Week 2 Homework

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Angela Pettry

Week 2 Homework

In 3-4 paragraphs discuss some of the problems faced by an organization while managing

diversity at the workplace. Do you think the video is able to provide effective solutions to those


The problems faced by an organization while managing diversity at the workplace can be
complex and requires the company to keep a constant eye on the evolving situation within their
company and across the world. The organization as a whole has to be committed to making the
workplace environment both diverse and welcoming to all applicants and employees and must do
so within the confines outlined by laws and regulations. This initiative needs to be continuously
monitored and supported from the top management positions and followed through all the way
down to each individual employee. Without management’s ongoing support, diversity is likely to
fall to the wayside.

Some of the problems faced by an organization may be a simple lack of understanding of

the need and benefits of diversity, lack of empathy or tolerance, or a lack of communication
between different groups. It is often difficult for people to understand and accept people from
different ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, or with other differences from their own. People
have a tendency to stick with people who are similar to themselves, and this often translates to
hiring practices as well. So, these problems need to be brought to light and actively
acknowledged and worked on.

The video, I believe, does provide some effective solutions to these problems in a
humorous way, that relieves the pressure that comes along with discussing diversity. Often times,
people are scared of offending others when they openly discuss and address diversity within the
workplace and I genuinely liked that the speaker alleviated that with humor. Her ideas about
talking about it openly, speaking up, and getting rid of token diversity were all effective
solutions, I believe. But the solutions proposed that I think would be most effective are finding
ways to decrease your individual bias and blind auditions or challenges versus CVs when
applying for positions within organizations.

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