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Friday | June 19, 2020

Lowndes County supervisors at standoff

over Sanders’ refusal to resign
Hairston hopes to replace Sanders with new board president; District 1 Supervisor
Harry Sanders lis-
tens as Bishop Scott
Brooks, Smith urge for Sanders’ departure from board Volland asks the
county to consider
BY YUE STELLA YU two supervisors hoping to discuss ward African Americans, is asking removing a Confeder- Sanders’ removal as president, and for a special-call meeting to decide ate monument from
two others urging for his resignation the courthouse lawn
on Sanders’ position as president of
Lowndes County supervisors have during a board of
from the board. the five-member board, according supervisors meeting
reached a deadlock over their stanc- District 2 Supervisor Trip Hair- to a letter he sent The Dispatch on on Monday at the
es on embattled Board of Supervi- ston, who previously criticized Thursday. He also hopes to discuss Lowndes County
sors President Harry Sanders, with Sanders’ recent racist remarks to- See SUPERVISORS, 6A Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff


Board approves effort
to gather feedback
from Caledonia
students on matter

Lowndes County
School District Su-
perintendent Sam Al-
lison will work with
administration at
Caledonia schools to
gather opinions about
the school’s Confed-
erate mascot for the Allison
board to review.
Those opinions could conceiv-
ably result in a future change in the
schools’ mascot.
LCSD’s board approved the re-
quest at Thursday’s meeting, three
days after the county board of su-
pervisors voted 3-2 along racial Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff
lines not to relocate the Confeder- Junior Kamerun Gibson holds a weight while doing squats during football practice on Thursday at Starkville High School.
ate monument outside Lowndes Gibson has been playing football since he was in eighth grade. Head coach Chris Jones said players come to practice in two
See LCSD, 3A shifts to keep them spread out due to COVID-19. MORE COVERAGE, SEE SPORTS, 1B.

Mississippi State Athletics Di-

rector John Cohen was among
university officials Thursday
SEC Commissioner: Mississippi must change flag or risk
to respond to Southeastern
Conference Commissioner
Greg Sankey’s statement on
losing opportunities to host conference championships
the Mississippi flag. Sankey
called on Mississippi to change MSU, Ole Miss respond Sankey issued a ma-
jor statement on the
“It is past time for change to
be made to the flag of the state
its flag or face its two SEC uni-
versities, MSU and Ole Miss, to Sankey statement controversial ban- of Mississippi,” he said in a news
ner Thursday. release. “Our students deserve an
being precluded from hosting
conference championships. Thursday Sankey called for opportunity to learn and compete
Both Cohen and MSU Pres- the removal of the in environments that are inclusive
ident Mark Keenum echoed Confederate demar- and welcoming to all.”
support for changing the flag to cations on the flag Sankey The last time an SEC champi-
remove the Confederate battle and threatened that onship was hosted in the state of
As calls to remove the Con-
emblem, but they expressed
federate battle emblem from the should it remain, the SEC could Mississippi was in May 2016 when
concern for “unintended conse-
quences” for student athletes Mississippi state flag have grown preclude future conference cham- the conference softball champion-
from potential SEC action. in recent weeks, Southeastern pionships from being held in the ships were held in Starkville. MSU
Courtesy photo/Mississippi State Athletics Conference Commissioner Greg state. See SEC, 3A


1 Which Akron-based band and fans of Today and Saturday MEETINGS
matching jumpsuits had an iconic 80s hit June 25: Clay
■ Juneteenth events: A trio of
with “Whip It”? County Board of
events are scheduled today and
2 Which physicist known for his theory of Supervisors, 9 a.m.
gravity, did NASA honor by sending a piece Saturday to celebrate the day the
last U.S. slaves were notified of Courthouse
of his apple tree into space in 2010?
3 In the “Archie Comics” series, who is their emancipation after the Civil June 30: Lowndes
Audrey Barranco Archie’s main rival? War. While not specifically marketed County Board of Su-
4 How many miles does the globe skim- as a Juneteenth event, A “Cry for pervisors meeting,
Second grade, Annunciation
mer dragonfly migrate, the longest on Justice” march and rally will begin 9 a.m., Lowndes

90 Low 67
record for any insect — 5,000, 8,000 or at 5 p.m. today at Kroger in West County Courthouse
High 11,000? Point with a rally following at 6 at
5 In a box of “Lucky Charms” cereal, which July 6: Lowndes
Mostly sunny City Hall. On Saturday, Columbus
color are the horseshoe marshmallows? County Board of Su-
Full forecast on will stage a Juneteenth car parade,
Answers, 6B pervisors meeting,
page 3A. which will begin at 1 p.m. at the Co-
9 a.m., Lowndes
lumbus Soccer Complex. Those who
County Courthouse
want to participate should arrive at
INSIDE the soccer complex by 12:30 p.m. July 7: Columbus
In Starkville, the NAACP and the J.L. Shane Kinder lives in Columbus City Council, Munici-
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 5A
Comics 3B Opinions 4A King Center will host a Juneteenth and is a DJ on ALT 101.7 and is pal Complex, 5 p.m.
Crossword 4B Religion 4B Celebration on the grounds of the a roller derby announcer for the
141st Year, No. 85 Dear Abby 3B center from 1-6 p.m. Druid City Dames. ofColumbusMS/


2A FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 The Dispatch •

Confederate monument at Ole Miss to be moved to cemetery

‘We shouldn’t run from our past. ... For now, Virginia still can’t remove massive Lee statue
But we shouldn’t glorify it.’ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ralph Northam plays out. On Thursday, Cavedo grant-
Associated Student Body President Joshua Mannery Northam, a Democrat, recent- ed the state’s motion to dismiss
RICHMOND, Va. — A judge on ly ordered the statue’s removal, the suit, agreeing that the origi-
BY EMILY 1848, and the marble stat-
WAGSTER PET TUS Thursday extended a court order citing the pain gripping the na- nal complaint had issues of legal
ue of a saluting Confed-
The Associated Press preventing Virginia’s governor tion over the videotaped killing standing. But he also gave the
erate soldier was put up from removing a historic statue of of George Floyd, a black man in plaintiff, William C. Gregory, an-
in 1906. It is one of many Gen. Robert E. Lee from a famed
JACKSON — A Con- Minneapolis who pleaded for air other 21 days to file a new one.
Confederate monuments avenue in the former capital of the
federate monument that’s as a white police officer pressed a “I want Mr. Blackburn to have
erected across the South Confederacy.
been a divisive symbol at knee into his neck. A man describ- another shot at it,” the judge said,
more than a century ago. Richmond Circuit Court Judge ing himself as a descendant of the referring to Gregory’s attorney,
the University of Missis-
sippi will be moved from a Critics say its display Bradley Cavedo ruled that an ear- family that once owned the land Joseph Blackburn Jr. Gregory and
prominent spot on the Ox- near the university’s main lier 10-day injunction will contin- where the statue sits filed the suit Blackburn declined to comment
ford campus to a secluded administrative building ue while a lawsuit against Gov. to stop him. as they left the courtroom.
Civil War cemetery. sends a signal that Ole
The state College Miss glorifies the Con-
federacy and glosses over ument. Mannery, who is churned for years. outside and raised her Lisa Langley of Vicks-
Board on Thursday ap- African American, said The estimated cost of voice at the students. burg, who later identified
proved a plan to move the the South’s history of
slavery. the statute represents the move is $1.2 million, “Why do y’all want to herself as being part of a
monument, but did not
“We shouldn’t run white supremacy. which will be paid with change everything about group called Make Ole
say when it might happen.
from our past. ... But we Because of the coro- private donations, not that school? ... Y’all are Miss Great Again.
The decision hap-
pened amid widespread shouldn’t glorify it,” Josh- navirus pandemic, board public money, the board the ones that don’t even The students smiled,
debate over Confeder- ua Mannery, the Associ- members met by confer- said. have the money,” said waved at Langley and left.
ate symbols as people ated Student Body Presi- ence call as a few peo- Mannery told his fel-
across the U.S. and in dent, said Thursday. ple listened in the room low students gathered
other countries are pro- Mannery attended the where the board usually outside after the vote:
testing racism and police College Board meeting meets. The vote hap- “We did it!”
violence against African with a diverse group of 15 pened quickly and with As they celebrated, a
Americans. other Ole Miss students no discussion during the woman who had attend-
The University of Mis- who have been pushing meeting, quietly culmi- ed the meeting to oppose
sissippi was founded in officials to move the mon- nating a debate that has moving the statute came

Juneteenth: A day of joy and pain

­— and now national action
Holiday celebrates the day in 1865 Cornell University profes-
sor Noliwe Rooks, a seg-
“I think this year is go-
ing to be exciting to make
that all enslaved black people learned regation expert. “There is
some understanding and
white people celebrate
with us that we’re free,”
they had been freed from bondage acknowledgment at this
point that there’s some-
said 35-year-old Army vet-
eran David J. Hamilton III,
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pandemic strains black thing in the DNA of the
country that has to be un- who has organized a June-
pocketbooks, and as police
In just about any other brutality continues to dev- done.” teenth march and protest
year, Juneteenth, the hol- astate black families, June- Friday’s celebrations through a predominantly
iday celebrating the day teenth is a day of protest. will be marked from coast black, Hispanic and immi-
in 1865 that all enslaved Red velvet cake, barbe- to coast with marches and grant neighborhood in the
black people learned they cued ribs and fruit punch demonstrations of civil Brooklyn borough of New
had been freed from bond- disobedience, along with York.
are optional.
age, would be marked by expressions of black joy in
For many white Ameri-
African American families spite of an especially trau-
across the nation with a cans, recent protests over
matic time for the nation.
cookout, a parade, a com- police brutality have driv- And like the nationwide
munity festival, a soulful en their awareness of June- protests that followed the
rendition of “Lift Ev’ry teenth’s significance. police involved deaths of
Voice and Sing.” “This is one of the first black men and women in
But in 2020, as the times since the ‘60s, where Minnesota, Kentucky and
coronavirus ravishes the global demand, the in- Georgia, Juneteenth cel-
black America dispropor- tergenerational demand, ebrations are likely to be
tionately, as economic un- the multiracial demand is remarkably more multira-
certainty wrought by the for systemic change,” said cial.

Cream of Wheat, Mrs. Butterworth confront race in packaging

BY DEE-ANN DURBIN review” of its packaging. A Jersey-based B&G said in
AP Business Writer smiling black chef holding a statement.
a bowl of cereal has ap- Chicago-based
Colgate, Cream of peared on Cream of Wheat Conagra Brands, which
Wheat and Mrs. Butter- packaging and in ads since makes Mrs. Butterworth’s
worth are the latest brands
at least 1918, according to syrup, said its bottles —
reckoning with racially
the company’s web site. which are shaped like a
charged logos.
“We understand there matronly woman — are
The soul-searching
are concerns regarding intended to evoke a “lov-
comes in the wake of
the Chef image, and we ing grandmother.” But the
PepsiCo’s announcement
Wednesday that it’s renam- are committed to evalu- company said it can under-
ing its Aunt Jemima syrup ating our packaging and stand that the packaging
brand. Mars Inc. says it’s will proactively take steps could be misinterpreted.
also reviewing its Uncle to ensure that we and our Critics have long claimed
Ben’s rice brand. brands do not inadvertent- that the bottle’s design is
New York-based Col- ly contribute to systemic rooted in the “mammy”
gate-Palmolive Co. said racism,” Parsippany, New stereotype.
Thursday it is working
with its Chinese partner,
Hawley & Hazel Chemical
Co., on changes to its Dar-
lie brand toothpaste.
The toothpaste, which
is popular in Asia, was
called Darkie when it was
first introduced in the
1930s. Packages featured a
drawing of a minstrel sing-
er in blackface with a wide
smile; a Hawey & Hazel ex-
ecutive came up with the
logo after visiting the Unit-
ed States and seeing Al Jol-
son perform. The Chinese
name on the box translated
to “black man toothpaste.”
Colgate-Palmolive ac-
quired a 50 percent stake
in Hawley in 1985. In 1989,
the name of the toothpaste
was changed to Darlie and
the logo was changed to a
racially ambiguous figure
in a top hat. But Colgate
said the product is under
further review.
“We are currently work-
ing with our partner to
review and further evolve
all aspects of the brand, in-
cluding the brand name,”
the company said in a
B&G Foods Inc., which
makes Cream of Wheat hot
cereal, said Wednesday it
is initiating “an immediate
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 3A

Aldermen approve certification training for some city employees

Move makes exceptions to Starkville’s ongoing travel freeze said. SFD will also send a max-
imum of seven more employees
department will send at least
two employees to the first of at
BY TESS VRBIN The training opportunities to the travel suspension, which to fire instructor training that is least two trainings hosted by for all three departments were is one of several cost-cutting necessary for promotions and the Tennessee Valley Public
postponed due to the COVID-19 measures the board enacted in will cost $1,800. Power Association. More em-
Starkville al- The police department will ployees are on standby in case
coronavirus pandemic and only response to the expected sales
dermen voted 3-1 send two employees to motor-
just became available again, tax revenue shortfall as a result more positions in the training
in a special-call cycle training, since motorcy-
and employees from other cit- of the pandemic. open up, Kemp said.
meeting Thurs- cles are becoming increasingly
ies are signing up quickly for Aldermen Ben Carver of The cost is built into the
day to allow some important to the department,
city firefighters, a limited number of training Ward 1, David Little of Ward 3 department but totals about
Chief Mark Ballard said. The
police and utili- slots, Mayor Lynn Spruill said. and Henry Vaughn of Ward 7 class would normally cost $2,000 per person, he said.
ties employees to Aldermen Sandra Sistrunk were absent. $2,100 per person but instead is Sistrunk, the board’s budget
Spruill of Ward 2, Jason Walker of Starkville Fire Department chairperson, said the board is
attend necessary free thanks to the department’s
and recently available training, Ward 4 and Hamp Beatty of will send up to five firefighters, membership in the Mississippi not revisiting the budget cuts
making an exception to their Ward 5 voted for the training. all hired within the past year, to Law Enforcement Officers’ As- and other cost-saving measures
decision in April to suspend all Vice Mayor Roy A. Perkins of certification training required sociation, he said. yet, “but I expect that will be
new travel and equipment pur- Ward 6 voted no and said he did by state law that will cost $6,800, Starkville Utilities general happening over the next two or
chases until further notice. not want to make an exception Training Chief Clarence Parks manager Terry Kemp said the three or four weeks.”

Continued from Page 1A
also hosted the 2015 SEC mate is such Mike Leach — who has Today published a letter days of playing sports flag concerns. However,
outdoor track and field that this drummed up ample con- reportedly sent to NCA A underneath a confederate those restrictions do not
championships, while Ole debate may troversy of his own this administrators on Thurs- flag in Mississippi will include NCA A postsea-
Miss last hosted an SEC produce offseason after tweeting day signed by 31 former soon be over, one way or son events like baseball
Championship in 2013 unintended a photo depicting a noose collegiate student-ath- another,” the letter reads.
or softball regionals that
when the men’s tennis consequenc- that he later deleted and letes from schools across “Please consider your
tournament took place in es for our apologized for — also the state — including mission and join us in our are not pre-selected, nor
Oxford. student ath- chimed in on Sankey’s former MSU men’s bas- movement forward. To- do they disallow MSU
In response to San- letes here at Keenum comments via Twitter. ketball standout Ontario gether and united we will from hosting rotating
key’s staunch remarks, Mississippi State Univer- Retweeting the link to Harper and former first have our change.” events like the aforemen-
Mississippi State Presi- sity and those at the Uni- Keenum’s official state- round NBA draft pick and While there are no im- tioned SEC softball cham-
dent Mark Keenum and versity of Mississippi. ment, Leach wrote, “I Mississippi Valley State mediate legislative plans pionships in 2016.
Athletic Director John “We are disappointed support President Kee- men’s basketball coach to remove the Confeder-
Cohen issued statements that our student-athletes num. At Mississippi State Lindsey Hunter — calling ate battle flag from the
Thursday confirming and coaches were affect- University I embrace the on the NCA A to prevent state banner, such an un-
their continued support ed by something outside inclusion of all People and the state from hosting dertaking is not without
for a change in the flag — of their control,” Cohen open dialogue on all is- college baseball region- past precedent. In 2001, a
though Keenum argued added in a news release. sues. Hail State!” als or women’s basketball referendum was put forth
discussing the possibility “At the same time, we In Oxford, Ole Miss tournament games until asking voters to choose
of MSU and Ole Miss los- understand and support Chancellor Glenn Boyce the flag is changed. between the current state
ing hosting opportunities Commissioner Greg San- and Athletic Director Should the NCA A fol- flag — originally incor-
for conference champion- key’s stance on the flag of Keith Carter issued a low through with the re- porated in 1894 — and a
ships could bring “unin- the state of Mississippi. joint statement in support quest it would be a major newly designed model,
tended consequences” to Mississippi State Univer- of removing the Confed- hit to both the baseball but more than 64 percent
the universities. sity is proud to be among erate iconography from and women’s basketball of voters chose in favor
“I have great respect for the most diverse universi- the state’s flag, writing, programs at MSU as both of keeping what remains
Commissioner Greg San- ties in the SEC. Alongside “Mississippi needs a flag squads hosted regional Mississippi’s official ban-
key, and I understand why our university leadership, that represents the qual- events in the past two ner.
he has taken this position we aim to continue our ities about our state that years and are annual con- That same year, the
regarding Mississippi’s support for changing the unite us, not those that tenders to do so. NCA A restricted Missis-
state flag,” Keenum said state flag, which should still divide us.” “Mississippi stu- sippi from hosting pre-se-
in a news release. “Clear- unite us, not divide us.” Shortly after Sankey’s dent-athletes are realiz- lected NCA A Champion-
ly, the current national cli- MSU football coach comments, Mississippi ing their voice, and their ships over Confederate

Continued from Page 1A
County Courthouse to replacement. clined to comment to The ing at the same level rath-
Friendship Cemetery. “If it were going to Dispatch prior to officially er than cut it by 10 percent
After Monday’s board change, that process beginning her position because of the coronavi-
of supervisors meeting, would probably need to July 1. rus pandemic.
District 1 Supervisor Har- start this year, but it prob- Former business man- “If we could have level
ry Sanders, that board’s ably wouldn’t happen this ager Kenneth Hughes’ funding, that would be a
president, told The Dis- year,” he said. “It might contract was not renewed big boost in this time of
patch that African Amer- happen for next year.” for the 2020-21 school unknowns,” Allison said.
icans have remained Allison and board year and he was terminat- He said it may be a
“dependent” since slav- member Brian Clark both ed May 4, less than two “pipe dream” but that the
ery. His comments have told The Dispatch the months before his exist- state was in the most sol-
drawn ire and calls for his mascot is a sensitive issue, ing contract was to expire. id financial position ever
resignation from citizens so proceeding slowly is in Hughes was removed before COVID-19 hit, a
and public officials across the board’s best interest. during an investigation promising sign.
the state this week. “I think on something into district finances that Allison isn’t sure how
Allison said after of this nature, you have Allison said resulted in much money might carry
Thursday’s meeting that to move carefully and get “significant findings.” over to education from the
he talked with school plenty of feedback,” Clark Hughes’ last few years Legislature’s rainy day
board members from said. with the district have fund, but he’s crossing his
Caledonia and decided Board President Rob- been plagued by financial fingers for good news.
the best step for the dis- ert Barksdale said he issues. An independent “My hope is that it’s as
trict would be to gather supported Thursday’s de- audit into the district’s close as it can be for next
more information on the cision and Allison’s efforts finances last year found year just because it’s a
mascot. to gather information but several examples of ma- tougher time anyway,” he When was the last time you
“We just want to have offered no other com- jor purchases and other said. picked up a piece of litter?
all the information before ment. financial decisions were
a decision is made,” Alli- documented incorrect-
son said. “We’ll work with
the principals at those
LCSD hires new ly and possibly never
brought before the board.
schools to come up with a business manager The district has also had
way to make sure the pub- The board officially
to borrow money to pay
lic knows that we want to announced the hiring
teachers in December for
hear from you going for- of Sayonia Garvin as its
the last two years.
ward.” new business manager at
The superintendent
Allison told The Dis- Thursday’s meeting.
acknowledged it was hard
patch that the district Garvin, the former
not having a business
hasn’t finalized how it school business adminis-
manager in the period be-
will work with the school trator for Monroe County
tween Hughes’ removal
administrations to gather School District, was pres-
and Garvin’s hiring.
opinions, but he acknowl- ent Thursday and has al-
Starting July 1, Garvin
edged hearing from stu- ready helped Allison and
will help the board pre-
dents is important. the board with financial
pare a schedule for the
“We haven’t come up matters of late.
completion of the Fiscal
with it yet, but we’ll come “From my viewpoint,
Year 2021 budget.
up with a way that we’ll it means everything,”
gather that information,” Allison said of Garvin’s
Allison said. help. “Her knowledge has Allison hopes
He told The Dispatch already been such a bless- for level funding
that if a decision was ing for me as superinten- Allison said he has
reached to change Cale- dent.” heard rumors that the
donia’s mascot, it would Garvin’s annual salary Mississippi Legislature
likely not be an immediate will be $95,000. She de- will keep education fund-

AROUND THE STATE The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Fri. Sat.
Major — 12:02a

Mississippi man pleads guilty to Attorney’s Office in Jackson. Minor

One sent a photo of Ward’s car and Minor 7:22p —
counterfeiting charges license plate. When Pelahatchie police
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

JACKSON — A Mississippi man plead- stopped the car, apparent counterfeit bills
ed guilty Thursday to making counterfeit
money and using it at yard sales.
Purvis Dustin Ward, 33, of Rankin
were in plain view, the news release said.
Both people in the car were arrested.
Rankin County sheriff’s deputies
The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
County, was caught Nov. 2 after several Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
found counterfeit bills both cut and in Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
yard-sale organizers in Rankin County uncut sheets, and two computers, three Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
called police saying a man and woman printers and specialty ink and paint that The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
were using counterfeit bills, according had been used to produce them, accord- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., Report a news tip:
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
to a news release Thursday from the U.S. ing to the statement.
4A FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

His banner over me is love
Dedicated to the Finally, we ceremo- battle, the flag is used to rally declare your allegiances concerns, promises, loyalties,
late, great Willis nially removed the the troops and lead them into and serve as inspiration and and more” I would say Sam
Pope, who always flag and replaced it battle, as well as to mark won encouragement as you face the and I would both agree on
wanted Possumhaw with a much, much, territory. As school children challenges of life.” the Christian flag. Sam would
to be about some- smaller, friendlier we pledge our allegiance to the In light of current events probably want a flag with
thing. American flag flag. Politicians campaign in I’ve spent a good bit of time crappie fish and fishing boats,
taped to one side of front of large banners bearing thinking about the signifi- maybe a 1969 Chevelle auto-

he day the mailbox. I like slogans and promises. We cance of flags, of what they mobile, a Mississippi State
passed hard- the patriotic idea of adorn our homes with seasonal mean, and what they say about bulldog flag-we’d both agree
ly without an American flag. flags as entertaining decora- us. Our family does not have on a bulldog flag. I would like a
my notice when on Opening the tions. a family flag like the Children lot of flags-cats, birds, nature,
June 14, I opened a devotional, I read Throughout our lives, of Israel. I would say we do not flowers, gardens, Southern
devotional reading Shannon Bardwell with interest the banners and flags declare our need a flag to keep us orga- authors, and book flags come
titled “Rallying meaning of flags interests, intentions, concerns, nized and focused. We need to mind.
to the Flag.” The as described by promises, loyalties, and more. no flag to rally the troops, nor So, if it’s true some flags
American flag that reigned the author, Stephen R. Clark. While some flags come and go, to be led into battle; certainly come and go, the important
over my mailbox had been Clark wrote, “In Biblical times, one remains above all others. not to mark out our territory. thing is to decide who you are
whipped to smithereens by the a banner or flag was used Unlike the failed slogans of We have no flag other than the today and what banner do you
wind. I also suspect on windy as a rallying point. As they politicians, God’s promises and American flag to pledge our want flying over you, over your
days depending on the wind’s wandered in the desert, each love remain steadfast. Song of allegiance. We’re not politi- family, and over your friends.
direction the flag also whipped family of the Children of Israel Solomon 2:4 states about God cians. We don’t even hang out Columns by Shannon Bard-
into the face of the mail deliv- had a unique banner. These ‘…his banner over me is love.’ seasonal or holiday flags. well of Columbus appear in The
ery lady. She had to have been banners helped keep them He is both rallying point and If there was a flag declar- Dispatch weekly. Email reaches
annoyed but never complained. organized and focused. In covering. Flags and banners ing “our interests, intentions, her at


Voice of the people

Comments’ effect sought to leave the United
States or sought to estab-
on a friendship lish another country within
Harry, the intent of the territory of the United
this letter is to share the States. Moving the mon-
effect your recent public ument to Friendship kills
comments have had on that implication and lets
me. I finished at Lee High
us contemplate, at a most
School in 1977. We had
appropriate place, what
a fantastic class in terms
the historian Paul Johnson
of race relations and still
calls the “ocean of tears
do. Our reunions are well
and blood” that is, as we
attended. We all genuinely
enjoy seeing each other are seeing, part of every
every five years, and we American’s inheritance.
like keeping in touch on Eulalie Davis and
our class Facebook page. George Hazard
Shortly before your com- Columbus
ments were released, I was
in a group text with four ‘Tear down that statue’
high school classmates, County supervisor
one of whom is black. We Harry Sanders’ comments
were discussing ways to as reported by the Dis-
honor a classmate, who patch following the vote he
was black, who recently cast to defeat a motion to
passed away. We agreed relocate the Confederate
on ordering a floral spray monument on the court-
representing the LHS class house lawn reveal so much
of ’77 for his Columbus
bigotry and historical ig-
norance, such an absence
The evening of your
of reason and logic, that it
comments, the white
would take a whole book to
classmates in the group
parse them.
received a text from our ity, and compassion. We have many
black classmate. This friend was/is a people who want these things, but have
Thoughts on monument Borrowing from Ronald Reagan’s
leader of our class and an individual we Despite the county supervisors’ vote, 1987 Berlin speech would be a simpler
been blinded by a culture that is deter- way to go: “Mr. Sanders, tear down that
all highly respect. He included your the matter of moving the Confederate
mined to maintain the status quo. This, statue!”
remarks in his text to us that follows: monument from the courthouse will
in spite of the fact that it has kept us at
“Good afternoon guys. I need, I resurface in one context or another. William Hairston
the bottom of almost every category of
really need honesty from each of you. We are heartened by our city officials’ Lamar County, Alabama
well being that is measured. This is a
Above are comments from our Board joining the discussion: maybe board
moment to break out of the restraints
of Supervisors President. I need to we have bound ourselves with.
will vote again and maybe the city will City employee calls
help financially.
know if you guys feel the same way. We
are all men, but right now, I need your
We don’t need to have people like
Other than the understandable
for Sanders’ resignation
Harry Sanders keeping us all in the Editor’s note: The following is an edit-
honesty, please.” aversion to reacting to “the cause of
slavery of the past. We will have to look ed version of a text message sent to Harry
We all assured him, as he continued the day” of the “woke,” we see no good
at our own attitudes and behaviors Sanders by City of Columbus COO David
to challenge us, that your statements, reason for keeping the monument at the
though to accomplish this. I was raised Armstrong. It is being run as a letter to
in no way, reflect our views of black in this culture as a middle class, white, courthouse corner. The general will has
changed since its installation in 1912. the editor at Armstrong’s request.
Americans. We exchanged multiple male. I loved reading about the South,
texts that evening and the next morning the Civil War, and its Confederate And we see three reasons for moving it
to the southwest comer of Friendship Harry, I was shocked beyond belief
that were respectful and empathetic. heroes. Some of my ancestors fought
Cemetery. when I read your incredibly insensitive
Fortunately, everything ended well. I for the Confederacy. My great uncle
First: no one learns any history from and stupid comments in The Dispatch
want you to know that the most salient served Mississippi as Lt. Governor for
the statue where it is. People go to the today. And then to tell the Clarion-Led-
aspect of our text exchanges was the several terms. My grandfather served
courthouse on immediate business; ger that you “stood by your words”
pain a friend of mine was experienc- as the head of the State Tax Commis-
ing because of your public comments. they are not studying history. — what a racist old devil you are! How
sion while another was Superintendent does someone like you grow to be so
Frankly, it was painful for all of us. of Schools in Starkville. I went to school But at that corner of the cemetery,
Your comments actually challenged our the monument would be near many mean and bitter? If I were as old as you,
here, loved MSU, and graduated from I think I’d try to be making peace with
friendships, momentarily. Although UMMC to become a doctor. I left the Civil War graves and near two memori-
that concerns me, my greatest concern als involving that war. One is a marker my fellow man and God while I still had
State to do my residency, but always the chance.
is the damage done to other black- wanted to come back to serve my fellow noting the first Memorial Day there at
white relationships that are not strong Friendship — a highly commendable ef- I fought this kind of ignorance and
Mississippians. I’m no “outside agita-
enough, or not connected enough, to fort toward unity by Columbus citizens. racism 32 years ago when I was mayor
tor.” This place means the world to me
talk it through as we did. The Children of the American Revo- of Natchez and appointed the first black
and it deserves better! I’ve had to face
I hope you don’t really believe what lution placed the marker in 1932. The department head in the town’s history.
some of the old racist bias that showed
you said, but at this point, it doesn’t mat- other memorial is a statue of a Civil War I never dreamed it was still alive and
itself in many “harmless” forms. I’m
ter. If you care at all about the commu- tired of it for myself and Mississippi. soldier bearing only the word: “Rest.” well. You, John Holloman and Trip Hair-
nity you’ve served for so long, you will Let’s elect people who will work The people who go to that part of the ston have just given Mississippi another
resign. By doing so, you will allow the for all of us, improve our educational cemetery are in fact studying history black eye, which it definitely didn’t
healing process to begin. If you don’t, systems , our health care, and inspire and would thus, if we move the court- need. Are you proud of this?
the wounds you created will fester for a young people to stay here. I’m tired of house statue, be seeing three different One other thing: When you, John
long time to come. It is encouraging to the same old pointless struggles with reactions to the war that created the and Trip pushed to get Ralph to resign,
see that the vast majority of Lowndes the same old failed arguments. Move graves nearby. this was unbelievably stupid, as well.
County residents, in no way, share your the statues to appropriate places and Second: Just west of those two Speaking as a former county adminis-
worldview. You can’t take back what you change the flag to build unity -NOW! memorials is an open area big enough trator of one of the largest counties in
said, and I don’t expect you to; but you Get rid of these distractions and then for the courthouse piece (assuming this state, I can assure you that Ralph
can mitigate the damage by doing the begin the serious work of confronting the space is available). Little if any was a great county administrator.
right thing, now. Resign. racism, violence, and reconciliation. tree-trimming would be needed. And As much as I detest racists like you,
Mark Bean We have many challenges, but we Magnolia Road passes very close to that I truly feel sorry for you. How sad that
Columbus have many people who are ready. We space for easy viewing. someone your age is such an unrepen-
may not agree on all the specifics, but Third: We disagree with the view tant old devil. Just as you called for
Let’s tackle our challenges now if we can agree on the goals we can that the statue’s present location causes Ralph to resign, I call for you to resign
I’m tired... reach them. As my grandfather used to any citizen­assuming he even sees it — immediately! I seriously doubt, though,
I’m tired of seeing our State always say “we don’t see dinosaurs anymore to doubt that he can get a fair hearing that you are man enough and decent
on the losing side of history. For my sev- because they couldn’t adapt to change.” in today’s courthouse. But its govern- enough to do so.
enty years we have battled the forces of Raymond Overstreet mental location does imply admiration David Armstrong
progress, enlightenment, justice, equal- Columbus for those who, depending on your view, City of Columbus COO
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH with New York Life Sandra Hammack at Lee-Sykes Funeral re Hospital School of sisters, Frances Boyles
OBITUARY POLICY Insurance Company, Home Chapel. Lee- Nursing at Delta State. of Greenville and Rosa
Obituaries with basic informa- ABERDEEN — San-
tion including visitation and
in New York, and in dra Varnell Hammack, Sykes Funeral Home of She was formerly em- Warford of Batesville;
service times, are provided the timeshares and 69, died June 17, 2020, Macon is in charge of ployed as a registered and two grandchildren.
free of charge. Extended obit- sales department at the at North Mississippi arrangements. nurse in California, Memorials may be
uaries with a photograph, de- Island Club, in Arrow Medical Center, in Ms. Shanklin was Mississippi, and Ten- made to St. Jude Chil-
tailed biographical information Head Island, South Car- Tupelo. born Feb. 8, 1965, in nessee, and as a indus- dren’s Research Hospi-
and other details families may olina. She was a mem- Services will be at Noxubee County, to trial health nurse with tal, 501 St. Jude Place,
wish to include, are available ber of Antioch Baptist John Ellis and the late
11 a.m. Saturday, at Nike Inc. in Memphis. Memphis, TN 38105 or
for a fee. Obituaries must be
submitted through funeral
Church. Tisdale-Lann Memorial Wazzie Marie Joiner She is survived by to Sanctuary Hospice
homes unless the deceased’s In addition to her Funeral Home, with Shanklin. her daughter, Melis- House, P.O. box 2177,
body has been donated to parents, she was pre- Don Harding officiat- In addition to her sa Simons Cockrell; Tupelo, MS 38803.
science. If the deceased’s ceded in death by her ing. Burial will follow mother, she was pre-
body was donated to science, sister, Helen Atkins. at Lebanon Cemetery. ceded in death by her
the family must provide official She is survived Visitation will be from brother, James Shank-
proof of death. Please submit by her sister, Rebec- 9:30-11 a.m. prior to lin; and sister, Janet
all obituaries on the form pro-
vided by The Commercial Dis-
ca Hodges Roach of services at the funeral Mae Davis.
patch. Free notices must be Marietta, Georgia; home. Tisdale-Lann In addition to her
submitted to the newspaper and brothers, Thomas Memorial Funeral father, she is survived
no later than 3 p.m. the day S. Hodges Jr. and Jim Home of Aberdeen is by her daughter, Kayla
prior for publication Tuesday Hodges, both of Colum- in charge of arrange- Shanklin; sons, Jayla
through Friday; no later than 4 bus. ments. Shanklin and Demar-
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
Memorials may be Mrs. Hammack was cos Boykins; sisters,
edition; and no later than 7:30
a.m. for the Monday edition.
made tot he Colum- born Feb. 19, 1951, in Ora Dean Shanklin
Incomplete notices must be bus-Lowndes Humane Louisiana, to the late and Jaqueline Shank-
received no later than 7:30 Society, P.O. Box 85, Minnie Bell Higgin- lin, both of Columbus,
a.m. for the Monday through Columbus, MS 39703. botham Priest. Annie Ross Harris,
Friday editions. Paid notices
In addition to her John Lou McCoy, and
must be finalized by 3 p.m. for
inclusion the next day Monday
John Wofford parents, she was pre- Angela Shanklin, all of
through Thursday; and on WEST POINT — ceded in death by her Macon; brothers, John
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday John Scott Wofford, 61, brothers and sisters. Ellis Shanklin Jr. of
and Monday publication. For died June 18, 2020, at She is survived by Huntsville, Alabama,
more information, call 662- Select Specialty Hos- her daughters, Angela Tecumseh Shanklin
328-2471. pital. Gilreath of Aberdeen of Macon, Bourgeois
A memorial service and Lynn Moore of Shanklin of Columbus,
Betty Taylor will be held at a later Jasper, Alabama; son, Bankhead Shanklin and
BROOKSVILLE — date. Robinson Funeral Steve Hammack of Martin Shanklin, both
Betty Jean Taylor, 72, Home of West Point is Caledonia; sister, Sally of Chicago.
died June in charge of arrange- Hamm of Rayville, Pallbearers will be
15, 2020, ments. Louisiana; six grand- Reginald Hawkins,
at Baptist Mr. Scott was born children; and two Augusta McCleod,
Memorial June 21, 1958, in Hous- great-grandchildren. Johnaman Harris, Troy
Hospi- ton, to Joanne Smith Memorials may be Anderson Jr., Cedric
tal-Golden and the late James made to Lebanon Cem- Shanklin, and Jermain
Triangle. Scott Wofford. He was etery, 10292 Darracott Shanklin.
Grave- formerly employed in Road, Aberdeen, MS
side ser- the construction indus- 39730. Larry Johnson
vices will try as a welder. COLUMBUS — Lar-
In addition to his
be held at 11 a.m. Satur-
mother, he is survived
Robert Skinner ry Mitchell Johnson, 72,
day, at Woodlawn CME MACON — Robert died June 18, 2020, at
Church Cemetery, in by his brother, James his residence.
Skinner, 76, died June
Macon, with Merlin E. Wofford of Olive Arrangements are
12, 2020,
H. Grassiree officiat- Branch; and sister, Judy incomplete and will be
at his resi-
ing. Burial will follow. Dukeminier of West announced by Lown-
Visitation is from 2-5 Point and Joy Wofford des Funeral Home of
p.m. today, at Carter’s of Columbus. Columbus.
side ser-
Funeral Services Chap- vices will
el. Carter’s Funeral Patsy McCloskey be held Barbara Simons
Services Chapel of COLUMBUS — Pat- at 1 p.m. STARKVILLE —
Columbus is in charge sy McCloskey, 76, died Saturday,
Barbara Ann Brown
of arrangements. June 18, 2020, at her at Drake- Simons, 79, died June
Ms. Taylor was residence. hill United Methodist 17, 2020, at Sanctuary
born Feb. 12, 1948, in Arrangements are Church, in Brooskville, Hospice House, in
Brooksville, to the late incomplete and will be with Aubrey Mitchell Tupelo.
Archie and Orangelene announced by Lown- officiating. Burial will Services will be at 2
Taylor. She was a mem- des Funeral Home of follow. Visitation will be p.m. Sunday, at Mead-
ber of Woodlawn CME Columbus. held today, at Lee-Sykes owview Baptist Church,
Church. Funeral Home. Lee- with the Rev. Jason
In addition to her William Pearman Sykes Funeral Home of Middleton officiating.
parents, she was pre- COLUMBUS — Wil- Macon is in charge of Burial will follow at
ceded in death by her liam Crump Pearman, arrangements. Memorial Garden Park
siblings, Ben Taylor, 64, died June 18, 2020, Mr. Skinner was Cemetery. Visitation
Anderson Taylor, and at his residence. born Aug. 31, 1943, in will be one hour prior to
Hozie Taylor. Arrangements are Noxubee County, to the services at the church.
She is survived by incomplete and will be late George Skinner Welch Funeral Home of
her children, Priscilla announced by Memori- and Alice Will Steven- Starkville is in charge
Taylor and Trent Taylor, al Gunter Peel Funeral son Skinner. He was of arrangements.
both of Brooskville, Home and Crematory, formerly employed in Mrs. Simons was
Sheila Brown and College Street location. the construction indus- born Sept. 21, 1940, in
Freda Taylor, both of try and was a member Charleston, to the late
Columbus; siblings, Lou Reed of Drakehill United Lorene Logan Brown
Geneva Taylor, Bob- COLUMBUS — Lou Methodist Church. and David H. Brown.
bie Grassiree, Archie Ella “Lella” Reed, 88, He is survived by She was a graduate
Taylor Jr., and Lester died June 16, 2020, at his wife, Joyce Skinner; of Drew High School
Taylor, all of Colum- College View Personal sons, Robert Skinner Jr. and Greenwood-Leflo-
bus, Arthur Taylor Care Home. of Brooksville, Ronnie
of West Point, Avery A graveside service Skinner and Darrell
Taylor of Cincinnati, will be held at 10 a.m. Skinner, both of Co-
Ohio, and Alex Taylor Saturday, at Taberna- lumbus; stepsons, L.C.
of Brooksville; seven cle United Methodist Clemons and Verdell
grandchildren; and four Church, in Ethelsville, Clemons, both of Ma-
great-grandchildren. with Tommy Gillon con; daughters, Brenda

Evelyn Fitzgerald
officiating. Lowndes Bush and Nikki Clem-
Dorothy Hodges Funeral Home of Co- ons, both of Columbus;
COLUMBUS — lumbus is in charge of and sister, Joyce Dancy
Dorothy Hodges, 90, arrangements. of Altard, Illinois. Evelyn Grace Fitzgerald, 85, of Columbus,
died June 8, 2020, at Mrs. Reed was born Pallbearers will be MS, passed away Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at Col-
the Arrington Assisted Oct. 24, 1931, in Me- Patrick Hopkins, L.C. lege View Personal Care Home, Columbus, MS.
Living. ridian, to the late John Clemons III, Carnell A graveside service will be Saturday, June 20,
A graveside service Skinner, Demetrius
Joshua Morris Finch 2020, at 10:00 AM at Ebenezer Cemetery, Fern-
Webster and Cleba Visitation:
will be held at 11 a.m. Brown Winslett. She Skinner, Jalil Clemons, Friday, June 19 • 10-11 AM
bank, AL, with Bro. Kenny Gardner officiating,
Sunday, at Vaughan was a member of Fair- and Devin McCleod. 2nd Ave. North Location and Lowndes Funeral Home directing.
Services: Mrs. Fitzgerald was born January 6, 1935,
Cemetery, in Steens. view Baptist Church. Friday, June 19 • 11 AM
Memorial Gunter Peel In addition to her Linda Shanklin 2nd Ave. North Chapel to the late John Frank and Leah Ellen Wilburn
Burial Brewer, in Belzoni, MS. She graduated from
Funeral Home and parents, she was pre- MACON — Linda Rowan Cemetery
Crematory, Second ceded in death by her Shanklin, 55, died June Hamilton High School, Hamilton, AL, in 1953,
Avenue North location, where she was Miss Hamilton High. Mrs. Fitz-
husband, Charles Reed 10, 2020, at Dorothy Hodges gerald was a secretary, for over 40 years, with
is in charge of arrange- Jr.; and one grandchild. her resi- Graveside Services:
ments. She is survived by dence.
Sunday, June 21 • 11 AM Standard Life Insurance Company and MetLife
Vaughan Cemetery
Ms. Hodges was her daughters, Nic- Grave- Steens, MS
Insurance Company. She worked with Mother’s
born Feb. 9, 1930, in ki Cole, Debra Erb, side ser- 2nd Ave. North Location Day Out at First Baptist Church, Columbus, MS,
Columbus, to the late Charla Boyd, and Gail vices will for 18 years. Mrs. Fitzgerald was a member of
Thomas S. and Ellen Henderson; son, Wes be held Brad Lamar Canaan Baptist Church, Columbus, MS. She en-
Memorial Service joyed antiquing and loved her puppies.
Chappell Hodges Sr. Reed; and 13 grandchil- at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 28 • 2 PM
She was a U.S. Army dren. Saturday,
Shanklin 2nd Ave. North Chapel In addition to her parents, Mrs. Fitzgerald was
veteran, serving during at Shanklin preceded in death by her husband, John Fitzger-
Memorials may be
the Korean Conflict. made to St. Jude Chil- Cemetery, with Donnie Olaf Burgess ald Sr.
Memorial Service: Mrs. Fitzgerald is survived by her son, John
She was formerly dren’s Research Hospi- Fields officiating. Buri- Private Family Service
employed as a health al will follow. Visitation 2nd Ave. North Location
(Abby) Fitzgerald Jr., Columbus, MS; grandchil-
tal, 501 St. Jude Place,
insurance consultant is from 2-5 p.m. today, dren, Ninna (Robby) Knight and Victoria (Jus-
Memphis, TN 38105.
William Pearman tin) Bridgman; great-grandchild, William Adam
Incomplete Knight; sister, Shelia (Bill) Robertson; nieces,
College St. Location ReNay (Rick) Robertson, Terri (Bill) York-Linz,
and Debbie (Mike) Paoloini.
Send in your church event! Memorials may be made to the charity of the
Email donor’s choice.
Subject: Religious brief Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home
6A FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 The Dispatch •

City to close North Lehmberg Road

bridge for two weeks for repairs
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT reopen it on July 7. Drivers can take Triangle Maintenance will provide
a detour down West Lehmberg the detour signage for $2,750.
A bridge on North Lehmberg Road during the closure. The bridge condition is regular-
Road will stay closed for two weeks
while repairs of deteriorating pil- Project costs are $48,750, said ly inspected, Stafford said. The city
ings are underway. City Engineer Kevin Stafford. Phil- last repaired the bridge in 2016, he
The city will close the bridge lips Contracting is tasked to con- said, when another row of pilings
near Dutch Village on Monday and duct the repairs for $46,000 and under water was damaged.

Continued from Page 1A
relocating the Confeder- as the president but al- Brooks acknowledged a notion throughout the
ate monument in front of lowing him to stay on the the current standoff community. If people are
the courthouse, which the board, they said, would not among supervisors, but willing to just sit quietly
board voted 3-2 Monday satisfy the community. he said the board’s func- and let Harry Sanders
along racial lines to leave Brooks, who joined tionality is already under- have his way, if he gets by
in place. more than 100 protesters mined. with this, what is he going
However, two super- Wednesday calling for “It’s already dysfunc- to do next?”
visors, Leroy Brooks of Sanders’ resignation by tional,” he said. “It’s go- With Sanders unwilling
District 5 and Jeff Smith June 30, said picking an- ing to be a dysfunctional to resign, Hairston said in
of District 4, have said other president is merely board. It’s going to be a
they will not attend a spe- “a slap on the wrist.” his letter the only other
dysfunctional communi-
cial-call meeting and will “If you remove a racist way for his removal from
accept nothing short of from the head of the table the board is for Sanders to
Sanders’ full resignation and set him “be recalled by his constit-
from the board, echoing on the side
Push for resignation uents.” Sanders, who was
Brooks said Sanders’
other local officials and of the table, re-elected for a four-year
remarks, which have
protesters. you still term last November, is less
gained national attention,
Following his Monday have a racist than a year into his fifth as
have hurt the black com-
vote against relocating the in the room,” the board president.
munity and will potentially
monument to Friendship Brooks told An elected official can
Cemetery — where both The Dis- hurt the county’s econo-
my. Calling for Sanders’ be removed by a judge if
Confederate and Union patch on Brooks convicted of a felony, ac-
soldiers are buried — T h u r s d a y. resignation Wednesday,
Brooks urged protest- cording to state law. The
Sanders told The Dispatch “It doesn’t serve any pur-
ers to come back to the governor also has the pow-
he thinks the black com- pose.”
munity has been “depen- Even if Sanders steps courthouse for the June 30 er to remove any elected
dent” since slavery ended down as president, Brooks board meeting if Sanders officials “knowingly or
and is the only ethnicity said he thinks the new doesn’t resign by then. willfully failing, neglect-
not “assimilating” into the president would just be an- The community will ing, or refusing” to fulfill
country. The remarks other white supervisor. take the issue to the “next their duty in their official
drew sharp criticism from If the board has to even- level” to push for Sanders’ capacity. In that case, at
community advocates and tually decide whether to removal from the board, least 30 percent of the of-
public officials, both local- replace Sanders as the Brooks told The Dispatch ficial’s constituents will
ly and nationally. president, Brooks said he Thursday, including have to sign a petition for
In his letter, Hairston is not interested in voting bringing national leaders the governor to consider
said he thinks Sanders’ on the issue at all. Smith to Columbus to add pres-
the removal.
resignation from the board said he has yet to decide sure to Sanders. He has
Sanders previously told
is “warranted based on what to do and refused to received many calls from
The Dispatch the commu-
comments and the harm comment further. Holli- people across the country
willing to travel to the city nity cannot force his re-
they have caused our man did not return calls
and assist in his effort, moval over his comments.
county.” However, he said, and messages from The
supervisors cannot force Dispatch seeking com- Brooks said. “I haven’t been convict-
Sanders to resign. ment. “He ought to be honor- ed of a felony and my re-
“To date, Mr. Sanders Sanders, who previous- able enough to say, ‘I’ve marks are not a felony,” he
has refused ly told The Dispatch he caused damage,’” he said. said in a Wednesday text
to resign won’t resign, declined to “If he thinks what he said message to The Dispatch.
complete - comment when reached is fine and he feels good
ly from the Thursday. saying it, that’s a hell of
boa rd,”
said in his
letter. “This
puts our Hairston
board and
ultimately our county com-
pletely unable to respond
to the current situation
and at an impasse.”
One thing he can do,
Hairston said, is cast a vote
on who Sanders’ replace-
ment is as the board presi-
dent. Sanders, he said, can
no longer lead the board
effectively with his “repre-
hensible comments.”
Hairston said District 3
Supervisor John Holliman
has agreed to the meet-
ing, but for it to take place,
Hairston needs three su-
pervisors. As of now, he’s
one man short.
Hairston’s appeal did
not sway Brooks and
Smith. Removing Sanders

Memphis music
festival, barbecue
cooking contest

MEMPHIS, Tenn. —
The Beale Street Music
Festival, the World Cham-
pionship Barbecue Cook-
ing Contest and other
“Memphis in May” events
were canceled Thursday
due to the coronavirus
outbreak in the Tennessee
Both the music festival
and the barbecue cooking
contest are the corner-
stones of the city’s month-
long tourist event in May.
They attract music fans
and barbecue cooking
teams from around the
In March, Memphis in
May events were pushed
to late September and Oc-
tober in hopes that the vi-
rus outbreak would have
slowed down.


Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff

Players stretch during football practice on Thursday at Starkville High School. Head coach Chris Jones said players come to practice in two shifts to keep them spread out.
BY THEO DEROSA Indeed, apart from er duo Ahmir Taylor and That way, were one those drills and being Ronnie Randle will be key player to test positive,
outside rather than in- pieces, too. Starkville would need
STARKVILLE — Back side, not much is differ- “We’ve got a lot of kids only quarantine the play-
when Chris Jones played ent at Starkville High. who played a lot of foot- ers in that group rather
basketball at Noxubee But adapting to the new ball last year,” Jones said. than the entire team.
County High School, off- restrictions hasn’t hap- “We’re not having to de- Jones acknowledged
season workouts were pened overnight. pend on one or two guys.” that the pandemic has
typically along the same “Every day’s an adjust- While wideouts Josh- left several key questions
lines. The team didn’t ment period,” Jones said. ua Aka, Tae Lucious and unanswered still. He
even use a ball. “Right now, we’re just try- Orien Thompson all grad- hopes the Yellow Jackets
“They’d just turn the ing to get them in shape.” uated along with Harvey, can play a full season but
clock on, and I’d run for Senior cornerback Jones pointed to return- admitted it may be mod-
hours,” Jones said. Brandon Scott said that ees Leroy Hollingshed, ified or shortened; the
Now, with the first week wasn’t always easy to do Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff Sam Hunt and Stacy Rob- MHSA A has given no
of summer workouts over, at home. Assistant coach Tri Nason sprays weights with sanitizer inson as the best candi- direction on how many
the Starkville High School “We can’t really work during Thursday’s practice. Nason said that the team
dates to replace their pro- fans can fill the stands
football coach said he feels on the stuff that we want
must clean the weights between each group rotation
and any time two players are sharing a set. duction. at home games this fall,
a similarity to those years- to work on because of the “We’ve got some kids either.
ago runs. This week, coronavirus,” Scott said. 2019 team that lost to Ox- And yet Jones is con- who played a lot last year, “We don’t know,”
Jones has had the Yellow He was able to run, ford in the MHSAA Class fident the Jackets have
Jackets running and lift- so we don’t have to worry Jones said. “I don’t think
do push-ups and use the 6A north state champion- plenty of returning expe- about replacing every-
ing weights on their field, anybody knows.”
weight set behind his ship game. rience and talent to suc- body,” Jones said. “We’ve
and the team isn’t allowed Linebacker Tyrese ceed as they seem to each He said until more
house, but it wasn’t the just got to fill in some information is provided
to use a ball until June 29 Hopkins will be playing year.
same as getting on the spots.” to him, Starkville will
thanks to MHSAA restric- for Southern Miss, defen- Quarterback Luke Alt-
field and seeing the team- simply continue what it’s
tions imposed because of sive linemen Jaylan Ware myer, a Florida State com-
mates he missed.
the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Being back, it brings heads to Hinds Commu- mit, recently accepted an Unanswered questions been doing: preparing for
But Jones said Wednes- nity College, and Mis- invitation to play in the Workouts run from 8 the season as best it can.
a good feeling to you,”
day there’s no need to rush sissippi State incoming Under Armour All-Amer- a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday “I haven’t been hear-
Scott said. “Like hope.”
things. freshman Rufus Harvey ica Game. Running back through Thursday, and ing too much about it,”
“It’s not honestly that headlines a group of four Amariyon Howard is Jones has split his players Jones said. “We’re just
big of a difference other Jackets have standout senior wide re- pledged to Mississippi in two groups — one that going to take it one day
than us not doing sev- plenty of experience ceivers who played their State. Inside linebacker comes in from 8 to 9:30 at a time. Whatever cards
en-on-sevens,” the coach Jones’ squad graduat- final high school season Keyshawn Lawrence and and the other from 9:30 they give us, we’re going
said. ed plenty of talent from a last fall. defensive end/lineback- to 11. to play.”


Birdies galore at Hilton Head New Hope coach hits hole

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in the 151-man field shot
in the 60s. A year ago,
nial winner Daniel Berg-
er, Brooks Koepka, Ernie
Tour with spectators on
the property, just not on
in one at Elm Lake — again
The RBC Heritage be- only 38 players in the 132- Els and that incredible the golf course with tick- BY THEO DEROSA From the tee box,
gan two month later than man field opened with bulk, Bryson DeCham- ets. the players couldn’t tell
usual with a little rain, a rounds in the 60s. beau, were in the large Harbour Town is lined where the ball landed.
little sunshine and a lot Spieth wouldn’t have group at 67. with vacation homes, vil- New Hope High School Then they approached
of birdies, most of them guessed he would be one DeChambeau, who las and townhouses, and boys basketball coach the green to see Mc-
from Jordan Spieth to of them after a tee shot added some 40 pounds plenty of people spilled Drew McBrayer was on Brayer’s shot nowhere in
turn a rough start into a what was 5 yards right of of mass to increase his onto their decks and into the 15th hole at Elm Lake
furious finish. Golf Course on Wednes-
the 12th fairway hit a tree swing speed, was ham- their yards to watch. The They knew what that
Ian Poulter holed a day with his friends Lee
and didn’t stop rolling un- mering shots over the tour has ropes to line the meant.
30-foot birdie putt and Bates and Ben Henry
til it was out-of-bounds. range during practice fairway. This year, they “It was really close,
followed with a 5-iron when the conversation
He made triple bogey and earlier in the week. He put up ropes to line the so we weren’t looking
turned to one of golf’s elu-
to 4 feet for a birdie that was 3 over through three had to tone it down on the yards to keep people from around for it at all,” Mc-
sive achievements.
closed out his round of holes. tight, tree-lined Harbour coming all the way onto Brayer said.
Asked if he’d ever
7-under 64, giving him a “All of a sudden, I’m 3 Town Golf Links. the course. McBrayer, who beat
made a hole in one before,
share of the lead Thurs- over through three, and “I couldn’t unleash the One family had a sign his friends by shooting an
Bates said
day with Mark Hubbard you start to see guys go- Kraken today,” DeCham- up for Spieth as he walked even-par 72 for the round,
no. In fact,
at Hilton Head. ing 2 under through two, beau said, a student of along the eighth fairway, he’d never bent down to retrieve
“I’ve always loved com- 2 under through three physics and Scandinavian one of only two holes on even seen from the cup his second
ing here to play golf,” said early,” Spieth said. “It’s folklore. “It was just too the front nine where he one. career hole in one (and
Poulter, and he has plenty not a great feeling.” tight out there. The wind failed to make birdie. T h a t Bates’ first as a witness.)
of company this year. Determined to at least was swirling all day, and I That shot out-of- wouldn’t “It was awesome,” Mc-
The RBC Heritage, try to get under par for couldn’t feel comfortable bounds had all markings last long. Brayer said.
typically a week after the his round, Spieth had a to give it a good whack, of bad breaks he has seen T h e McBrayer His first such accom-
Masters in April, is the career-best six straight but I was still able to man- too often during three three play- plishment came 18 years
second tournament since birdies on his back nine age keeping it mostly in winless years. With a ers started their 18-hole ago, when McBrayer
the PGA Tour returned and finished with seven the fairway.” provisional tee shot in round on the back nine, was in college, on the
after 90 days from the birdies over his last eight Dustin Johnson was the fairway, Spieth went and when they got to eighth hole at the very
COVID-19 pandemic. holes for a 66. poised to make a move over to look at the trees, the 133-yard, par-3 third same course. That one,
The top three players Poulter and Hubbard, until hit into the water on and then some 20 yards hole, McBrayer hit his tee the coach said, can’t be
in the world are at Hilton who started birdie-eagle, the par-3 14th and com- to the right at his origi- shot straight toward the topped.
Head — Rory McIlroy, Jon were a shot ahead of a pounding the error with nal tee shot nestled in the pin with a 9-iron. “I think the first one
Rahm and Justin Thomas group that included Webb a three-putt triple bogey. pine straw. And then he “It was headed right was a lot more exciting —
— and none broke par on Simpson, Ryan Palmer He still managed a 68. three-putted. at it the whole way,” Mc- it was the first one,” Mc-
a day in which 66 players and Viktor Hovland, Colo- It was the first PGA See GOLF, 2B Brayer said. Brayer said.
2B FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 The Dispatch •

Players at 70 games, MLB at 60;

Manfred says deadline nearing
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS That plan included given the calendar and has steadfastly resisted
a 60-game regular-sea- the public health situa- sharing revenue because
NEW YORK — Base- son schedule that would tion, and he went ahead of fears it would become
ball players proposed a have $1.48 billion in sal- and made that proposal a step toward a salary cap
70-game regular-season aries plus a $25 million anyway,” Manfred said. system.
schedule Thursday, a players’ postseason pool, Both MLB and the Players also would
plan immediately rejected people familiar with the union proposed starting allow MLB to move post-
by baseball Commission- framework told The As- the season on July 19, and season games this year to
er Rob Manfred with the sociated Press, speaking players said it should end neutral sites if needed be-
sides 10 games and about on condition of anonym- Sept. 30, three days later cause of the coronavirus.
$275 million apart on ity because details were than management. Cit- Both sides would ex-
plans to start the corona- not announced. MLB for ing Dr. Anthony Fauci, pand use of the desig-
virus-delayed season. the first time agreed to director of the National nated hitter to games in-
As part of the union pay full pro-rated salaries Institute of Allergy and volving National League
proposal, players would with games in empty ball- Infectious Diseases, MLB teams.
wear advertisement parks. does not want to extend The luxury tax would
patches on their uniforms “He was clear that it playing deeper into the
during all games for the be suspended for 2020,
wasn’t going to be easy autumn.
first time in major league which with a 70-game
and we were both clear “Dr. Fauci’s out there
history. schedule projects to save
that we needed approval telling us that football
“This needs to be the Yankees $9.95 million,
from our respective con- should playing in a quar-
over,” Manfred said. “Un- stituencies,” Manfred antine. The other two Houston $1.52 million,
til I speak with owners, I said. “Tony in fact in- sports are playing in a the Dodgers $506,000
can’t give you a firm dead- formed me last night on quarantine,” Manfred and the Cubs $135,000.
line.” the phone that he could said, referring to plans for At 60 games, New York
Both sides envision not sell the framework the NBA and NHL. “Our is projected to save $8.5
spring training resuming even to his subcommit- guys want nothing to do million, the Astros $1.3
June 26. Counting back, tee, and that it was going with that. Number two, million, the Dodgers
that means pitchers and no further and it was not Fauci says we shouldn’t $434,000 and the Cubs
catchers would have to going up for a vote of the be playing in October and $116,000.
travel Monday for the
start of medical intake
players or anything like
that because the subcom-
their proposal contem-
plates lengthening the
Players with so-called
split contracts, who get
Are You Ready
testing the following day.
While the gap has nar-
mittee had rejected it. He
then encouraged me to
MLB also does not
paid at a lower salary rate
when sent to the minor to Discuss Your
rowed, both sides remain
opposed to additional con-
offer improvements in the
framework. I told him I
want to bunch more
games into the same time
leagues, would not have
to repay the advance they Long Term
cessions, The path toward was not going to do that, period. already received: $16,500,
an agreement remains un-
certain and difficult.
but if he could make what-
ever counter-proposal he
“We told them we’re
not playing doublehead-
$30,000 or $60,000, de- Care Options?
pending on their contract,
“We believe this offer wanted to make any top- ers,” Manfred said. “Our for a total of about $33 mil- Are you struggling to provide care for a loved one?
represents the basis for an ic.” public health guys tell us lion. Are you concerned about long term care costs?
agreement on resumption The union proposal you should not put people MLB would contribute Do you have questions about how to protect your
of play,” union head Tony would have $1.73 billion together for that number $10 million to social jus- assets if you need long term care?
Clark said in a statement. in salaries, plus a $50 mil- of hours in the day. It’s not tice initiatives from funds Are you confused by Medicare and Medicaid
Manfred met with lion postseason pool, peo- safe. But they just keep ig- not needed this year for and their requirements?
Clark in Arizona for about ple familiar with that plan noring those things.” the welfare plan used for At Dunn & Hemphill, we can help you answer these and many
five hours Tuesday, and said. Baseball’s postseason health benefits. other difficult questions by creating a plan tailored to fit you and
MLB said Wednesday “In my discussions would expand from 10 Players would allow your family’s needs. Contact us at (662) 327-4211 (ext.#0)
that they had reached a with Rob in Arizona teams to 16 this year, and $50 million to be trans- to discuss your long term care planning goals.
framework for the season. we explored a potential the two wild-card games
The union disputed that,
saying it was merely an-
pro-rata framework, but
I made clear repeatedly
would transform into
eight best-of-three series.
ferred to the commission-
er’s discretionary fund Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
from the international tax 214 Fifth Street South | Columbus, Mississippi
other proposal. in that meeting and after That would create a min-
fund collected from teams 662.327.4211 |
“We had a list of is- it that there were a num- imum of 14 new playoff
that exceeded their sign- Offering Peace of Mind, One Client at a Time.
sues. We stated positions ber of significant issues games whose broadcast
on each of those issues. ing bonus pools.
with what he proposed, rights could be sold, and W. David Dunn | Christopher D. Hemphill
We then made trades in particular the number MLB would have the op- As part of a deal, both Mention this ad when you call to get a free 30 minute
and compromises across of games,” Clark said. “It tion of 14 or 16 postseason sides would waive claims Estate or Long Term Care Planning Consultation!
and within those issues,” is unequivocally false to teams in 2021. against each other. MLB *Background information available upon request.
© The Dispatch

Manfred said. “At sever- suggest that any tentative Manfred said MLB has the right to unilater- Providing Our Clients Expertise With
al points in time, I went agreement or other agree- would give the additional ally set the schedule, but Over 50+ Years Of Combined Experience
back to the list of issues ment was reached in that playoffs games to broad- without a deal would have
with Tony and reviewed meeting.” cast partners for free this the risk of grievance hear-
where we were, and I did MLB’s plan would have year to make up for the ings and possibly damag-
that again at the end of players receive about 37% shortened regular sea- es.
the meeting. We shook of salaries that originally son and MLB would sell “We want to play. We
hands and we both agreed totaled $4 billion, and the the games for 2021. Play- want to reach an agree-
we were going to -- push union’s proposal would ers proposed they split ment,” Manfred said.
was the word -- push our have them get roughly broadcast revenue 50-50 “We’re committed to do-
sides to reach an agree- 43%. from the additional 2021 ing whatever is necessary
ment consistent with that “I told him 70 games games. That was a change to find a way to play, hope-
framework.” was simply impossible in stance for a union that fully by agreement.”

Rams, Chargers to appear on ‘Hard Knocks’

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tice schedule, how teams social distancing. The Rams join the Cin-
use practice and locker “There’s such an influx cinnati Bengals (2009,
LOS ANGELES — It rooms, we’ll have to adjust of information that is ever ’13) and Dallas Cowboys
will be lights, cameras, to that,” said NFL Films’ changing. It is a little bit (2002, ’07) as teams that
Los Angeles again for Ken Rodgers, who is the mind-numbing when you have done “Hard Knocks”
“Hard Knocks,” but for senior coordinating pro- get down to it,” he said. twice while the Chargers
the first time, the show ducer of “Hard Knocks.” “It’s figuring out what is are making their first
will feature two franchis- “When you consider some going to be the best way appearance. This will be
es. of the players are going to to operate and having the the 15th season for the
HBO and NFL Films be meeting their coaches agility to adjust. It’s crazy, show, which started in
announced Thursday for the first time and then we’re talking about some 2001 with the Ravens.
that this year’s show will going through the proto- of this stuff and we’re HBO and NFL Films also
include the Rams and cols, it is going to be an playing football. We’re go- announced Thursday that
Chargers, which are both empathetic process for ing to social distance but they have agreed to renew
moving into SoFI Stadi- the audience to watch.” we play football? This is
the series through 2024.
um in Inglewood and will Rodgers said the test- hard for me to understand
The Chargers and
be attempting to bounce ing process will be a sto- this. I don’t get it, I really
back from disappointing Rams usually hold train-
ryline and that some tests don’t.”
seasons. The five-week ing camp only six miles
may be shot if approved The two teams
series will premiere Aug. by the NFL and NFL Play- wouldn’t have been select- (9.7 kilometers) apart
11. ers Association. He added ed if they had not volun- from each other, but that
Chronicling two teams that testing results would teered. Teams aren’t usu- will not be the case this
won’t be the only differ- not dominate the content ally eligible if they have season with the NFL man-
ence. With the corona- unless it became news appeared on the show dating that teams have to
virus pandemic having with the amount of posi- during the past 10 years hold camp at their own
shut down team facilities tive tests. (the Rams did “Hard facilities. The Rams, who
for most of the offsea- Rams coach Sean Knocks” in 2016, their have held camp at UC Ir-
son, players, coaches and McVay echoed the sen- first year back in LA), or vine the past four seasons,
production crews will be timents of Baltimore appeared in the playoffs will be at their home base
going through new proto- Ravens coach John Har- the past two years (both in Thousand Oaks, about
cols to prevent or mitigate baugh in wondering how were in the postseason in 80 miles (128 kilometers)
any possible infections. teams might be able to 2018), or have a first-year from the Chargers’ facili-
“The protocols, prac- get work done in an era of coach. ty in Costa Mesa.

Continued from Page 1B
Instead of getting and included a 7-iron to 4 to win going into the fi- ended a streak of seven
down, he told caddie Mi- feet to a left pin near the nal round at Colonial last straight tournaments in
chael Greller on the next water on the par-3 fourth. year, had 72. Rahm had a which he broke par in the
tee, “That’s over. Let’s get He was on such a roll that 71. For McIlroy, it was the opening round dating to
four (birdies) today and Spieth began to contem- first time since the ZoZo the ZoZo Championship
shoot under par.” plate eight straight bird- Championship in Japan in in Japan last October.
“I ended up getting a ies to end his round. But late October that he was “I’m sort of missing my
few more than that,” he he saw enough mud on over par after the first 3-wood left and missing
said. his ball from the fairway round. my driver right,” McIlroy
Just like last week’s on No. 8 that he played Rory McIlroy was said. “If you’re in any way
opening round at Colo- conservatively to 30 feet, among those who strug- like in two minds what
nial, he got hot on his and then finished with an- gled, and only a pair of to do off the tees around
back nine. The streak other short birdie. birdies on the back nine here and get a little bit
began with an 8-foot putt McIlroy and Thomas, kept it from being worse. sort of guidey, it can bite
on the par-5 second hole, who both had chances He opened with a 72. That you.”
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 3B

Vikings, Cook present NFL’s latest RB contract standoff

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tually striking a deal with camp without a new con- yards and 13 touchdowns “I’d put McCaffrey in tic model. Spotrac pegged
a player they’ve frequent- tract. The person spoke rushing plus 519 yards re- his own camp. He’s an Cook for a deal with an
MINNEAPOLIS — ly praised for his work on condition of anonymity ceiving in 14 games. He anomaly, and he’s been annual average value of
Dalvin Cook logged off in the backfield, in the because of the confiden- had 303 total touches, a paid as such now,” said around $12.5 million,
last week from virtual locker room and in the tial nature of the negotia- per-game average (21.6) Mike Ginnitti, the man- perhaps $25 million guar-
team activities with the community. Cook was the tions. that ranked fourth in the aging editor of Spotrac, anteed over the next two
Minnesota Vikings, no only player pictured on a If Cook were to skip NFL. Cook has missed the website he founded to seasons.
longer willing to partici- promotional graphic the part or all of camp, which 21 games including evaluate pro sports con- While Cook could al-
pate until he has secured team created earlier this remains a tentative event playoffs to injuries over tracts. ways choose to preserve
a new contract. spring for the release of due to the uncertainty of three years in the league, The six-year, $90 mil- his health and sit out an
Cook’s situation is the the 2020 schedule. the COVID-19 pandemic, however. The 2017 sec- lion deal Dallas reached
latest standoff of sorts entire year like Le’Veon
“I consider Dalvin as the Vikings wouldn’t wor- ond-round draft pick tore with Ezekiel Elliott, the
between an NFL team Bell did with Pittsburgh
one of those core group of ry much about the lost his ACL as a rookie, had a fourth overall pick in the
and a star running back, in 2018, failing to report
players that we definitely repetitions. hamstring strain in 2018, 2016 draft, prior to last
with the possibility of sev- for the first day of train-
want to try to keep,” gen- “Dalvin could teach and dealt with shoulder season would also be hard
eral more in the coming eral manager Rick Spiel- class. He’s that bright and trouble last season. for the Vikings to mimic ing camp would hurt
year in a league that has man said earlier this off- that smart of a football Carolina’s Christian considering the amount of Cook, The new collective
steadily driven down the season. player,” offensive coordi- McCaffrey set the posi- salary cap space they’ve bargaining agreement
financial value of the po- A person with direct nator Gary Kubiak said tion bar high two months devoted to quarterback keeps such a player from
sition. knowledge of Cook’s de- this week. “It’s part of the ago with his four-year, $64 Kirk Cousins and several receiving an accrued sea-
The Vikings, though, cision confirmed to The business, and guys like million extension, after standouts on defense. son toward unrestricted
have made no secret of Associated Press that the him, professionals like the All-Pro selection be- The three-year, $39 free agency. He would be
their desire to make Cook Pro Bowl pick will not him, take care of them- came just the third player million contract Arizo- a restricted free agent in
the centerpiece of their take part in the remain- selves.” in NFL history to reach na gave David Johnson, that scenario without a
offense. It’s difficult to der of the offseason pro- Cook had a breakout 1,000 yards rushing and who’s now with Houston, new deal, severely limit-
envision them not even- gram or report to training season in 2019, with 1,135 receiving in one season. might be the most realis- ing his market.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: addressing. DEAR LIKING: What you
My wife Because this should do is continue exploring
and I have is creating friction a relationship and find out if
been married in your marriage, he feels the same way you do.
five months. it may be some- But the two of you should take
Her 40-year-old thing you and your things slowly and discuss the
son lives in our wife should talk age difference before making
basement. He has through with the any commitments. Although
a job, but I have help of a licensed his age isn’t necessarily a
no idea if he pays marriage and fam- deal-breaker, it is significant.
rent. If he doesn’t, ily therapist. DEAR ABBY: Am I hoping for
it really doesn’t DEAR ABBY: I too much with my husband of
bother me. am 30 years old 40-plus years? In the evening,
ZITS What does and single. I met we (or I) watch TV, and he’s very
bother me is that this guy while agreeable to “watch” anything
at his age, he I was working — mostly because he hardly
should be out on downtown three watches at all. He’s playing
his own by now. Dear Abby or four months games on his iPad and glancing
He’s trying to ago. He is almost at the TV. He’ll ask questions oc-
pay off school loans, which I twice my age. At first I didn’t casionally about the characters
understand. However, he is the think of him as more than just a or the plotlines, but it’s obvious
one who incurred these bills. customer, but he’s very attrac- he’s not following. For some rea-
All he had to do was finish his tive for his age. son, I find it disappointing that
dissertation and he would have One day last month he told he’s not really watching, even
had his doctorate. Instead, he me he had lost his phone during if it’s something he’s shown an
quit school and doesn’t plan on my shift, so I asked him to give interest in or selected. Should I
going back. me his number so I could call just be grateful he’s in the same
My wife doesn’t think she’s him in case somebody found his room with me and alive? —
GARFIELD an enabler, but I disagree. It’s phone, which I did. Later that FEELING SOLO IN CALIFORNIA
getting very hard for me to put night he called me asking, “Who DEAR FEELING SOLO: Fo-
up with this situation. — UPSET is this?” so I told him who I was. cusing on gratitude that you are
IN COLORADO We have been talking ever since together doing things you both
DEAR UPSET: Much depends and I have been spending every enjoy is healthy. If you don’t
upon the reason your wife’s weekend at his house. care for the program he isn’t
son quit school instead of I’m starting to think I can watching, feel free to change
getting that doctorate. I wish see a future with this guy the channel to something you
you had mentioned whether he because I feel butterflies in my prefer. However, the two of you
has been living in his mother’s stomach. I like how things are should make a point of doing
house since childhood, or if this between us. I care about him something together in which you
is something relatively recent. and maybe want more one day. are both fully engaged because
He may have emotional or What should I do? — LIKING AN if you do, it will bring you even
mental health issues that need OLDER MAN closer to each other.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June surprising. Take your time. Think commodity that you nonethe-
19). You are as young as your it through, and you’ll hit just the less give quite generously to
dreams, which happen to be right note. your loved ones. They are,
particularly youthful. It’s as TAURUS (April 20-May 20). in fact, spoiled by the many
though you never lost the inno- You balance your independence benefits bestowed by your
cence of your first imaginings of and interdependence so well, listening ears and the pupils of
what you would be in this life. operating as a one-person your eyes.
This year proves you will fulfill operation when you need to and LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). As
them yet. Next month brings a cog in the wheel of humanity dancers know, in a kick line, it’s
a surprise that sends you on when you don’t. important that the entire chorus
BABY BLUES a new trajectory. Friends help GEMINI (May 21-June 21). of dancers hit the same mark
with a vital project. Virgo and Your powerful radar extends with their leg extension. It just
Capricorn adore you. Your lucky from your heart to the hearts looks better that way. In the
numbers are: 9, 4, 13, 2 and of those around you. You don’t name of conformity, you’ll save
18. have to know a person to recog- your high kicks for later.
ARIES (March 21-April 19). nize their pain and be a part of VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
You’ll put quite a lot of thought their healing. Though you are always com-
into a gift. You want it to be CANCER (June 22-July 22). municating, you’re not always
appropriate and yet slightly Your attention is a precious aware of what. Your message
will be imparted without words
now. You say it all with action
and lifestyle.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
You’re tough and resilient. Why?
A lot of it is your sense of hu-
BEETLE BAILEY mor. It’s hard to say which came
first, the laughs or the hardship,
but you’ve found a way to bring
them together.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). All the good jobs will go
to the eager volunteers. You’ll
be one of them. Responsibility
doesn’t scare you. Your hand
goes right up. Do well, and this
is only the start.
Dec. 21). You don’t know what
connects you with someone,
though you can be sure there
MALLARD FILLMORE is an important and mysterious
reason you converge in this
same place and time.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Doing what is responsible
doesn’t always seem like a
lot of fun, but there’s a way to
make the medicine more palat-
able, Mary Poppins style, with a
spoonful of sugar.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Willpower can be hard to
come by, which is why today’s
starry boon is wonderful. An
infusion of cosmic willpower will
FAMILY CIRCUS help you ignore the discomfort
of self-discipline so you don’t
have to suffer the pain of regret.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Dented cars show their
history of collision while the
patched cars move on as if
nothing bad ever happened.
You’re wise to be on the lookout
for signs of repair.

Run amok
4B FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 The Dispatch •

Prosecutors charge police, push

reforms amid Floyd protests
‘Prosecutors realize that
they’re being watched. Atlanta police officers call out
My hope is that this is a
change and that we are
sick over charges in fatal shooting

turning a tide.’ The Associated Press

Mark Dupree Sr., district ATLANTA — Atlanta police officers called out sick to protest the
attorney for Kansas’ filing of murder charges against an officer who shot a man in the back,
Wyandotte County while the interim chief acknowledged members of the force feel aban-
doned amid protests demanding massive changes to policing. Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
Interim Chief Rodney Bryant told The Associated Press in an inter-
The Associated Press
view that the sick calls began Wednesday night and continued Thurs- Sudoku
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
day, but said the department had sufficient staff to protect the city. It’s Sudoku 1 3 5 6 2 7 4 8 9
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num-
not clear how many officers called out. ber-placing
Prosecutors across the country given numbers.puzzle
The object 2 8 6 9 4 1 3 7 5

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

are defying traditionally cozy rela- “Some are angry. Some are fearful. Some are confused on what we based onthea 9x9
is to place numbers 7 4 9 3 8 5 1 2 6
do in this space. Some may feel abandoned,” Bryant said of the officers. grid
tionships with police departments,
“But we are there to assure them that we will continue to move forward 1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 4 5 3 7 1 2 6 9 8
swiftly charging officers with given
so that numbers. The
each row, each 9 2 7 8 6 4 5 3 1
and get through this.” object
murder, assault and other crimes column and each 3x3 the
is to place box 8 6 1 5 9 3 2 4 7
following protests over the death numbers
contains the1sameto 9 number
of George Floyd and dropping prosecutors charged Atlanta offi- tester. Atlanta police were charged the empty spaces so 5 1 4 2 7 9 8 6 3
only once. The difficulty 6 9 2 1 3 8 7 5 4
charges against demonstrators. cer Garrett Rolfe with murder for with assault in a protest-related that each row, each
level increases from
Even just a few years ago, when a shooting during a sobriety check stop. In Philadelphia, a police offi- column and each
Monday to Sunday.
3 7 8 4 5 6 9 1 2
protests erupted over the killings of gone awry near a Wendy’s. The cer faces aggravated assault stem- 3x3 box contains
Difficulty Level 6/18

other black men by police, officers other officer involved in Rayshard ming from video that shows him the same number only once. The difficulty level
were rarely arrested for suspected Brooks’ death faces lower-level striking a student protester in the increases from Monday to Sunday.
criminal acts during the demon- charges. The shooting happened head with a metal baton.
strations. It’s been rare to charge less than a week ago. And in Chicago, investigators
police with crimes in the death of Derek Chauvin, the officer who are looking at whether more than
civilians, and winning a conviction pinned George Floyd to the ground half a dozen officers broke the law
is harder. by the neck, was charged with mur-
after security video captured them
But the tide may be turning, led der days after Floyd’s death, and
lounging around a side-street of-
by progressive prosecutors press- three other officers were charged
fice with its windows smashed in,
ing for criminal justice reforms to shortly afterward.
better hold police accountable for Most of the time it takes months, making popcorn and napping on
wrongdoing. if not years, to charge an officer in a couch, as a shopping center was
“Prosecutors realize that they’re an on-duty death. ransacked nearby.
being watched,” said Mark Dupree Meanwhile, in New York City, a “This is the time to be aggres-
Sr., district attorney for Kansas’ police officer caught on video shov- sive,” Kim Foxx, the first black
Wyandotte County, which includes ing a woman to the ground is facing woman to hold the top prosecutor’s
Kansas City. “My hope is that this criminal charges, and prosecutors job in Chicago, said about pressing
is a change and that we are turning in Buffalo charged two officers with for overhauls of contracts with po-
a tide.” assault after a video showed them lice that have helped abusive offi-
On Wednesday, Fulton County knocking down a 75-year-old pro- cers sidestep charges.

Facebook removes Trump ads with symbols once used by Nazis

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the ads violated “our policy remove it. That’s what we hundreds of thousands of
against organized hate.” A saw in this case with this impressions.
WASHINGTON — Facebook executive who ad, and anywhere that that In a statement, Trump
Facebook has removed testified at a House Intel- symbol is used, we would campaign communications
campaign ads by Presi- ligence Committee hear- take the same action,” Na- director Tim Murtaugh
dent Donald Trump and
ing on Thursday said the thaniel Gleicher, the com- said the inverted red trian-
Vice President Mike
company does not permit pany’s head of security gle was a symbol common-
Pence that featured an
upside-down red triangle, symbols of hateful ideolo- policy, told lawmakers at a ly used by antifa so it was
a symbol once used by Na- gy “unless they’re put up hearing. included in an ad about an-
zis to designate political with context or condem- The Trump campaign tifa. He said the symbol is
prisoners, communists nation.” spent more than $17,000 not in the Anti-Defamation
and others in concentra- “In a situation where on the ads for Trump and League’s database of sym-
tion camps. we don’t see either of Pence combined. The bols of hate. The Trump
The company said in a those, we don’t allow it ads began running on campaign also argued that
statement Thursday that on the platform and we Wednesday and received the symbol is an emoji.

1 Had longings
6 Showed ner-
11 Dear, in Dijon
6-7 p.m., on the fourth Friday to WTWG, radio 1050 AM for times: Sunday school 10 12 Without aid
Mississippi State of each month, to study and Perfecting the Saints Broad- a.m.; Sunday worship 11:15 13 Sign of
School Ministry share views of the Holy Bible. cast, Wednesdays 8:30 a.m. a.m.; Tuesday Bible study 7 sorrow
Mississippi State School Open to all ages and ethnic- p.m. For information, call Pas- 14 Future fungus
of Ministry will be taking ap-
plications for enrollment into
ities. For more information,
call Barbara Mattison or
Women Prayer, tor District Elder Lou Nabors,
15 Harden
Worship Service 16 Fitting
their online degree granting Lillian Murray, 662-570-5595.
Church of the Eternal 18 Pert talk
program. Earn your Certifica-
Word, 106 22nd St. S., holds Fitness 19 “— was
tion, Associates, Bachelor,
Master and Doctoral Degree
Grief Support Group a prayer and worship service Transformations saying ...”
The Oil of Joy for Grief The Transformational 20 Victory sign
in Religious Studies. We are every Thursday from 5-6 p.m.
and Mourning offers a grief 21 Tea cooler
an accreditation School of Call Marie Nabors, 662-549- Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
support group at 6 p.m. 22 Detecting
Ministry authorized through 4322 or 662-329-1234, for Road, hosts boxing lessons
every second Thursday of the device
State of Mississippi and prayer requests. Mondays and Wednesday 44 Gofer’s work 10 Intensify
month at United Christian
Federal Government. Our from 5-7 p.m., weight-loss 24 A party to 45 Carwash 17 Less languid
Baptist Church, 232 Yorkville
degrees are for ecclesiastical
Road East. “Making your Prayer Ministry boot camp Tuesdays and 25 Staring worker, at times 23 Held a
purposes only. We accept
grieving journey easier.” For New Beginning Everlasting Thursdays 5-7 p.m. and both stupidly session
transcripts and your life expe-
more information, call 662- Outreach Ministry invites the on Saturdays 9-11 a.m. 27 Captivated DOWN 24 Powerful
rience also can also be used
327-0604 or e-mail united- public to call in with their 29 Shoe part 1 Stands in for people
for degree granting purposes. prayer requests at 662-327- Youth Fellowship 32 Building wing 2 Fondue stuff 26 Close
For further information feel 9843. The Transformational 33 For every 3 Systems with 27 Move on the
free to call 662-425-8443 34 Bullring cry
Celebrate Recovery Prayer Service
Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
Road, hosts Youth Fellow- 35 Mud bath site
4 Mess up
28 Llama’s kin
The Assembly Church,
CANCELED UNTIL 2201 Military Road, and Church of the Eternal ship from 7-8:30 p.m. every 36 Bonanza stuff 5 Repudiate 30 Go by
FURTHER NOTICE Meadowview Church, 300 Lin- Word, 106 22nd. St. S., Co- Tuesday. Games, prayer,
service, food, and more.
37 Used to be 6 Cut’s counter- 31 Annoy
Forgive and Live den Circle in Starkville, host lumbus, holds prayer service 38 Highway part 33 Fence sup-
Celebrate Recovery at 6 p.m. Thursday nights 5-6 p.m. Transportation available. For divisions 7 Swiss peak ports
Forgive and Live meets
every Sunday at The Assem- Contact Marie Nabors, 662- information, call Iris Rober- 40 Skilled 8 Power plant 39 Mouse-spot-
from 6-7 p.m. every second
549-4322. Church service son, 662-295-7456. 42 Quartet
and fourth Tuesday of each bly Church (next to Lowe’s) sights ting cry
month in the downtown YMCA and at 6 p.m. every Tuesday doubled 9 Opera’s 41 Couple
Board Room and every third at Meadowview Church. Get 43 Swear Caruso
Wednesday at Vibrant Church help, healing and support for
Cafe. Inquire and seek infor- any habit, hurt or hang-up
mation to succeed spiritually, using the Christ-centered 12
physically and financially and steps.
be eager to be a blessing to
the community, churches and Prayer for Youth
families through the Word of Every second and third
God. The public is invited to Saturday, Pleasant Ridge
attend. For more information, Faith Center hosts a prayer
call Pat Fisher Douglas, 662- for the youth from 2-3 p.m.
Prayer, Free Coffee
Fellowship Dinner, Mount Zion Missionary
Youth Service Baptist Church, 2221 14th
Pleasant Ridge Faith Cen- Ave. N., hosts free coffee and
ter, 923 Ridge Road, hosts a a prayer community outreach
fellowship dinner and youth service from 8-9 a.m. every
service every third Sunday. fifth Saturday. For informa-
tion, contact Jesse Slater,
Gospel Book Club 662-328-4979.
Friendship M.B. Church,
1102 12th Ave. S., invites Radio Program
the public to join its Commu- Apostles Patrick Perkins
nity Gospel Book Club from invites the public to tune in
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2020 5B
AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF time by the auctioneer/man-



Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
Title to the personal property to
be sold is believed to be good,
but at such sale, FRIENDLY

NO. 2020-0010-ED2
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
convey only such title as is ves-
ted in it pursuant to its lease
ALIAS SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- with the following and its al-
TION lowed under Mississippi Code
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
To place ads starting at only $12,
seq (Supp 1988). call 662-328-2424 or visit
Legal Notices LegalAND
H98Notices General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: Other Garage Sales: New Hope

2212 New Hope Rd.
DECEASED, UNKNOWN HEIRS- is seeking a mature, Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon, 6a−6p.
Call us: 662-328-2424 NOTICE OF SALE AT-LAW AND DEVISEES OF James Walker motivated person who RENTALS Womens/Mens/Kids
RICHARD MOODY, DECEASED, - H65 & H102 enjoys interacting with TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS clothes.
WHEREAS, the following ten- UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT-LAW AND people, being outdoors 662−370−9356.
Legal Notices ants entered into leases with DEVISEES OF UNKNOWN Brittany Beard and multitasking. Skills 1 BEDROOM
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI HOUSES for storage space in OF NATHANIEL MOODY, AND equipment and/or farm
255 Pinecrest Cir.
COUNTY OF LOWNDES which to store personal prop-
erty and
Wendy Blunt
- H60 & H104 work are desired but not 3 BEDROOMS Fri & Sat, 7:30am until.
ENTITIES HAVING A LEGAL OR required. Person needs to Furn, h/h, linens, dishes,

© The Dispatch
WHEREAS, default has been EQUITABLE INTEREST IN REAL WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on be flexible enough to pitch garden & misc.
WHEREAS, the following ten- made in the payment of rent PROPERTY LOCATED AT 512
this the 4th day of June, A.D.
in where ever needed but DEPOSIT
ants entered into leases with also keep their core
FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- HOUSES pursuant to said BUS, MISSISSIPPI BEING TAX responsibilities in mind.
Leases is authorized to sell the PARCEL NO. 61W080010200 FRIENDLY CITY
HOUSES for storage space in
which to store personal prop- personal property to satisfy the MINI-WAREHOUSES
If you enjoy a different ex- CREDIT CHECK
past due and any other You have been made Defend- By: C.H.L. perience on the regular,
erty and

WHEREAS, default has been

charges owed to it by the fol-
lowing tenants.
ants in a lawsuit filed in this
Court by the Columbus Re- Publish: 6/5, 6/12, &
meeting new people and
believe in customer 662-329-2323 Ads starting at $12
made in the payment of rent development Authority to con- 6/19/2020 satisfaction this job might
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- NOW THEREFORE, notice is demn by eminent domain cer- be for you. 2411 HWY 45 N Bargain Column
HOUSES pursuant to said hereby given that FRIENDLY tain real property located in Please submit resume to:
Leases is authorized to sell the CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- Block 22 North of Main, Colum-
personal property to satisfy the fer for sale, and will sell at auc- bus, Mississippi, and being
tion to the highest bidder for Lowndes tax parcel Commercial Dispatch Houses For Rent: North Good condition. $90.
past due and any other NOTICE OF SALE
charges owed to it by the fol- cash all personal property in 61W080010200. The property PO Box 511 662−242−4563.
lowing tenants. storage units leased by the fol- is necessary to renew and re- Columbus, MS 39703
WHEREAS, the following ten- 135 HORSESHOE LOOP,
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY development blighted condi- FREE HORSE MANURE,
ants entered into leases with COLUMBUS. 3BR/2BA,
NOW THEREFORE, notice is CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 44 tions in accordance with the CALEDONIA BUSINESS
FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- fenced yard, quiet & retired mixed with sawdust.
hereby given that FRIENDLY Beatty Road, Columbus, MS. Urban Renewal Plan (Burns
Auctions will begin at 8:30 Bottom) of the City of Colum-
HOUSES for storage space in needs General Laborer. area. Storage building in By appointment. Will load.
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- which to store personal prop-Experienced weed-eater, West Lowndes.
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- A.M. on the 3rd day of July, bus, Mississippi. back yard. $700/mo +
erty and $10-12/hour. Valid driver's 662−364−6990.
tion to the highest bidder for A.D. 2020 at 308 Shoney dep. 901−314−3098.
cash all personal property in Drive, Columbus, MS and will You are summoned to appear
WHEREAS, default has been license, transportation &
storage units leased by the fol- continue to all FRIENDLY CITY and defend against the com-
made in the payment of rent experience helpful. Call HOUSE FOR RENT BY General Merchandise
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in plaint or petition filed against and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- Jesse & Beverly's Lawn
the following sequence: 903 you in this action at 10:30 OWNER. 220 Mclemore
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 903 HOUSES pursuant to said Service at 662-356-6525. 2018 40FT Gooseneck
Alabama St. Columbus, MS. Alabama Street, Columbus, o’clock a. m. on the 17th day Road, Columbus. 1750sqft
Leases is authorized to sell the Brick house in quiet neigh− Trailer w/ 5ft dovetail, 12
Auctions will begin at 8:30 MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- of September, 2020, in the
personal property to satisfy the ORGANIST POSITION at St. ton axles, 10−4inch straps
A.M. on the 3rd day of July, bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 second floor County Court borhood. 3 bedrooms & 2
past due and any other David Anglican Church in & tarps. $7,000.
A.D. 2020 at 308 Shoney South, Columbus, MS. All auc- courtroom of the Lowndes charges owed to it by the fol- full baths. No HUD,
Drive, Columbus, MS and will tions are with reserve and County Courthouse in Colum- Mayhew, MS, to provide Columbus City school 662−251−3001.
lowing tenants.
continue to all FRIENDLY CITY therefore all units can be with- bus, Mississippi, and in case music for Sunday service & district. $1000/mo with
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in drawn from the sale at any of your failure to appear and occasional special ser-
NOW THEREFORE, notice is 1 mo deposit. Serious 5X10 UTILITY TRAILER
the following sequence: 903 time by the auctioneer/man- defend, a judgment will be
ager. entered against you for the
hereby given that FRIENDLY vices. Knowledge/experi- inquiries only please. Call Good condition, single axle.
Alabama Street, Columbus, CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- ence with Anglican Liturgy 662−574−3202 to see the $500. 662−425−2454.
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- money or other things deman-
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- helpful, but not necessary. house or make application.
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 Title to the personal property to ded in the complaint or peti- tion to the highest bidder for
South, Columbus, MS. All auc- be sold is believed to be good, tion. cash all personal property in
The 1928 Book of Com-
tions are with reserve and but at such sale, FRIENDLY storage units leased by the fol- mon Pray & the 1940 Epis- HOUSE FOR RENT WHITE POSTER BOARD
therefore all units can be with- CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will You are hereby further given copal Hymnal are used. $0.50 each − 24"x23"
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY 2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath
drawn from the sale at any convey only such title as is ves- notice that not less than ten CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 308 (318)527-9213 for info. Fenced in yard. $675. Visit 516 Main Street
time by the auctioneer/man- ted in it pursuant to its lease (10) days prior to the date of or call 662−328−2424
Shoney Drive Columbus, MS, 662−549−9555.
ager. with the following and its al- the trial on September 17,
at 8:30 am on the 3rd day of Ask for Glenn or text.
lowed under Mississippi Code 2020, you are required to file
July, A.D. 2020 and will contin-

Title to the personal property to Annotated Section 85-7-121 et the Statement of Values pursu- ue to all FRIENDLY CITY MINI- Lawn & Garden
seq (Supp 1988). ant to Miss. Code Ann. §11-27- Mobile Homes for Rent
be sold is believed to be good, WAREHOUSE locations in the
but at such sale, FRIENDLY 7, which shall be treated as
following sequence: 903 HAYES DAYLILIES
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Walter Smith Jr. pleadings in this action. The RENT A CAMPER!
Alabama Street, Columbus,
convey only such title as is ves- - B46 date of the filing of the Com-
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- Ads starting at $25 CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! Open mornings. M−S.
ted in it pursuant to its lease plaint herein is the 13th day of Utilities & cable included, 1069 New Hope Rd. Call
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69
with the following and its al- Jonathon Ensz April, 2020, and the name and 662−251−6665.
South, Columbus, MS. All auc- Apts For Rent: North from $145/wk − $535/mo
lowed under Mississippi Code - B10 address of the attorney for the
tions are with reserve and Columbus & County School
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et Plaintiff is Martha Bost Stegall, Wanted To Buy
therefore all units can be with- locations. 662−242−7653
seq (Supp 1988). Damon Cruse P. O. Box 7120, Tupelo, Mis- FOX RUN APARTMENTS
drawn from the sale at any or 205−442−2011.
- B41 sissippi 38802. Other than the 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
time by the auctioneer/ man- USED COMPUTER. Must
Tammy Hendrix Statement of Values you are $595−$645 monthly.
ager. work good. 803 Shiloh Dr.
- E263 WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on not required to file an Answer
or other pleading but you may
Military discount, pet area,
this the 4th day of June, A.D. 662−889−6619.
Real Estate
Title to the personal property to pet friendly, and furnished
Steven Dale Warren 2020. do so if you desire.
be sold is believed to be good, corporate apts.
- E484 but at such sale, FRIENDLY
FRIENDLY CITY Issued under my hand and the 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL
Mandy Brackin MINI-WAREHOUSES seal of said Court, this 10th GYM. ON SITE SECURITY.
- E485 By: C.H.L. day of June, 2020.
convey only such title as is ves-
ted in it pursuant to its lease ON SITE MAINTENANCE. Ads starting at $25
with the following and its al- ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
Kristi Dismukes Publish: 6/5, 6/12 & TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK
lowed under Mississippi Code 24−HOUR CAMERA Lots & Acreage Ads starting at $12
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
seq (Supp 1988). Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. 1.75 ACRE LOTS.
Good/Bad Credit Options.
Hank Johnson Apts For Rent: West
SIPPI BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. Good credit as low as 10%
- N132 2004 FORD T−BIRD. Two
Lance Lejeune down, $299/mo. Eaton

- E225 IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Publish: 6/12, 6/19 & Land, 662−361−7711. tops, hard & soft. Little
Lashea Atiana Stagat
TATE OF PRESTON CHARLES 6/26/2020 over 100k mi. Excellent
- N161
Waterfront Property

Eddie Johnson - BELLE, DECEASED Condition. Call Holly at
E292 & E387 Lindsey G. Montgomery Eaton Motor Company in
ESTATE NO. 2019-00099JNS COUNTY OF LOWNDES - N125 NEWLY RENOVATED three Houston, 662−705−1143.
Shanie Parr
- E279 BY: CHARLEEN WILLIAMS, EX- Hiyoshida McGee Apartments & Houses bedroom, two 1/2 bath
Trucks, Vans & Buses
NOTICE OF SALE home in private community
Coty Grant -
E202 WHEREAS, the following ten- 1 Bedrooms with community boat
landing. Property sits on 2009 Red, Extended cab,
2 Bedroooms
NOTICE TO CREDITORS ants entered into leases with Heather K. Christopher
- N251 Tibbee Creek and is Chevrolet Silverado 1500,
3 Bedrooms
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI conveniently located to less than 78k mi. Can be
- E246 HOUSES for storage space in seen @ Stokes on 82 on
COUNTY OF LOWNDES which to store personal prop- Amanda Thomas West Point, Columbus, and
erty and - N109 Starkville. Home has a Monday, 6/22. Cashier’s
Lasheia Manning By The Chancery Court of Furnished & Unfurnished screened in back patio with check only. $11,500.
- E54 Lowndes County: Benjamin Morris 662−327−7845.
WHEREAS, default has been
1, 2, & 3 Baths
a deck that overlooks
made in the payment of rent - N264 Tibbee Creek. $198,800.
LaPrecious Lane Letters Testamentary have
been granted and issued to the HOUSES pursuant to said Patricia Webber Lease, Deposit 662−549−2768

Cedrick Clemons
- E1
undersigned upon the Estate of Leases is authorized to sell the
Preston Charles Belle, de- personal property to satisfy the
- N216 & Credit Check
Garage Sales
ceased, by the Chancery Court past due and any other WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on

of Lowndes County, Missis- charges owed to it by the fol- this the 4th day of June, A.D.
Rebekah Brock sippi, on the 3rd day of March, lowing tenants. 2020. Ads starting at $12
- E378 2019. This is to give notice to
all persons having claims FRIENDLY CITY
Ruby Sunivelle NOW THEREFORE, notice is
against said estate to probate hereby given that FRIENDLY MINI-WAREHOUSES Apts For Rent: Other Two free signs Travel & Entertainment
- E218 and Register same with the By: C.H.L.
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes fer for sale, and will sell at auc- Estate Sales
Monica Edwards County, Mississippi, within (90) tion to the highest bidder for Publish: 6/5, 6/12 & PUBLIC CATFISH POND
- E253 days from the first publication 6/19/2020 @ 130 Hillcrest Drive.
cash all personal property in HUGE ESTATE SALE
date of this Notice. A failure to storage units leased by the fol- Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on so Probate and Register said 3431 Hwy.12 E. 662−386−8591
this the 4th day of June, A.D. lowing tenants at FRIENDLY Steens, MS 39766
claim will forever bar the same. CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 4504 Call for pricing.
2020. Fri. 19th 9−5, Sat. 20th 9−
Highway 69 South, Columbus,
THIS the 21st day of May, MS. Auctions will begin at 8:30 5, Sun. 21th 1−5, Mon
Five Questions:
A.M. on the 3rd day July, A.D. 22nd 9−5, selling the
2020 at 308 Shoney Drive, estate of Eldon and
By: C.H.L. /s/Charleen Williams, Executor Columbus, MS and will contin- Call us: 662-328-2424 Frances Barham, selling
Publish: 6/5, 6/12, ue to all FRIENDLY CITY MINI- contents of home, shop,
Publish: June 5, 12 and 19, WAREHOUSE locations in the
6/19/2020 General Help Wanted outdoor buildings, tractor
1 Devo
2020 following sequence: 903
Alabama Street, Columbus,
shed. Thousands of items,
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- THE COMMERCIAL too much to list! Photos @
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- ated, contracted carrier for Stewart’s Antiques,
SIPPI South, Columbus, MS. All auc-
2 Isaac Newton
tions are with reserve and the Brooksville & Macon Appraisals & Estate Sales
therefore all units can be with- area. Excellent opportunity 662−251−1515
TATE OF HARRY L. RODGERS, drawn from the sale at any to earn money for college.
JR., DECEASED time by the auctioneer/man- Must have good transporta-
VS. tion, valid driver's license
CAUSE NO. 2020-0240-RPF
Title to the personal property to & insurance. Delivers on
be sold is believed to be good, Sunday morning and Mon-
7a−6p @ 1523 27th ST N. 3 Reggie
MARTHA M. RODGERS, PETI- FENDANTS All must go!! Antq, jewelry,
TIONER but at such sale, FRIENDLY Fri afternoons. Apply at The
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Commercial Dispatch, 516 bikes, shoes, furn, records,
NO. 2020-0010-ED2
4 11,000
NOTICE TO CREDITORS convey only such title as is ves- Main Street in Columbus. speakers. 662−242−8655.
ted in it pursuant to its lease No phone calls please.
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI with the following and its al-
lowed under Mississippi Code Have a rental property?
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et Read local. List it here for fast results. HUGE SALE! 37 Carney Dr.
5 Purple
Letters Testamentary have seq (Supp 1988). 8am until. Baby/kid items
been granted and issued to the WASHINGTON, DECEASED, UN- and much more!
undersigned upon the Estate of Billy Ferguson

Service Directory
Harry L. Rodgers Jr., Deceased, - H42
by the Chancery Court of TON, DECEASED, UNKNOWN
Lowndes County, Mississippi, Cindy Parker
on the 16th day of June 2020. - H72
This is to give notice to all per- CEASED, UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT-
sons having claims against Kyron Taylor
said estate to probate and re- - H98
gister same with the Chancery UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT-LAW AND
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis-
sissippi, within ninety (90) days
Medical / Dental
Jennie G. Johnson
- H96 Promote your small business starting at only $25
from the first publication date AT-LAW AND DEVISEES OF
of this Notice to Creditors. A RICHARD MOODY, DECEASED,
James Walker Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
failure to so probate and re- - H65 & H102
gister said claim will forever DEVISEES OF UNKNOWN JESSE & BEVERLY’S
bar the same. Brittany Beard
HEIRS-AT-LAW AND DEVISEES Re−Stretch & Repair also $545 plus Filing Fee LAWN SERVICE
- H49
OF NATHANIEL MOODY, AND avail. I accept select jobs. Mowing, cleanup,
2020. Wendy Blunt Call Walt, 662−574−8134. landscaping, sodding,
AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR All Attorney Fees Through The Plan & tree cutting.
- H60 & H104
/s/ Martha M. Rodgers EQUITABLE INTEREST IN REAL Jim Arnold, Attorney 662−356−6525
this the 4th day of June, A.D. Emmanuel’s Christian 662-324-1666 • 601-656-6914
4TH STREET NORTH, COLUM- 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville Lawn Care
2020. Academy−Child care
BUS, MISSISSIPPI BEING TAX Mow, Trim, Edge and Blow.
PUBLISH: 6/19, 6/26 & PARCEL NO. 61W080010200 AVAILABLE SOON For ages
7/3/2020 FRIENDLY CITY Garage Door Services Free Estimate.
MINI-WAREHOUSES 6 weeks to 12 years old. M&M Garage Door, LLC SKILLED CRAFTSMAN. Any Call 662−574−1225.
You have been made Defend- kind of work! We can build, If no answer please leave
By: C.H.L. Offering competitive prices
ants in a lawsuit filed in this or text 662−245−6998 paint, drywall, clean,
Court by the Columbus Re-
and quality service. message.
Publish: 6/5, 6/12, & Available for all of your pressure wash & cut grass.
development Authority to con- General Services Painting & Papering
6/19/2020 garage door needs. Reasonable rates. Safe &
demn by eminent domain cer-
tain real property located in Call us today for your free Reliable. 662−386−3658.
Block 22 North of Main, Colum- A & T TREE SERVICES consultation. QUALITY PAINTING.
bus, Mississippi, and being Bucket truck & stump Lawn Care / Landscaping Ext/Int Painting.
All notices must be Lowndes tax parcel removal. Free est.
Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
emailed to 61W080010200. The property
is necessary to renew and re-
Serving Columbus Jake’s Mowing Repair. Pressure Washing.
since 1987. Senior WORK WANTED: Mowing, Weed−eating, Free Estimates. Ask for
classifieds@ development blighted condi- citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Licensed & Bonded. Blow off walks, Trim shrubs specials! Larry Webber,
tions in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan (Burns
"We’ll go out on a limb for
Carpentry, minor electrical, Free quote. Great pricing. 662−242−4932.
Bottom) of the City of Colum- minor plumbing, insulation, Call, text, leave message.
bus, Mississippi. you!" painting, demolition, 662−570−8815 SULLIVAN’S PAINT
gutters cleaned, pressure SERVICE
You are summoned to appear Are you a painter? washing, landscaping, Got leaky pipes? Special Prices.
and defend against the com-
Advertise here! cleanup work, moving help. Find a plumber s Interior & Exterior Painting.
plaint or petition filed against in the classifieds.
you in this action at 10:30
662−242−3608. 662−435−6528
o’clock a. m. on the 17th day

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