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Colorful and Colorless Words

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Evil, harmful, unhealthy, detrimental, damaging, dangerous, criminal, appalling,

inhuman, awkward, unacceptable, unsuitable, undesirable, scandalous,
unfavorable, invalid, inaccurate, ungrounded, second-class, futile, useless,
absurd, foolish, ridiculous,
Large, huge, enormous, tremendous, sizeable, vast, extensive, top, significant,
outstanding, leading, foremost, prominent, influential,
Get: Obtain, acquire, receive, inherit, become, turn into, grow,
Fine, valid, excellent, deserving, desirable, intelligent, beneficial, favorable,
advantageous, attractive, a boon, high-quality, efficient, effective, positive, a
godsend, first-class, first-rate, reliable, dependable, workable, sound, suitable,
healthy, appropriate
Observation, impression, insight, plan, project, aim, goal, conviction,
assumption, outlook, feeling,
Significant, consequential, decisive, serious, crucial, solemn, impressive, high-
Important level, well known, respected, worthwhile, of prime concern, capital, of
paramount importance,
Thought-provoking, exciting, fascinating, to be mad / crazy about, stimulating,
innovative, tempting, novel, intriguing, entertaining, captivating,
Enjoy, take pleasure in, relish the idea of, be fond of, be keen on, appreciate,
Like have a weakness for, be eager to, cannot do without, be disposed to, partial to,
inclined to, prone to, have a tendency to,
Create, invent, devise, design, put together, organize, set up, establish,
develop, come up with / carry out a plan,
Essential, vital, indispensable, much needed, basic, fundamental, imperative,
Necessary urgent, a matter of life and death, high-priority, compulsory, obligatory,
Question, issue, difficulty, quandary, predicament, tough, a critical situation,
dilemma, plight, handicap, inconvenience, disadvantage, drawback.
Indicate, express, explain, illustrate, specify, make clear, shed light on, reveal,
Minor, secondary, negligible, insignificant, inadequate, poor, inconsequential,
limited, unsatisfactory,
Put an end to, destroy, wipe out, end, cease, forbid, outlaw, bar, ban, exclude,
have done with,
Turn out well, work out, find a workable solution, get off the ground, take off,
Succeed get ahead, get somewhere in the world, be somebody, advance, fulfill dreams,
fulfill one's potential (s’épanouir),
Assume, presume, suppose, claim, argue, consider, contemplate the problem,
Think think over, look upon, look into, examine, turn over in one's mind, imagine, feel,
believe, view, take it for granted that, analyze,
Be conscious of, aware of, realize, figure out, grasp the essence of, gain insight
into, fathom, know in depth, have more than a superficial knowledge of,

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