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 Olyan múltban történt szokásoknál használjuk, amik a jelenben (most) már nem igazak.
 Például olyan dolgok amiket gyerekként csináltál.
 Pl.: I used to have long hair. / I used to play football. / I didn’t use to have a TV.

KIJELENTŐ I used to wear glasses.
TAGADÓ I didn’t use to wear glasses.
KÉRDŐ Did you use to wear glasses? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

Jelen Múlt
I usually get up at 8.00 o’clock. I used to get up at 7.00 o’clock.

1. Húzzuk alá a megfelelő szót!

There used (for — too — to) be more restaurants.
People used to (shops — shopping — shop) mainly in small shops.
They (used — use — using) to be lots of small shops.
I used to hate cheese, but I (hate - love — am loving) it now.
They used (for - to — too) have jam for breakfast.
People used to (taking — takes — take) the train.
The air (using — uses — used) to be clean and it was easy to find a place to park.
People used to (live — living — lived) in houses with gardens.
There (use — used - used to) be many trams.
People (uses - using — used) to write with pen, but now they use computers.
Their daughter used to (having - have — had) a silver bracelet on her arm.
He used to (use - ride — run) a bike.
People used (walk — to walking - to walk) a lot of ride the tram.
He used to (used - use — used to) his father’s cars.
Katy led used (play - to play — plays) the recorder. He doesn’t play it now.
He (having — used to - used to have) a beard.
1 used to (had — has — have) a teddy bear, but I don’t have one now.
People used to (lived — living — live) in big houses.
Mariem (doesn’t — hasn’t - didn’t) use to take photographs.
AdeI didn’t (used — using — use) to live in Japan.
He didn’t use to go on holiday because he (do - didn’t — doesn’t) have any money.
He (used to - used to work — work) at the weekend.
She used (for — too — to) have bread for dinner.
People used (to ride — ride— to riding) horses, but now they drive cars.
He didn’t (use to — use — used to) sit by swimming pool.

2. Egészítsd ki USED TO vagy a DIDN’T USE TO alakokkal

1) People in the past (not eat) chocolate.
2) She (be) an excellent student?
3) Women (not wear) trousers, but now they do.
4) I (drink) a lot of milk, but now I don’t.
5) My sister (sleep) a lot, but now she doesn’t.
6) Jane (not like) bananas, but now she does.
7) My mum (jog) every morning, but now she doesn’t.
8) They (not send) emails 200 years ago.
9) Anna (eat) a lot when she was younger?
10) Tom’s dog (bark) at all and now he can’t stop.
11) Children (not talk) in classes that much, but now they don’t stop.
1. Make sentences with used to / didn’t use to using the verbs below. You can use some of
the verbs more than once.

have / grow / make / be / wear / climb / live / travel

1) Thomas is quite fit now, but he ………….……….…………………

very fat in his twenties.
2) Albert ………………………..………………………… a rich man
before he won the lottery. He was really poor.
3) Men ………………………………….. high heeled shoes in 1960s.
4) I …………………………………… a snowman with my dad when I was child.
5) Adam …………………………………….…….. a lot 5 years ago.
6) We …………………………………… color televisions in the past.
7) David was a climber when he was younger. He ............................................................. very
high mountains.
8) When Martin was in high school, they ……………………………………… in a village and
…………………………………. their own vegetables.

2. Make sentences with ‘used to’

1. Last year I lived in Paris, but now I live in Rome.

I _______________________________________________________

2. He had a lot of money, but now he doesn’t.

He ______________________________________________________

3. Peter stopped playing the guitar two years ago. Now he plays the violin.

4. He went to the cinema regularly, but now he doesn’t.

He ______________________________________________________

5. When I was a boy, I always ate sweets.

I ________________________________________________________

6. When Sarah was a child, she bit her nails.

Sarah ____________________________________________________

7. We got into the habit of swimming every day before breakfast.


8. There were some trees here, but now there aren’t any.
There _______________________________________________________

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