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Home Assignment 1

Project charter
Course: Project Management
Instructor: Sir Asif bashir
Submitted by:
Noor ul hassan MBA 1.5 Y 061
Project charter:
 Project name: ____Improving Company’s brand image by redesigning its web site.
 Created by: ______Noor Ul Hassan.
 Date:____________5/25/2020

The organizational strategic goal addressed by the project:

The strategic goal of this project is to enhance the company’s brand image and awareness in the
market through digital marketing. The objective is to acquire the market and customer attention
by providing unique, core, accessible/ and augmented online services that enhances and simplify
the overall customer experience.

Purpose statement:

The purpose of this project is to increase the customer base of the company by recreating its
image, which adds customer-centricity. The project intends to improve brand awareness to attract
prospective customers in the business market that builds competitive advantage for the
organization. These efforts are implemented at the initial stage with the reliable forecasting of
customer demand to earn loyal, satisfied, and trusted customers. These attempts are intended to
assist the company in upgrading its reputation and maintaining its market position against
competitors in the long run.

Scope statement:

The scope of this project is intended to obtain an outcome that elevates the company’s image
through digital media by attracting more customers. This can be attained by accomplishing
customer demands and recreating a new image. Additionally, it enhances the accessibility and
reliability of the services provided by the company. In the end, satisfied customers will lead to
loyal and trusted customers. Therefore it aims at following techniques,

 Identifying the target market.

 Website redesigning.
 Social media like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
 Promoting the brand with the latest advertisement techniques.

Deliverable and corresponding objectives:


 Reviewing the current website design and making the list of the item to be incorporated.
 Brand new arrivals on the website will include demo videos and advertisements.
 Online order icon with a user-friendly payment system.
 Implementation of social media networking sites Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
 Chat box pops up for solving queries.


 Documenting the current items on the website and incorporating additional digital
components that needed to be included on the website, which increases the accessibility
of customers.
 The videos will show ways to use the products. The commercials will run on television
and you tube etc. both the videos and adds will not be longer than five minutes
 This will be designed on the upper right corner of the website with eye-catching colors.
 Incorporating the icons of socially active sites adjacent to the online order icon.
 Chat box will pop-up at the right side on the bottom of the screen.

The main objective of this project is to enhance the brand awareness of the company in the
market to increase the number of customers both online and in-stores through the website,
redesigning specifically strengthening its presence through digital media.

Stakeholders and roles:

The stakeholders and their roles in the project are following;

 Investors:
These are responsible for investing funds for this project.
 Board of directors:
These are responsible for the approval of the project and allocating the provided funds.
 Project manager and team:
These are responsible for accomplishing the tasks that they initiated.
 Customers:
All ultimately get benefit due to upgraded features of the project.


The project includes a project manager who is the face of the project reporting to the directors or
project sponsor of the company. This project manager will hold a team of twenty to twenty five
members that include marketing, technical and monitoring team. All these three teams coordinate
with each other to maintain transparency in the execution of the project. Each of these teams will
report to their team leaders who further deliver the work in progress reports to the project
manager who is also responsible for handling the finances involved in the project.
Risks, assumptions, and countermeasures:

 Cyber threats to customer data and information from illegitimate third party resources.
Customers might face unexpected technical glitch while accessing the redesigned website
 Effective and abundant resources in handling the challenges experienced during the
project implementation. This potentially arises from unavoidable time, overestimated
costs, and repetitive work involved during the project implementation. Resulting in
redundancy in committing errors and compromising on the quality of services delivered
during the project implementation.
 Providing advanced training and resources to staff, preparing for extra time and
additional cost involved in delivering secured services during the implementation and
planning for unexpected days both from internal and external resources.

Communication plan:

Communicating and exchanging the work in progress through daily face to face meetings.
This aids to keep track of work between the teams. To fulfill the needs for instant
communication between the stakeholder’s messages are passed through a group email.
Priority assistance for business needs is available through fone calls between the team leaders
and project manager.

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