC4 or follow the menu path:
IMG — Financial Accounting (New) — Financial Accounting Global Settings (New)
– Ledgers – Fields — Define Field Status Variants

Highlight your Field Status Variant and double click on Field Status Group

Double click on the field status group (G067) assigned to your alternative reconciliation

Double click on Material Management Group.
Set the purchase order field to optional entry.
With this setting, the Purchase order field in your F-47 screen will be active, which
should enable you to create a down payment request with reference to purchase order
(WRTPO). You populate in this field with the purchase order number of the PO that
relates to your down payment request.
 Additional Down payment request settings in Sales and Distribution
On the receivables side of the equation, a prerequisite for down payment and down
payment request processing is that the following S&D and FI Integration settings are
a) Define Reconciliation Accounts for Customer Down Payments using OBXR. This has
already been discussed in paragraph 2 above.
b) Configure Automatic posting procedures
In this step, you define an output tax clearing account. This account is needed if you
display down payments gross in the customer account.
Use transaction OBXB or follow the menu path:
IMG — Financial Accounting (New) — Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable — Business Transactions — Down Payment Received — Define Account
for Tax Clearing

Maintain the posting key and also assign your output tax clearing account in transaction
c) Activate of the Sales Order field for the customer down payment request screen (F-
Under this activity you activate of the Sales Order field for the customer down payment
request screen in your field status group of your alternative reconciliation account and
the posting key 19.
To activate the sales order field for the filed status group of your alternative
reconciliation account, follow the menu path:
IMG — Financial Accounting (New) — Financial Accounting Global Settings (New)
— Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable — Business Transactions —
Down Payment Received — Make and Check Document Settings — Define Field
Status Variants
Or use transaction OB14

Double click on the field status group G031.

Double click on Additional Account Assignments.

Set the sales order field to Optional Entry.
Now use transaction OB41 to activate the sales order field in the posting key

Double click on posting key “19” (Special G/L Credit).

Click on Maintain Field Status.

Double click on Additional Account Assignments.

Set the sales order field to Optional Entry.
d) Paying the down payment with the payment program (F110)
To be able to execute a down payment through the automatically payment
program (F110), (instead of manually through F-48), maintain the following settings:
IMG — Financial Accounting (New) —- Accounts Receivable and Accounts
Payable—- Business Transactions— Outgoing Payments— Automatic Outgoing
Payments—- Payment Method/Bank Selection for Payment Program— Set Up All
Company Codes for Payment Transactions
Or use transaction FBZP

Double click on your company code.

Indicate here the special G/L transactions (relating to both customers and Vendors) you
intend to pay with the payment program, and save.
Special G/L indicator “F” means Down Payment Requests
Special G/L indicator “P” means Payment request (to be discussed in a future post)
Special G/L indicator “A” means Down Payment
4) Down Payment Request, Down payment and Down Payment Clearing (End
User Activity)
I will not discuss this in detail here, for the simple reason that the blog post will be
unnecessarily long and also for the fact that I have written about this in another blog
I will only list the processes involved and the transaction codes or menu path to the
Please refer to the blog post I wrote on this, which was published in eursap.com.
a) Create a down payment request using transaction F-47 (Vendor) or F-37 (Customer).
This can be done in FI with reference to the PO or Sales Order or without reference to
b) Execute the down payment through the payment program using transaction F110 or
manually through transaction F-48 (Vendor) or F-29 (Customer).
c) Post a vendor invoice (FB60, FV60) or customer invoice (FB70), if the down payment
request is created without reference to PO or SO, alternatively process the invoice from
MM or SD as the case may be.
d) Execute the down payment Clearing using transaction F-54 (Vendor) or F-39
(Customer). Alternatively directly clear the down payment through the payment
program. After the down payment is cleared the balance on the Special G/L (alternative
reconciliation) account is removed.
5) Reversing a Down Payment Request
A down payment request is automatically reversed when a down payment referencing
that request is paid. This is regardless of whether you executed the down payment
through the payment program or processed it manually.
We stop the discussion on the Special G/L Transactions (down payments made and
received) here, for now. We would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
By the way you are invited to visit the SAP Store and other stores directly from here,
or through the affiliate links on the left sidebar of the home page and blog posts, for
the easiest way to buy your SAP Software and other cool products.

This entry was posted in SAP FI, SAP MM, Tips and Tricks and tagged down payments and
down payment requests, SAP Automatic payment program, special G/L Transactions.
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Other Special G/L Transactions- Guarantees, payment requests, and creation of own Special
G/L Transactions →

13 thoughts on “Configuration of SAP Special

G/L Transactions”
1. Pingback: Other Special G/L Transactions- Guarantees, payment requests, and
creation of own Special G/L Transactions - SapGurus

2.  Bigniou says:

April 10, 2017 at 2:11 pm

Creating a Special G/L as noted item and trying to update it in the payment
program, this is not accepted. The goal was to create a general special G/L for
payment request covering several invoices…as the standard payment request is
only for one single invoice…

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4.  vinod says:

August 26, 2017 at 12:21 pm




5.  Ashish says:

October 24, 2017 at 3:39 pm

Dear Sir,
I created the vendor down payment request through F-47, while doing F-48, I
choose the requests, give the vendor code, Bank account and then I select that
request and click on CREATE DOWN PAYMENT, the system gives the message –
F5060. Due to this I am unable to do the entry


1.  Ebrima Fatty says:

October 24, 2017 at 4:33 pm

This means you either have not entered the amount of the down payment or
entered a different amount. Error message F5060 means your document
has not balanced. After entering the House Bank account GL (during F-48),
you need to also enter the amount.
Note also that apart from the execution of the down payment manually (F-
48),you can also make the down payment using the automatic payment
program F110.


6.  Eshna says:

November 13, 2017 at 6:37 pm

Should a special G/L indicator be allowed to be editable in a document line item if

the item is not yet cleared and the posting period is still open?


7.  Padigela Ramkumar says:

November 16, 2017 at 5:41 am

Dear sir,
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8.  Pralhad Deo says:

April 26, 2018 at 8:42 am

Can you please explain the same process details for the customer retention
process, wherein the customer retains some amount from every invoice raised to
him on periodic basis. The retention money is released at the end of warranty
How can it be mapped through SD?
What should be the accounting entry for retention and retention release?
How should we configure the special G/L for retention receivable?
What accounting entry should be posted for each invoice for the customer
Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation.


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10.  Hera says:

May 29, 2018 at 2:41 am

It is possible to capture 29I in sap transaction code F110?


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May 29, 2018 at 8:44 am

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