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by L. L. Weed and R. Y. Hertzberg

PKC Corporation
R.F.D. #1, Box 630, Cambridge, Vermont 05444

Abstract developed by Richard Hertzberg for the North Star

Advantage (an 8 bit microcomputer with 64K bytes of
memory). The software also runs on the IBM Personal
A series of computer software tools have been Computer. Some of the software is available on the
developed which can help to discover clinical prob- Apple II.
lems, and to develop diagnostic and management hypo-
theses based on relevant information in the medical Use of these tools requires no computer train-
literature. These tools are: the Problem-Know- ing. The tools are best explained by describing
ledge Coupler, the Coupler Editor, the Knowledge typical encounters in the doctor's office. We shall
Network, and the computerized Problem-Oriented first take a patient with a specific problem to show
Medical Record. In this paper the Problem- how how the Knowledge Coupler works, then show the
Knowledge Coupler will be described as it works for routine for the discovery of problems and health
a typical office encounter to investigate a pa- maintenance. The Editor and Knowledge Network will
tient's presenting complaint, and then as it works be discussed in terms of building a specific
for compiling history and physical examination Coupler. Finally, we shall show how the computer-
data. The Coupler Editor and the Knowledge Network ized Problem-Oriented Medical Record has been devel-
will be described in terms of their use in building oped for the microcomputer to record the actions
Knowledge Couplers. Finally, the microcomputer based on the guidance that Diagnostic and Manage-
version of the Problem-Oriented Medical Record will ment Couplers provide.
be illustrated as it is used to organize and record
Coupler-based diagnostic and management decisions. Use of the Knowledge Coupler
for the Patient with a Specific Problem
The provider puts the appropriate Coupler
Patients expect their doctors to diagnose and diskette in his computer (along with a "System
manage their known problems and to discover ones Disk"). (There may be as many as 8 Couplers on one
they do not even suspect they have. They trust diskette. In an orthopedic set, for example, one
that the right questions will be asked and the diskette contains Couplers for problems in the
right maneuvers reliably performed. Furthermore, shoulder, the hip, the low back, the knee, and the
not only do they expect the doctor to know all the leg and ankle.) The user hits one key to start,
appropriate diagnostic and management options, but and a display like the following appears on the
also to choose for them among the options on the screen:
basis of their unique characteristics and needs.
The unaided mind cannot meet such expectations.
The myriad consequences of all the misguided * Proble Kroledpe Coupler System (TN)
attempts of the unaided minds of "credentialed"
professionals to meet such expectations are not the

subject of this paper 1-4 . Rather, we want to des- A: Acute Abdomn
cribe a set of computer tools that can help lead us
to, and help us choose among, options on the basis B: Upper aWl Lowr Rspiratory Complaints - Othtr ENT Complaints
of the patient's specific problems and unique
characteristics. C: s1ad1 D: Low Dck Pain E: Hypralemia
The principal software tool for coupling the F: Hypertemion
relevant information from the medical literature of Essential Hpertension
to the patient's unique situation is the "Problem- 6: SteppedNep nt

Knowledge Coupler" '8. The "Knowledge Coupler

Editor" is available for building new Couplers for 1: Nm couplers 2: System coward pessor
specific problems. The Knowledge Network, a tool
used to structure an information base derived from The user then types the letter or number to
the medical literature, is available to support the left of the appropriate choice. In this case,
Coupler building. Finally, a computerized Problem- we shall type 'A' and proceed with the problem,
Oriented Medical Record is available for implemen- "Acute Abdomen". A series of displays then
ting the Coupler-based guidance. The software was appears from which the user makes choices. As he

01954210/83/0000/0831$01.00 i 1983 IEEE
makes a choice an arrow appears in front of the - Poeible Caue - Obs/ot
text he has chosen. If he changes his mind, he
just types the number of the choice again and the 1: Nsnteric vsular infficiey . . 5:10
arrow disappears. He proceeds to the next display 2: Nycardial infarction........ 5:16
by typing 'N', for "N: Next question". A repre- 3: Jejual divrticalitis ....... 3:5
sentative display is shown below: 4: Pelvic appmicitis ......... 2:16
5: "ate appedicitis ......... 2:12
kute Abdoen: question 5 6: Perforated ul ......... 2:16
7: S1ll bowl obstruction....... 1:6
Location of the pain: ("ore)
1: U - right upp quadrat L..7: Display came information
2: LI - right low' quadrant C: Oae refrene display mode
3: LLi - left upper quadrant
4: ll. - left lowr quadrant
5: upigstric ad/or pri,bilical Referene not displayed
6: puritbilical combied with pain in limbs or back
-) 7: gralized/poorly localized P: Print results F: Firdings R: Retur
8: hypogstric
9: supapobic ad/or pre-sacral By typing the number preceding any one of the
above causes, the user can bring up a display like
the following:
P: Previous quetion R: Rewtn N: Mt question
Nm teric vaclar ineufficiey
Sggeted Causet
The user makes choices that appropriately - Findinp pret -
describe the unique patient. (No two patients
make the same set of choices in the series; thus H/O claudication or vaular disease
the use of the questionnaire can capture the H/WO ht disease
uniqueness of each problem situation.) prior spells of crampirn pain after etirn
erlier, milder symptm 3-4 days before seeking help
When all the choices are completed, the user gnealizd abdminal pain
returns to the first display of the series, which localized tedern
has on it the choice: guiac positive stools
C: Couple to the relent liteatur - Findis nt pesent-
distention of the abdou
After the user makes the above choice, the follow- epipgtric asS/ar peri.bilical pain
ing display appears: In the w 51 yer old a group, abdinal vry ad sesenteric thrombosis
bocase increirnly important diagnm to cuider.
In meseteric thr ioss, the most iportant erly diagnotic feature is the
adlt 51-3 yrs old sewrity of the abminal pain relative to the pauity of the physical findirns,
H/U claudication or vaclar disease and the mwpmivne of the syopte to nrcoties
H/O heart disea
prior spells of crapirg pain after ating The ewrly sypm (in about 50 of cases) of smenteric thrombosis are pain
erlier, milder symptom 3-4 days before seking help (cetral, mild, cramping, accentuated by food), nausea and voiting. The
geralized abdominal pain tedenI ad distention omr late in the cowu and in the are of the
arrrhytheia involved gut.
localized tenderness
guaiac positive stools P: Print R Return
low grad fevr - at omet or son hours after onAt of pain
Examination of the above display makes it
P: Print rsults C: Causes R: Retu apparent why the system is called the "Knowledge
Coupler". Knowledge from the literature, that is,
The findings in the display above make up the salient features of the diseases which are known
constellation unique to this patient. By using causes of the problem at hand, is in the computer.
the choice, "C: Causes", at the bottom of the When there is a "match" between a characteristic
screen, one can proceed to understand the situa- of the unique patient and a Finding for a given
tion further. The user types 'C' to bring up on disorder, the Finding appears under "Findings
the screen the following display: present". The Findings in the machine for the same
disorder with which the patient does not "match"
are listed below as "Findings not present". Imme-
diately below them are appropriate comments from
the literature which further help the user decide
how good the "match" is. If he decides he wants
to pursue this suggested Cause further, he will
look at the bottom of the screen and, if the choice
"T: Tests" is present, he will type 'T'. Up will
come a display with a suggestion as to the diag-
nostic test or maneuver that is appropriate.

The suggested Causes are listed in order of management but for which delays are
those with the highest absolute number of findings tolerable (e.g., psoriasis)
that match. Order is not based on a "percentage List #4 - risk factors (e.g., smoking, no
of the total for that disease". One should not exercise, chemical exposures)
give undue significance to the order of appearance.
There is no substitute for taking the time to exa- The various responses are printed out under the
mine those possibilities which have a reasonable appropriate Systems Review headings as used in the
number of "matches", reading the comments, and traditional medical record.
letting the patient in on the process so that he
can introduce further elements of his uniqueness, Use of the Coupler Editor
both qualitative and quantitative, which can be to Build Knowledge Couplers
powerful in unraveling the problem. Patients are
interested in what is a good "match", no matter The Coupler Editor, like the other problem-
how rare the disease might be. They are not neces- solving tools described here, requires no computer
sarily interested in what is most probable for the training or background. One merely needs to insert
population. Indeed, when they come to a physician, the proper diskette into the computer and proceed
they hope he will find it if they have something to make choices from the displays that come up on
unusual. Patients want to be treated as indivi- the screen. The main working display of the
duals and they fear being prematurely categorized Editor appears as follows (with "Acute Abdomen") as
-- "sounds like the flu, there is a lot of it the title of the Coupler being edited);
going around". There is a basis for their fear;
physicians do apply probabilistic information from Kuuludp CouplBrhvlogmnit
the literature in direct proportion to their ignor-
ance of the uniqueness of the patient's situation. Coupler: kAu AMam
The more information the physician has about the S9 hildiudit/rviu tIEBI SEU9 (4 Coupler Control)
individual situation, the more apparent to him Qs kild/edit/lrvie SIANS (in mties list)
will be that situation's uniqueness, thus making
it more likely that his every thought and action F: kild/edit/rwie Findiqs (+ Entity hlations)
will be tailored to the individual's needs. C: kild/edit/rwie Cam
N: kild/ldit/hwi Cants
If the user has a question about the source T: kildledit/revim Tsts
of the information upon which the Coupler is R: lturn
based, he returns to the earlier display and
types "C" for "Change reference display mode".
After each Finding and Comment there will then The choices on this display provide the
appear a number which is keyed to a number in a necessary framework for one to think about medical
booklet of abstracts (called "Documentation problem-solving and knowledge coupling. In effect,
Items") provided with each Coupler. There reside the display says to the user: Decide on a problem
the actual literature citations. (or "Topic"), make a list of all the Causes for
that problem, a list of Findings to be sought in
In summary then, the "Knowledge Coupler" patients that will include all the salient findings
harnesses the power of the computer to "remember" for each of the Causes, a list of Comments about
diagnostic and management options for problems and Causes and Findings and Tests that was culled from
to "match" the patient to those options by syste- your literature reading about the Coupler Topic,
matically eliciting findings from patients and and, finally, a list of Tests or procedures which
then electronically sorting and displaying them in may be used to further delineate a Cause if the
terms of the diagnostic or management options, as more simple Findings from the patient's history
you have seen above. and physical prove to be insufficient as a basis
for diagnosis and action. With these lists in
Using the Computer to Discover Problems hand, one can very rapidly build a Knowledge Coupler
(Screening History and Physical Examination) whose power lies in its ability to link electroni-
cally the authoritative thinking in an area of
The patient uses the microcomputer directly medicine to everyday problem-tsolving, which can
to answer those history questions appropriate to then go on without inordinate dependence on the
him. The provider uses it to respond to questions memory-based knowledge of costly, credentialed
about the physical status of the patient. The experts.
computer immediately takes the input from these
encounters and displays or prints out several If we pick one of the choices of the above
lists based on the unique set of answers provided display, the "Causes" choice, for example, we get
by any given individual. the display that follows:
List #1 responses requiring immediate
management (e.g., severe chest pain
or very low blood pressure)
List #2 - responses requiring reasonably fast
attention but which do not indicate
an emergency
List #3 - problems that require up-to-date

C I an ability to interact easily and effectively with
Tat: Ectopic pvqacy the vast and complex stores of medical knowledge.
Global mtity mbr: Much of this complexity derives not from an infi-
Pirog ois w/o R: nite number of chemical and biological entities,
Prognois Ru: but rather from an extremely large number of rela-
Display uiNtinq: tionships among the entities. Pneumonia, cough,
hf 1
headache, brain tumor, and penicillin are examples
T: Edit tat of entities. 'Pneumonia causes cough', 'penicil-
6: Edit global wntity rm_ lin treats pneumonia', and 'brain abscess ca ses
Di Edit disease prog is headache' are examples of relationships among nti-
i: Edit display wigtinq ties. These relationships are of different typ, :
cause relationships, treatment relationships, ris.
F: hvis asociatid fidiip factor relationships, etc. They can be said to
E Eras cause have a sense, or direction, and thus the entities
Aid 1: Cam t citirg 3: Tst citing $fs
and the links between them can be discussed in
Delete -) 2: Commnt citing 4: Tet citing 6: Rfwwscs terms of "predecessors" and "successors"; for
example, 'pneumonia' is a predecessor of 'cough',
b_ini coa *citins: 'cough' is a successor of 'pneumonia'. These
tiniqg tst citinp: relationships are the raw material from which
bemingiq rsfuis: Knowledge Couplers are built.
: Specific ca Pu Print ess Ri btwu NM Ust cuse Since the relationships that are useful in
solving one problem may also be very useful in
It will be seen that every choice on this unraveling another problem (the successors of
display is intelligible to a user without computer pneumonia are useful in solving the problem of
training (given a user manual and some practice). chest pain as well as that of cough), it is wise
Difficulties, when arise, are more apt to have to keep a "Knowledge Network" as a cumulative,
their roots in the confusion and the ambiguities up-to-date resource for building Knowledge
in the medical literature from which specific Couplers. Independent of building Couplers, these
information must be extracted. The demands placed same "Knowledge Networks" provide an efficient
on the Coupler builder at every step in the pro- mechanism for organizing and keeping track of
cess often go beyond the demands placed on the journal reading and information (which can be
average textbook writer who is free to use ambigu- stated in terms of entity relationships) picked
ous prose, and to leave many consequences and con- up at conferences and elsewhere. Furthermore,
nections unstated (if indeed they were ever expli- they are useful in coordinating the efforts of
citly worked out in the first place). As workers in a given field of knowledge.
Whitehead says, we think in generalities but we
live in detail. Knowledge Couplers either help us Traversing large networks to get all the
rigorously match the details of our everyday Predecessors or Successors of a given Entity (e.g.
actions with the details of authoritative sources all of the causes of back pain) is all but impos-
available for the problem at hand, or they rapidly sible if you are trying to work with a paper sys-
confront us with the gaps in, and tallibility of, tem. The computer makes such searches feasible.
medical knowledge. Seen below is the first display of the Knowledge
Network developed by Richard Hertzberg for the
The Editor can become a vehicle for develop- microcomputer:
ing effective management tools. Routines can be 1N Ull
established for emergency rooms, the front desk u:muuuuuu::iuuuiiiuuuuu
in a busy practitioner's office, telephone answer-
ing services, and paramedical people. In these * ktoblm Knuludp Coupler Sst (Tm) a
cases we are coupling daily actions of office
personnel, not to just authoritative sources in . . .HH
the medical literature, but also to well thought-
out approaches to the activities of workers in a Ti Travus mwt Ds Dslopintain diagotic ntitiss
busy environment. This assures coordination of
effort, and a working situation less vulnerable to S: s*s -
oui pvo r Ft Daelopntaln fwts
changes and variability of personnel.
The steps above give the reader an idea of It apparent from the choices on this dis-

how the tools we are describing can serve everyday play that one can either add Entities, add rela-
workers in the medical field. This document does tionships among Entities ("Facts"), or traverse
not allow space for the delineation of every step. the Network. Although all the steps cannot be
Use of the tools is the best means to understanding reviewed here, we can imagine choosing the
the tools themselves and the philosophy that under- "Traverse" choice and seeing the display that
lies their use. follows (after specifying a "root entity"):

The Knowledge Network and Documentation Tools

Sound problemr-solving in medicine requires

Traves Netwk The Computerized Problem-Oriented Record
for Microcomputers
Root Entity: hypicalmia
Direction: _edcessrs Having used the tools described above to dis-
Depth Lenl: I cover and organize the patients' problems for man-
Entity typs: all agement and follow-up, it is important to keep an
Entity relatiesdip types: all electronic record of the problems of each patient.
We should be able to retrieve from that record the
E: Specify root entity logic that underlies the pursuit of each problem
D: Specify direction of traversal and the results of that pursuit. Generation of
: Specify lml of travrsl the record and retrieval from it are easy for any
O: ualify etities user and no computer background is necessary.
F: Qualify entity relatioedips Retrieval across patients' records is also possible
using this "network" of information on patients
T: Travee wtwork much in the same way as one retrieves information
R: Aeten from the Knowledge Network. This latter capability
enables a busy office to be a place not only of
medical service but also one of clinical research
By typing the letter to the left of the appropriate and analysis.
choice, the user can enter the root entity from
which he wants to start his search (e.g., hyper- Paper is not an adequate medium to convey the
calcemia), the direction of the traversal (e.g., true sense of an electronic tool. This is parti-
predecessors), the number of levels of the traver- cularly apparent when one tries to describe this
sal (e.g., two levels, to include the predecessors computerized Problem-Oriented Medical Record.
of the predecessors), the types of entity relation- One must use it to develop a feel for it, and,
ships to be included in the search, and finally except for the first display below, we shall not
choose the traversal itself. For hypercalcemia, show computer displays, but rather give a short
one gets the following display of the relation- description instead. Those truly interested must
ships to first level predecessors: actually use the Record system.
hypercalmia The first display is as follows:
idiopathic infantile hypwcaleeia (817)
iostitis, idiopathic (819) SN Ml
imbilization (821)
estrope (723)
rhahdoeyolysis (813) #
Proble Kowledp Coupler Systn (TN) t
etc. :nuuulnuuuululuuuu:umIuuuumuuuul:
(the list continues on to a total of
87 links in the current Network)
R: Add to/Retrieve froe a Patient Record
The Knowledge Network contains only the
Predecessors and Sucessors -- the skeleton of the P: Add/Remve a Patient from the Syste
relationships. On a separate set of diskettes one N: Develop/Review Nedical Entities
can keep the text of the Entity Relationships.
This gives one an opportunity to store modifiers T: Develop/Review Structural Elment Types
and useful descriptors and details from the refer-
ence source. The number associated with the text S: Syste coemd procssor
('813' in the example below)corresponds to the
number opposite the appropriate successor in the When the user first begins this sort of a
previous display. record system he uses the bottom two choices to
establish the medical and the structural vocabu-
813 laries that characterize a particular practice
Wabdomyolysis (n-trauatic) el cam: of medicine. In this regard, it is helpful to
think of the patient record as a small knowledge
hypeqalcia (dwiiq diuetic Om of the ae network full of important relationships and asso-
rel failw. - up to 15.9 - did not last) ciations. There are certain structural units
hypocaleia (sere) that organize and give meaning to many of the pos-
hypeuicia (profound) sible relationships, e.g., the Problem List, the
oliguria Basis for the Problem Statement, the Status of
solle mcls the Problem, the Disability it leads to, the
bkw Int. Ned 85:23 1976 Follow Course parameters (symptomatic, objective,
Koffler A et al treatments), the elements of the Investigation,
iabdeyolysis with aute and Complications to watch for. Just as the
real fail physical structure of a library and its catalog-
ing system become second nature as one uses them
to store, organize, and retrieve information, so
can the structural units of the record become
second nature to the user. Without this

structure, coordinated care, efficient use of med- Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, March 9,
ical knowledge and corrective feedback loops in 1982.
medicine become impossible.
10. Weed, L.L. "Problem-solving: Can We Teach It?"
In the electronic record, the user picks the Connelly, D.P., eds. Clinical Decisions
structural element that concerns him and it ap- & Laboratory Use. University of Minnesota
pears on the screen with all of the relevant ele- Continuing Medical Education, University of
ments organized below it. He may then choose one Minnesota Press, 1982, Vol I: Sect 4, Ch 18,
of the four standard says of working on that 159-181.
"Current element"; i.e., retrieve all information
that is 'under' it in the record, add something 11. Weed, L.L. "New Premises and New Tools for
under it, delete it, or edit its text. If he Medical Education". MOBIUS 2:24-34. University
chooses not to act on the Current Element, he can of California Press, April, 1982.
choose another element and "Add to" or "Retrieve"
from the record under that element.
Conclusion (After completion of the work described in this
manuscript the early work of Dr. F.A. Nash, M.R.C.S.
A series of computer tools have been developed of the South West London Hospital Radiology Service,
that can help us discover patients' problems and was brought to the attention of the authors.)
develop diagnostic and management hypotheses that
are based on the documented sources available for 12. Nash, F.A. "Differential Diagnosis: An
solving those problems. A computerized problem- Apparatus to Assist Logical Faculties". Lancet
oriented medical record system has been developed i:875, April 24, 1954.
that allows us to test those hypotheses in a con-
trolled and scientific manner. The total system 13. Nash, F.A. "Diagnostic Reasoning and the
is a guidance system for the care of individuals Logoscope". Lancet ii:1443, December 31, 1960.
and for the study of the results of medical prac-
tice on populations of individuals. 14. Nash, F.A. "The Mechanical Conservation of
Experience, especially in Medicine." I.R.E.
Trans. on Medical Electronics, 240, October,
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9. Weed, L.L. Problem-Knowledge Coupling.
Presented at the New York Academy of Medicine


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