Name - Mark

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Name __________________________________ Mark ______________________

Revision of Tenses

1. Put the verbs in brackets to the right form: (20 items x 2 points) – 40 points

a. He told me he 1 ..............................(spend) his holiday abroad.

b. I missed the party because no one2 ............................ (tell) me about it.
c. He 3 ......................................... (drive) for an hour when he 4 .......................................
(remember)that he 5 ...................................... (not lock) the front door.
d. When I arrived there I 6 ……………………………..(see)that it 7
………………………………….(rain) and somebody told me it 8
……………………………………….(rain) for two days.
e. His wife betrayed him although she 9 ……………………………………(swear)him
eternal love.
f. The scribe10……………………………………………..(write) in ink with a goose
quill after the illuminator 11 ………………………………………………. (work)with
bold-and-silver leaf.
g. I12…………………………………………….(play)tennis three times this week.
h. My dress looks fine. I13……………………………………..(iron)it with great care.
i. 14 …………………………………………………..(tell/Jane) I missed her when you
saw/have seen her?
j. I am really tired. I 15……………………………………… (dig) the garden for the last
three hours and I 16 ……………………………………… (not take) a rest for a
single moment.
k. I17 ……………………………………… (wait) for the visitors for an hour, but
somebody 18 ……………………….. (just/call) and 19
………………………………. (tell) me they 20 …………………………….. (not
land) yet.

2. Circle the right verbal form: (10 items x 1 points) – 10 points

a. I am seeing/see a bird on the fence.

b. Look! The famous actor appears/is appearing on the stage.
c. This material feels/is feeling soft.
d. The girls feels/is feeling the ground with her foot.
e. I have been owning/have owned this property since I was 26.
f. I have been/have been being her customer since last year.
g. Hannah has been minding/has minded my baby since 8 o’clock this morning.
h. I don’t go/am not going home after work most of the times.
i. Mary wrote/was writing letters all day yesterday.
j. She had/was having to stay at home while the others were enjoying the party.
Name __________________________________ Mark ______________________

3. Translate into English: (20 items x 2 points) - 40 points

Nr. Romanian English

1. Șoferultocmai a pornitmotorul.

2. Ușile s-au închisșitoatălumea s-a


3. Au trecutdejacâteva minute de când

am părăsitaeroportulși n-am

4. Ceimaimulțicălătoriprivescpefereastră

5. Autobuzulporneștepe autostrada care

leagăorașul de aeroport.

6. Uniicălătoriadorm, deoarecepeisajul e
preamonoton, iareisuntobosițidupă o
călătorieatât de lungă.

7. Au călătoritpatru ore

8. Ei dorm de câteva minute

cândsunttreziți de un

9. O mașinădin fațalor s-a izbit de un


10. Nu s-a întâmplatnimicgrav din

fericire, așacătoți se liniștesc.
Name __________________________________ Mark ______________________
Name __________________________________ Mark ______________________

Test Paper 10th F (Revision of Tenses) - Answers

1 Put the verbs in brackets to the right form: (20 items x 2 points) – 40 points

l. He told me he 1 .....SPENT/HAD SPENT......... (spend) his holiday abroad.

m. I missed the party because no one 2 ..TOLD/HAD TOLD..... (tell) me about it.
n. He 3 ......HAD BEEN DRIVING...... (drive) for an hour when he 4
......REMEMBERED..... (remember) that he 5 HAD LOCKED/HADN’T
LOCKED/DIDN’T LOCK.......... (lock) the front door.
o. When I arrived there I 6 ……SAW… (see) that it 7 …WAS RAINING… (rain) and
somebody told me it 8 …HAD BEEN RAINING…. (rain) for two days.
p. His wife betrayed him although she 9 …SWORE/HAD SWORN… (swear) him
eternal love.
q. The scribe 10 ……WROTE… (write) in ink with a goose quill after the illuminator
11 ……HAD WORKED/WORKED…. (work) with bold-and-silver leaf.
r. I 12 ……HAVE PLAYED…. (play) tennis three times this week.
s. My dress looks fine. I 13 ……HAVE IRONED/HAVE BEEN
IRONING/IRON/AM IRONING…….. (iron) it with great care.
t. 14 …DID YOU TELL JANE (tell/Jane) I missed her when you saw/have seen her?
u. I am really tired. I 15 …HAVE BEEN DIGGING…… (dig) the garden for the last
three hours and I 16 HAVEN’T TAKEN…… (not take) a rest for a single moment.
v. I 17 …HAVE BEEN WAITING…… (wait) for the visitors for an hour, but
somebody 18 ……HAS JUST CALLED…….. (just/call) and 19 ……(HAS)
TOLD……………. (tell) me they 20 HAVEN’T LANDED (not land) yet.

2 Circle the right verbal form: (10 items x 1 point) – 10 points

3 I am seeing/see a bird on the fence. SEE

4 Look! The famous actor appears/is appearing on the stage. IS APPEARING
5 This material feels/is feeling soft. FEELS
6 The girl feels/is feeling the ground with her foot. IS FEELING
7 I have been owning/have owned this property since I was 26. HAVE OWNED
8 I have been/have been being her customer since last year. HAVE BEEN
9 Hannah has been minding/has minded my baby since 8 o’clock this morning. HAS
10 I don’t go/am not going home after work most of the times. DON’T GO
11 Mary wrote/was writing letters all day yesterday. WAS WRITING
12 She had/was having to stay at home while the others were enjoying the party. HAD
Name __________________________________ Mark ______________________

3 Translate into English: (20 items x 2 points) - 40 points

Nr. Romanian English

11. Șoferultocmai a pornitmotorul. The driver has just started the engine.

12. Ușile s-au închisșitoatălumea s-a The doors have closed / closed and everyone sat comfortably on
așezatconfortabilpescaun. their seats.

13. Au trecutdejacâteva minute de când It’s few minutes/Few minutes have passed since we have left /
am părăsitaeroportulși n-am left the airport and we haven’t seen anything / have seen nothing
văzutnimicinteresant. interesting yet.

14. Ceimaimulțicălătoriprivescpefereastră Most passengers are looking out of the window.


15. Autobuzulporneștepe autostrada care The bus starts on the highway which connects the city to / and
leagăorașul de aeroport. the airport.

16. Uniicălătoriadorm, deoarecepeisajul e Some passengers are falling/fall asleep because the landscape is
preamonoton, iareisuntobosițidupă o too boring/monotonous/dull and they are tired after such a long
călătorieatât de lungă. and exhausting trip.

17. Au călătoritpatru ore They have been travelling/have travelled for four hours and they
șiacumsuntfoarteobosiți. are very tired now.

18. Ei dorm de câteva minute They have been sleeping for few minutes when they are woken
cândsunttreziți de un up by a very loud noise.
19. O mașină din fațalor s-a izbit de un A car in front of them has hit/hit a tree.
20. Nu s-a întâmplatnimicgrav din Nothing serious/bad has happened/happened
fericire, așacătoți se liniștesc. though/happily/fortunately, so everyone calms down.

Subject 1 40 points (20 x 2 points)

Subject 2 10 points (10 x 1 point)
Subject 3 40 points (10x4points)
Granted points 10 points
TOTAL 100 points

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