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Surah Kausar Wazifa – For Wealth(Rizq),

Hajat, and Protection from Enemies
Hafiz Ali

2-3 minutes

Surah Kausar Wazifa:

Are you fed up of the life problems and want a powerful
Wazifa to combat all those issues that bother you?

You will definitely find the Surah Kausar Wazifa here, that is
one of the most powerful Wazaaif of the Surahs. Just take
a look below!

Surah Kausar Wazifa for Wealth (Rizq):

Recite Surah Kausar 129 times in the morning as well as in

the evening. But do not forget to recite Darood Pak, before
and after reciting the Surah. You will notice to get a
sufficient amount of wealth to spend on your routine

Surah Kausar Wazifa for Enemy:

If you are bothered by the enemies, there is a powerful

Wazifa that will protect you by the mercy of Allah Almighty.
You have to do “Wudhu”. Then write the name of the enemy
in front of you. Recite Surah Kausar 1000 times along with
the “Tasmiah”.

And do not forget to recite the Darood Pak before and after
11 times. When you complete 100 times recitation of Surah
Kausar, do “Damm” on the wood of “Neem” (Azadirachta

Likewise, you will have to do “Damm” 10 times on the

completion of every 100 times recitation. With the Mercy of
Allah Almighty, you will be protected from the enemies. But
do not intend to harm anyone, nor own a Niyyah of doing


Surah Kausar Wazifa contains countless benefits for the

reciter. You just need to pray to Allah Almighty with
complete humbleness and belief. And He is the Best
Listener. He listens to Dua, and blesses His Creature.

Surah Kausar is not only recited as a Wazifa, but in case

you recite it on a daily basis, countless times, it will create a
spiritual connection of your heart to your Lord. And it will
grant a satisfaction to your heart and soul, as in recitation
of the Holy Verses, there is a spiritual satisfaction, no
doubt. So, recite Surah Kosar, to find the endless blessings.

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