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Date: 19th June, 2020 Time: 7:00 pm


Definition of Terms
1. Might: can be define as autocratic; bossy; dominating; high and mighty;
magisterial peremtory. Or in other words, it is power, strength, puissance,
force, main, potency, efficacy, ability, and efficiently. Furthermore, might
has to do with force of any kind, whether of body or mind; energy or
intensity of purpose, feeling, or action; means or resources to effect an

2. Power: can be defined as possession of qualities (especially mental

qualities) required doing something or getting something done.

3. Spirit: This is the Holy Spirit of God, the third person in the Trinity; the
Comforter promised and sent by God the Son (Jesus Christ) on the day of
penticost. (Act 1:8; 2:1-4).

4. Almighty: can be defined as unlimited in might; omnipotent; all powerful

and Irresistible.

The author is Zechariah, the grandson of Iddo Chapter 1:1. Zechariah means,
Jehovah remembers: he was born in Babylon as a captive but wrote the book in
Palestine. The Jews were carried off to exile in Babylon in 587/6 BC. But the
Babylonian empire was suddenly smashed by Cyrus, known as Gods messiah
(Isaiah 45:1). King Cyrus announced that the exiles were free to return to
Jerusalem hence from 538.BC, as a young man at that time, prophet Zechariah
join Haggai his older contemporary to encourage the Jews to push on with the
work of rebuilding the temple of God which the Jews were laboring toward it
then. This follows the order given by king Darius of Persia to do so. Like
Zechariahs name connote: “the Lord remembers “, reminds the people of Israel
that God does indeed remember his covenant with them and will fulfill his part
if the people will do their own part.
Vision and purpose are also key words in this book. Prophet Zechariah saw many
visions which summed up to a cell to repentances. He was also purposeful to
remind the people on the fact that they aren`t merely constructing a building,
but they are also rebuilding their legacy.

The question one may ask is this, did God ever promise His people anything?
The answer here is yes. God promise His people in His word. Zach 4:4-9.

Here we can see God’s promise to Zerubbabel with the great assurance in verse
7. He says ‘’what are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become
level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of God bless it, bless

Again in verse 9; He said ‘’the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of
this temple; His hands will also complete it. Then you will know that the Lord
Almighty has sent me to you.

Now, with this clear example from the scripture, you will agree with me that
God do promise His people and God always keep to His promises. God never
promise and fail His people.

But God gives man condition, the condition is ‘’ you are to obey His command or
His instruction’’, if you don’t obey or follow His instruction then you will bear
the consequences of your disobedience; Zach 6:15, Lev 26:3-8, Deut. 28:1-2, 15.

The fulfillment of God’s promises lies on the obedience of man to God’s word.
As men or people of God obey the instruction or the command of God being
given to them, then God will also fulfill His pledge to them. 1 Sam 15:22-23.

God’s permissive will for man Gen 2:15-17. Man has a choice to choose whether
to obey God or not, but man should also bear in mind that he will also face the
consequences of His choice (his actions) whether good or bad, whether a curse
or blessings, whether life or death. Gen 15:16-17.

The Consequences of Disobeying God’s Word

Num. 27:12-14, 1sam 15:22-23
Whoever disobeys God’s word will definitely face the consequences of His
In the light of the ECWA Theme it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit
says the Lord Almighty. This means that it is not by might nor by power but your
obedience to God’s word. The spirit of God will do it.

As ECWA members we need to understand this Theme, The simple obedience to

God’s Word, God will also fulfill His promises in our lives that are significance of
obedience in the light of the ECWA Theme of the year 2020. We need to
understand that by our obedience to God’s word, His promises will surely come
to pass.

A question we are to ask ourselves;

Are there promises of God we have failed to receive due to disobedience to
God’s word?

We need to think about it and ask God for His mercy.

In conclusion I want to assure you that the bible contains God’s promises to His
people. However, the promises of God are always attached to certain conditions
i.e. Holiness. Obedience to the commands and precepts of God is the
prerequisite of fulfilling His promises. God does not expect you to live an
obedient life in your own strength. He has provided you with everything
necessary to make obedience a reality. That is the assurance we have with him,
that God never ask us to do anything without him supporting us. Please be
obedient to God and he will surely see you through. Remember ‘’Not by might
nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.’’ Zach 4:6, 1sam 15:22.

Compiled by:
Senior Pastor, ECWA Kpaduma II LCB

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