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There + to be significa “haver” e apresenta duas formas em inglês: there is – singular e

there are – plural. A forma negativa faz-se com a palavra not (ex.: There is not a lamp
Para formar a interrogativa, coloca-se is ou are em primeiro lugar (ex.: Is there a lamp
here? / Are there lamps here?).
As prepositions of place (preposições de lugar), como at, in front of, behind, under…,
indicam onde algo se situa. Deves saber muito bem o seu significado para que as possas
aplicar corretamente.

A. Write the sentences in the negative and interrogative forms. There is one
example. (Escreve as frases na negativa e na interrogativa. Segue o exemplo.)

1. There is a rug opposite the bed.

Negative: There isn’t a rug opposite the bed.
Interrogative: Is there a rug opposite the bed?

2. There are two bedside tables in the bedroom.

Negative: _______________________________________________________
Interrogative: ____________________________________________________

3. There is one computer on the desk.

Negative: _______________________________________________________
Interrogative: ____________________________________________________

B. Look at Peter’s bedroom. Complete the sentences with the prepositions of

place from the box. (Observa a imagem do quarto do Peter. Completa as frases com as
prepositions of place da caixa.)

at under opposite in front of below behind on

1. There is a bed _______________ the window.

2. There is a poster _______________ the door.
3. There is a desk _______________ the bed.
4. There are shoes_______________ the bed.
5. There is a lamp _______________ the desk.
6. There is a mirror _______________ the door.
7. Peter is _______________ home in his bedroom.

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