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GRADE: 8 GROUP: 1 and 2 TIME: Week #


TOPIC: Daily routines and adverbs of frequency.
OBJECTIVES: .Describe daily routines.
Ask and answer questions about daily routines and the time.
Describe the frequency of the activities.
Talk and write about your habits.


Los adverbios de frequencia always, never, ever , often,sometimes, usually,

generally, etc. Suelen colocarse antes del verbo o, en el caso de los verbos
auxiliares, después. Se usan después del verbo to be. Ever es usado sólo en
frases interrogativas y negativas. Never es equivalente a note ver.

We frequently play soccer. Nosotros frecuentemente jugamos

futbol. He has always been in time for dinner. El siempre ha estado a la hora de
Do you usually go swimming? ¿ Nadas usualmente?
Students are always noisy. Los estudiantes son siempre bulliciosos.
Look at the videos:

Look at the pictures and write sentences using adverbs of frequency.

1. She usually wakes up early.

2. h e a l w a ys g e t s u p 1 0 i n t h e mo r n i n g .
3. he normally takes a beath at 6 in the morning to go to work.
4. he always washes his face when he gets up.
5. C a rl o s a l w a y s p u s h e s th e d o o r t o e n t e r th e b a th ro o m.
6. Natalia sometimes dries her hair.
7. Maria makes up to go to her friend Laura's party.

8. Carlos always takes a bath every morning

9. David always dresses smart to go to work

10. She always puts on make up in the morning.


13. Claudia usually has breakfast at 7 in the morning

16. Luis usually undresses when he gets home from work.
17. Maria always cooks early for her son David.

18. he always has lunch at 12.

19. she usually sets the table for dinner

20. she drink sometimes coffee.

21. he always watch television in the evening.
22 he always goes to bed early

23. he always sleeps in the afternoon.


Answer the questions about yourself with short or long form.

a. What do you usually do on weekdays?

I usually go to school
b. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at 11 pm.
c. Do you wake up early? I always wake up early
d. What time do you usually have breakfast?
I usually have breakfast at 6:30 in the morning

e. Do you usually do exercises in the morning?

I never exercise
f. Do you usually practice sports?
I usually practice it at school
g. What sports do you usually practice? I don't practice any kind of sport

h. What time do you usually go to school?

I usually go to school at 6:30 in the morning
i. Do you usually go to school on food?
I do not have food at school
j. What time do you usually have lunch?
I usually have lunch at 1:30 pm
k. Do you usually have a nap in the afternoon? I usually sleep in the afternoon
l. What time do you usually finish your classes? I usually finish my classes at 12:30 pm

m. Do you
usually do your homework at night? I usually do my homework in the afternoon

n. What time do you usually go to bed?

I usually go to bed at 9:30 pm
SOMETIMES, OFTEN, ALWAYS. (Teach English) I always teach English
a. Play team games)
I never play team games
b. (Go bowling)
c. (Take a shower)
d. (Get up early)
e. ( Cook for fun)
f. (Go biking)
g. (Take pictures)
h. (Go dancing)
i. (Surf the web)
j. (Play baseball)


I bathe every morning

I cook for fun
I love to ride a bike usually
I always use my camera to take photos
I like to go dancing with my friends
never play baseball
I like to surf the web

() Johan sometimes teaches English

a. Maria usually bathes every morning.

b. juana always cooks for fun
c. Andrea usually rides her bicycle
d. Jose always uses his camera to take photos
e. Pedro dances with his friends
f. Carlos does not play baseball for his arm injury

g. Maria uses the web to investigate her activities

Read the paragraph. Write five yes/no questions about Tzu-Lee’s routine.
Answer the questions according to the text.

Tzu-Lee gets up at 6:45 every day. She takes a shower. Then she has breakfast.
She usually has toast for breakfast. Classes start at nine o’clock. Lunch is at 12:45. She
usually has lunch in the cafeteria. After classes, Tzu-Lee and her friends attend the
Drama club meeting once a week.
Does Tzu-Lee get up at 7:30 every day? No, she doesn´t

Has Tzu-lee toast for break fast? Yes, she has

Does Tzu-lee take a shower? Yes, she does

yes, they do

Do the class start at

nine o” clak ?
It”s lunch at 1:00 pm?
It isn”t Has tzu-lee usually
wach in the
No she has not

A. Read the survey from teenagers today magazine. Answer
the questions.


Do you… Yes No
Wake up late? Yes I do
Play video games? No, I
Use the internet to do your Yes, I do
Listen to music on your mobile Yes, I do
Play sports at school? Yes, I do
Read books or magazines? Yes, I do
Chat online with friends? Yes, I do
Help with dinner? Yes, I do
Watch television all time? No, I
Go to bed at midnight? No, I

B. Write a sentence about yourself with each activity describing its

I hardly ever wake up late
1. I usually wake up late.
2. I never play video game
3. I always use internet to do my homework
4. I sometimes listen to music on my…..
5. I normally play sports at school
6. I sometimes read a book or magazines
7. I always chat online with friends
8. I ever help with dinner
9. I often watch television
10. I seldom go to bed at midnigh

A. Complete the daily routines with the words in the Word Bank.

My email My family music sports

teeth a book bed lunch

Read a book Make lunch Check my email Listen to music

Talk to my family Play sports Brush my teeth Go to bed

B- Write a sentence with each daily routine in part A.

1. my father reads a book to our friends.
2. I read a book
3. My mom makes lunch
4. My dad check his email
5. I love listen to music
6. I always talk to my family
7. I play sports with my brother after dinner I brush my teeth
8. I go to bed at midnign


A. Read the Teenagers Today article. Complete the article with the words
in the box.

Goes doesn´t watch drinks wakes up eats plays doesn’t eat

Tom Calvo’s a footballer. He wakes up at 5:15 every morning.

He eats eggs and bread for breakfast. He doesn´t eat chocolate.
He plays football from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day. He eats a lot of food
and drinks a lot of water. In the evening, he doesn´t watch
TV. He reads and Goes
to bed at 10.

B. Write a short article about a friend’s daily routine. Use the article
in part A as a model.

david is a baseball player. He wakes up at 6:15 every morning.

He eats slices and cheese for breakfast. He doesn´t eat meats.
He player baseball from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. every day. He eats vegetables
and drinks a lot of water. In the evening, he doesn´t watch TV. He reads and
Goes to bed at 8.


Read the email and answer the questions below.

Dear Makena!
How are you? It´s very cold here in Finland. I usually go to
school at 7a.m.I like school. Sometimes I go to the cafeteria
for my lunch. I always eat fruit and vegetables. I never eat
chips! Do you like the food at your school?

a. What time does Lotte usually go to school? Lotte goes to school at 7 a.m

b. How often does Lotte go to the cafeteria for lunch? Lotte sometimes goes to the

c. How often does Lotte eat fruits and vegetables? Lotte always eats fruits and

d. How often does Lotte eat chips? Lotte never eats chips

e. Does Lotte usually have lunch at Home? No, she dosen”t

A. Read José’s daily routine and complete the chart with the activities.
B. Use this model to write the daily routine of a family member.

My daily routine
Hi! My name’s José. Every day, from Monday to Friday, I get
up at 6:00 AM and have breakfast at 6:15 AM. At 7:00 AM I go
to school. I have lunch at 12:45 PM and play football at 4:30
PM. At 7:30 PM, I have dinner and at 10:15 PM I go to bed.

6:00 AM jose gets up.

6:15 AM he has his breakfast
7:00 AM he goes to school
12:45 PM he has lunch
4:30PM he plays football
7:30 PM he has dinner
10:15 PM he goes to bed _
b. My brother jose gets up at 10:00 a.m and has breakfast at 10:30ª.m. he
works at 2:00 p.m and back at home at 8: 00 p.m . he has dinner at 8:30 p.m
and watch tv. At 11: 00 p.m he goes to bed


Read about my sister’s daily routine. Put the activities in order.

My sister is 14 years old. She is a student and her name is Gloria. Every day
she gets up before 7:00 AM. She has a shower and gets dressed. Then she
has breakfast. She usually has cereal, eggs and bread and she drinks milk.
After breakfast, she brushes her teeth and packs her school bag. She goes to
school by bus. She has lessons from 8:00 to 2:30PM and then she has lunch
at school. She always sits next to her best friend, Sofía. At 3:00 PM, she goes
home and has a nap. Later, she does homework and watches TV. In the
evening, we all cook dinner together. Gloria helps too. She sets the table. We
chat about school while we eat. After dinner she tidies her room. Then she
usually reads a book before she goes to bed.

a. She goes to bed. 1. Gets up

b. She has a nap. 2. Has answer
c. She gets up. 3. Gets dressed
d. She has breakfast. 4. Has a breakfast
e. She reads a book. 5. Bruches her teeth
f. She has a shower. 6. Pack her school bag
g. She watches TV. 7. Goes to school by bus
h. She has lessons from 8 AM to 2:30 PM. 8. Has lesson fromn8 to 2:3o

i. She has lunch at school. 9. Has lunch at school

j. She tidies her room. 10. Goes home
k. She brushes her teeth. 11. Has a nap
l. She goes home. 12. Does homework
m. She sets the table. 13. Watches tv
n. She gets dressed. 14. Sets the table
o. She packs her school bag. 15. She tidies her room
p. She goes to school by bus. 16. Reads a book
q. She does homework. 17.

Now you have to write your own daily routine. Use the text in activity 11 as a

Read about my sister’s daily routine. Put the activities in order.

My name is . I am years old. I
am a and this is my daily routine. Every day I …

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