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The Problem and Its Setting

I. Introduction

Men and women differ psychologically in the way they act, from the

style in which they communicate to the way in which they attempt to influence

others. The biggest difference between men and women and their style of

communication boils down to the fact that men and women view the purpose

of conversations differently (Merchant, 2012).

Beyond the physical differences between men and women and their

reproductive functions are separate sets of socially-determined behavioral

norms and performance standards attached to each gender. (Thomas)

Deborah Tannen, American academic and professor of linguistics at

Georgetown University in Washington, D.C, believes that men and women

really do differ in terms of communicating which are on a cross-cultural

format. This format or approach to gender differences in conversational style

differs from the work on gender and language which claims that conversations

between men and women break down because men seek to dominate women

(Tannen, D. 1990).

Women’s presence as journalists is now usual, yet they continue to be

marked as ‘other’, and ‘different’ from their male colleagues. (Shaw, 2012) On

the other hand, it was observed that women use rapport talk to establish
meaningful connection with others, while men use report talk to gain status in

relation to others (Tannen, D. 1990).

There are studies which found evidences of relationship between the

reporter’s gender and the gender of the source. For example, in political races,

the male reporters are more likely to use male sources while female reporters

are fonder to use female sources. (Zeldes and Fico 2005, Leibler and Smith

1997, Freedman and Fico 2005)

The researchers choose this topic to identify if the gender of the

journalist affects the way he/she gather data or information needed to the

story. In addition, the study will find out the styles, techniques and procedure

in data gathering used by the journalist and how it will affects their journalistic


II. Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the relation of

journalist’s gender and data gathering styles to their journalistic performance.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. How is the demographic profile of respondents be defined in terms of:

a. age;

b. sex;

c. educational attainment;

d. numbers of years in the journalism field?

2. How is the gender be described?

3. How is the level of data gathering styles be described?

4. How is the level of journalistic performance be described?

5. Statistically, is there a significant relation between the gender and the

level of data gathering styles to the level of their journalistic


III. Significance of the Study

The reason of the researchers for conducting this study is to give and

seek for the factor/s affecting one’s performance in the field of journalism

between the men and women of print industry. Upon completion, it will be

importance to the following:

JOURNALISTS. So that they may be able to understand how genders differ

in style when it comes to performing journalistic tasks/roles, specifically;

WOMEN JOURNALISTS. Because today, many women are concerning into

the field of journalism, unlike in the past years, there are only few

female journalists involved.

JOURNALISM STUDENTS. So that as early as they are still studying

journalism, they may have information regarding this matter;

THE FACULTY OF ARTS AND LETTERS. So that if ever they shall consider

introducing gender studies to the college, for the benefit of the students’

understanding, and

effective way of teaching journalism students which may help them in

the future.


This study will cover the gender (male or female) of journalists, the

styles, strategies, techniques or procedure they are using in gathering data or

information. It will be focused only to four journalists of the Philippines who

are in practice. The study will need two pairs of male and female journalists

who work for any media organization. Additionally, the journalists must be in

more than five years in his/her profession.

Furthermore, the opinion of journalist who will not participate in study

will be invalid in the research.


Men - Plural form of man, a male human.

Female - Plural form of woman, a female human.

Communication - the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking,

writing, or using some other medium.

Genders - the state of being male or female

Rapport Talk - a transactional language where we offer other speakers an input

and talk more about feelings

Report Talk - more about stating events and giving information about material


Cross-cultural - relating to different cultures or comparison between them.

Style - a particular procedure by which something is done; a manner or way.

Journalism - the activity or profession of writing for newspapers or magazines

or of broadcasting news on radio or television.

Relationship - the state of being connected.

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