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Keith Ellis Real Estate Agent Sales Models

• Ketih Ellis Real estate negotiator functions: tug of war

• Learn to Explain to Your Customers the Difference between Value and Price- Keith Ellis

• The objections in real estate negotiation come with the territory.

• Objections are generally not what they seem, as there is usually a hidden reason behind the objection.
• Unclear objections arise either because the real estate agent has not gained the confidence necessary for
the client to be more open with him / her, or because the client believes that it is not important to clarify the
true reason behind his / her objection.

• We have the classic example in real estate negotiation in the objection regarding the price of the property.
Why does this objection appear once the client has visited the property, if you informed her from the
beginning what her price was? Is the price of the property one of the hidden objections?

• The area that you will have to work on has its art.
• We have dedicated numerous entries to describe the most effective real estate sales techniques.
• These are some of the techniques, which have been most successful according to Keith ellis:

• * CIMA real estate sales model

• * SPIN method, situation, problem, implication and benefit
• * AIDA model applied to the real estate sector
• *
• Beyond the sales techniques that you can apply, as you will surely know, a real estate agent has to empathize. Identifying
with the problems of your clients and knowing how to give a solution is what will make you stand out.

• Also, you should always keep in mind that a negotiation is not a battle. In a negotiation everyone should go home with the
feeling of "I have yielded but I have made a profit."

• Keith Ellis advises you not to seek confrontations, but a process of small agreements that culminates in the closure of the
project. If price is the main problem, find a way to compensate both parties.

• A thousand do not close every day

• lons of deals worth millions of dollars? Surely you can get two parts of a negotiation to agree.

• If you need help to create or improve your sales strategy and real estate sales negotiation, Keith Ellis is at the best
disposition to help you! contact us.

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