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Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 198–202

Research note

Physical properties of cactus pear (Opuntia ficus india L.)

grown wild in Turkey
Onder Kabas, Aziz Ozmerzi, Ibrahim Akinci *

Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Machinery, Akdeniz University, 07070 Antalya, Turkey

Received 12 May 2004; accepted 13 January 2005

Available online 13 March 2005


Knowledge of the physical properties of cactus pear, which is grown wild in Turkey, is necessary for the design of equipment for
harvesting, transporting, cleaning, packing, storing, processing etc. of the fruit. In this study, some physical properties of cactus
pears were determined, and the effects of different water contents on the properties were investigated. At water content levels from
89.91% w.b. to 44.76% w.b., the linear dimensions decreased from 71.93 to 63.27 mm in length, 57.57 to 48.10 mm in width, and
52.08 to 44.99 mm in thickness. The geometric mean diameter and sphericity decreased from 59.68 to 51.08 mm, and 0.831 to
0.809, respectively. The moisture contents considered, the volume, surface area and mass of fruit varied from 89.96 to 61.38 cm3,
111.92 to 83.04 cm2, and 109.57 to 99.27 g, respectively. The projected area of fruit on the Y–Z and X–Z planes varied from
20.20 to 17.02 cm2 and from 15.57 to 12.92 cm2, respectively. The fruit density, bulk density and porosity varied from 1224.34 to
1766.77 kg/cm3, 641.74 to 588.66 kg/cm3, and 0.469 to 0.637 kg/cm3, respectively for the same water content range. The coefficients
of static friction, on galvanized iron steel, plywood and rubber surfaces, varied from 0.243 to 0.219, 0.261 to 0.232, and 0.296 to
0.268, respectively.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus india L.); Physical properties

1. Introduction oer and juice concentrate. The nutritional, medicinal

and human health properties of cactus pears are factors
Cactus pear [Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill.] is a very that could contribute to an increase in cactus pear con-
important food source in satisfying the nutritional needs sumption (Hegwood, 1990). In Peru and Spain, certain
of populations of various countries, especially those in species of Opuntia are used as hosts of cochineal insects
South America, the Mediterranean countries, South (Dactylopius coccus Costa) from which a red dye highly
Africa, and Israel (Pimienta Barrios, 1993). In Turkey, appreciated by pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and tex-
it is located wildly in the Mediterranean Region. Cactus tile industries is extracted (Schirra, 1998). Another po-
pear may be used in a wide range of products made in tential product that can be obtained during fruit
the home, in small enterprises or on industrial scale such processing is seed oil. This oil is edible and has a yield
as jams, gelatine, syrups, dry fruit, candies, soap, mamp- range between 5.8 and 13.6 (Sawaya & Khan, 1982).
Recently, the possibility of using seed oil from cactus
pear and in producing ethanol and antioxidants from
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 242 3102464; fax: +90 242
cladodes has been revealed. There are more than 40 vari-
2274564. eties, but the most popular are Morado, Gymno Carpo,
E-mail address: (I. Akinci). Algerian, Skinners Court (Everett, 1978).

0260-8774/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Kabas et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 198–202 199

Tender cactus stems (Opuntia spp.) are harvested jected area and porosity of the fruit is the most impor-
commercially when they are 15–20 cm long and weigh tant for packing, packed dimension etc. For instance,
about 90–100 g (Cantwell, 1995). sphericity is one of the most important properties be-
Harvest is normally by hand, cutting the leaf at the cause it affects how easily cactus pear can be processed
base of the insertion with a knife. Cactus leaves are by the food industry. The volume and density of the
packed in typical reed baskets called ‘‘colotes’’, stacked fruits play an important role in numerous technological
in cylindrical packs, packed in 5 to 20 kg wooden boxes processes and in the evaluation of product quality. The
covered with paper or fibreboard cartons (Cantwell, coefficient of static friction plays also an important role
1995). in transports (load and unload) of goods and storage
Cactus pear has total soluble solids (12–17%), titrata- facilities.
ble acidity (0.03–0.12%), and pH (6.0–6.6), and ascorbic Many studies have been reported on the physical
acid contents (20–40 mg/100 g fresh weight). Composi- properties of fruits, grains and seeds, such as Juniperus
tion and nutritional value are: energy (172 kJ), Vitamin drupacea fruits (Akinci, Ozdemir, Topuz, Kabas, &
C (14 mg), protein (0.7 g), fats (0.5 g), carbohydrates Canakci, 2004), bambara groundnuts (Baryeh, 2001),
(glucose) (7.8 g), fibre (1.8 g), potassium (220 mg), mag- lentil seeds (Carman, 1996), hackberry (Demir, Dogan,
nesium (85 mg), calcium (56 mg), phosphorous (24 mg) Ozcan, & Haciseferogullari, 2002), fababeans (Fraser,
for 100 g edible portion (Kader, 2002). In regard to sug- Verma, & Muir, 1978), apricot pit (Gezer, Hacisefero-
ars, the fruit pulp is about 53% glucose, and the remain- gullari, & Demir, 2002), sunflower seeds (Gubta &
ing 47% fructose (Kuti & Galloway, 1994). Das, 2000), pumpkin seeds (Joshi, Das, & Mukherjee,
Dehydration is an age-old process of preserving food. 1993), chickpea seeds (Konak, Carman, & Aydin,
Russell and Felker (1987) mentioned dried prickly pear 2002), soybeans (Kulkarni, Bhole, & Sawarkar, 1993)
as another edible form of the product. In a slightly mod- and white lupin (Ogut, 1998) but no detailed study
ified preservation procedure, Ewaidah and Hassan concerning physical properties of cactus pear have been
(1992) tested prickly pear sheets using a Taifi cultivar. performed up to now.
The optimum formulation was obtained by adding The objectives of this study were:
10% sucrose, 1.1% citric acid, 0.15% sodium metab-
isulphite and 0.5% olive oil to the fruit pulp. Sodium • To determine the physical properties of cactus pear
metabisulphite improved the colour, and citric acid pro- grown wild in Turkey.
duced an acid taste similar to that of the traditional apri- • To investigate the effects of different water contents
cot sheets. A small tasting panel found the sheets on physical properties of the fruit, such as fruit
extremely acceptable, rating them with a score of 8 out dimensions, volume, surface area, projected area,
of 9. mass, fruit density and friction coefficient.
Information regarding the physical properties of cac-
tus pear is very important in the design of equipment for
harvesting, transporting, cleaning, separating, packing, 2. Materials and methods
storing and processing it into different foods. Since cur-
rently used systems have been designed without taking 2.1. Materials
these criteria into consideration, the resulting designs
lead to inadequate applications. These cases result in a In this study, the cactus pears used were harvested
reduction in work efficiency and an increase in product from the village of Kayaburnu, near Antalya, Turkey
losses. Therefore, determination and consideration of in August, 2003. The fruits were transported, individu-
these properties play an important role in designing ally, in cooled bags, and cleaned in an air stream cleaner
these equipments. These physical properties affect the to remove all foreign matter such as dust, dirt and chaff
conveying characteristics of solid materials by air or as well as immature and damaged fruits. Finally, the
water and cooling and heating loads of food materials fruits were stored in a refrigerator until the physical
(Sahay & Singh, 1994). properties were determined. In order to obtain the de-
A specific knowledge of the cactus pear physical sired water contents of fruit at 89.91%, 78.49%,
properties such as linear dimensions, shapes, porosity, 65.12%, 56.65%, and 44.75% w.b., the fruit samples were
volume, density, coefficient of static friction etc. and harvested at five day intervals from 1 to 20 August 2003.
the differences between the physical properties of fruit The water content of fruits on 1 August was 89.91%,
is necessary to design of cactus pear processing equip- then after 5 days (the next harvest time) the water con-
ment. The functioning of many types of machines is tent of fruits had fallen down to 78.49%, 65.12% on 10
influenced decisively by the size and shape of the fruit August, 56.65% on 15 August, 44.75% on 20 August.
participating, and so in order to study a given process Moisture contents of the fruits were determined by using
should be described accurately. Also size, shape, pro- a standard method (USDA, 1970).
200 O. Kabas et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 198–202

2.2. Methods rubber surfaces. For this measurement, the material

was placed on the surface and it was gradually raised
The physical properties were determined by the fol- by the screw. Vertical and horizontal height measure-
lowing methods: ments were read from the ruler when the material started
Linear dimensions, i.e. length (L), width (W) and sliding on the surface. The tangent of the angle of incli-
thickness (T), were measured by using a digital calliper nation of the surface was taken as the coefficient of static
with a sensitivity of 0.01 mm. friction (Baryeh, 2001; Dutta, Nema, & Bhardwaj, 1988;
Geometric mean diameter (Dg), sphericity (/) and Gezer et al., 2002; Sitkei, 1986; Suthar & Das, 1996).
surface areas (S) were calculated by using the following All the physical properties for each moisture level
equations: were investigated by three replications with 20 determi-
1=3 nations. Mean values were represented by the standard
Dg ¼ ðLWT Þ ;
error. Variance analysis was made for all the results
/ ¼ Dg =L; for each level. The differences between the means were
S ¼ pD2g ; evaluated by using the DuncanÕs test at 1% or 0.1% sig-
nificance levels.
where L is the length, W is the width and T is the thick-
ness of the fruit (Fig. 1). These equations may be found
in the works of Baryeh (2001), Demir et al. (2002), 3. Results and discussions
Mohsenin (1980), and Sitkei (1986).
Fruit mass (M) was measured by using a digital bal- Physical properties of cactus pears at different water
ance with a sensitivity of 0.001 g. The fruit mass deter- content and their relationships are given in Tables 1
mined on 100 randomly selected fruits and averaged. and 2. The physical properties were found to be statisti-
Fruit volume (V) and fruit density (qf) were measured cally significant at different probability levels, with the
by the liquid displacement method. Toluene (C7H8) was exception of projected area and coefficient of static fric-
used, rather than water, because it was not absorbed by tion. The linear dimensions, volume, surface area, mass,
the fruits (Mohsenin, 1980; Sitkei, 1986). density and porosity are highly dependent on the water
Bulk density (qb) was determined with a weight per content of the fruit, and they linearly decrease or in-
hectolitre tester, which has calibrated in kilogram per crease with decreases in the water levels.
hectolitre. Linear dimensions (length, width and thickness) and
Porosity (e) was calculated by using the following shapes (geometric mean diameter and sphericity) were
equation: found to be statistically significant at 1% and 0.1% prob-
e ¼ 1  qb =qf ; ability levels. These dimensional characteristics linearly
decrease with decreases in the water contents.
where qb is the bulk density and qf is the fruit density.
The volume and surface area at different water con-
Projected area (P) was determined from the pictures
tents were found to have different means, varying from
of cactus pears which were taken by a digital camera
89.96 to 61.38 cm3 and 111.92 to 83.04 cm2, respectively.
(Kodak DC 5000), in comparison with the reference
The variation in the properties was found to be statisti-
area to the sample area using the Sigma Scan Pro 5
cally significant at 1% and 0.1% probability levels. The
volume and surface area are closely related to the water
Coefficient of static friction (ls) was measured by a
content. As the water content decreased, the volume and
friction device on galvanized iron steel, plywood and
surface area linearly decreased.
Projected area of the fruits on the Y–Z and X–Z
planes varied from 20.20 to 17.02 cm2 and 15.57 to
12.92 cm2, respectively. At all the water contents consid-
Z ered, the projected areas were higher on the Y–Z plane
compared to the X–Z plane. The projected areas on
the two planes slightly decrease as the water content de-
crease. The difference in both planes was found to be
statistically insignificant.
W The mass of the fruits at different water contents was
found to have different means, varying from 109.57 to
99.27 g. The mass highly correlated with the water con-
L tent, and was found to be statistically significant at 1%
probability level. As the water content decreased mass
Fig. 1. Axis and three major dimensions of fruit. linearly decreased.
O. Kabas et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 198–202 201

Table 1
Physical properties of cactus pear
Water content (% w.b.) Significant level
89.91 78.49 65.12 56.65 44.76
Length (mm) 71.93 ± 0.09a 69.46 ± 0.63ab 68.90 ± 0.61ab 66.31 ± 0.81bc 63.27 ± 1.95c **
Width (mm) 57.57 ± 0.34a 55.94 ± 0.50a 52.80 ± 0.35b 50.92 ± 0.14bc 48.10 ± 1.28c ***
Thickness (mm) 52.08 ± 0.31a 50.54 ± 0.40b 48.98 ± 0.37c 47.19 ± 0.21d 44.49 ± 1.46e ***
Geometric mean 59.68 ± 0.04a 57.87 ± 0.46 ab 55.97 ± 0.39bc 53.92 ± 0.32 cd 51.08 ± 1.53d ***
diameter (mm)
Sphericity 0.831 ± 0.001a 0.834 ± 0.004a 0.815 ± 0.004ab 0.815 ± 0.006ab 0.809 ± 0.003b **
Volume (cm3) 89.96 ± 1.53a 83.61 ± 1.67ab 72.65 ± 3.18bc 67.80 ± 4.06c 61.38 ± 5.13c **
Surface area (cm2) 111.92 ± 0.17a 105.32 ± 1.66b 98.89 ± 1.34c 92.02 ± 1.05d 83.04 ± 4.71d ***
Projected area (cm2)
X axis 20.20 ± 0.79 19.06 ± 0.78 18.95 ± 0.79 17.61 ± 0.64 17.02 ± 0.42 ns
Y axis 15.57 ± 1.09 14.85 ± 1.09 14.26 ± 1.02 13.37 ± 1.23 12.92 ± 1.20 ns
Mass (g) 109.57 ± 1.42a 105.76 ± 1.35ab 104.62 ± 1.30abc 100.34 ± 1.03bc 99.27 ± 0.88c **
Fruit density (kg/m3) 1224.34 ± 16.32c 1272.45 ± 40.84bc 1560.33 ± 86.06ab 1596.28 ± 97.28a 1766.77 ± 127.36a **
Bulk density (kg/m3) 641.74 ± 4.50a 634.64 ± 4.61a 630.44 ± 3.53a 612.59 ± 2.28b 588.66 ± 3.26c ***
Porosity 0.469 ± 0.011c 0.494 ± 0.020bc 0.561 ± 0.020ab 0.587 ± 0.25a 0.637 ± 0.030a **
Coefficient of static friction
Galvanized iron steel 0.243 ± 0.004 0.237 ± 0.005 0.234 ± 0.003 0.225 ± 0.005 0.219 ± 0.007 ns
Plywood 0.261 ± 0.009 0.258 ± 0.010 0.254 ± 0.008 0.243 ± 0.007 0.232 ± 0.003 ns
Rubber 0.296 ± 0.028 0.290 ± 0.029 0.287 ± 0.025 0.275 ± 0.020 0.268 ± 0.016 ns
All data represent the mean of three replications with 20 determinations.
**, *** significant levels at 1%, 0.1%, respectively. ns: not significant.
Letters indicate the statistical difference in rows.

Fruit density, bulk density and porosity at different and the porosity increased significantly. For those char-
water contents varied from 1224.34 to 1766.77 kg/cm3, acteristics attributed to the moisture content, different
641.74–588.66 kg/cm3, and 0.469 to 0.637, respectively. results were reported in some previous studies i.e. bulk
The variation in the properties was found to be signifi- density increases for apricot pit (Gezer et al., 2002)
cant at different probability levels from p < 0.01 to and decreases for soybean (Deshpande, Bal, & Ojha,
0.001. As the water content decreased, the fruit density 1993), hackberry (Demir et al., 2002), chickpea seeds
linearly increased, the bulk density changed very little, (Konak et al., 2002), and for Juniperus drupacea fruits
(Akinci et al., 2004).
The coefficients of static friction, which was deter-
mined with respect to galvanized iron steel, plywood
Table 2 and rubber surfaces, varied from 0.243 to 0.219, 0.261
The relationships, y = a + bx, between physical properties and water
to 0.232, and 0.296 to 0.268, respectively. The coefficient
content of cactus peara
of static friction slightly decreased with decrease in the
a b R2
water levels. The difference between the means of coeffi-
Length (mm) 55.884 0.1805 0.943 cient of static friction for different friction surfaces was
Width (mm) 38.768 0.2134 0.993
found to be statistically insignificant. At all water con-
Thickness (mm) 37.660 0.1642 0.976
Geometric mean diameter (mm) 43.140 0.1876 0.984 tents considered, the coefficients of static friction was
Sphericity 0.7824 0.0006 0.865 highest for rubber and lowest for galvanized iron steel.
Volume (cm3) 31.375 0.6524 0.994 This is due to the properties of friction surfaces. The
Surface area (cm2) 55.999 0.6306 0.989 fruits stick more to the friction surfaces as the water
Projected area (cm2)
content decreases. The adhesion forces between the
X axis 13.970 0.0687 0.934
Y axis 10.163 0.0602 0.983 fruits and surface materials increase when using rough
Mass (g) 88.538 0.2295 0.947 materials such as rubber. Similar results were found by
Fruit density (kg/m3) 2331.8 12.656 0.960 Akinci et al. (2004) for Juniperus drupacea fruits, Baryeh
Bulk density (kg/m3) 546.22 1.1255 0.878 (2001) for bambara groundnuts, Chung and Verma
Porosity 0.8063 0.0038 0.988
(1989) for beans and peanuts, Demir et al. (2002) for
Coefficient of static friction
Galvanized iron steel 0.1971 0.0005 0.971 hackberry and Konak et al. (2002) for chick pea seeds.
Plywood 0.2064 0.0006 0.902 The physical properties of the cactus pear were de-
Rubber 0.2413 0.0006 0.939 scribed in order to better design a specific machine for
y = Physical properties of the cactus pear, x = water content (% harvesting and post-harvesting operation. In this study,
w.b.). many properties were determined to be significantly
202 O. Kabas et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 73 (2006) 198–202

different. Therefore, the differences between the physical Dutta, S. K., Nema, V. K., & Bhardwaj, R. J. (1988). Physical
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