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JUNE 3, 2019



Yaoundé, Cameroon

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 1

II. Project Overview........................................................................................................................ 2

1. Ownership & Partnership ....................................................................................................... 2

2. Mission Statement ................................................................................................................. 2

3. Vision Statement .................................................................................................................... 2

4. Goals and Objectives .............................................................................................................. 2

5. Description of the Project....................................................................................................... 3

III. Program Approach ................................................................................................................. 3

1. Target ................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Team ..................................................................................................................................... 3

3. Sponsors ............................................................................................................................... 4

4. Planning Sample .................................................................................................................. 5

6. Risks and Solutions ............................................................................................................. 5

IV. Budget Estimation .................................................................................................................. 6

V. SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 8

VI. Project Planning ..................................................................................................................... 9

VII. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 10

References ..................................................................................................................................... 11

I. Executive Summary
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening cause
by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes
with your body ability to fight the organisms that cause diseases. HIV is a sexually transmitted
infection. It can also be spread by contact with infected blood or from mother to child during
pregnancy, childbirth, or breast-feeding without specific medication. It may take years before HIV
weakens your immune system to the point you have AIDS.

This disease kills, each year, approximately 1.2 million people worldwide. This immense public
health failure can be attributed to a dense web of medical, political, and economic problems. The
vast majority of the world’s 38 million people living with HIV reside in developing countries where
many obstacles prevent the widespread distribution of HIV drugs and awareness.

AIDS has become a global health issue, and various ways are being explored in order to
combat the spread of the disease. One such way to somewhat limit the spread of AIDS is through

Education is the process of facilitating learning or acquisition of knowledge, skills, values,

beliefs and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and
directed research. Education frequently takes place under guidance of educators; however,
learners may also educate themselves. The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.

The Importance of HIV Education resides in the fact that it provides peoples with
opportunities to learn how they can help prevent the onward transmission of the HIV virus and
contribute to a caring and compassionate society for people living with and affected by HIV and

Reports have shown for a long time that urban area are more affected by the disease, but
many organizations, as the Food and Agriculture Organization, have recently raised alarms about
the disease now spreading with alarming speed into rural areas and affects the farming
population, especially people in their most productive years (ages 15 to 45).


The emergency of getting more interested into rural populations resides in the fact that they
have less knowledge about the disease and also have less financials and medicals means to fight
it; so, once they are exposed to the virus, it somehow has an opened way to spread.

Where the need of an educational program like HAMIRA that can empower these populations
with the necessary knowledge to prevent AIDS and react in case of infection.

HAMIRA will be deployed for the first phase in south Cameroon, this region has an HIV/AIDS
prevalence rate of 6.3% of the population aged 15 – 64 years.

II. Project Overview

1. Ownership & Partnership
HAMIRA is a property of a work group constituted by Ericka TATCHUM, TITA Arnaud,
MAKIWI Dorian, and AMABO Ghislain. Due to the importance of the project, a partnership could
be seal with some key actors to facilitate the implementation of this solutions to serve the society.

2. Mission Statement
“Empower rural areas with knowledge and means to fight HIV/AIDS”

3. Vision Statement
AIDS Mitigation Power for All Rural Areas

4. Goals and Objectives

✓ Prevent the spread of HIV in rural areas
✓ Assist affected people on how to take care of themselves properly
✓ Educate key populations on prevention and care of AIDS
✓ Sensitize population to end Stigma and Discrimination


✓ Vulgarize regular HIV Screening Test

5. Description of the Project

To achieve its goals and objectives, HAMIRA aim to regularly carry out punctual education
program in as much rural areas as possible. These areas will be constituted of one ore many
villages depending on the geographical area. The program should last 3 to 5 days per area,
depending on the size of the populations and others specificity. HAMIRA program will be usually
constituted of:

✓ Sensitization tour through secondary schools of the Area;

✓ Sensitization Meetings with parents and unschooled habitants;
✓ Free HIV Screening Test ;
✓ Training Program for monitors who could follow up the program by sensitizing people
individually or organize education events;

III. Program Approach

1. Target
HAMIRA program first targets rural areas in Cameroon, but has the capability to easily
expand to other countries of sub-Saharan Africa.

2. Team
i. Chief Executive Officer
As the vision bearer, he is responsible define and draws the short and long-term program
and growth of the project. Organizes leadership and staff to meet strategic goals.

ii. Chief Operating Officer

The COO Provides oversight and guidance to tasks of high importance and ensures
appropriate governance and controls. He plans and directs all administrative, financial, and
operational activities for the organization to meet its goals. He assists the CEO in taking charge of
public relationship, collaborate with key partners and customers.


iii. Chief Technical Officer

The CTO is a medical doctor, responsible for the long-range direction of an organization's
health orientation. Recruit and direct health consulting team to accomplish the strategic design,
acquisition, management, and implementation of an enterprise-wide medical infrastructure (Health
equipment – Medical support for educational content). Monitors and analyzes technology and
trends that could improve the company's services. Establishes medical standards and communicates
information to the organization.

iv. Secretary
Provides administrative support in a variety of functions to the CEO that are focused on
increasing the efficiency of the executive. Summarizes, prioritizes, and researches information into
a concise and usable format for the executive to review. Responds to or routes priority or
confidential inquiries from external or internal sources with correspondence or other messaging on
behalf of the executive.

v. Accountant
Handle all financial transactions, provides financial information to management by
researching and analyzing accounting data; preparing reports. Recommends financial actions by
analyzing accounting options

vi. Support Staff

When executing the program in each rural area, the organization team will need the
assistance of local staff. This support staff should be constituted of:

✓ A Medical Doctor
✓ Nurses
✓ A Guide
✓ A Translator

3. Sponsors
Based on the model of non-profit organization, especially in the health sector, HAMIRA is
eligible to benefit of the strategic, logistic or financial support that could be offer by different


entities sensible to our mission and mission. Following is an inexhaustible list of potentials
sponsors of HAMIRA programs.

✓ Health Organizations (Ministry of Health, UNAIDS, Hospitals, …)

✓ Education Organization (Ministry of Secondary Education, Schools, …)
✓ Local Elites and Authorities

These potential sponsors will be contacted through formal channels on due time.

4. Planning Sample
The program will be carried on in each rural area following the planning defined below.
The organization will arrive in the night of day 0 and lives the last day in the evening.

Morning Afternoon
Day 1 Preparatory Meeting with authorities, Monitors Training
key Peoples and with support staff

Day 2 Sensitizing Tour in Schools Sensitizing meeting with adults

Day 3 Free HIV Screening Test Free HIV Screening Test & Gifts sharing

Before theses 3-days programs, the organization team will have to get in contact with a local
authority to fulfill all legal and administrative requirements.

After the programs, the monitors will be responsible to respond to people’s enquiries, and
organize other sensitizing events or Free HIV Screening Test sessions. This follow-up activities
should be done in close collaboration with the organization.

6. Risks and Solutions

✓ Travelling Risks: Due to road condition we will have to rent a good car

✓ Language barrier: A translator will be needed to communique with villagers

✓ Climatic condition: Appropriate clothing and equipment to adapt in the area

✓ Electricity: For electricity issues, a generator will be rent for the program


IV. Budget Estimation

This estimation is equivalent to launching the project and running a first pilot program in Akom,
a village not far from Ebolowa Town in the south Cameroon.

HAMIRA Project - Phase 1 Budget

(Project Launch and Pilot Program)

Item Unit Cost Total Cost

Transport and Accommodation
I-1 Trip to the Area 6 10,000 60,000
I-2 Lodgment 4 30,000 120,000
I-3 Nutrition 6 20,000 120,000
I-4 Local Transport 12 10,000 120,000
Total I 420,000
Equipment for meetings venues
II-1 Electricity / Generator 1 150,000 150,000
II-2 Chairs 200 300 60,000
II-3 Tables 5 3,000 15,000
II-4 Decoration 1 30,000 30,000
II-5 Sound System 1 100,000 100,000
II-6 Tent 4 30,000 120,000
Total II 475,000
Medical Equipment for HIV Test
III-1 Test Kit 450 1,000 450,000
III-2 Gloves 450 50 22,500
III-3 Kit Conditioning 5 50,000 250,000
Total III 722,500
Condoms 500 25 12,500
Total IV 12,500
V-1 Program Presentation 10 3,000 30,000


V-2 Posters 25 1,000 25,000

V-3 Training booklet 10 5,000 50,000
V-4 Communication Credit 12 5,000 60,000
Total V 165,000
VI-1 CEO 1 300,000 300000
VI-2 COO / CTO 2 240,000 480000
VI-3 Secretary / Accountant 2 180,000 360000
VI-4 Local Medical Doctor 1 100,000 100000
VI-5 Local Nurses 4 30,000 120000
VI-6 Local Guide 1 15,000 15000
VI-7 Local translator 1 30,000 30000
Total VI 1,405,000
Project Launch
VII-1 Legalization & Trademark 1 300,000 300000
VII-2 Web Site construction and hosting 1 500,000 500000
VII-3 Preliminary Studies 1 250,000 250000
VII-4 Pilot Testing Preparation 1 350,000 350000
Subtotal 4,600,000
Risk (Contingency) [5%] 230,000

TOTAL 4,830,000


V. SWOT Analysis
The following table give and idea about the strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats to
the realization of HAMIRA project.

Strength Weaknesses

• Humanitarian Aspect • Lack of experience in the

• Educational & Health Aspect

• High cost of the program

• Young and devoted team
• Expertise assistance

• Availability of support from • Travelling Risks

more experienced organizations
• Language barrier

in the field
• Climatic condition
• Availability of potentials
sponsors • Accommodation

Opportunities (positive) Threats (negative)


VI. Project Planning

The following graph describe the journey until the execution of this program in all rural areas
of Cameroon.

Preliminary analysis and Program design

Gather more
Project Test
information Formalisation & Partrnership
from the field Define an area
to consolidate for the first Deployment
Fulfill legal
program and
the idea and
requirements Growth
strengthen & Attract key Deploy the
project monitor the program in
partners and improve the
activities. execution and much area as
important program,
results; for possible in
•June 2019 sponsors. attract more
otimisation. cameroon
•September - sponsors to
•July - August November 2018 •December boost the
2019 2019 --> deployment
•January 2021 -->

Depending on how important the support from sponsors will be, we will constitute more
teams to accelerate project deployment in Cameroon; and with growth, we will be able to expand
the program sooner than expected to others countries in Africa.


VII. Conclusion
Figures in the year 2017 shows 70% percent of HIV coming from sub-Saharan Africa; a number
that is maintained when it comes to the amount of dead recorded. This in mainly due to lack of
awareness and medical facilities (Adequate center, drugs, etc.) in these developing countries, where
some rural areas are mostly affected.

AIDS separates families, discard people in the age of production and leave the way to many
other problems that constitute serious threats to socio-economic development.

As students and good fearing individuals, it is our duty to find a way to mitigate the spread and
impacts of HIV in rural areas, through the implementation of planned strategies; mainly to educate
and sensitize the populations. That is the main reason why we created HAMIRA (HIV/AIDS
Mitigation In Rural Areas). Our action plan will start in the south Cameroon, specifically in Akom,
a village not far from Ebolowa Town. With time, God and our intellects abilities, we hope to
achieve more in all the country, as well as in other countries. Together let’s stop the spread of
HIV/AIDS in our nation.












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