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IELTS Writing

Unit 2: Task 1 - The Opening

- It is usual to progress for diagrams from
Left to right
or Top to bottom

Introduction to a topic - we need to paraphrase it.

- Gives a breakdown of
- Gives a overview of
- proportions - percentages
- shows - gives the information about
- shows - displays - illustrates.
- various processes - various stages of the process

- By far the most commons

- The most striking feature
- The single biggest
- Another substantial
- The general trend is
- Overall it can be seen that
- The most significant change
- Its worth noting that

Don’t copy the given statement as it is

we need to use different words than described in the question

This shows you have a good range of grammar.

Analysing and Describing Key Features
When u look a visual ask the following questions
You need now explain every tiny detail
smallest increase feature shown below
During the Task 1

- we need to analyze the task 1 photo

- deduce the overall view and key features from it by analyzing for some time

It is usually 1 or more sentences
- it is usually at the beginning or at the end
- It describes the main trend

Assessing Task 1

The examiner will assess you on four different areas

- task assignment ( 150 words min ) - Don’t copy question , good overview , imp features ,
correct numbers and labels
— coherence and cohesion - well organizes, make clear relationships in and between

- lexical resource - range of vocabulary, correct spelling

- good grammar usage

- Use overall for the overview sentence

Linking words

We don’t need any conclusion for writing TASK 1

Lexical resource
Grammatical range and accuracy
Unit 3: Task 1-The Data
In this unit, you will learn:

how to describe data

how to group information
how to order paragraphs
how to write the data description part of Task 1
Focus on Language: Describing Data

Check the what the topic is about, x,y axis overall trans

How to use language on the graph

It is very important to include data from the graph

The word it improves the cohesion without repetition

How to make comparisons?

Overview - German, latin and french have equal proportions and much less influence form
others ( describe others )

we will write dominant groups first

Use of nouns and verbs

Use of words
prepositions to take care of
make use of words
Skills Focus: Grouping Information
Writing Task -2
Unit 4: Task 2 - The Question,
Structure and Planning
In this unit, you will learn:

how to analyse the Task 2 question

how to structure an essay
how to identify task types
how the essay is assessed
how to brainstorm and plan an essay

Read the question carefully

and answer all the tasks asked in the question

Ask the following questions when the topic is given

4 or 5 paragraphs are generally enough
Types of Eassys
Task Response

Firstly, task response; in other words, how well you answered the question.
Your essay should address the question and have a clear position, supported by
and examples.

Coherence and cohesion

Secondly, coherence and cohesion.

This means that your essay is organised logically and has a clear structure, with
an introduction,
a body, and a conclusion.
Your essay should be divided into paragraphs, with each paragraph having a clear

lexical resource

Thirdly, your lexical resource, that is, your ability to use a range of vocabulary
and appropriately.
And finally, grammatical range and accuracy, or how well you can use English

Rough idea
Unit 5: Task 2 - The
Introduction, Body and

you can also conclude the sentence

Introduction of easy paragraph:

Writers opinion
A summary in writers own words
problem solving steps in writers words
Thesis statement giving the direction of the essay

Linking ideas: A reference Guide

Complex sentence = dependent + Independent clause

into use of words such as where, which / that

Some extensions sentences are

Opposition = a difference to what we normally expect

1. Although he was tired, he was happy.

2. He was very tired. However, he was happy.

3. In spite of being very tired, he was happy.

Comparison/contrast = a difference between two things or


1. The teacher was very tired, whereas the student was full of energy.

2. The teacher was very tired. On the other hand, the student was full
of energy.

Additional information

1. As well as being tired, he was hungry.

2. Not only was he tired, but he was also hungry.

3. He was tired. In addition, he was hungry.

Cause/effect = one action/event producing another

1. The teacher was very tired because he had worked all day.

2. The teacher had worked all day. As a result, he was very tired.

3. The teacher was very tired because of having worked all day.

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