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Friday's (June 19th) Chat Reflection

Question of The Day: What LGBTQAI+ Artist has made an

impression on you
From Wayne: Frank Ocean. He is a bisexual, black man and a very influential name in the modern
musical world; his music has touched me since I was discovering my sexuality and seeing a bold, queer,
and black man making music that speaks to so many people and has such an impact on the industry is so
inspiring to me.

From Isabella : Willa Cather, cause her gender-bending journey and all the work she put into becoming
recognized as an author in her day, is so so powerful and inspiri

From Laddie: Society in general coming so far, not far enough obviously, but still pretty darn far

From Noemi: The indigo girls! they are both lesbians and they make awesome folksy-country-rock
music. they’ve always been open about their identities in their music, so i admire that, i also just love
the sound

From Eme : Hayley Kiyoko has influenced me in her music style. I also admire how she wants to help
people in her position gain more confidence. She is able to do this through her music and has even been
dubbed "Lesbian Jesus" by her fans

From Stephanie: Brian Geuhring. What he has done for youth in the Omaha community and nationally
is outstanding. Providing opportunities for leadership, power to youth voices and creating a safe space
for over 20 years. He is an inspiration to me and one of my greatest teachers.

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