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Advanced Engineering Informatics 21 (2007) 303–310

A hybrid system for SPC concurrent pattern recognition

Zheng Chen, Susan Lu *, Sarah Lam
Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Binghamton, United States

Received 28 October 2005; received in revised form 8 June 2006; accepted 8 March 2007


Any nonrandom patterns shown in Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts imply possible assignable causes that may deteriorate the
process performance. Hence, timely detecting and recognizing Control Chart Patterns (CCPs) for nonrandomness is very important in
the implementation of SPC. Due to the limitations of run-rule-based approaches, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been resorted
for detecting CCPs. However, most of the reported ANN approaches are only limited to recognize single basic patterns. Different from
these approaches, this paper presents a hybrid approach by integrating wavelet method with ANNs for on-line recognition of CCPs
including concurrent patterns. The main advantage of this approach is its capability of recognizing coexisted or concurrent patterns with-
out training by concurrent patterns. The test results using simulated data have demonstrated the improvements and the effectiveness of
the methodology with a success rate up to 91.41% in concurrent CCP recognition.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pattern recognition; Statistical process control; Concurrent pattern; Neural networks; Wavelet theory; Backpropagation

1. Introduction with a specific set of assignable causes provided that appro-

priate process knowledge is available [19]. Hence effective
Statistical Process Control (SPC) is one of the most identification of nonrandom patterns can greatly narrow
widely used tools for quality control and improvement in down a set of possible assignable causes to be investigated,
manufacturing industries. Among different SPC charts, and significantly speed up the diagnostic process. The anal-
Shewhart control charts are universally recognized as one ysis of control charts involves pattern recognition by which
of the most important process monitoring tools for the systematic or nonrandom patterns on the control chart are
detection of out-of-control situations. Upon the out-of- recognized and the associated underlying root causes are
control is alarmed, the assignable causes for the abnormal identified.
process need to be identified and removed in order to bring There are several reported research papers on summari-
the process back to normal. The basic structure of Shew- zation and categorization of all possible patterns that are
hart Control charts is to plot quality observations vs. time commonly appeared in SPC charts. The Western Electronic
(or sample sequences) with specified upper/lower control [19] first proposed a guideline for identifying the out-of-
limits. In the implementation of control charts, the process control process by observing systematic patterns on the
is considered out-of-control when one or more points fall control charts. Nelson [2,10] further systematically devel-
outside the control limits, or when the plotted points exhi- oped an organized summary for out-of-control patterns.
bit some nonrandom patterns of behavior [14]. Those non- Later Wang et al. [11,15] defined and summarized 30 pos-
random Control Chart Patterns (CCPs) can be associated sible control chart patterns, which are categorized as 8
basic patterns and 22 superimposed (concurrent) patterns.
The superimposed patterns are virtually the combination
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 607 777 4910. of the basic patterns in trend, cycles, and their mixtures
E-mail address: slu@binghamton.edu (S. Lu). [9]. Fig. 1 shows some basic control chart patterns.

1474-0346/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
304 Z. Chen et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 21 (2007) 303–310

Upward Trend Pattern Downward Trend Pattern Cycle Pattern

Systematic Pattern Upward Shift Pattern Downward Shift Pattern

Fig. 1. Typical nonrandom control chart patterns [9].

In applying SPC, timely detection and identification of Recently, ANNs have been applied to pattern recogni-
different patterns are crucial to detect abnormal process, tion for control charts [7,6,9,8,1,4,17]. In pattern recogni-
determine the associated assignable causes, and finally tion, ANNs has the capability to recall learned patterns
remove the causes that drive the process out of control. from noisy data, making ANN a suitable tool for CCP rec-
However, pattern recognition in SPC charts is a challeng- ognition [9]. In most of the reported ANN approaches, the
ing task. In practice, CCP recognition has been based on networks were constructed and trained to recognize several
visual examination by operators [9], of which the effective- types of basic patterns, such as linear trend, sudden shift,
ness of SPC relies on operator’s training and experiences. cycle, and stratification, etc. Among those network archi-
Numerous approaches have been developed to assist oper- tectures being selected for the CCP recognition, Backprop-
ators for effectively detecting CCPs. These methods can be agation Network (BPN) has been proven to be one of the
generally classified into two basic categories. One category most robust designs that is capable of producing fast and
is the run-rule-based approaches including run rules, zone accurate classification results. The ANN approach to rec-
tests, and Expert Systems (ESs), etc. The other category ognize CCPs has been reported to outperform other
is the pattern recognition approach represented by Artifi- approaches, such as run rules and zone tests, with respect
cial Neural Networks (ANNs). Among the different to recognition accuracy and speed [20]. However, the
approaches in the first category, the run rules or zone tests reported ANN approaches are mainly developed for recog-
have been the major tools for detecting CCPs over many nizing the eight basic patterns but are incapable for recog-
years. The most widely used run rules are developed by nizing the 22 superimposed patterns. It is quite common
AT&T and Motorola [12]. These rules are expressed in that multiple nonrandom patterns may coexist in a manu-
descriptive language with quantitative measures, such as facturing process. As a consequence, the pattern recognizer
the process will be pronounced out-of-control if four out with the capability of recognizing concurrent patterns is
of five consecutive points fall beyond the same ±1-sigma desirable. Unfortunately, the coverage of these issues in
band. Zone tests are just variations of the basic run rules. the literatures is quite limited. Most researchers assume
The ESs developed for process control purpose are also that only one particular pattern would be present during
run-rule-based [4,9]. These run-rule-based approaches have a period of time [17,4,9] in order to simplify the pattern rec-
certain limitations in implementation. For example, the ognition task. Guh [9] first presented a two-stage ANN
effectiveness of these run rules and zone tests heavily relies approach for concurrent pattern recognition. However,
on the skills and experience of the operator or analyst. the results showed that a single pattern trained network
Another major difficulty is that there is no one-to-one map- was not capable of identifying the co-existence of multiple
ping between a run rule and a nonrandom pattern [4]. CCPs, mainly due to large type II errors. Though a modi-
There might be several patterns associated with a particular fied network trained with both single and concurrent pat-
rule, which makes it difficult to associate a pattern with its terns was reported to greatly reduce the type II errors,
corresponding assignable causes. For the ES approach, a the addition of concurrent pattern training samples not
serious problem affecting its performance is that inherent only increases the network size and training time, but also
common cause variation or noise embedded in process data diminish the network’s capability to recognize single pat-
may often result in false pattern recognition [9]. tern CCPs.
Z. Chen et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 21 (2007) 303–310 305

Different from the above approaches, this paper presents strated 30 nonrandom patterns resulting from the combi-
a hybrid approach by integrating wavelet method with nation of several basic patterns. In the thirty patterns,
ANNs for on-line recognition of the concurrent patterns. there are eight basic patterns and the rest are concurrent
In the hybrid system, concurrent CCPs are first prepro- patterns. As a consequence, the pattern recognizer must
cessed by wavelet transform to decompose the concurrent have the capability to address the issue when multiple
patterns into different levels or patterns, and then its corre- sources of nonrandom pattern exist simultaneously.
sponding features are fed into neural network classifiers This paper addresses a hybrid approach to tackle the
for pattern recognition. The advantages of this approach concurrent pattern recognition problem by incorporating
are its capability of recognizing the coexisted or concur- neural network with wavelet transform, a widely used tech-
rent patterns without training by concurrent patterns. It nique for signal processing. In this hybrid system, the con-
can significantly reduce the training time and training current CCP is first preprocessed by wavelet transform and
data for Neural Networks. The test results using simu- then fed into neural network classifiers for pattern recogni-
lated data, summarized in Section 3.2, have demonstrated tion. The structure of the hybrid CCP recognition system
the improvements and the effectiveness of the hybrid is shown in Fig. 3. The major advantage of the hybrid
approach. method is that wavelet pre-processing can decompose a
raw concurrent pattern signal into two basic pattern signals
that can be easily recognized by the neural network model.
2. Hybrid approach for CCP recognition On the contrary, without pattern decomposition, the neu-
ral network alone is not capable of recognizing concurrent
Although different approaches have been developed for patterns since its recognition capability is limited by what it
detecting CCPs, as summarized above, there are still some has been trained on, which are the seven basic patterns. In
challenges associated with the analysis of CCPs. First, the the following two sections, wavelet transformation for SPC
random noise may contaminate the pattern making it diffi- data preprocessing and neural networks for pattern recog-
cult to recognize, especially when the magnitude of the nition are discussed.
nonrandom pattern is not significant or if the signal-to-
noise ratio is low [4]. Second, some of the patterns may 2.1. Preprocessing SPC data with wavelet transformation
resemble other patterns with partial common features, thus
becoming difficult to differentiate. Third, the problem The most well known signal-processing tool is Fourier
becomes much more complicated if two or more simple analysis, which is a mathematical technique to transform
patterns exist concurrently to form superimposed patterns, a signal from time domain to frequency domain. However,
e.g., a trend mixed with a cycle, as shown in Fig. 2 [8]. To Fourier analysis has a serious drawback that time informa-
tackle these challenges, especially targeting the concurrent tion is lost during the transformation, while wavelet trans-
patterns, this paper addresses a hybrid approach to inte- form can still keep time information. Wavelet transform is
grate wavelet method with neural networks to recognize a method that allows the signal to be viewed in multiple
complex patterns. resolutions with each resolution representing a different fre-
It is not an unusual phenomenon that multiple non- quency. Therefore, wavelet transform allow complex infor-
random patterns coexist to form a concurrent pattern in mation such as images and patterns to be decomposed into
a manufacturing process. For instance, trends (may be elementary components at different positions (time-
caused by tool wear) and cycles (due to a succession of domain) and scales (frequency-domain). These elements
movements of parts relative to the tool or voltage fluctua- can be subsequently reconstructed to resemble the original
tion of power supply) commonly coexist in a machining signal with high precision [5]. Therefore, it has gained pop-
process, as depicted in Fig. 2. Wang et al., 1998 demon- ularity with applications in de-noising, data compression,
and feature extraction [5,13,16].
Similar to Fourier transform, the wavelet coefficients, C,
Measurements which is a function of scale and position, could be defined
Upper Control Limit
Z 1
Cðscale; positionÞ ¼ f ðtÞuðscale; position; tÞ dt ð1Þ

Process Mean

SPC Wavelet Neural Networks

Measurements Transformation Classifier
Lower Control Limit

Time Selection of Significant

Fig. 2. An example of concurrent pattern (upward trend mixed with
cycle). Fig. 3. Combining wavelet preprocessing with neural networks.
306 Z. Chen et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 21 (2007) 303–310

Low scale (compressed wavelet) == High frequency

Signal f(t)
High scale (stretched wavelet) == low frequency

Constituent wavelets of different scales and positions

Fig. 4. Demonstration of wavelet transform [13].

where u (scale, position, t) is dilated and translated version such that the signal can be reconstructed iteratively from
from one of the various mother wavelets with its integral those detail coefficients together with the last-level approx-
over time equal to zero. Multiplying each coefficient by imation coefficient, as illustrated in Fig. 5. By using this
the appropriately scaled and shifted wavelet yields the con- method, the concurrent CCP can be decomposed into the
stituent wavelets of the original signal. The demonstration basic CCP patterns, and then the ANN method is
of wavelet transformation is shown in Fig. 4. employed for pattern recognition, which is discussed in
Calculating wavelet coefficients at every possible scale is the following section.
a strenuous work. To facilitate real-world applications, the
fast discrete wavelet transform algorithm is generally used 2.2. Neural networks for pattern recognition
which yield much more efficient computation and provides
results just as accurate [13]. At each level of the transform, Many different neural network architectures and learn-
the signal data are processed through a low-pass filter and ing algorithms have been adopted for control chart pattern
a high-pass filter. The high-pass filtered data represents the recognition systems, such as Backpropagation Networks
‘‘details’’ of the signal, whereas the result of low-pass trans- (BPN) [17,4,9,8], Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)
form is called ‘‘approximations’’, consisting of high-scale/ Networks [17], unsupervised Adaptive Resonance Theory
low frequency components of the signal, which would be Network [18] and Modular Neural Networks (MNN) [4],
further used as input data to compute the next level of etc. The authors of this paper have conducted a compara-
splitting, iteratively. In practice, one needs to select a suit- tive study on five neural networks, i.e., BPN, LVQ, Radial
able number of levels based on the nature of the signal. Just Basis Function Networks (RBF), Probabilistic Neural Net-
like Fourier transform, the wavelet algorithm is invertible works (PNN), and Generalized Regression Neural Net-
works (GRNN), for the CCP single pattern recognition.
The results indicate that all other networks are outper-
formed by BPN, with regards to classification accuracy,
(S) output stability, and training speed (in LVQ and RBF
cases). Using an input window size of 24, a BPN model
with resilient backpropagation learning algorithm and sig-
Low-Pass Filters High-Pass Filters
moid transfer function is capable of producing satisfactory
classification accuracies of about 92% on average [3]. Based
on this comparison result, the best BPN architecture is
1st Level 1st Level Details
Approximations (D1)
adopted for the hybrid CCP recognition system. It includes

2nd Level 2nd Level Details

Approximations (D2)

3rd Level 3rd Level Details Process Data Patterns
Approximations (D3)

(Further splitting) Output Layer

Input Layer (7 neurons)
(24 neurons) Hidden Layer
S = A1 + D1 = A2 + D2 + D1 = A3 + D3 + D2 + D1 (40 neurons)

Fig. 5. Wavelet decomposition and reconstruction [13]. Fig. 6. Topology of the BPN pattern recognizer.
Z. Chen et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 21 (2007) 303–310 307

one hidden-layer of 24-40-7 architecture with Recurrent Generate basic Generate concurrent
Backpropagation (RBP) training algorithm, sigmoid trans- pattern signals (6 CCPs (uptrend plus
types) using Monte- cycle)
fer function, and a learning rate of 0.01. The topology the Carlo simulation
BPN pattern recognizer is demonstrated in Fig. 6. To avoid
over-fitting in training, the stop criterion for BPN training Take moving Take moving Wavelet
average of 3 average without decomposition and
is specified as 1200 training epochs or when the validation BPN
consecutive data wavelet analysis reconstruction
stop criterion is met. The percentage correct classification points
rate is used for performance evaluation.
BPN training using Take moving
single pattern BPN Pattern average
samples Recognition without
3. Demonstration and test for hybrid pattern recognition wavelet transform


BPN Pattern
As aforementioned, multiple nonrandom patterns may Recognition after
coexist in a manufacturing process. The mixed concurrent wavelet transform
Compare results
pattern makes pattern recognition very difficult. How to
pinpoint the presence of multiple patterns and make cor- Fig. 7. Flow chart of the proposed methodology.
rect discrimination between them is an un-fully explored
research area. To address this issue, this paper proposes a
new method to deal with the concurrent pattern recogni- shift, and the normal pattern of random variation are used
tion task by incorporating neural networks with wavelet for training the neural networks. All the patterns were
transform. For demonstration purpose, one type of con- defined based on the definitions in the Western Electric
current pattern, uptrend plus cycle, is presented. The sam- Handbook [19]. Due to the need for large numbers of
ple data are generated using the Monte Carlo simulation by example patterns for network training, a Monte-Carlo sim-
adding the uptrend with the cycle. A total of 1050 SPC data ulation approach [9] was used to generate the required sets
sets with the concurrent pattern are created. Before being of CCPs for both training and testing samples. The formu-
sent to the ANNs as inputs, the concurrent signals are las used for pattern generation is:
decomposed into multi-level details and low-frequency
approximations using wavelet transform. A discriminative xðtÞ ¼ l þ nðtÞ þ dðtÞ ð2Þ
rule is developed to select significant details information
that corresponds to the embedded cycle signals. For com- where t is the time of sampling, x(t) is the sample value at
parison purpose, the raw data without wavelet preprocess- time t, l is the process mean, n(t) is random noise influ-
ing is also tested on the BPN network. Fig. 7 shows a flow enced by common cause at time t, and d(t) is the distur-
chart of the data processing and system programming. In bance caused by special cause at time t (zero when no
the following sections, pattern generation for BPN train- nonrandom pattern present). The random noise is assumed
ing, data preprocessing with wavelet transform, and pat- to follow a normal distribution with a mean of zero and a
tern recognition results are discussed. fixed standard deviation of r, where r is a constant when
the process is in control. The parameters used to generate
seven CCPs are based on Guh and Tannock’s work [9,8],
3.1. CCP pattern generation for BPN training which are summarized in Table 1. Moving averages are ta-
ken for every 3 consecutive data points to smooth out the
Six basic nonrandom patterns, i.e., upward trend, down- random noise in the simulated sample data [17]. The above-
ward trend, cycle, systematic, upward shift, and downward mentioned BPN model is then used to train on those

Table 1
The formulas and parameters used for seven CCPs
Pattern types Formula of dðtÞ Parameters Description Quantity
Upward trend d*t d 2 (0.1r, 0.26r) Slope 600
Downward trend d 2 (0.1r) d 0 2 (0.26r,  0.1r) 600
Cycle a * sin(2pt/X) a 2 (1.0r, 3.0r) Amplitude cycle period 600
X 2 {4,5,6,7,8}
Systematic m * (1)t m 2 (1.0r, 3.0r) Magnitude of process fluctuation 600
Upward shift u*s s 2 (1.0r, 3.0r) s—Offset from the process mean 600
u = 0 or 1
Downward shift u * s0 s 0 2 (1.0r, 3.0r) u = 0 or 1 u—Parameter to determine the position of shifting 600
(u = 0 before shifting, u = 1 after shifting)
u = 0 or 1
Normal x(t) = l + 3r * n(t) 600
308 Z. Chen et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 21 (2007) 303–310

Table 2
Comparison of correct pattern recognition rates between ANN-only and Hybrid approach (ANN with Wavelet), 3-level decomposition vs. 5-level
Date sets Cycle periods Correct pattern recognition rate (%) and Type II error (%)
Traditional ANNs without wavelet Hybrid approach with wavelet (3-levels) Hybrid approach with wavelet (5-levels)
Single Concurrent b error Concurrent b error Concurrent
CCPs CCPs (Single CCPs) CCPs (Single CCPs) CCPs
1 4 92.86 0 1.62 81.90 1.62 74.95
5 90.48 84.48
6 82.86 76.48
7 40.86 33.71
8 66.19 54.19

2 4 91.90 0 3.33 76.10 3.05 61.14

5 80.67 44.29
6 45.71 32.00
7 69.81 52.57
8 63.24 61.90

3 4 91.81 0 10.67 96.29 9.71 90.86

5 94.67 83.71
6 92.95 92.29
7 88.76 77.05
8 88.76 80.29

4 4 91.24 0 7.52 96.38 4.76 67.62

5 96.19 44.57
6 90.76 68.95
7 87.52 52.57
8 95.81 81.71

5 4 90.10 0 8.76 94.57 8.00 87.24

5 93.24 92.10
6 78.95 84.57
7 88.19 76.95
8 92.19 88.38

6 4 90.48 0 6.29 84.86 10.95 86.67

5 80.38 82.57
6 79.05 88.67
7 85.71 66.67
8 78.29 95.71

7 4 91.81 0 7.90 96.29 8.86 91.62

5 88.00 89.24
6 81.52 91.24
7 80.19 81.43
8 87.52 79.14

8 4 91.24 0 9.14 95.62 5.14 38.29

5 93.14 54.95
6 84.86 58.67
7 76.29 59.14
8 91.05 79.43

9 4 91.33 0 8.76 95.62 3.43 72.10

5 97.24 37.05
6 92.67 74.10
7 91.71 67.90
8 93.81 68.10

10 4 92.29 0 11.05 96.48 6.86 60.57

5 94.00 39.33
6 87.62 69.05
7 89.71 41.52
8 88.76 87.14
Z. Chen et al. / Advanced Engineering Informatics 21 (2007) 303–310 309

‘‘smoothed-out’’ single pattern samples. For each network sufficient for the cyclic patterns shown in SPC charts with
experiment, the generated sample data (600 sample pat- data window size 24. Further study on optimal selection
terns for each CCP) is divided into two subsets: 3/4 of of the decomposition level will be carried out in future
the data consists of training set and the rest (1/4 data) for research.
testing set. The 3/4 data set is further divided into two
subsets for training and validation purpose, respectively. 4. Conclusion

3.2. Test of hybrid approach for recognizing concurrent The identification of each single pattern embedded in
CCPs concurrent patterns in SPC control charts can lead to the
finding of multiple assignable causes simultaneously, and
In wavelet analysis, as seen in Fig. 5, the raw data are thus significantly reduce the diagnostic time for out-of-con-
decomposed into different levels with each level having trol process. However, the traditional run-rule-based
two components: details and approximation. Each details approach and stand along ANN approach are not capable
separated from the previous level signal contains informa- for recognizing concurrent patterns. The paper proposed a
tion at relatively high frequencies, while the approxima- hybrid ANN-based approach which is capable of recogniz-
tions represent long-term trend of the signal change with ing both single basic patterns and concurrent patterns with
relatively low frequencies. For the concurrent pattern satisfied accuracy, when incorporating wavelet preprocess-
(trend plus cyclic pattern) on hand, the part of cyclic signal ing with appropriate decomposition strategy. The 3-level
is embedded somewhere in those details and trend part is wavelet decomposition produces an average classification
included in the approximations. In this paper, the wavelet accuracy of 87.37% for varied-period concurrent patterns
decomposition is carried out using one of the Daubechies with a type II error (misclassification probability on single
family wavelet functions because of its orthogonally prop- pattern CCPs) less than 10%. For fix-period signals, the
erty, by which the signals can be reconstructed after the hybrid system achieves 85% correct recognition rate in
transform with no loss of information. average and the high rate of 91.41% for fixed period of 4.
In order to decide how many levels of decomposition is The dispersion of classification accuracy for the five differ-
sufficient to extract the useful pattern information, a 5-level ent periods can be alleviated by increasing the size of train-
and 3-level decomposition are applied and the pattern rec- ing data set to reduce bias within the generated pattern
ognition results are compared. The tests are conducted on samples.
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