Pep Talk Narrative

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1. To foster awareness on the possible side effects of taking PEP

2. To cease unfamiliarity and arise the understanding the background of PEP among the

3. Emphasize the existence and prevalence of using PEP within the community.

4. To create a better outlook on the preventive measures that must be complied for the safety
of the students.

5. To highlight the value of blood donation in terms of saving others lives.

PEP Talk: Understanding the Value of Mobile Blood Donating Activity, HIV Prevention and
Control and The Operation of Blood Donation


Varied types of infections, viruses or diseases had been determined every year or maybe a
couple of years. Sometimes it was not being revealed as early without being given a clear
identification of the infection or viruses reason and concerning about the panic that might
confer by the public. But such cases indication of numbers of infected people and deaths lead
them to expose the virus, infection, and disease being distinguished. All of these have a large
side effects in our immume system basically in our blood in which carries nutrients to support
our immune system. Our blood has a big role in a human body, through the circulatory system,
it adapts the body's needs which makes the blood as a precious fluid. Nowadays, a myriad of
Filipinos undergoes in blood donating activities to help people who are lack of blood
components. In this way, it shows the path of a good result of the value of helping others.


PEP which stands for post- exposure prophylaxis that taken every after possible exposure to HIV
to prevent the virus from taking hold in our body. This
issue had given an extent of time for talk which had been
conducted by Jennifer Banda, SSG Adviser that started
around 8:30 am held on the SCINHS covered court with
spectators merely covered of Grade 12 students
accompanied by their advisers. Angelene Felix, the SSG
President led the opening prayer followed by Rona
Merueña, the TLE Head teacher for the opening remarks
wherein she emphasized few details about the HIV
prevention pill and proceeded on the discussion itself
initiated by Zyriene Villafuente, Blood center nurse,
where she centralized on the topic focusing on the
additional informations about PEP, the background and
functions of Red Cross, and the process and importance
of mobile blood donation activity. She also includes the
different symptoms of the prolonging widespread of
Corona virus as well as the basic preventive measures to
be done. Students were actively shared their own perspectives upon the situation due to the
held talk. The program ended up with the last substantial message by Jennifer Banda.
Zyriene Villafuente and Jennifer Banda together with the SSG Officers made a short discussion
about the flow of the conducted Red Cross project which is the mobile blood letting activity with
the theme: 'Dugo Ko, Para sa Buhay ng Kabrigada Ko' which aims to collect variety of blood
products that will be utilized in saving the lives of the needs. SSG officers had been assigned in
different tasks including the physical arrangements, nurse assistance, determining the
volunteers' weight and others to support the operation of reliable and safe blood services.

The project took place last March 10, 2020. Students who were aged 17 and above, and
students' relatives and concerned citizens with normal blood pressure and no health issues who
were only valid for donating blood without compensation.

The donating activity started at exactly 8:30 am at the SCINHS Grade 10 building, specifically in
10-Topaz room. The Red Cross Team (Anne Clarisse Kakilala, Gladilyn Pillosis, Grace Estonilo and
Daniel Alcantara) prepared their equipments to be used while the volunteers started to fill up
their forms to indicate their qualifications and health history. Due to the operation itself, every
person filled up one bag of blood within
15 minutes. In order to restore their
energies, SSG officers distributed some
lite snacks and a bottles of water to the
volunteers. The operation continues until
the end of the day without any failures

Jennifer Banda uttered in her closing

remarks a thankful message for those
who became a part of the program who
spent their expertise and time especially for those who whole-heartedly donated their blood
and proceeded for giving recognitions to the Red Cross Team.


This act of kindness might not just help the people who are in needs but they,
themselves will be fullfilled as well. Conducting a Blood donation activity will help the other
people to take the chance to prolong their lives. We may not benefit in terms of money or any
materials because it is not really necessary to a person who truly cares, concerns and helps.
The activity held at Sta. Catalina Integrated National High School shows up a good reputation in
the performance of school by helping others. This will be a good part of the record to keep that
SCINHS has been involved in this kind of volunteering actions which signifies the real essence of
integration from the name of the school itself

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