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1. a. I had been studying

b. Haven’t been given

c. has been working

d. Have they been running

e. The students have just finished

f. had you been meeting

g. have you been writing

h. has been doing

2. A) had been preparing

B) hadn't been waiting

C) had you been developing?

D) had been attending

3. 1)B





Friendship definition: For me, friendship is when we have an emotional relationship with
someone who helps us and does us good. Friendship is something we choose that we want to
have, so it is something healthy. So, we give a lot of value to who is our friend.

-Explain what Jim Morrison said about the value of friendship

A true friend is someone who allows you to have complete freedom to be yourself and
specially to feel. Or not feel. Whatever you are feeling right now is fine with them. That's
what true love is: letting a person be what they really are ... Most people like you for who you
pretend to be acting. You start to love your pretense. And true, we are locked in an image, an
act - and the sad thing is that people are so used to your image that they grow attached to
your masks. They love their chains. They To keep their love, you are still pretending - they
have forgotten everything about who they really are. And if you try to remember them, they
hate you, so they feel like you're trying to steal your most precious asset. but a true friendship
allows you to be yourself and always feel good.

1.2 The most important ideas are our future, our true friends and family. These are the most
important because they are our support to fight for what we want in our future. The future is
our life so early that we think about what we would like to be.

Other exercise:

 goodness
 have humor
 loyalty
 hope
 respect
 patiente

How to become a better person from Tracy Foster on Vimeo (Exercises)

1. Yes, four of my virtues appear in the film.

3. Having patience is very difficult at certain times in our life. But, it's super important because
when we have a cool head we want to say things that we shouldn't say. And we can end up
hurting people. Other important thing in our life is to have hope. Having hope is essential for
us to fight for our future. For if there is no hope things become more difficult.

Forgiving something or someone is essential. What would our life be like if we didn't know
how to forgive? We learn to make mistakes, because making mistakes is fundamental to learn
not to do the same thing again. For that, if we make mistakes we have to learn to forgive when
other people also make mistakes, but making mistakes has a limit. So we should forgive only
those who should be forgiven.

What would our life be like without smiling? Life is not always easy, so we must learn to deal
with every moment even if it is difficult. For that, humor is important to help us smile and help
us relax.

Página 156

4. a) False- Pare groups help teens interact socially because teens get important feedback in
their personal characteristics and that’s help teens being socially.

b) True

c) True

d) False- teens who are neglected often connect with friends who tend to be anti-education
and antisocial.

5. a) Development

b) Fairness

c) Belong

d) Need

6.1. Adolescence is the phase in which we begin to shape our identity, which is what defines
and differentiates us at the same time. However, in general, what a teenager is looking for is
not the difference. The fear of being different leads to emotional insecurity, which makes
adolescents vulnerable to social influences. The adolescent seeks to fit into the social
environment around him, to feel part of society or his group of peers (which has acquired
great relevance for him).

6.2. I am in favor of peer groups because: The peer group, together with the family and the
school, are the main contexts that contribute to the development of the personal and social
characteristics that each adolescent need for adult life. The peer group plays a different role
for the adolescent than that of the family, and for this reason, adolescence is a period in which
these two groups enter more intense conflicts, but it is part of growing and realizing who we
are and who we want to be in the future.

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