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Impact of Covid-19 disease


Table of Contents


What are COVID-19 and negative results of disease?...............................................................3

The difference of COVID-19 case in each country with table...................................................3

Impact of COVID-19 in human employment............................................................................5

Recommendations for keeping safe and increase job services..................................................5

Recommendations for keeping safe........................................................................................5

Recommendations for increase job services...........................................................................6




In this section, we will understand all about COVID-19 disease. This section shows all

accounts of COVID-19. Here is a brief report about COVID-19. Like, negative results,

different cases in a different country. Here is also a suggestion for keeping safe and increase

job services.

About the COVID-19 and negative results of this disease

Figure 1: Showing COVID-19

(Source:, 2019)

Covid-19 is an infectious disease. This causes by the coronavirus. In today's life, it came as a

epidemic. According to facts, first it came from china country. Negative results include

mainly loss of immunity. Other side effects are loss of test, muscle pain, cough, chills, sore

throat, and headache. There become various types of pains in the body. Like chest pain,

difficulty breathing, tiredness, fever, and shortness of breath. There are also negative effects

of COVID-19 disease on human welfare which are included in the next topics (Cheng, et al.,

2020). The main reason of increase disease is the inflowing of lockdown rules. According to

WHO, it can be said that the human body loses its immunity.

The difference of COVID-19 case in each country

Here is a brief table of COVID-19 cases in each country.

# country Total Total Total Total population

cases deaths recovered tests

world 7,597,301 423,844 3,841,493

1 USA 2,089,701 116,036 816,086 23,073,470 330,901,704

2 Brazil 805,649 41,058 396,692 1,364,423 212,479,860
3 Russia 502,436 6,532 261,650 13,875,097 145,931,382
4 India 298,283 8,501 146,972 5,213,140 1,379,270,740
5 Italy 236,142 34,167 171,338 4,443,821 60,446,117
6 Germany 186,795 8,851 171,200 4,694,147 83,770,376
7 Pakistan 125,933 2,463 40,247 809,169 220,638,507
8 Canada 97,530 7,994 57,658 2,028,496 37,724,444
9 China 83,064 4,634 78,365 1,439,323,776
10 Japan 17,292 920 15,383 328,730 126,494,838

Impact of COVID-19 in human employment

Figure 2: Bad impact on human employment

(Source:, 2019)

At the same time, there is a very bad effect on human employment. Mainly people earn daily

and use daily is more affected. A lot of people lose their jobs during the lockdown. Many

people feeling guilty by losing jobs due to this disease. They are compromising with the

money in their life perfectly. Now a day's people are working personally. Thus, helpers don't

have any job. Due to this, they are facing a lake of money. Condition is so critical that most

of the people are not getting a meal of three times (Coccolini, et al., 2020). The negative

impact on the human body is that people are not getting fresh food so that they are becoming

a member of malnutrition.

Recommendations for keeping safe and increase job services

Recommendations for keeping safe

There are more steps for keeping safe human being but some steps are the following:

 Sanitize your hands from time to time.

 Always put a mask on the nose and mouth when going outside.

 Use digital payment for purchasing.

 Make a safe distance from another person.

 Take meals for increasing immunity.

Recommendations for increase job services

Recommendations for increase jobs are the following:

 Give focus on self-earner.

 In offices, seniors should help with juniors.

 Local employers should hire for work.

 Give frequent feedback

 Focus on the long term (Tsetis et al., 2016).


We knew all about the COVID-19 disease. Through this article, we gain a lot of knowledge

about COVID-19. Like the different cases in a different country, negative results. We also

knew rules for keeping safe and increase job services. On the other hand, now a safe

environment is waiting for us. We should wash hands with sanitizers.



Cheng, Z., Lu, Y., Cao, Q., Qin, L., Pan, Z., Yan, F., & Yang, W. (2020).Clinical features

and chest CT manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in a single-

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Coccolini, F., Perrone, G., Chiarugi, M., Di Marzo, F., Ansaloni, L., Scandroglio, I.,

...&Agresta, F. (2020). Surgery in COVID-19 patients: operational directives. World

Journal of Emergency Surgery, 15, 1-7.

The economic times., 2019. The economic times. [Online.]. Available At: [Assessed On: 10 June, 2020].

Tsetis, D., Uberoi, R., Fanelli, F., Roberston, I., Krokidis, M., van Delden, O., ...& Morgan,

R. (2016). The provision of interventional radiology services in Europe: CIRSE

recommendations. Cardiovascular and interventional radiology, 39(4), 500-506.

World Health Organization. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): situation report,


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