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MINISTRY OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AND LEGAL AFFAIRS Attorney General’s Secretariat April 14" 2020 VERY URGENT Mr. Gerald Ramdeen By Email to ramdeengerald Attomey-at-Law No.7 Cornelio Street WOODBROOK com Dear Mr. Ramdeen, Re:Pre-action letter in the proposed action on behalf of Ian Alleyne v Dr. Roshan Parasram, the Chief Medical Officer We refer to the matter at caption and to your letter to Dr, Roshan Parasram, the Chief Medical Officer of even date which has been passed to us with initial specific instructions from the ‘Attorney General to reply as set out hereunder. Please note that as at the time of writing this letter, your said letter to Dr. Parasram has not been received by him, but has come to his attention through the courtesy of members of the media who have given wide national coverage of it tonight. At the outset we are compelled to state from instructions received tonight, that it seems that your said leiter is premised upon factual inaccuracies spring-boarding into premature threatened action. We ask you to note that we are in the course of receiving more fulsome instructions to the matters raised in your said letter but have taken the caution to write to you in terms set out hereunder so as to ensure that (i) an immediate response is forthcoming; and (ii) this letter may be brought to the attention of the Honourable Court in the unfortunate event that you should be misguided enough to seck to invoke the jurisdiction of Courts by way of habeas corpus or by way of any other injunctive relief. Government Campus Plaza, Comer of London and Richmond Streets, Port-of Spain, Trinidad W.1. Tel: (868)-223-2452 ext. 3793] Fax: (868)-226-5145 |

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