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Always in the Zone

(email questions & comments:

Welcomes YOU to:

Phenomenal Confidence &

Peak Performance...
(all rights reserved, property of Tim Hodges and Always in the Zone, 2008)
How to design, practice and
live in YOUR POWER ZONE! ...
through “Phenomenal Confidence
AND Performance on Command”

Confidence(or lack of) determines Performance! Learn

how to TAKE CONTROL of both...on Command!

Change your Focus...

Change your Perspective...
Change your Life!!
(or the real guarantee...without these Changes, -- life will stay the
same, or get worse!)
Speed session to catch back up:
1. What “needs” caught your attention?
2. What “pain issues” are still lingering?
3. Whose “approval/acceptance” comes to mind?
4. How well are you tracking your thoughts and feelings in terms
of “stimulus” issues?
5. It can feel frustrating to change from looking at “beliefs”
instead of just developing better “actions & habits”. Where are
you in terms of this? List some “beliefs” that are becoming
more apparent, but may not be helping – NOW, re-write them
to be positive & powerful!!

Situation(senses) – Beliefs – Thoughts –
-- Feelings/Emotions
(give/drain power; learn to disarm vs. try to ignore/live under domination)
– Actions – Habits – Results

Which Factors most affect YOUR CHOICES?

- Directions learned/followed
- Movies Running
- Inner Voices
(Be constant with your “practice” of Re-Doing each area? TELL your brain what
to “believe & think”--you're in control...)

How are you going to define “in the Zone”? (answer, along with some
“frustrating cliches”, like “just got to want it more”
Session 2: Two Terms that will change your entire world.

Let's see where YOU are... answer these (use your 1st response):
“When you experience a situation with a negative outcome,
especially due to (in your view) a very poor “call” or “blunder”:
- What are you feeling:
- What are you saying to yourself(or hearing in your head)
- What type of images/movies are playing in your head
- What are you expecting to happen
- What “belief” are you operating from/matching OR is being formed

These 2 terms dictate our world, so we can use them to change it!
(may be thinking: actions/habits; heredity/environment; or even skills/drills)
We use “Results” to determine, so we never know for sure. If you're
trying to guess with me, you may even think “beliefs”, or “brain”...
you're partly on track.)

Go back to questions above... Here's MY answers:

Focus: to bring one's efforts to bear on one thing; concentration.
- can only “focus/concentrate” on one thing at a time (lose 6-10/min);
- ALWAYS have “focus”, and it happens by process/pattern;
- it controls us, until we learn to take/keep control by effort;(EX.image)
- pushes “away from pain/effort” naturally;
- see “through beliefs”, as revealed by EMOTIONS!
- Issues occur when get out of “present” & into “past situations” or
“future potentials” (EX. Worry – praying for items DON'T want)

Look at example of “autopilot”:

Our brain works the same way, and the process is the path. Our brain works for "survival",
especially "freeze, flight, fight" to avoid pain(or potential).
Job of brain:
R-A-S: search engine
Amygdala: thermostat
Fallacy of Will Power: 1/6 vs. 5/6 is swimming upstream
Our second KEY, “life-changing” term:
PERSPECTIVE - point of view: a broad view of events or ideas in their true
nature and relationships
- we can change at will;
- NLP positions (own eyes; 2nd person; spectator; “birdseye”);
- input vs. outcome;
- whose eyes are we looking through;
- positive & powerful OR defeating and draining

In every competition, there are at least 3 major perspectives/points of view:

- yours (team)
- competitor (team)
- officials
EX. baseball - each pitch. (think about how where you are in relation to "plate"
determines perspective AND who you support)

Whether something is "good or bad", "positive or negative", "powerful or

weak" really depends upon PERSPECTIVE (see concept of “focus”, too). Try
another one when emotions are “draining”!!

Look at example of "slump" - focus of press is on issue of "hit". That's a

perspective that is very limited in terms of success/failure.

KEY: how do I react/respond when things don't go like I want/expect.

what are you focusing upon?
what perspective are you working from?
what would happen if you changed both?
(contrast these with when you're “IN THE ZONE”)
How do you know when you are in proper "focus/concentration"?

Back-Track a “random” though/feeling... take each thought back to one
before it to see the stimulus that triggered!! (let “feeling/emotion” be key!)

Describe a time when your Focus/Concentration "shifted" away during a

crucial situation:
What has it cost you & what WILL it cost you to continue with your present
"focus/ concentration" methods?
Do you believe that distractions are External or Internal?
Which area of your senses tends to be affected quickest?
What type of situation tends to distract you the quickest/easiest? (noise;
weather; decisions by officials; trash talk; ???)

How quickly do you "re-focus", if at all?

What hinders you in this process?

BELIEF determines PERFORMANCE. (what "belief" is being revealed? what

"belief" statement would get it done?)
Take a previous situation, start with the "powerful belief" (write it out), play
out the powerful outcome that would result from focus, concentration and
input based on this perspective! (feelings; voices; movies/images; results)

must know ahead of time situation, options, desired action(s)
make very specific 1 or 2 statements to self on what to focus upon (ex. hitter
- see it big, hit it hard)
what will you do if you find "focus" wavering
how to "blow off" situation

Get “RIDD” of potential problem:

Recognize: problem, conflict, cost, consequences
Identify: emotions, lies, perspective
Detach or Detour: remove self & power of situation
Develop: new beliefs, thoughts, actions, habits

List 2 or 3 “specific” situations where your “concentration/focus” MOVED to
an issue or area DIFFERENT than what you wanted: (be descriptive)
(what “triggered” the change of focus? KEY: backtrack your thoughts, feelings &
confidence...>> this will be VERY IMPORTANT)
Re-write these from a different perspective. RIDD yourself of situation.

WIN EVERY TIME: put “focus & perspective” in right places. Choose to
focus on YOUR INPUT and effort, not on outcome and results. This will be
in conflict with most everyone, including coaches, at times.
Put “focus & perspective” on your input in these areas:
Fun – when you love what you're doing, you are probably going to perform
much better. Having fun will keep you lose;
Friends – be a great friend/teammate, and build friends. YOU will win –
Fundamentals – choose to get better every day at being a person of
integrity, as well as your skills & wisdom. BE a person of positive impact.
Faith – put your confidence in input, effort, the other “F's”...and enjoy
winning EVERYDAY!!
It REALLY is this simple...or it can be!! It depends upon your Focus &
(Faith – hope in life involves the idea that there is more than what meets the eye. It is
about Who and What we choose to believe in. Send me a note & ask for more info. My
life, and that of thousands of people I have dealt with have been transformed through
this area.)

Send me questions and evaluations:

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