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This chapter deals with the Design of Study, Research setting, Respondents,

Sampling Procedures, Research instrument and their validation, scoring guidelines and

statistical used for analysis in the conduct of research.

Research Design

This study has been designed to identify the discomforts associated with the use

of contraceptives and their effects on the choice of family planning methods. The

descriptive survey method is used for the purpose of suitably describing the

discomforts, ideas, and attitudes as well as to pinpoint the connection between these

factors and the characteristics of the subjects.

Research Setting

The area chosen to conduct the study will be Barangay Nazareth, which is

situated about one kilometer from the urban center of Cagayan de Oro City. Location-

Barangay Nazareth is a suburban area, a residential community south of the center of

the city. It is a flat and plain except at Upperville which is hilly at the southern border of

the barangay. The barangay is bounded on the north by Barangay No. 1, Fernandez

and Hayes Streets, south by Macasandig, and West by Cagayan River and Southern

end of Pabayo Street. In the east is bounded by Camaman-an. The barangay is a multi-

religious community; it has Churches of different religious. Christians and Muslims live
peacefully and in harmony. It has recreational amenities like tennis courts, basketball

courts and playgrounds. Schools for elementary and secondary levels are also in the


Every street in the barangay has its own zone organization. This organization is a

group of women which we named it Barangay Women Development Association. It

composes of 8 zones.

Land Area- Barangay Nazareth has a total land area of 1.051835 sq. km. that

covers the lower and upper Nazareth. Land Used- The area is generally commercial


Population – As of January 2009, the total population of Barangay Nazareth is

10,724. Source from NSO.


The respondents of this study are married couples randomly selected aged 18-42

yrs old, using artificial Family Planning Method and presently residing in Brgy. Nazareth

Cagayan de Oro City.

Research Instrument

This study will be using a researcher-made questionnaire as its instrument in

obtaining data from the said respondents.

The first part of the questionnaire solicits data on the respondents’ personal

profile- name (optional), age, gender, artificial Family Planning used, length of time

The second part of questionnaire assesses on the physical discomforts that the

couples are experiencing in relation to their choice of Artificial Family Planning Method,

perceived effects of discomforts of Artificial Family Planning Method used in sexual


Validation of the instrument

Considering the sensitivity of the research topic, the survey technique was used

because this is the most appropriate form of gathering data because this is the most

applicable and feasible in the study. In order to obtain more reliable answers and

information, primary data are need to be gathered. Using questionnaires in the study,

less bias from the data collection as well as anonymity of respondents can be

maintained since it can produce quick results and covers wider information.

The survey questionnaire was drafted in English and translated in Cebuano

because this is the native dialect used by the residents in the area. The English and

Cebuano versions were purposely designed for the research panel and fieldwork. The

questionnaire was composed of several parts which were designed to obtain data

concerning the discomforts of contraceptives among couples. The questions were

structured in such a way that answers were limited to the choices given.

Administration of the instrument

The research tool will be administered by researchers by visiting the respondents

in their homes and asking them to fill in the necessary information being asked in the

questionnaire after a thorough explanation of the study’s purpose. The respondents will

be guided on how to accomplish the questionnaire so that accurate and reliable

responses were solicited. The accomplished questionnaires will then be retrieved and

reliable responses were solicited. The accomplished questionnaires will then be

retrieved for data processing.

Statistical Treatment

The following statistical tools will be utilized in this study for analysis in order to

answer the research questions.


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