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Volume 11, Issue 12, January 2018

K.P. relationship Method

(K.P.R.M.). For Partnership

When will the long awaited

Ram temple be built in Ayodhya?

Will I be able to get married to a

girl with whom I am having a
love affair?

KP Ezine January 2018 1

Volume 11, Issue 12, January 2018
Sl.No Par culars Author Page

1 When will the long awaited Ram temple be built in Kanak Bosmia 4

2 Will I be able to get married to a girl with whom I am Tin Win 7

having a love affair?

3 What would be the result of the court case? Gunti Nagaraju 12

4 When will I get a job? Sumukh S. Ghotge 17

5 K. P. relationship Method (K.P.R.M.). For Partnership Kanak Bosmia 19

6 Will Mrs SK win Trimbakeshwar local election? Dr.Snehal N Kothari 24

7 Supremacy of the ruling planets which will never let Gunti Nagaraju 26
you down

8 Index of Articles Published in KP-Ezine 2017 A J Hoon 29

9 Questions & Answers Tin Win 33

10 Book Review-Krishnamurthy Paddhati Tin Win 37

11 Planetary Position for January 2018 Generated from 39

KPAstro 4.5TM

KP Ezine January 2018 2

Volume 11, Issue 12, January 2018

Arvind Gupta
Contain advisor


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KP Ezine January 2018 3

When will the long awaited Ram temple be built in Ayodhya?

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia

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Question: When will the long awaited Ram temple be built in Ayodhya?
Number. 33 (out of 249).
Date of Judgment: 12-12-2017 Tuesday; Time of Judgment: 11:26:24 AM; IST
Place of Judgment: Kankariya- Ahmedabad Long/Lat: 23° N 00', 72° E 36’
Ayanamsha: 240.01'.03"; Dasa Days: 365.25

Construct a religious building

If the 10th CSL signifies houses 10 (Construction) – 9 (Religious Place)-12 (Investment),
then, construction will take place during the joint period of the significators of houses 10-9-

Cuspal Sub lord for Labor party:

10th Cusp (Aquarius 010.56’.07”): The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu is in the star
and sub of Mars. Ketu is occupant of the 9th. Ketu is aspected by Mars. Mars is occupant of
the 9th, owner of houses 7-12. Star and Sub lord Mars is occupant of the 9th, owner of
houses 7-12. Thus, the 10th cusp sub lord, Ketu, is the significator of houses 9-7-12. The
10th sub lord indicates houses 9-12.

Ruling Planets
At the time of judgment, ruling planets are as under.
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Sub lord
Day: Tuesday Mars — — —
RP Ascendant: Aquarius 15°.21'.47” — Saturn Rahu
RP Moon: Virgo 19°.41'.33” — Mercury Moon
Ruling planets are Mars-Saturn-Rahu-Venus-Mercury-Moon-Ketu.

Note: Moon is aspected by Saturn, hence there is Punarphoo yoga.

Joint period:
Running dasa is Moon up to 04-09-2020. Joint period is Moon-Ketu up to 05-07-2018.

Dasa lord Moon is in the star of Moon and sub of Ketu. Moon is occupant of the 5th, owner
of the 3rd. Star lord is also Moon. Sub lord Ketu is occupant of the 9th. Ketu is aspected by
Mars. Mars is occupant of the 9th, owner of houses 7-12. Thus, the 10th cusp sub lord Moon
is the significator of houses 5-3-9-7-12. Dasa lord Moon indicates houses 9-12. Also, it is in
the RPs.

Bhukti lord running is Ketu up to 05-07-2018. We have Punarphoo yoga. Thus, I check the
next Bhukti of Venus from 05-07-2018 to 06-05-2020.

Bhukti lord Venus is in the star of Mercury and in its own sub. Venus is occupant of the
7th, owner of houses 1-6. No planet is in the star of Venus, and Venus is CSL of the 4th. Star
lord Mercury is occupant of the 7th, owner of houses 2-5. Sub lord is also Venus. Thus, the
bhukti lord, Venus, is a significator of houses 7-1-6-4-2-5. This Bhukti lord Venus does not
signify houses 9-10-12.

KP Ezine January 2018 4

Horary No. 33/249
Sun Rise: 07:11:02 AM Sun Set: 05:55:31 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Saubhaghya Hora: Saturn Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 33 1 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Sa Sa Sa
Question : When long waiting Ram temple built in Ayodhya? 2 Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Me Me
3 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Ra Ve
Ruling Planets - 12/Dec/2017 12:12:33 PM 4 Magha(1) Su Ke Ve Ju Ju
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Sa Ve Ra
6 Swati(2) Ve Ra Ju Ma Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ju Ke Ve
Lagna Sa Ra Ve Ve Ra 8 Moola(4) Ju Ke Sa Ma Me
Moon Me Mo Ke Ke Ju 9 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Ju Ma
Day Lord: Mars 10 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Ke Ve Ve
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Me Ju
12 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Sa Ve Su
II 02:10:47:35 XII 00:10:09:41
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 01:15:40:00 Su Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ju Sa Me
III 03:05:03:40 Mo Hasta(3) Me Mo Ke Ke Ju
XI 11:03:53:44
Ra 03:23:55:25 3 1 Ma Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Me Sa
4 12 Me[R] Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Me Ve
Ju Swati(4) Ve Ra Ma Ra Sa
Ve Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ve Ve Ke
Sa Moola(2) Ju Ke Ma Sa Sa
IV 04:01:56:07 X 10:01:56:07 Ra Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ma Ve Ma
Ke Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ma Ve Ma
5 11 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 7 7 2, 5 4
Mo 5 5 3 3
Me[R] 07:28:18:58 Ma 3 6 7, 12
V 05:03:53:44 Su 07:26:24:28 Ke 09:23:55:25 Me 7 7 2, 5 2, 5
Ma 06:07:48:25 Ve 07:19:41:11 IX 09:05:03:40 Ju+ 3 6 8, 11
Mo 05:19:41:33 6 VII 07:15:40:00 Ve+ 7 7 2, 5 1, 6
Sa 08:05:02:59 9
7 Sa+ 9 7 9, 10
Ra 7 3 2, 5
VI 06:10:09:41 VIII 08:10:47:35 Ke 6 9 7, 12
Ju 06:19:18:45
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

XII 10:09:41 I 15:40:00 II 10:47:35 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
04-Sep-2010 - 04-Sep-2020 04-Sep-2020 - 04-Sep-2027 04-Sep-2027 - 04-Sep-2045
Moon 04-Sep-2010 Mars 04-Sep-2020 Rahu 04-Sep-2027
Mars 06-Jul-2011 Rahu 31-Jan-2021 Jupiter 18-May-2030
Rahu 04-Feb-2012 Jupiter 19-Feb-2022 Saturn 11-Oct-2032
XI 03:53:44 Jupiter 05-Aug-2013 Saturn 26-Jan-2023 Mercury 18-Aug-2035
Name: Construct a religious bui III 05:03:40 Saturn 05-Dec-2014 Mercury 05-Mar-2024 Ketu 06-Mar-2038
Gender: Male Ra 23:55:25 Mercury 05-Jul-2016 Ketu 02-Mar-2025 Venus 25-Mar-2039
Date: Tuesday, 12/Dec/2017 Ketu 04-Dec-2017 Venus 29-Jul-2025 Sun 25-Mar-2042
Venus 05-Jul-2018 Sun 28-Sep-2026 Moon 16-Feb-2043
Time: 12:12:33 PM SID: 16:57:35 Sun 05-Mar-2020 Moon 03-Feb-2027 Mars 17-Aug-2044
Lat: 23:00:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 04-Sep-2045 - 04-Sep-2061 04-Sep-2061 - 04-Sep-2080 04-Sep-2080 - 04-Sep-2097
Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Jupiter 04-Sep-2045 Saturn 04-Sep-2061 Mercury 04-Sep-2080
X 01:56:07 Saturn 23-Oct-2047 Mercury 07-Sep-2064 Ketu 31-Jan-2083
IV 01:56:07 Mercury 06-May-2050 Ketu 18-May-2067 Venus 29-Jan-2084
Ayanamsa: 24° 1' 3" Ketu 11-Aug-2052 Venus 27-Jun-2068 Sun 29-Nov-2086
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Venus 18-Jul-2053 Sun 26-Aug-2071 Moon 05-Oct-2087
Star: Hasta, Pada 3 Sun 18-Mar-2056 Moon 07-Aug-2072 Mars 07-Mar-2089
Star Lord: Moon Moon 04-Jan-2057 Mars 08-Mar-2074 Rahu 04-Mar-2090
Mars 06-May-2058 Rahu 17-Apr-2075 Jupiter 21-Sep-2092
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus
Rahu 11-Apr-2059 Jupiter 22-Feb-2078 Saturn 27-Dec-2094
Ke 23:55:25 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Dasami
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
IX 05:03:40 Bal. Dasa: Moon 2 Y, 8 M, 23 D 04-Sep-2097 - 04-Sep-2104 04-Sep-2104 - 04-Sep-2124 04-Sep-2124 - 04-Sep-2130
V 03:53:44 Ketu 04-Sep-2097 Venus 04-Sep-2104 Sun 04-Sep-2124
Mo 19:41:33 Venus 31-Jan-2098 Sun 04-Jan-2108 Moon 23-Dec-2124
Sun 02-Apr-2099 Moon 04-Jan-2109 Mars 23-Jun-2125
Moon 08-Aug-2099 Mars 05-Sep-2110 Rahu 29-Oct-2125
Mars 09-Mar-2100 Rahu 04-Nov-2111 Jupiter 23-Sep-2126
Me[R] 28:18:58 Rahu 05-Aug-2100 Jupiter 04-Nov-2114 Saturn 12-Jul-2127
Su 26:24:28 Ju 19:18:45 Jupiter 24-Aug-2101 Saturn 06-Jul-2117 Mercury 23-Jun-2128
VIII 10:47:35 Ve 19:41:11 VI 10:09:41 Saturn 30-Jul-2102 Mercury 05-Sep-2120 Ketu 30-Apr-2129
Sa 05:02:59 VII 15:40:00 Ma 07:48:25 Mercury 08-Sep-2103 Ketu 06-Jul-2123 Venus 05-Sep-2129
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 5
Next bhukti will be that of Sun from 06-05-2020 to 04-09-2020. But, Sun is not in the RPs.
The next Dasa will be changed to Mars from 04-09-2020 to 04-09-2027

Dasa lord Mars is in the star and sub of Rahu. Mars is occupant of the 6th, owner houses 7-
12. Star lord and Sub lord Rahu is occupant of the 3rd. Rahu is in Cancer sign, hence it rep-
resents Moon. Moon is occupant of the 5th, owner of the 3rd. Thus, dasa lord Mars is signifi-
cator of houses 6-7-12-5-3. This Bhukti lord Jupiter signifies the 12th. Also, it is in the RPs.

During Mars dasa, the first bhukti is that of Mars, and the next is that of Rahu from 31-01-
2021 to 19-02-2022.

Bhukti lord, Rahu, is in the star of Mercury and sub of Mars. Rahu is occupant of the 3rd.
Rahu is in Cancer sign, hence it represents Moon. Moon is occupant of the 5th, owner of the
3rd. Star lord Mercury is occupant of the 7th, owner of houses 2-5. Sub lord, Mars, is occu-
pant of the 6th, owner of houses 7-12. Thus, the bhukti lord, Rahu, is a significator of hous-
es 3-5-7-2-5-6-12. This Bhukti lord Rahu signifies the 12th. Also, it is in the RPs.

My opinion: Ram temple will be built between 31-01-2021 to 19-02-2022.

KP Ezine January 2018 6

Will I be able to get married to a girl with whom I am
having a love affair?

By: Tin Win


Horary Data
Question: Will I be able to get married to a girl with whom I am having a love affair?
Horary number: 27 (1 – 249)
Date & time of judgment: 07/Nov/2017, 08:26:16 AM, GMT -5
Place of judgment: Maryland, USA, 39N05, 77W09
Ayanamsa: 24° 0' 58" (New KP)

Cuspal Sub Lords to be Considered

For query "Will my Love Affair Materialize?, the 5th house is considered. (KP Reader VI, p
The house which one has to take for judgment depends on the query. If it is for marriage,
one has to take 7th house. (ibid, p 168)
If one wants to know whether he or she could marry another one in mind, it is to consider
the 11th house, which shows fulfillment of one's desire. (Ibid pp 146, 171, 214)
Thus for his query to marry this particular girl, the 5th, 7th and 11th cuspal sub lords (CSL)
are to be considered.

Analysis of CSLs
The 5th, 7th and 11th cuspal sub the same Mercury. This Mercury is in house 7, lord
of houses 2-3-6, in the star of Saturn in houses 7, and in sub of Venus+ in house 6, lord of
house 1, the CSL of houses 6,8 having no planet in its stars.

Mercury signifies marriage houses 2,7 in the planet level and 7,11 in the star level, indicat-
ing possible marriage without taking into consideration of the sub level indication.
But the decider sub Venus signifies negative house 6 (12th to 7th) fully and also another neg-
ative house 1 (12th to 2) and undesirable house 8 (dejection).
So it is concluded that he would not be able to marry this girl despite good matching
for marriage.

The KPDP matching and matching of the ruling planets of the boy and girls at their births
are generally favorable, as shown by the charts attached.
For a boy to marry a particular girl, matching of their ruling planets at their births is given
importance in “Krishnamurthi Padhdhathi Dasavida Porutham (KPDP) for Matching Horo-
scopes for Marriage, by K.P. Kuppu Ganapathi, in “KP & Astrology Year Book 1997”, pp 32-
44, specifically KPDP No. 8: Likelihood of marriage with this boy and girl: The ruling planets
of the boy at the time of birth should be the significators for 2.7.11 for the girl and vice-
versa; and “He Married Her- Why” by Sri Keshab R. Kar, published in “Astrology &
Athrishta”, December 1980 issue, pp 1- 10.
Good luck to the Native!

KP Ezine January 2018 7

Horary No. 27/249
Sun Rise: 06:43:14 AM Sun Set: 05:00:56 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Siddha Hora: Sun Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 27 1 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ke Ke Ke
Question : Will I be able to get married with this girl? 2 Mrigasira(3) Me Ma Me Ju Me
3 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Ke Ma
Ruling Planets - 07/Nov/2017 08:26:16 AM 4 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ju Ju Ju
5 Magha(4) Su Ke Me Sa Ve
Maryland, USA
6 Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Sa Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl 7 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Me Ju Ra
Lagna Ma Sa Su Ve Me 8 Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Mo Ve
Moon Me Ra Ra Me Ve 9 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Me Ju
Day Lord: Mars 10 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Ve Ra
11 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Me Ve Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
12 Revati(2) Ju Me Su Me Su
II 01:25:01 XII 22:00:55
Mo 07:38:34 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 07:00:00 Su Visakha(1) Ve Ju Ju Mo Ju
III 22:27:22 Mo Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Me Ve
XI 13:11:08
3 12 Ma Hasta(2) Me Mo Sa Sa Ra
3 11 Me Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Su Ju
Ju Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ra Sa
Ve Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Sa Me
Sa Moola(1) Ju Ke Ve Su Me
IV 14:53:26 Ke 25:45:48 Ra Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Su Ju
Ra 25:45:48 X 14:53:26 Ke Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Su Ju
4 10 Significators - Planets View
8 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 6 6 8, 9, 12 5
Mo 4 2 4
Me 08:31:26 Ma 2 5 4 7
V 13:11:08 VII 07:00:00 IX 22:27:22 Me 7 7 10, 11 2, 3, 6
Ma 15:57:04 Sa 01:13:37 Ju 4 6 8, 9, 12
5 9 Ve+ 5 6 7 1
6 9 Sa 10 7 10, 11
Ra 7 4 2, 3, 6
Ve 06:04:40 VIII 01:25:01 Ke 5 10 7
Ju 12:04:28 Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Su 21:18:38 Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
VI 22:00:55 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

I 07:00:00 II 01:25:01 Dasa Summary

Mo 07:38:34
III 22:27:22 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
12-Jul-2016 - 12-Jul-2034 12-Jul-2034 - 12-Jul-2050 12-Jul-2050 - 12-Jul-2069
Rahu 12-Jul-2016 Jupiter 12-Jul-2034 Saturn 12-Jul-2050
Jupiter 25-Mar-2019 Saturn 30-Aug-2036 Mercury 15-Jul-2053
Saturn 18-Aug-2021 Mercury 13-Mar-2039 Ketu 24-Mar-2056
XII 22:00:55 Mercury 24-Jun-2024 Ketu 18-Jun-2041 Venus 03-May-2057
Name: Male IV 14:53:26 Ketu 11-Jan-2027 Venus 25-May-2042 Sun 03-Jul-2060
Ra 25:45:48 Venus 29-Jan-2028 Sun 24-Jan-2045 Moon 15-Jun-2061
Gender: Male
Sun 29-Jan-2031 Moon 12-Nov-2045 Mars 14-Jan-2063
Date: Tuesday, 07/Nov/2017 Moon 24-Dec-2031 Mars 14-Mar-2047 Rahu 22-Feb-2064
Time: 08:26:16 AM SID: 11:25:25 Mars 24-Jun-2033 Rahu 18-Feb-2048 Jupiter 30-Dec-2066
Lat: 39:05:00 N Lon: 77:09:00 W Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
TZ: -05:00 DST: 0.00 12-Jul-2069 - 12-Jul-2086 12-Jul-2086 - 12-Jul-2093 12-Jul-2093 - 12-Jul-2113
Place: Maryland, USA Mercury 12-Jul-2069 Ketu 12-Jul-2086 Venus 12-Jul-2093
XI 13:11:08 Ketu 09-Dec-2071 Venus 09-Dec-2086 Sun 11-Nov-2096
Venus 05-Dec-2072 Sun 07-Feb-2088 Moon 11-Nov-2097
V 13:11:08 Sun 05-Oct-2075 Moon 14-Jun-2088 Mars 13-Jul-2099
Ayanamsa: 24° 0' 58" Moon 11-Aug-2076 Mars 13-Jan-2089 Rahu 12-Sep-2100
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mars 10-Jan-2078 Rahu 11-Jun-2089 Jupiter 12-Sep-2103
Star: Aridra, Pada 1 Rahu 07-Jan-2079 Jupiter 30-Jun-2090 Saturn 13-May-2106
Star Lord: Rahu Jupiter 27-Jul-2081 Saturn 06-Jun-2091 Mercury 13-Jul-2109
Lagna: Taurus Lagna Lord: Venus Saturn 01-Nov-2083 Mercury 15-Jul-2092 Ketu 12-May-2112
Ke 25:45:48 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Chaturti Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
X 14:53:26 12-Jul-2113 - 12-Jul-2119 12-Jul-2119 - 12-Jul-2129 12-Jul-2129 - 12-Jul-2136
Bal. Dasa: Rahu 16 Y, 8 M, 5 D
Sun 12-Jul-2113 Moon 12-Jul-2119 Mars 12-Jul-2129
Ma 15:57:04 Moon 30-Oct-2113 Mars 12-May-2120 Rahu 09-Dec-2129
VI 22:00:55 Mars 01-May-2114 Rahu 11-Dec-2120 Jupiter 27-Dec-2130
Rahu 05-Sep-2114 Jupiter 11-Jun-2122 Saturn 03-Dec-2131
Jupiter 31-Jul-2115 Saturn 11-Oct-2123 Mercury 11-Jan-2133
Saturn 18-May-2116 Mercury 12-May-2125 Ketu 08-Jan-2134
Mercury 30-Apr-2117 Ketu 11-Oct-2126 Venus 07-Jun-2134
IX 22:27:22 Su 21:18:38 Ketu 07-Mar-2118 Venus 13-May-2127 Sun 07-Aug-2135
VIII 01:25:01 Me 08:31:26 Ju 12:04:28 Venus 13-Jul-2118 Sun 11-Jan-2129 Moon 12-Dec-2135
Sa 01:13:37 VII 07:00:00 Ve 06:04:40

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 8
Sun Rise: 06:03:22 AM Sun Set: 06:18:53 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vishkumbha Hora: Moon Karana: Balav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Sa Ju
2 Chitra(2) Me Ma Sa Me Su
3 Visakha(3) Ve Ju Su Ju Sa
Ruling Planets - 10/Jan/2018 08:29:58 PM 4 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Ra
5 U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Su Mo Mo
Maryland, USA
6 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ju Ju Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl 7 P.Bhadra(3) Sa Ju Ve Mo Ra
Lagna Su Ke Ju Ve Ra 8 Revati(4) Ju Me Sa Me Su
Moon Ve Ju Ju Ve Sa 9 Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Ve Mo
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Sa Ra
11 Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Ve Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
12 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ju Ju Ve
II 28:20:12 XII 26:14:07
Ve 13:17:49 Planetary Positions
Su 12:40:25
Me[R] 06:28:42 Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 27:05:12 Su Magha(4) Su Ke Me Ra Ke
Ju 05:09:06 Mo Jyeshta(3) Ma Me Ma Ju Mo
XI 26:42:00
Mo 23:34:11 6 4 Ke 19:49:28 Ma[R] Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Ju Ve
III 29:01:19
7 3 Me[R] Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Me Me
Ju Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ra Ma
Ve Magha(4) Su Ke Me Sa Ju
Sa Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Me Me
IV 28:08:42 X 28:08:42 Ra Sravana(3) Sa Mo Ke Ve Me
Ke Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ve Mo Mo
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 11 12 1
Mo 12 3 2, 11 12
VII 27:05:12 Ma+ 3 5 12 4, 9
Ma[R] 19:14:33 IX 29:01:19 Me 11 12 2, 11
Ra 19:49:28 Sa 12:47:41 Ju+ 9 3 6, 7 5, 8
V 26:42:00 9 Ve+ 11 12 3, 10
10 12 Sa 3 9 12 6, 7
Ra+ 3 5 12
VI 26:14:07 VIII 28:20:12 Ke 12 11 2, 11
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
(B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 29:01:19 Sa 12:47:41 XI 26:42:00 Dasa Summary

X 28:08:42
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
11-Nov-1962 - 11-Nov-1979 11-Nov-1979 - 11-Nov-1986 11-Nov-1986 - 11-Nov-2006
Mercury 11-Nov-1962 Ketu 11-Nov-1979 Venus 11-Nov-1986
Ketu 09-Apr-1965 Venus 08-Apr-1980 Sun 13-Mar-1990
Venus 06-Apr-1966 Sun 08-Jun-1981 Moon 13-Mar-1991
VIII 28:20:12 Sun 05-Feb-1969 Moon 14-Oct-1981 Mars 11-Nov-1992
Name: Male Ke 19:49:28 Moon 12-Dec-1969 Mars 15-May-1982 Rahu 11-Jan-1994
XII 26:14:07 Mars 13-May-1971 Rahu 11-Oct-1982 Jupiter 11-Jan-1997
Gender: Male
Rahu 09-May-1972 Jupiter 29-Oct-1983 Saturn 12-Sep-1999
Date: Monday, 30/Aug/1971 Jupiter 26-Nov-1974 Saturn 04-Oct-1984 Mercury 11-Nov-2002
Time: 07:03:00 AM SID: 05:23:04 Saturn 04-Mar-1977 Mercury 13-Nov-1985 Ketu 12-Sep-2005
Lat: 07:02:00 N Lon: 79:55:00 E Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 11-Nov-2006 - 11-Nov-2012 11-Nov-2012 - 11-Nov-2022 11-Nov-2022 - 11-Nov-2029
Place: Sri Lanka Sun 11-Nov-2006 Moon 11-Nov-2012 Mars 11-Nov-2022
VII 27:05:12 Moon 28-Feb-2007 Mars 11-Sep-2013 Rahu 09-Apr-2023
Mars 30-Aug-2007 Rahu 12-Apr-2014 Jupiter 27-Apr-2024
Me[R] 06:28:42 Rahu 05-Jan-2008 Jupiter 12-Oct-2015 Saturn 03-Apr-2025
Ayanamsa: 23° 22' 16" Su 12:40:25 Jupiter 29-Nov-2008 Saturn 11-Feb-2017 Mercury 13-May-2026
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ve 13:17:49 Saturn 17-Sep-2009 Mercury 12-Sep-2018 Ketu 10-May-2027
Star: Jyeshta, Pada 3 I 27:05:12 Mercury 30-Aug-2010 Ketu 11-Feb-2020 Venus 06-Oct-2027
Star Lord: Mercury Ketu 06-Jul-2011 Venus 11-Sep-2020 Sun 06-Dec-2028
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun Venus 11-Nov-2011 Sun 12-May-2022 Moon 13-Apr-2029
VI 26:14:07
Ra 19:49:28 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Navami Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
Ma[R] 19:14:33 11-Nov-2029 - 11-Nov-2047 11-Nov-2047 - 11-Nov-2063 11-Nov-2063 - 11-Nov-2082
Bal. Dasa: Mercury 8 Y, 2 M, 11 D
Rahu 11-Nov-2029 Jupiter 11-Nov-2047 Saturn 11-Nov-2063
II 28:20:12 Jupiter 23-Jul-2032 Saturn 29-Dec-2049 Mercury 14-Nov-2066
Saturn 17-Dec-2034 Mercury 11-Jul-2052 Ketu 24-Jul-2069
Mercury 23-Oct-2037 Ketu 17-Oct-2054 Venus 02-Sep-2070
Ketu 11-May-2040 Venus 23-Sep-2055 Sun 02-Nov-2073
Venus 29-May-2041 Sun 24-May-2058 Moon 15-Oct-2074
Sun 29-May-2044 Moon 12-Mar-2059 Mars 15-May-2076
IV 28:08:42 Moon 23-Apr-2045 Mars 12-Jul-2060 Rahu 24-Jun-2077
Mo 23:34:11 Mars 23-Oct-2046 Rahu 18-Jun-2061 Jupiter 29-Apr-2080
V 26:42:00 Ju 05:09:06 III 29:01:19

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KP Ezine January 2018 9
Sun Rise: 06:14:48 AM Sun Set: 06:18:39 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shobhan Hora: Mercury Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Ra Ve
2 Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Sa Ra
3 Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ke Mo Ke
Ruling Planets - 10/Jan/2018 08:34:14 PM 4 Moola(2) Ju Ke Ra Sa Ra
5 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Me Ke
Maryland, USA
6 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Su Sa Mo
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl 7 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Me Mo Ve
Lagna Su Ke Sa Sa Me 8 Aswini(3) Ma Ke Ra Ma Sa
Moon Ve Ju Ju Ve Me 9 Krittika(4) Ve Su Ke Sa Ve
Day Lord: Mercury 10 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Ke Ve
11 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Ra Ma
Nirayana Bhava Chalit
12 Magha(2) Su Ke Ma Me Sa
II 07:29:18 Ju[R] 14:09:52
XII 05:16:05 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:22:44 Su P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Mo Su Ve
III 07:35:41 Mo Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ke Sa
XI 05:09:25
7 5 Ma Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Mo Ra
8 4 Me Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ve Ju
Ju[R] P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Ra Ra
Ve Satabhisha(1) Sa Ra Ra Ju Sa
Sa Sravana(4) Sa Mo Ve Ve Ju
IV 06:22:29 Ke 12:15:15 Ra Moola(4) Ju Ke Me Mo Ra
Ra 12:15:15 X 06:22:29 Ke Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ra Mo
6 Mo 02:35:26

9 3 Significators - Planets View

12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 12 6 4, 7 12
Mo 12 10 4, 7 11
Me 17:13:18 Ma 5 5 3, 8 3, 8
V 05:09:25 VII 06:22:44 IX 07:35:41 Me 7 7 1, 10 1, 10
Sa 20:38:32 Ju 6 12 2, 9 4, 7
Ma 25:51:28 10 Ve 4 6 2, 9
11 1 Sa+ 10 5 11 5, 6
Ra 10 4
Su 00:33:14 VIII 07:29:18 Ke 4 10
VI 05:16:05 Rahu acts as agent for: Ju. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ve 07:01:14 Ketu acts as agent for: Me. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 07:29:18 IX 07:35:41 X 06:22:29 Dasa Summary

Ke 12:15:15
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
05-Feb-1977 - 05-Feb-1993 05-Feb-1993 - 05-Feb-2012 05-Feb-2012 - 05-Feb-2029
Jupiter 05-Feb-1977 Saturn 05-Feb-1993 Mercury 05-Feb-2012
Me 17:13:18 Saturn 26-Mar-1979 Mercury 08-Feb-1996 Ketu 04-Jul-2014
VII 06:22:44 Mercury 07-Oct-1981 Ketu 19-Oct-1998 Venus 01-Jul-2015
Su 00:33:14 Ketu 12-Jan-1984 Venus 27-Nov-1999 Sun 02-May-2018
Name: Female Mo 02:35:26 Venus 18-Dec-1984 Sun 27-Jan-2003 Moon 08-Mar-2019
XI 05:09:25 Sun 18-Aug-1987 Moon 09-Jan-2004 Mars 07-Aug-2020
Gender: Female
Moon 06-Jun-1988 Mars 10-Aug-2005 Rahu 05-Aug-2021
Date: Saturday, 14/Mar/1992 Mars 05-Oct-1989 Rahu 19-Sep-2006 Jupiter 22-Feb-2024
Time: 06:38:00 PM SID: 06:00:09 Rahu 11-Sep-1990 Jupiter 26-Jul-2009 Saturn 30-May-2026
Lat: 07:18:00 N Lon: 80:38:00 E Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 05-Feb-2029 - 05-Feb-2036 05-Feb-2036 - 05-Feb-2056 05-Feb-2056 - 05-Feb-2062
Ve 07:01:14 Ketu 05-Feb-2029 Venus 05-Feb-2036 Sun 05-Feb-2056
Place: Sri Lanka
VI 05:16:05 Venus 04-Jul-2029 Sun 07-Jun-2039 Moon 25-May-2056
Sun 03-Sep-2030 Moon 07-Jun-2040 Mars 23-Nov-2056
XII 05:16:05 Moon 09-Jan-2031 Mars 05-Feb-2042 Rahu 31-Mar-2057
Ayanamsa: 23° 39' 29" Ju[R] 14:09:52 Mars 10-Aug-2031 Rahu 07-Apr-2043 Jupiter 23-Feb-2058
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Rahu 06-Jan-2032 Jupiter 07-Apr-2046 Saturn 12-Dec-2058
Star: Punarvasu, Pada 4 Jupiter 24-Jan-2033 Saturn 07-Dec-2048 Mercury 24-Nov-2059
Star Lord: Jupiter Saturn 31-Dec-2033 Mercury 06-Feb-2052 Ketu 29-Sep-2060
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury Mercury 09-Feb-2035 Ketu 07-Dec-2054 Venus 04-Feb-2061
Ma 25:51:28
Sa 20:38:32 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Ekadasi Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
V 05:09:25 05-Feb-2062 - 05-Feb-2072 05-Feb-2072 - 05-Feb-2079 05-Feb-2079 - 05-Feb-2097
Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 0 Y, 10 M, 21 D
Moon 05-Feb-2062 Mars 05-Feb-2072 Rahu 05-Feb-2079
I 06:22:44 Mars 06-Dec-2062 Rahu 03-Jul-2072 Jupiter 19-Oct-2081
Rahu 07-Jul-2063 Jupiter 21-Jul-2073 Saturn 13-Mar-2084
Jupiter 06-Jan-2065 Saturn 27-Jun-2074 Mercury 17-Jan-2087
Saturn 08-May-2066 Mercury 06-Aug-2075 Ketu 06-Aug-2089
Mercury 07-Dec-2067 Ketu 02-Aug-2076 Venus 24-Aug-2090
Ketu 08-May-2069 Venus 29-Dec-2076 Sun 25-Aug-2093
Venus 07-Dec-2069 Sun 28-Feb-2078 Moon 19-Jul-2094
Ra 12:15:15 Sun 08-Aug-2071 Moon 06-Jul-2078 Mars 18-Jan-2096
IV 06:22:29 III 07:35:41 II 07:29:18

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KP Ezine January 2018 10
Tin Win

Checking Date:14/Nov/2017 Printed Date:10/Jan/2018
Result of matching horoscope of
Chi. Male with that of Kum. Female

Name: Male (3333) Female (3480)
Father's Name:
Born on: 30/Aug/1971 14/Mar/1992
Time of Birth: 07:03:00 AM 06:38:00 PM
City: [Lat 7° 2' N, Long 79° 55' E] [Lat 7° 18' N, Long 80° 38' E]

Star: Jyeshta, Pada 3 Punarvasu, Pada 4

1) Characteristics compatibility 100.00
2) Harmony in married life 50.00
3) Attitudes and urges 0.00
4) General happiness 50.00
5) Mutual understanding between the couples 0.00
6) Pleasure and happiness after marriage 100.00
7) General suitability for marriage 50.00
8) Likelihood of marriage with this boy and the girl 83.33
9) Smoothness in married life 66.67
10) Whether the period lords now operating in both charts indicate desirability 66.67
of matching for marriage
TOTAL 566.67

Overall Matching Percentage: 56.67% - Average Match

[A] Below 50% - No Match.
[B] Greater than or equal to 50% and less than or equal to 60% - Average Match.
[C] Greater than 60% and less than or equal to 75% - Above Average Match.
[D] Above 75% - Excellent Match.
NOTE: Marriage compatibility is just one aspect to check while considering the horoscopes of a boy and a girl. Other
aspects to check include longevity, education, health, child birth, career prospects and financial status. This report
does NOT cover these other aspects.

KPAstro™ Developed by: Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507

KP Ezine January 2018 11
What would be the result of the court case?
By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

Mr. Consultant asks “Please clarify what would be the result of the court case? Is there any
imprisonment for me? and when will the case end?”--- KP analysis through Time chart and
Natal chart.

Mr. Consultant (KP follower) from Guntur sent me a mail on 20-09-2017 @17-54-00 hours
and has furnished the following details---

My DOB is 11.01.1961, TOB is 5.25 AM, POB is Guntur.

A criminal case against me is pending in the court on the basis of the complaint given by
my wife. The particulars are as against the complaint given by my wife, police came to my
house on 13.10.2010 with arrest warrant, but they have given me time to surrender.

On 21.12.2010 I surrendered on the same day and was remanded to their custody, and
went to jail on 23.12.2010.
I got bail and released from jail.

Now case has came for a trial in the court of law.

Sir, please clarify what would be the result of the court case? Is there any imprisonment for
me? And when will the case end?

Yours faithfully,

( Mr.Consultant)

I saw the mail in the morning hours of 30-09-2017 @ 06-37-06 am and immediately I erect-
ed a Time chart for the same time.
Following questions were raised by the querist---
1. What would be result of the case?
2. Is there any imprisonment?

3. When will the case end?

The following analysis is made with the help of the Time chart (Attached)-
1.what would be the result of the case?
A)KP rule says (Kanak Ji’s rule –Dec 2011)—If the 4th cusp sub lord signifies houses 2- win-
ning the case, 11- gains, and 10- then success is assured during the conjoined period of the
significators of houses 2-10-and 11.
As per the Time chart—the 4th cusp sub lord is Rahu+. No planets are placed in Rahu stars,
and so Rahu strongly signifies the 4th cusp. Rahu is placed in the 11th cusp. Rahu is in the
star of Mercury- lord of the 1st and 10th placed in the 12th cusp, and in the sub of Jupiter-
lord of houses 4 and 7 posited in the 1st cusp. Rahu represents Moon, lord of the 11th
placed in the 4th cusp.
Thus, Rahu + strongly signifies at its STL houses 10- success and 11th – gains, and house 4
at its sub level, clearly indicating that winning the court case is assured.

KP Ezine January 2018 12

mr consulatant
Sun Rise: 06:39:20 AM Sun Set: 05:52:57 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Dhrti Hora: Moon Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ju Su Sa
2 U.Ashada(4) Sa Su Ve Ke Me
3 Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Me Ra Ra
Ruling Planets - 30/Sep/2017 06:37:06 PM 4 Revati(1) Ju Me Me Ve Ve
6 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ra Mo Ju
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ju Ju Ke
Lagna Ju Me Ra Ju Sa 8 Pushyami(2) Mo Sa Ve Me Ve
Moon Sa Mo Mo Ra Ve 9 P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Ve Ve Sa
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Hasta(3) Me Mo Sa Ma Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Swati(4) Ve Ra Ve Me Ma
12 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Sa Ma
II 09:59:14 XII 13:40:08
Ve 13:20:07 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Me 00:26:04 Su U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Su Ve Sa
III 13:37:09 I 08:46:36 Mo Swati(1) Ve Ra Ra Me Ju
XI 17:09:38
Ke 15:35:28 10 Ju 23:11:39 8 Ma[R] Aridra(2) Me Ra Sa Ve Ve
Su 27:18:22
11 Sa 27:32:27 7 Me U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ra Ke Ma
Ju P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Mo Sa
Ve Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Me Su Ve
Sa U.Ashada(1) Ju Su Mo Ra Sa
IV 17:04:08 X 17:04:08 Ra P.Phalguni(1) Su Ve Su Mo Mo
Mo 07:45:09
Ke Satabhisha(3) Sa Ra Ve Ve Ke
12 6 Significators - Planets View
3 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 1 1 9 9
Mo+ 9 10 8
Ma[R] 11:13:40 Ma+ 9 7 5, 12
V 17:09:38 VII 08:46:36 Ra 15:35:28 Me+ 1 1 9 7, 10
IX 13:37:09 Ju+ 3 1 6, 11 1, 4
1 5 Ve 9 3 6, 11
2 4 Sa+ 1 1 9 2, 3
Ra 3 9 6, 11
VI 13:40:08 VIII 09:59:14 Ke+ 9 3
Rahu acts as agent for: Su, Ju, Ve. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Ve, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

V 17:09:38 VI 13:40:08 VII 08:46:36 Dasa Summary

Ma[R] 11:13:40
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
24-Jul-1959 - 24-Jul-1977 24-Jul-1977 - 24-Jul-1993 24-Jul-1993 - 24-Jul-2012
Rahu 24-Jul-1959 Jupiter 24-Jul-1977 Saturn 24-Jul-1993
Jupiter 05-Apr-1962 Saturn 10-Sep-1979 Mercury 27-Jul-1996
Saturn 29-Aug-1964 Mercury 24-Mar-1982 Ketu 05-Apr-1999
IV 17:04:08 Mercury 06-Jul-1967 Ketu 30-Jun-1984 Venus 15-May-2000
Name: mr consulatant VIII 09:59:14 Ketu 23-Jan-1970 Venus 05-Jun-1985 Sun 15-Jul-2003
Gender: Male Venus 10-Feb-1971 Sun 04-Feb-1988 Moon 26-Jun-2004
Date: Wednesday, 11/Jan/1961 Sun 10-Feb-1974 Moon 22-Nov-1988 Mars 25-Jan-2006
Moon 05-Jan-1975 Mars 24-Mar-1990 Rahu 05-Mar-2007
Time: 05:25:00 AM SID: 12:37:50 Mars 05-Jul-1976 Rahu 28-Feb-1991 Jupiter 10-Jan-2010
Lat: 16:18:00 N Lon: 80:27:00 E
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Ke 15:35:28 Place: GUNTUR, ANDHRA PRADESH, 24-Jul-2012 - 24-Jul-2029 24-Jul-2029 - 24-Jul-2036 24-Jul-2036 - 24-Jul-2056
III 13:37:09 India
Mercury 24-Jul-2012 Ketu 24-Jul-2029 Venus 24-Jul-2036
Ve 13:20:07 Ketu 20-Dec-2014 Venus 20-Dec-2029 Sun 22-Nov-2039
Ayanamsa: 23° 13' 22" IX 13:37:09 Venus 17-Dec-2015 Sun 19-Feb-2031 Moon 22-Nov-2040
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ra 15:35:28 Sun 17-Oct-2018 Moon 26-Jun-2031 Mars 24-Jul-2042
Star: Swati, Pada 1 Moon 24-Aug-2019 Mars 26-Jan-2032 Rahu 23-Sep-2043
Star Lord: Rahu Mars 23-Jan-2021 Rahu 23-Jun-2032 Jupiter 23-Sep-2046
Rasi: Libra Rasi Lord: Venus Rahu 20-Jan-2022 Jupiter 11-Jul-2033 Saturn 24-May-2049
Jupiter 08-Aug-2024 Saturn 17-Jun-2034 Mercury 24-Jul-2052
Lagna: Sagittarius Lagna Lord: Jupiter
Saturn 14-Nov-2026 Mercury 26-Jul-2035 Ketu 25-May-2055
II 09:59:14 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Navami
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Me 00:26:04 Bal. Dasa: Rahu 16 Y, 6 M, 12 D 24-Jul-2056 - 24-Jul-2062 24-Jul-2062 - 24-Jul-2072 24-Jul-2072 - 24-Jul-2079
X 17:04:08 Sun 24-Jul-2056 Moon 24-Jul-2062 Mars 24-Jul-2072
Moon 10-Nov-2056 Mars 24-May-2063 Rahu 20-Dec-2072
Mars 12-May-2057 Rahu 23-Dec-2063 Jupiter 07-Jan-2074
Rahu 17-Sep-2057 Jupiter 24-Jun-2065 Saturn 14-Dec-2074
Jupiter 11-Aug-2058 Saturn 23-Oct-2066 Mercury 22-Jan-2076
Sa 27:32:27 Saturn 31-May-2059 Mercury 24-May-2068 Ketu 19-Jan-2077
Su 27:18:22 Mercury 12-May-2060 Ketu 23-Oct-2069 Venus 17-Jun-2077
Ju 23:11:39 XI 17:09:38 Ketu 18-Mar-2061 Venus 24-May-2070 Sun 17-Aug-2078
I 08:46:36 XII 13:40:08 Mo 07:45:09 Venus 24-Jul-2061 Sun 22-Jan-2072 Moon 23-Dec-2078
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 13
Time Chart
Sun Rise: 06:06:15 AM Sun Set: 06:05:30 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Atiganda Hora: Saturn Karana: Taitil Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Hasta(3) Me Mo Me Sa Ju
2 Swati(4) Ve Ra Ma Ra Ra
3 Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Ke Sa Mo
Ruling Planets - 13/Jan/2018 01:10:33 PM 4 P.Ashada(2) Ju Ve Ra Me Su
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Sravana(3) Sa Mo Me Sa Ma
6 P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Sa Me
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Revati(1) Ju Me Ve Ve Sa
Lagna Ma Ve Ve Me Ve 8 Bharani(2) Ma Ve Ra Ke Ke
Moon Ma Me Me Ju Ma 9 Rohini(3) Ve Mo Me Ju Sa
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Aridra(4) Me Ra Mo Ve Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Ashlesha(1) Mo Me Ve Ve Sa
12 P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Ju Ma
II 06:19:16:55 Ma 04:21:36:58
XII 04:20:17:56 Planetary Positions
Su 05:13:03:29
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Me 05:06:01:02
Ju 06:03:45:01 Su Hasta(1) Me Mo Ra Ke Ke
III 07:19:10:27 I 05:19:37:42 Mo U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Sa Su Ke
Ra 03:27:48:16
Sa 07:28:10:30 7 5 XI 03:19:34:49 Ma P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Ju Ma Mo
4 Ve 04:18:13:42 Me U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Me Mo Ke
Ju Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ra Mo
Ve P.Phalguni(2) Su Ve Ra Ra Sa
Sa Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Sa Ra
Mo 09:04:11:38 X 02:19:06:15 Ra Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Ra Ve
IV 08:19:06:15
Ke Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Ra Ve
9 3 Significators - Planets View
12 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 4 12 11 12
Mo 12 4 12 11
VII 11:19:37:42 Ma 12 12 2, 9 3, 8
V 09:19:34:49 IX 01:19:10:27 Me 12 12 12 1, 10
Ke 09:27:48:16 Ju+ 12 1 3, 8 4, 7
10 2 Ve 12 12 2, 9 2, 9
11 1 Sa+ 12 3 1, 10 5, 6
Ra+ 12 11 1, 10
VI 10:20:17:56 VIII 00:19:16:55 Ke+ 12 5 3, 8
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VIII 19:16:55 IX 19:10:27 X 19:06:15 Dasa Summary

Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
11-May-2014 - 11-May-2020 11-May-2020 - 11-May-2030 11-May-2030 - 11-May-2037
Sun 11-May-2014 Moon 11-May-2020 Mars 11-May-2030
Moon 28-Aug-2014 Mars 11-Mar-2021 Rahu 07-Oct-2030
Mars 27-Feb-2015 Rahu 10-Oct-2021 Jupiter 25-Oct-2031
VII 19:37:42 Rahu 05-Jul-2015 Jupiter 11-Apr-2023 Saturn 30-Sep-2032
Name: Time Chart XI 19:34:49 Jupiter 28-May-2016 Saturn 10-Aug-2024 Mercury 08-Nov-2033
Gender: Male Ra 27:48:16 Saturn 17-Mar-2017 Mercury 11-Mar-2026 Ketu 06-Nov-2034
Date: Saturday, 30/Sep/2017 Mercury 27-Feb-2018 Ketu 11-Aug-2027 Venus 04-Apr-2035
Ketu 03-Jan-2019 Venus 11-Mar-2028 Sun 04-Jun-2036
Time: 06:37:06 AM SID: 06:57:01 Venus 11-May-2019 Sun 09-Nov-2029 Moon 10-Oct-2036
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 11-May-2037 - 11-May-2055 11-May-2055 - 11-May-2071 11-May-2071 - 11-May-2090
Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Rahu 11-May-2037 Jupiter 11-May-2055 Saturn 11-May-2071
VI 20:17:56 PRADESH, India Jupiter 21-Jan-2040 Saturn 28-Jun-2057 Mercury 14-May-2074
Ve 18:13:42 Saturn 16-Jun-2042 Mercury 09-Jan-2060 Ketu 21-Jan-2077
Ayanamsa: 24° 0' 53" XII 20:17:56 Mercury 23-Apr-2045 Ketu 17-Apr-2062 Venus 02-Mar-2078
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ma 21:36:58 Ketu 10-Nov-2047 Venus 23-Mar-2063 Sun 02-May-2081
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 3 Venus 28-Nov-2048 Sun 22-Nov-2065 Moon 14-Apr-2082
Star Lord: Sun Sun 28-Nov-2051 Moon 10-Sep-2066 Mars 13-Nov-2083
Moon 22-Oct-2052 Mars 10-Jan-2068 Rahu 22-Dec-2084
Lagna: Virgo Lagna Lord: Mercury
Ke 27:48:16 Mars 22-Apr-2054 Rahu 16-Dec-2068 Jupiter 29-Oct-2087
V 19:34:49 Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Dasami
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Mo 04:11:38 Bal. Dasa: Sun 2 Y, 7 M, 10 D 11-May-2090 - 11-May-2107 11-May-2107 - 11-May-2114 11-May-2114 - 11-May-2134
Me 06:01:02 Mercury 11-May-2090 Ketu 11-May-2107 Venus 11-May-2114
Su 13:03:29 Ketu 07-Oct-2092 Venus 07-Oct-2107 Sun 09-Sep-2117
I 19:37:42 Venus 04-Oct-2093 Sun 07-Dec-2108 Moon 09-Sep-2118
Sun 03-Aug-2096 Moon 13-Apr-2109 Mars 10-May-2120
Moon 10-Jun-2097 Mars 13-Nov-2109 Rahu 10-Jul-2121
Mars 09-Nov-2098 Rahu 11-Apr-2110 Jupiter 10-Jul-2124
Rahu 06-Nov-2099 Jupiter 29-Apr-2111 Saturn 10-Mar-2127
Sa 28:10:30 II 19:16:55 Jupiter 26-May-2102 Saturn 04-Apr-2112 Mercury 10-May-2130
IV 19:06:15 III 19:10:27 Ju 03:45:01 Saturn 01-Sep-2104 Mercury 13-May-2113 Ketu 11-Mar-2133
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 14
B) If the 6th cusp SL signifies houses 4 or 6 or 11, success is assured during the conjoined
period of the significators of houses 4-6-11.
As per the chart, the 6th cusp sub lord is Jupiter+. No planets are placed in Jupiter stars,
and so Jupiter strongly signifies the 6th cusp indicating the winning of the case.
Jupiter + is in Mars, star lord of houses 3 & 8 posited in the 12th, and in the sub of Venus,
lord of houses 2 and 9 placed in the 11th, indicating success and gains.

Six fold significators of houses 4-6-11—

DL Sun is up to May 2020. Sun is in the RPs and significator of houses 4 and 11. Sun sig-
nifies houses 4 & 11 at its STL, and at SBL also. It is o.k.
BL Sat+ is from 17-3-2017 to 27-02-2017—which is in the RPs, and is also a significator of
the 6th. Sat + signifies the 6th at both STL & SBL and is o.k.
AL Sun is too short a period (up to 2/10/2017).
AL Moon is from 2-10-2017 to 31-10-2017- It is in the RPs and signifies houses 4, 11@at
STL and at SBL house 6. This is o.k.
Sun transits in Mercury Sign and Moon Star from 27/09 to 10/10 and is agreeing.

So, I feel, by the end of October 2017 this will give good and favorable results for this native.

II. I have also prepared his natal chart as per the details provided to me—the natal chart is
This native while giving the birth details has furnished following information—
1. A criminal case against me is pending in the court on the basis of the complaint given by
my wife. The particulars are as against the complaint given by my wife, police came to my
house on 13.10.2010 with arrest warrant, but they have given me time to surrender.

A) On 21.12.2010 I surrendered to the police and was remanded to their custody, and went
to jail on 23.12.2010.

B) I got bail and was released from jail.

First, let me check these events which have taken place as per his natal chat—

· As per KP rule if the cusp sub lord of houses 6/12 signifies houses 3-away from home, 8
-misfortune or 12- restriction on movements /new environment, and be connected with
Saturn, Rahu, Mars or Ketu, one will be imprisoned during the conjoined period of the
significators of houses 3,8 and 12.
As per the chart – if the 6th cusp sub lord signifies houses –
· 9 and 11-court and court proceedings,
· 3, 9,11-agreement with the opposite parties.

· As per the chart the cusp sub lord of houses 6 and 12th is Rahu who is placed in the
9th, in Venus star, lord of houses 6 & 11 placed in the 2nd (but within the same degrees
of the3rd cusp), and in the sub of Sun, lord of house 9 posited in the 1st cusp.

· Thus, Rahu signifies houses 6 and 11 at STL and houses 1 and 9 at SBL, along with
houses 3 and 9 at its star level. Rahu represents Venus, Sun, Ketu. Ketu is in the 3rd
· ---Thus, it is clearly indicated that he was in police custody and had bail as it signifies
houses 6 and 11 also.
---This clearly indicates that this native will have an agreement with the opposite parties

KP Ezine January 2018 15

and come to a compromise to win over the case.
II) For winning a court case as per Kanak ji’s rule—the 4th cusp sub lord is Jupiter+ who
strongly signifies houses 11at STL and 2 at its SBL. This is o.k.

Significators of houses 2-10-11—


Ruling planets at TOJ = (08-22-00 a.M)—on 30-09-2017-

BL VENUS is from Jan 2016 to Nov 2018 and Venus signifies HOUSES 11 AT STL and 10
AT SBL. THIS is o.k.
AL Saturn+ is from 29-10-2017 to 11-04-2018—Saturn signifies HOUSES 2 AT STL and 10
AT SBL. THIS is o.k.
Sun transits in Mars Sign (significator of the 2nd) on Saturn star from 20/11 to 3/12 and
this is agreeing. The result may be expected by the first week of Nov 2017.
So, I feel he will reach a compromise agreement (Mercury as the 3rd sub lord signifies the 2nd
(family) 10(with opposite party) and have success.

Facts of the case—mail received from the native Mr. Consultant on 3rd Nov 2017 which
reads as-

Dear sir,
I am very happy to inform you that today the case was closed. As you said a compromise
agreement submitted to the court yesterday. Once again thank you very much sir.
Your's sincerely,

Thanks to our great master Sri KSK and my sincere thanks to Sri Kanak Ji.

KP Ezine January 2018 16

When will i get a job?
By: Sumukh S. Ghotge
A/5, Saikripa, 43, Parthana Samaj Road
Vile Parle (East) Mumbai 400057
Email: ; Mobile: 9969107154

Native : Male
DOB : 12.06.1971
Time : 09.33 A.M.
Place : Mumbai

The question was seen by me on 28.07.2014 at 11.45 a.m. Mumbai. The Ruling planets
when I solved the question, Planetary position and the KP Cusp chart of the native are given
below :

Lagna : Kanya Budh (Rahu)

Star : Ashlesha Budh (Rahu)
Rasi : Karka Chandra
Day : Monday Chandra
Rahu was in Kanya and rashi lord Budh is in RP.

Rule :
If the sub lord of the 6th house is a significator of either houses 2,, 6, 10 or 11 then the na-
tive will get a job.
6th house is – Dhanu 14-56-25 SL is Sukra
Sukra 10/ 4, 11 Ravi 11 / 2 (5)
Sukra is a significator of houses 2, 10 and 11, so the native will get a job. At the time of the
question, MD – Guru, AD - Budh and PD – Shani (15.07.2014 to 22.11.2014).

MD – Guru
Guru 4/ 6, 9 Shani 10/7, 8 (9, 11, 1)

AD - Budh
Budh 11/12, 3 Chandra 6/1 (5)

PD – Shani
Shani 10/7, 8 Ravi 11/2 (1, 5, 8)

Since the MD/AD/PD are connected with the houses 2, 6, 10 and 11, the native should get
a job before 22.11.2014.

Ravi is in Karka rashi at the time of query. Next it will move to Simha rashi. Sun is not a
ruling planet. Next it will enter Kanya rashi from 17.09.2014 to 17.10.2014. The lord of
Kanya rashi Budh is in ruling planets. Kanya rashi has Ravi, Chandra and Mangal stars.
Ravi and Mangal are not in ruling planets but Chandra is a ruling planet. So, I decided that
the native will get a job when Ravi transits Kanya rashi and Chandra star. The period is
from 27.09.2014 to 10.10.2014. Now in these 14 days if I had to finalise 1-2 days, I took
the sub of Rahu which is a strong ruling planet and the sub of Rahu in Kanya rashi and
Chandra star is from 11-53-20 to 13-53-20 (i.e. 12 days from 17.09.2014) when Ravi en-
tered Kanya rashi. The native got a job on 28.09.2014 and joined office from 01.10.2014.

KP Ezine January 2018 17

Sun Rise: 06:00:52 AM Sun Set: 07:15:51 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Indra Hora: Sun Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ve Ve
2 Magha(4) Su Ke Sa Su Ra
3 Hasta(1) Me Mo Mo Ra Ra
Ruling Planets - 13/Jan/2018 01:19:15 PM 4 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ju Sa
KANKARIYA, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India 5 Anuradha(4) Ma Sa Ra Ve Sa
6 P.Ashada(1) Ju Ve Ve Sa Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Sravana(2) Sa Mo Ju Sa Me
Lagna Ma Ve Ma Me Mo 8 Satabhisha(2) Sa Ra Sa Sa Sa
Moon Ma Me Me Sa Sa 9 U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Ve Me Sa
Day Lord: Saturn 10 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Mo Me
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Rohini(2) Ve Mo Ju Me Me
12 Aridra(3) Me Ra Ke Ju Ve
II 04:10:28:20 XII 02:14:56:25
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 03:14:11:02 Su Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Ve Sa
III 05:10:09:48 Ke 03:24:00:18 Mo U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ju Mo
Su 01:27:11:28
5 3 Me 01:16:11:22 Ma Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ma Sa Su
2 XI 01:14:25:22 Me Rohini(2) Ve Mo Sa Me Ra
Ju[R] Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Me Ke Me
Ve Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Ju Sa
Sa Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Su Ju
Ju[R] 07:05:48:37 X 00:12:20:20 Ra Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ma Ve Ke
IV 06:12:20:20 Ve 01:06:29:04
Ke Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ma Ve Ke
4 Sa 01:05:50:17
7 1 Significators - Planets View
10 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 7 11 5, 10 2
Mo 11 6 2 1
Ra 09:24:00:18 Ma 7 7 5, 10 5, 10
V 07:14:25:22 Ma 09:23:40:07 IX 11:10:09:48 Me 6 11 1 3, 12
VII 09:14:11:02 Ju+ 10 4 7, 8 6, 9
8 12 Ve+ 11 10 2 4, 11
9 11 Sa 11 10 2 7, 8
Ra+ 7 7 5, 10
Mo 09:06:38:06 VIII 10:10:28:20 Ke+ 11 1 3, 12
VI 08:14:56:25
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Sa. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
(B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ma, Ju, Sa.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

X 12:20:20 Sa 05:50:17 XII 14:56:25 Dasa Summary

Ve 06:29:04
XI 14:25:22 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Me 16:11:22 Sun Dasa Moon Dasa Mars Dasa
Su 27:11:28 17-Dec-1966 - 17-Dec-1972 17-Dec-1972 - 17-Dec-1982 17-Dec-1982 - 17-Dec-1989
Sun 17-Dec-1966 Moon 17-Dec-1972 Mars 17-Dec-1982
Moon 06-Apr-1967 Mars 18-Oct-1973 Rahu 16-May-1983
Mars 06-Oct-1967 Rahu 19-May-1974 Jupiter 03-Jun-1984
IX 10:09:48 Rahu 10-Feb-1968 Jupiter 17-Nov-1975 Saturn 10-May-1985
Name: Job I 14:11:02 Jupiter 04-Jan-1969 Saturn 19-Mar-1977 Mercury 18-Jun-1986
Gender: Male Ke 24:00:18 Saturn 23-Oct-1969 Mercury 18-Oct-1978 Ketu 15-Jun-1987
Date: Saturday, 12/Jun/1971 Mercury 05-Oct-1970 Ketu 18-Mar-1980 Venus 12-Nov-1987
Ketu 12-Aug-1971 Venus 18-Oct-1980 Sun 12-Jan-1989
Time: 09:33:00 AM SID: 02:13:36 Venus 18-Dec-1971 Sun 18-Jun-1982 Moon 19-May-1989
Lat: 18:58:00 N Lon: 72:49:00 E
Rahu Dasa Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 17-Dec-1989 - 17-Dec-2007 17-Dec-2007 - 17-Dec-2023 17-Dec-2023 - 17-Dec-2042
Place: MUMBAI (BOMBAY), Rahu 17-Dec-1989 Jupiter 17-Dec-2007 Saturn 17-Dec-2023
VIII 10:28:20 MAHARASHTRA, India Jupiter 29-Aug-1992 Saturn 04-Feb-2010 Mercury 20-Dec-2026
II 10:28:20 Saturn 22-Jan-1995 Mercury 17-Aug-2012 Ketu 30-Aug-2029
Ayanamsa: 23° 22' 6" Mercury 29-Nov-1997 Ketu 22-Nov-2014 Venus 09-Oct-2030
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ketu 17-Jun-2000 Venus 29-Oct-2015 Sun 09-Dec-2033
Star: U.Ashada, Pada 3 Venus 05-Jul-2001 Sun 30-Jun-2018 Moon 21-Nov-2034
Star Lord: Sun Sun 05-Jul-2004 Moon 18-Apr-2019 Mars 21-Jun-2036
Ra 24:00:18 Moon 30-May-2005 Mars 18-Aug-2020 Rahu 30-Jul-2037
Lagna: Cancer Lagna Lord: Moon
Ma 23:40:07 Mars 28-Nov-2006 Rahu 25-Jul-2021 Jupiter 05-Jun-2040
VII 14:11:02 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Chaturti
Mercury Dasa Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa
Mo 06:38:06 Bal. Dasa: Sun 1 Y, 6 M, 5 D 17-Dec-2042 - 17-Dec-2059 17-Dec-2059 - 17-Dec-2066 17-Dec-2066 - 17-Dec-2086
III 10:09:48 Mercury 17-Dec-2042 Ketu 17-Dec-2059 Venus 17-Dec-2066
Ketu 16-May-2045 Venus 15-May-2060 Sun 18-Apr-2070
Venus 13-May-2046 Sun 14-Jul-2061 Moon 18-Apr-2071
Sun 13-Mar-2049 Moon 19-Nov-2061 Mars 18-Dec-2072
Moon 18-Jan-2050 Mars 20-Jun-2062 Rahu 17-Feb-2074
Mars 19-Jun-2051 Rahu 16-Nov-2062 Jupiter 17-Feb-2077
Rahu 15-Jun-2052 Jupiter 05-Dec-2063 Saturn 18-Oct-2079
V 14:25:22 Jupiter 02-Jan-2055 Saturn 10-Nov-2064 Mercury 18-Dec-2082
VI 14:56:25 Ju[R] 05:48:37 IV 12:20:20 Saturn 09-Apr-2057 Mercury 19-Dec-2065 Ketu 18-Oct-2085
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 18
K. P. relationship Method (K.P.R.M.). For Partnership

By: Kanakkumar B. Bosmia

613– P.B. Parekh Tower, Nr. Diwan Ballubhai School
Kankariya-Ahmedabad: 380022
Mobile : +91-982531165: Phone: +91-7925460376
Email : ;

Native: A
Date of birth: 06/07/77 Wednesday; Time of birth: 17:11:26 PM IST
Place of Birth: Bhadwar-Bihar; Lon/Lat: 25° N 29', 84° E 20’;
Aynamsha: 230.27’.10”

Partner: B
Date of birth: 21/08/1974, Wednesday; Time of birth: 12:05:00 PM IST
Place of Birth: Saraspur-Ahmedabad-Gujarat; Lon/Lat: 23° N 01', 72° E 36’;
Aynamsha: 230.24’.46”

Matching date: 13-10-2016

K.P.R.M No.1
Find out the sign lord of the star lord of the Ascendant Sub Lords in the charts of both, the
native and the partner. They should be natural friends or equal, and should not be enemies
i.e. natural enemies.

Table of Friend/equal/Enemies.
Planet Sun Moon Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket
Friend Moon Sun Sun Sun Sun Mer Mer Mer Sun
Mitra Mar Mer Moon Ven Moon Sat Ven Ven Moon
Jup Jup Rah Mar Rahu Rah Sat Jup
Equal Mer Mar Ven Mar Sat Mar Jup Jup Ven
Sam Jup Sat Jup Rah Jup Sat
Ven Sat
Enemies Ven Rah Mer Moon Mer Sun Sun Sun Mer
Dush- Sat Rah Ven Moon Moon Moo Rah
man Rah Mar n

In the Native’s chart, the Ascendant sub lord, Saturn, is in the star of Mercury. Mercury is
in the sign of Gemini represented by its lord Mercury.
In the Partner’s chart, the Ascendant sub lord, Saturn, is in the star of Jupiter. Jupiter is in
the sign of Aquarius represented by its lord Saturn.

Mercury and Saturn are equals = 50 Marks

Saturn and Mercury are friends = 50 Marks
Total 100 Marks.

K.P.R.M No.2
Find out the sign of the star lord of the Ascendant Sub Lords in the charts of both, the Na-
tive and the Partner. They should be compatible. Compatible and Opposite signs are ac-
ceptable, and Incompatible is rejectable.

The Element of FIRE is most compatible with AIR, and EARTH is most compatible with
WATER . FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); AIR (Gemini,
Libra, Aquarius); and WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
KP Ezine January 2018 19
Sun Rise: 05:07:17 AM Sun Set: 06:47:09 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Saubhaghya Hora: Sun Karana: Vanij Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ma Mo
2 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Sa Ve
3 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Mo Su Me
Ruling Planets - 13/Oct/2016 12:09:15 PM 4 U.Bhadra(3) Ju Sa Su Ve Ra
6 Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Ma Sa
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Sa Ma Mo
Lagna Ju Ke Sa Me Ve 8 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Ra Ve
Moon Sa Ra Ve Ju Me 9 Magha(2) Su Ke Ra Me Ju
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Hasta(1) Me Mo Mo Ve Ra
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Sa Ju
12 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Me Ve Me
II 09:01:33:44 XII 07:06:06:01
Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 07:29:24:06 Su Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Ke Ra
Mo 11:01:01:31 Mo P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ma Me Ju
XI 06:10:44:40
III 10:06:39:07 10 8 Ma Krittika(1) Ma Su Ma Ju Ma
11 7 Me Punarvasu(3) Me Ju Ve Me Mo
Ju Mrigasira(2) Ve Ma Ju Ma Ra
Ve Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Ra Ve
Sa Ashlesha(2) Mo Me Mo Mo Sa
IV 11:10:56:33 Ra 05:26:33:23 Ra Chitra(1) Me Ma Ju Sa Ra
Ke 11:26:33:23 X 05:10:56:33
Ke Revati(3) Ju Me Ju Sa Ra
12 6 Significators - Planets View
2 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 7 7 4 9
Mo+ 7 3 4 8
VII 01:29:24:06 Ma 7 5 9 1, 5, 12
V 00:10:44:40 Me 02:28:28:28 IX 04:06:39:07 Me 7 8 4 10
Ma 00:28:41:22 Su 02:20:49:40 Ju 5 7 1, 5, 12 4
1 5 Ve+ 7 6 9 6, 7, 11
2 4 Sa+ 8 8 10 2, 3
Ra+ 5 10 1, 5, 12
VI 01:06:06:01 Sa 03:22:15:43 Ke+ 8 4 10
Ve 01:06:23:38 VIII 03:01:33:44
(A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo, Me, Ju, Sa.
Ju 01:27:32:16
Ketu acts as agent for: Mo, Ju. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

V 10:44:40 VI 06:06:01 Su 20:49:40 Dasa Summary

Ma 28:41:22 Ve 06:23:38 Me 28:28:28
Ju 27:32:16 Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
VII 29:24:06 Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
13-Apr-1964 - 13-Apr-1980 13-Apr-1980 - 13-Apr-1999 13-Apr-1999 - 13-Apr-2016
Jupiter 13-Apr-1964 Saturn 13-Apr-1980 Mercury 13-Apr-1999
Ke 26:33:23 Saturn 01-Jun-1966 Mercury 17-Apr-1983 Ketu 10-Sep-2001
IV 10:56:33 Mercury 13-Dec-1968 Ketu 25-Dec-1985 Venus 07-Sep-2002
Mo 01:01:31 Ketu 20-Mar-1971 Venus 03-Feb-1987 Sun 08-Jul-2005
Name: Manoj Sing VIII 01:33:44 Venus 24-Feb-1972 Sun 05-Apr-1990 Moon 15-May-2006
Gender: Male Sa 22:15:43 Sun 26-Oct-1974 Moon 18-Mar-1991 Mars 14-Oct-2007
Date: Wednesday, 06/Jul/1977 Moon 14-Aug-1975 Mars 17-Oct-1992 Rahu 10-Oct-2008
Mars 14-Dec-1976 Rahu 25-Nov-1993 Jupiter 29-Apr-2011
Time: 05:11:26 PM SID: 12:16:08 Rahu 20-Nov-1977 Jupiter 01-Oct-1996 Saturn 04-Aug-2013
Lat: 25:29:00 N Lon: 84:20:00 E
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 13-Apr-2016 - 13-Apr-2023 13-Apr-2023 - 13-Apr-2043 13-Apr-2043 - 13-Apr-2049
Place: BHADWAR, BIHAR, India Ketu 13-Apr-2016 Venus 13-Apr-2023 Sun 13-Apr-2043
III 06:39:07 Venus 10-Sep-2016 Sun 13-Aug-2026 Moon 01-Aug-2043
IX 06:39:07 Sun 09-Nov-2017 Moon 13-Aug-2027 Mars 31-Jan-2044
Ayanamsa: 23° 27' 10" Moon 17-Mar-2018 Mars 14-Apr-2029 Rahu 06-Jun-2044
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Mars 16-Oct-2018 Rahu 14-Jun-2030 Jupiter 01-May-2045
Star: P.Bhadra, Pada 4 Rahu 15-Mar-2019 Jupiter 14-Jun-2033 Saturn 17-Feb-2046
Star Lord: Jupiter Jupiter 02-Apr-2020 Saturn 12-Feb-2036 Mercury 30-Jan-2047
Saturn 09-Mar-2021 Mercury 14-Apr-2039 Ketu 07-Dec-2047
Lagna: Scorpio Lagna Lord: Mars
Mercury 17-Apr-2022 Ketu 12-Feb-2042 Venus 13-Apr-2048
Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Sashti
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
II 01:33:44 Bal. Dasa: Jupiter 2 Y, 9 M, 7 D 13-Apr-2049 - 13-Apr-2059 13-Apr-2059 - 13-Apr-2066 13-Apr-2066 - 13-Apr-2084
X 10:56:33 Moon 13-Apr-2049 Mars 13-Apr-2059 Rahu 13-Apr-2066
Ra 26:33:23 Mars 12-Feb-2050 Rahu 10-Sep-2059 Jupiter 25-Dec-2068
Rahu 13-Sep-2050 Jupiter 28-Sep-2060 Saturn 20-May-2071
Jupiter 14-Mar-2052 Saturn 04-Sep-2061 Mercury 27-Mar-2074
Saturn 13-Jul-2053 Mercury 13-Oct-2062 Ketu 14-Oct-2076
Mercury 11-Feb-2055 Ketu 11-Oct-2063 Venus 01-Nov-2077
Ketu 13-Jul-2056 Venus 08-Mar-2064 Sun 01-Nov-2080
I 29:24:06 Venus 11-Feb-2057 Sun 08-May-2065 Moon 26-Sep-2081
XII 06:06:01 XI 10:44:40 Sun 12-Oct-2058 Moon 12-Sep-2065 Mars 27-Mar-2083
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 20
Sun Rise: 06:18:05 AM Sun Set: 07:07:17 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Shubha Hora: Sun Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
1 Visakha(1) Ve Ju Sa Me Ju
2 Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Mo Me
3 P.Ashada(3) Ju Ve Sa Me Ra
Ruling Planets - 13/Oct/2016 12:21:39 PM 4 Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Sa Sa
6 Revati(3) Ju Me Ju Sa Ve
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Bharani(3) Ma Ve Sa Me Mo
Lagna Ju Ke Me Ra Ke 8 Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Ju Sa
Moon Sa Ra Ve Ju Mo 9 Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Sa Ke Ve
Day Lord: Jupiter 10 Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Sa Sa
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Su Ju Ju
12 Chitra(1) Me Ma Ju Sa Ve
II 07:21:37:44 XII 05:26:27:11
Ra 07:22:12:45 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 06:22:21:07 Su Magha(2) Su Ke Mo Me Ra
III 08:22:25:13 Mo Hasta(4) Me Mo Su Su Sa
XI 04:26:54:04
8 6 Mo 05:22:41:15 Ma P.Phalguni(3) Su Ve Sa Sa Ra
9 5 Me Magha(3) Su Ke Ju Ke Ve
Ju[R] P.Bhadra(1) Sa Ju Ju Ma Me
Ve Pushyami(4) Mo Sa Ra Ve Mo
Sa Punarvasu(1) Me Ju Ju Su Ve
Ju[R] 10:21:28:07 X 03:24:42:14 Ra Jyeshta(2) Ma Me Su Ve Me
IV 09:24:42:14 Ma 04:22:09:09
Ke Rohini(4) Ve Mo Ve Sa Ju
7 Me 04:08:20:11
Su 04:04:25:24 Significators - Planets View
10 4
1 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 8 10 11
Mo 11 11 10 10
VII 00:22:21:07 Ma+ 9 10 1, 8 2, 7
V 10:26:54:04 IX 02:22:25:13 Me 8 10 9, 12
Ve 03:14:15:42 Ju 4 4 3, 6 3, 6
11 3 Ve 9 9 4, 5 1, 8
12 2 Sa 4 9 3, 6 4, 5
Ra+ 10 2 9, 12
VI 11:26:27:11 Ke 01:22:12:45 Ke 11 8 10
VIII 01:21:37:44
Rahu acts as agent for: Ma. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Sa 02:21:15:10 (B) - Occupant of house
Ketu acts as agent for: Ve.
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

VII 22:21:07 VIII 21:37:44 Sa 21:15:10 Dasa Summary

Ke 22:12:45 IX 22:25:13
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
15-Feb-1965 - 15-Feb-1975 15-Feb-1975 - 15-Feb-1982 15-Feb-1982 - 15-Feb-2000
Moon 15-Feb-1965 Mars 15-Feb-1975 Rahu 15-Feb-1982
Mars 17-Dec-1965 Rahu 14-Jul-1975 Jupiter 28-Oct-1984
Rahu 18-Jul-1966 Jupiter 02-Aug-1976 Saturn 23-Mar-1987
VI 26:27:11 Jupiter 16-Jan-1968 Saturn 09-Jul-1977 Mercury 28-Jan-1990
Name: Pareshsingh Kushwaha Ve 14:15:42 Saturn 18-May-1969 Mercury 17-Aug-1978 Ketu 16-Aug-1992
Gender: Male X 24:42:14 Mercury 17-Dec-1970 Ketu 14-Aug-1979 Venus 03-Sep-1993
Date: Wednesday, 21/Aug/1974 Ketu 17-May-1972 Venus 11-Jan-1980 Sun 03-Sep-1996
Venus 17-Dec-1972 Sun 12-Mar-1981 Moon 29-Jul-1997
Time: 12:05:00 PM SID: 09:22:13 Sun 17-Aug-1974 Moon 18-Jul-1981 Mars 27-Jan-1999
Lat: 23:01:00 N Lon: 72:36:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 15-Feb-2000 - 15-Feb-2016 15-Feb-2016 - 15-Feb-2035 15-Feb-2035 - 15-Feb-2052
V 26:54:04 Place: AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT, India Jupiter 15-Feb-2000 Saturn 15-Feb-2016 Mercury 15-Feb-2035
Ju[R] 21:28:07 Saturn 05-Apr-2002 Mercury 18-Feb-2019 Ketu 14-Jul-2037
Su 04:25:24 Mercury 17-Oct-2004 Ketu 29-Oct-2021 Venus 12-Jul-2038
Ayanamsa: 23° 24' 46" Me 08:20:11 Ketu 22-Jan-2007 Venus 08-Dec-2022 Sun 12-May-2041
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ma 22:09:09 Venus 29-Dec-2007 Sun 07-Feb-2026 Moon 19-Mar-2042
Star: Hasta, Pada 4 XI 26:54:04 Sun 30-Aug-2010 Moon 20-Jan-2027 Mars 18-Aug-2043
Star Lord: Moon Moon 18-Jun-2011 Mars 20-Aug-2028 Rahu 14-Aug-2044
Mars 18-Oct-2012 Rahu 28-Sep-2029 Jupiter 03-Mar-2047
Lagna: Libra Lagna Lord: Venus
Rahu 24-Sep-2013 Jupiter 04-Aug-2032 Saturn 08-Jun-2049
Tithi: Shukla Paksha, Panchami
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
IV 24:42:14 Bal. Dasa: Moon 0 Y, 5 M, 24 D 15-Feb-2052 - 15-Feb-2059 15-Feb-2059 - 15-Feb-2079 15-Feb-2079 - 15-Feb-2085
Mo 22:41:15 Ketu 15-Feb-2052 Venus 15-Feb-2059 Sun 15-Feb-2079
XII 26:27:11 Venus 13-Jul-2052 Sun 17-Jun-2062 Moon 05-Jun-2079
Sun 12-Sep-2053 Moon 17-Jun-2063 Mars 05-Dec-2079
Moon 18-Jan-2054 Mars 16-Feb-2065 Rahu 10-Apr-2080
Mars 19-Aug-2054 Rahu 18-Apr-2066 Jupiter 05-Mar-2081
Rahu 15-Jan-2055 Jupiter 18-Apr-2069 Saturn 22-Dec-2081
Jupiter 03-Feb-2056 Saturn 17-Dec-2071 Mercury 04-Dec-2082
Ra 22:12:45 Saturn 09-Jan-2057 Mercury 16-Feb-2075 Ketu 11-Oct-2083
III 22:25:13 II 21:37:44 I 22:21:07 Mercury 17-Feb-2058 Ketu 17-Dec-2077 Venus 16-Feb-2084
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 21
Compatibility table

Sign Compatible Incompatible Opposite Sign Compati- Incompatible Oppo-

Signs Signs Sign ble Signs Signs site Sign
Aries Gemini Cancer Libra Libra Gemini Cancer Aries
Leo Capricorn Leo Capricorn
Sagittarius Sagittarius
Aquarius Aquarius
Taurus Cancer Aquarius Scorpio Scorpio Cancer Leo Taurus
Virgo Leo Virgo Aquarius
Capricorn Capricorn
Pisces Pisces
Gemini Aries Virgo Sagittari- Sagittarius Aries Virgo Gemini
Leo Pisces us Leo Pisces
Libra Libra
Aquarius Aquarius
Cancer Taurus Aries Capricorn Capricorn Taurus Aries Cancer
Virgo Libra Virgo Libra
Scorpio Scorpio
Pisces Pisces
Leo Aries Taurus Aquarius Aquarius Aries Taurus Leo
Gemini Scorpio Gemini Scorpio
Libra Libra
Sagittarius Sagittarius
Virgo Taurus Gemini Pisces Pisces Taurus Gemini Virgo
Cancer Sagittarius Cancer Sagittarius
Scorpio Scorpio
Capricorn Capricorn

In the Native’s chart, the Ascendant sub lord, Saturn, is in the star of Mercury. Mercury is
in the sign of Gemini.
In the Partner’s chart, the Ascendant sub lord, Saturn, is in the star of Jupiter. Jupiter is in
the sign of Aquarius.
Aquarius and Gemini are compatible signs = 50 Marks
Gemini and Aquarius are compatible signs = 50 Marks
Total 100 Marks.

K.P.R.M No.3
Find out the sign lord of the star lord of the 7th Cusp Sub Lords in the charts of both, the
Native and the Partner. They should be natural friends or equal, and should not be enemies
i.e. natural enemies.

In the Native’s chart, the Ascendant sub lord, Saturn, is in the star of Mercury. Mercury is
in the sign of Gemini, represented by its lord Mercury.
In the Partner’s chart, the 7th sub lord, Saturn, is in the star of Jupiter. Jupiter is in the
sign of Aquarius, represented by its lord Saturn.
Mercury and Saturn are equals = 50 Marks
Saturn and Mercury are friends = 50 Marks
Total 100 Marks.

K.P.R.M No.4
Find out the sign of the star lord of the 7th Sub Lords in the charts of both, the Native and
the Partner. They should be compatible in each other’s charts.
In the Native’s chart, the 7th sub lord, Saturn, is in the star of Mercury. Mercury is in the
sign of Gemini.
In the Partner’s chart, the 7th sub lord, Saturn, is in the star of Jupiter. Jupiter is in the
sign of Aquarius.
Gemini and Aquarius are opposite signs = 50 Marks
Aquarius and Gemini are opposite signs = 50 Marks
Total 100 Marks.

KP Ezine January 2018 22

K.P.R.M No:5
A) At the time of matching, if either is running 'A' Dasa, 'B' Bukthi, and ‘C’ Antara, note
whether A, B or C are the Ruling Planets at the time of birth of the other.

B) The Planets deposited in the constellations of the above A, B, C Planets will be the
Ruling Planets at the time of birth of the other.

A) At the time of matching, if either is running 'A' Dasa, 'B' Bukthi, and ‘C’ Antara note wheth-
er A, B or C are the Ruling Planets at the time of birth of the other.
We have to give 100 marks to each rule, but because we have 4 sub rules we give 25
marks to each sub rule.

Ruling Planets of the Native: Mercury-Mars-Saturn-Jupiter-Rahu (Representing Saturn).

Running DBA of the Partner: Dasa lord is Saturn, Bhukti lord is Saturn, Antara lord is
Saturn-Saturn-Mercury are matching with the RPs. Thus, three planets match with the
25 Marks.

Ruling Planets of the Partner: Mercury-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury-Moon-Sun-Ketu

(Representing Venus).
Running DBA of the Native: Dasa lord is Ketu, Bhukti lord is Venus, and Antara lord is
Ketu-Venus-Venus are matching with the RPs. Thus, three planets match with the RPs.
25 Marks.
Total: 50 Marks

B) The Planets deposited in the constellation of the above A,B,C Planets will be the
Ruling Planets at the time of birth of the other.

Ruling Planets of the Native: Mercury-Mars-Saturn-Jupiter-Rahu (Representing Saturn).

Partner’s planets deposited in the Stars of DBA: Venus is in the star of dasa lord Saturn.
Venus is in the star of bhukti lord Saturn, Rahu is in the star of antra lord Mercury.
Rahu matches with the RPs. Thus, one planet is matching with the RPs.
25/3=08.33 Marks.

Ruling Planets of the Partner: Mercury-Venus-Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury-Moon-Sun-Ketu

(Representing Venus).
Native’s planets deposited in the Stars of DBA: No planet is in the star of dasa lord Ketu.
No planet is in the star of bhukti lord Venus. No planet is in the star of antra lord Venus.
No planet is matching with the RPs.
00 Marks.
Total: 08.33 Marks

Total Marks of Rule 6: (A) 50 Marks (B) 08.33 Marks = 58.33 Marks

K.P.R.M No.1 = 100
K.P.R.M No.2 = 100
K.P.R.M No.3 = 100
K.P.R.M No.4 = 100
K.P.R.M No.5 = 058
458 out of 500 = 91.6%

My opinion: All in average, it is 91.60%. Thus, matching is good. Also, K.P.R.M No. 6 is
more than 51%, thus the matching is good.

KP Ezine January 2018 23

Will Mrs SK win Trimbakeshwar local election?

By: Dr.Snehal N Kothari (MBBS-DA)

KP Visharad-KP Acharya
Nemijyot ,Bunglow A2, Sai Laxmi Nagar
Behind KEYS Hotel
Shirdi Pin 423109
Mobile: 9766751958 : e-mial:

Election held on 10/12/17

Question: Will SK win Trimbakeshwar election?

Horary Date: 03-12-2017; Horary Time: 12:14:01 PM
Horary No: 9/249
Horary Place: Shirdi-Mahatarstra Long/Lat: 19 N 46; 74 E 29.
Ayanamsha: 240.01’.01”

The 10th cls of SK is Jup+ 7 (9,12) {10}. It is in the star of Rahu placed in the 4th. Rahu rep-
resents Moon 2 (4), and is in the sub of Sun+ 8 (5). Thus, it signifies the 10th.

The 10th csl of the opponent is Rahu placed in the 10th. Rahu represents Moon 8 (10 ), and
is in the star of Mercury 3 (9,12), and in the sub of Rahu placed in the 10th. Rahu repre-
sents Moon 8 (10 ), thereby signifying houses 3,10.

Dasha Moon 2 (4) in the star of Moon 2 (4), and in the sub of Rahu placed in the 4th. Rahu
represents Moon 2 (4). This does not signify houses 3,10,11 .

Dasha of Opponent is Moon 8 (10). It is in the star of Moon 8 (10), and in the sub of Rahu
placed in the 10th. Rahu represents the Moon 8 (10). It thereby signifies the 10th.

Prediction: SK will not win the election.

KP Ezine January 2018 24

Horary No. 9/249
Sun Rise: 06:51:37 AM Sun Set: 05:52:00 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Siddha Hora: Jupiter Karana: Bav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 9 1 Aswini(4) Ma Ke Me Me Me
Question : Will SK win Trimbakeshwar election 2 Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ma Me Ke
3 Aridra(1) Me Ra Ra Ju Su
Ruling Planets - 03/Dec/2017 12:14:01 PM 4 Punarvasu(4) Mo Ju Ra Me Me
SHIRDI, MAHARASHTRA, India 5 Magha(1) Su Ke Ke Ma Su
6 U.Phalguni(3) Me Su Sa Ve Ra
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Swati(2) Ve Ra Sa Ve Sa
Lagna Sa Ra Ra Me Sa 8 Anuradha(3) Ma Sa Mo Sa Me
Moon Ve Mo Ra Ra Ra 9 Moola(3) Ju Ke Ra Ve Me
Day Lord: Sun 10 U.Ashada(2) Sa Su Ju Ve Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Dhanishta(3) Sa Ma Me Ke Ra
12 U.Bhadra(1) Ju Sa Sa Me Ju
II 01:11:31:10 XII 11:03:53:16
Mo 01:11:54:52 Planetary Positions
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 00:11:26:40 Su Jyeshta(1) Ma Me Me Ve Sa
III 02:07:08:32 Mo Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ra Ra Ra
XI 10:00:19:12
2 12 Ma Chitra(3) Ve Ma Ke Mo Ke
3 11 Me Moola(2) Ju Ke Ma Ke Ve
Ju Swati(4) Ve Ra Su Mo Me
Ve Anuradha(2) Ma Sa Ve Ve Sa
Sa Moola(2) Ju Ke Mo Ju Ju
IV 03:02:15:07 Ke 09:24:24:01 Ra Ashlesha(3) Mo Me Ra Ra Ma
Ra 03:24:24:01 X 09:02:15:07
Ke Dhanishta(1) Sa Ma Ra Ra Ma
4 10 Significators - Planets View
7 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su+ 9 8 3, 6 5
Mo 2 2 4 4
Ju 06:17:31:03 Ma 6 6 1, 8 1, 8
V 04:00:19:12 VII 06:11:26:40 IX 08:07:08:32 Me 10 9 3, 6
Ve 07:08:22:00 Ju+ 4 7 9, 12
5 9 Ve+ 9 8 10, 11 2, 7
6 8 Sa 10 9 10, 11
Ra 9 4 3, 6
Ma 06:02:09:12 Su 07:17:16:17 Ke 6 10 1, 8
VI 05:03:53:16 VIII 07:11:31:10
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Me 08:05:17:08
Ketu acts as agent for: Ma, Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
Sa 08:04:00:20 (C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

I 11:26:40 II 11:31:10 III 07:08:32 Dasa Summary

Mo 11:54:52
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
25-Jun-2016 - 25-Jun-2026 25-Jun-2026 - 25-Jun-2033 25-Jun-2033 - 25-Jun-2051
Moon 25-Jun-2016 Mars 25-Jun-2026 Rahu 25-Jun-2033
Mars 25-Apr-2017 Rahu 21-Nov-2026 Jupiter 07-Mar-2036
Rahu 25-Nov-2017 Jupiter 10-Dec-2027 Saturn 31-Jul-2038
XII 03:53:16 Jupiter 26-May-2019 Saturn 14-Nov-2028 Mercury 06-Jun-2041
Name: SK Trmbkswr co Kiran IV 02:15:07 Saturn 25-Sep-2020 Mercury 24-Dec-2029 Ketu 24-Dec-2043
Gender: Female Ra 24:24:01 Mercury 26-Apr-2022 Ketu 21-Dec-2030 Venus 12-Jan-2045
Date: Sunday, 03/Dec/2017 Ketu 25-Sep-2023 Venus 19-May-2031 Sun 12-Jan-2048
Venus 25-Apr-2024 Sun 19-Jul-2032 Moon 05-Dec-2048
Time: 12:14:01 PM SID: 16:31:06 Sun 25-Dec-2025 Moon 24-Nov-2032 Mars 06-Jun-2050
Lat: 19:46:00 N Lon: 74:29:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 25-Jun-2051 - 25-Jun-2067 25-Jun-2067 - 25-Jun-2086 25-Jun-2086 - 25-Jun-2103
Place: SHIRDI, MAHARASHTRA, India Jupiter 25-Jun-2051 Saturn 25-Jun-2067 Mercury 25-Jun-2086
XI 00:19:12 Saturn 13-Aug-2053 Mercury 28-Jun-2070 Ketu 21-Nov-2088
V 00:19:12 Mercury 24-Feb-2056 Ketu 08-Mar-2073 Venus 18-Nov-2089
Ayanamsa: 24° 1' 1" Ketu 01-Jun-2058 Venus 16-Apr-2074 Sun 18-Sep-2092
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Venus 08-May-2059 Sun 16-Jun-2077 Moon 25-Jul-2093
Star: Rohini, Pada 1 Sun 06-Jan-2062 Moon 29-May-2078 Mars 25-Dec-2094
Star Lord: Moon Moon 26-Oct-2062 Mars 28-Dec-2079 Rahu 22-Dec-2095
Mars 24-Feb-2064 Rahu 06-Feb-2081 Jupiter 11-Jul-2098
Lagna: Aries Lagna Lord: Mars
Rahu 30-Jan-2065 Jupiter 13-Dec-2083 Saturn 16-Oct-2100
Ke 24:24:01 Tithi: Poornima
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
X 02:15:07 Bal. Dasa: Moon 8 Y, 6 M, 23 D 25-Jun-2103 - 25-Jun-2110 25-Jun-2110 - 25-Jun-2130 25-Jun-2130 - 25-Jun-2136
VI 03:53:16 Ketu 25-Jun-2103 Venus 25-Jun-2110 Sun 25-Jun-2130
Venus 21-Nov-2103 Sun 25-Oct-2113 Moon 13-Oct-2130
Sun 21-Jan-2105 Moon 25-Oct-2114 Mars 13-Apr-2131
Moon 29-May-2105 Mars 24-Jun-2116 Rahu 19-Aug-2131
Mars 28-Dec-2105 Rahu 24-Aug-2117 Jupiter 13-Jul-2132
Rahu 26-May-2106 Jupiter 24-Aug-2120 Saturn 01-May-2133
IX 07:08:32 Su 17:16:17 Ju 17:31:03 Jupiter 13-Jun-2107 Saturn 25-Apr-2123 Mercury 13-Apr-2134
Me 05:17:08 VIII 11:31:10 VII 11:26:40 Saturn 19-May-2108 Mercury 25-Jun-2126 Ketu 18-Feb-2135
Sa 04:00:20 Ve 08:22:00 Ma 02:09:12 Mercury 28-Jun-2109 Ketu 25-Apr-2129 Venus 25-Jun-2135
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 25
Supremacy of the ruling planets which will never let
you down.
By: Gun Nagaraju KP astrologer ( CAIIB, Retired Bank officer)
12-13-668/5/2, Second floor, Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka,
Secunderabad- 500 017; Tel: 040-27172206; 9490752371;

(KP analysis on receiving the Fountain pen by Post Parcel by using only RPs)
On 6th October 2017 I placed an order for a “fountain pen” with a reputed pens company at
Chennai. I was informed by the company people that I may expect the pen within a few days
from the date of the order.
On 9th October 2017, I thought of knowing the arrival of the post parcel of my newly ordered
pen and immediatlely I arrived at Horary chart for my random number 88 (chart is at-
tached) along with the ruling planets at 16-38-39 hours at my residence –Secundrabad.
Though I could have arrived at the event with the help of the horary chart, somehow I pref-
ered to tackle the issue with the help of only Ruling planets as applied by Sri C.B.Narnauli,
Director of Civil Aviation, New Delhi, vide his article on “Only ruling planets tell the year,
month, date and time , and no need for D/B/A.” (see KP Year book -2011).
Following are the ruling planets for the time of judgment—
Following are the effective ruling planets at the TOJ---SAT-JUP-VENUS-MOON-MARS.
Before proceeding with the analysis of the issue, I will deal with it in two parts.

PART A---I should first make sure whether there is promise of the event by aplying the fol-
lowing rules—
· The number lagna sub lord should appear in the ruling planets as lagna star lord or
moon star lord or with the lagna sub sub lord. Then the answer is “YES”.
· As per the chart—the number lagna sub lord is Mars and Mars is in ruling planets as
Moon sub lord and Lagna sub sub lord. So, YES.
· Or, Number lagna sub sub lord should be in relation with aspect or in conjunction with
the Lagna star lord or Moon star lord in ruling planets. Then the answer is “YES”.
· As per the chart---No.
· Or, if the lagna sub sub lord is same as Moon star lord. Then the answer is “YES”.
· As per the chart---NO.
· Or, if the number lagna sub sub lord is in relation with, or conjunction with the Moon
star lord. Then the answer is “YES”.
· As per the chart – NO.
So, from the above four rules if any one gives a positive answer, we can proceed further with
analysis of Part B of our .

PART B—applying ruling planets to arrive at the answer “when”------

After checking the promise of the event, we should calculate year/month/date and time of
the event with the help of Saturn (broad period), Jupiter (year) , Sun (month) , Moon (date),
and lagna (for the time) with the help of ruling planets.

· Whether Saturn will give the event in Scorpio or not? Since Saturn in transit is in Mars
sign, it should appear in our ruling planets to give positive answer. As per the ruling
planets Mars is the sub lord of Moon, and it is confirmed that Saturn’s transit in Scorpio
should give the event before it ends in the Sign, that is before 27 october 2017. ( Saturn
will transit in Dhanur rasi on the said date).
· Next comes Jupiter which gives the year. Jupiter in transit is in Libra – Venus Sign, and
Venus is in our ruling planets as lagna sub lord and Moon sign lord. Here also it is con-
firmed that Jupiter in transit in Libra will frucitfy the event.

KP Ezine January 2018 26

Horary No. 88/249
Sun Rise: 06:07:53 AM Sun Set: 05:58:25 PM Dasa Days: 365.25 D Cuspal Positions
Nithya Yoga: Vyatipata Hora: Mars Karana: Kaulav Cusp Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
Horary No.: 88 1 Magha(2) Su Ke Ma Ma Ma
3 Chitra(4) Ve Ma Ve Ju Ve
Ruling Planets - 09/Oct/2017 04:38:48 PM 4 Anuradha(1) Ma Sa Sa Ju Ve
6 U.Ashada(3) Sa Su Me Ke Mo
Planet Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
7 Dhanishta(4) Sa Ma Ve Ke Ve
Lagna Sa Ju Ve Me Me 8 P.Bhadra(4) Ju Ju Ra Mo Sa
Moon Ve Mo Ma Ve Ve 9 Aswini(2) Ma Ke Mo Ra Mo
Day Lord: Moon 10 Krittika(3) Ve Su Me Me Ju
Nirayana Bhava Chalit 11 Mrigasira(4) Me Ma Mo Ra Ju
12 Pushyami(1) Mo Sa Sa Ju Ra
II 05:03:07:28 Ra 03:27:18:19
Su 05:22:20:00 XII 03:05:24:33 Planetary Positions
Me 05:22:46:29
Planet Star(Pada) Sgl Stl Sbl Ssl Sssl
I 04:04:46:40 Su Hasta(4) Me Mo Ve Me Ve
III 06:03:58:28 Ma 04:27:34:25 Mo Rohini(1) Ve Mo Ma Ve Ve
XI 02:05:45:10
Ju 06:05:45:02 6 Ve 04:29:50:28 4 Ma U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Mo Ra Me
7 3 Me Hasta(4) Me Mo Su Ma Sa
Ju Chitra(4) Ve Ma Mo Ra Ju
Ve U.Phalguni(1) Su Su Ra Sa Me
Sa Jyeshta(4) Ma Me Sa Ve Ma
IV 07:05:19:42 Mo 01:11:40:15 Ra Ashlesha(4) Mo Me Ju Su Ra
Sa 07:28:45:26 X 01:05:19:42
Ke Dhanishta(2) Sa Ma Ju Su Ra
8 2 Significators - Planets View
11 Planet (A) (B) (C) (D)
Su 10 2 12 1
Mo 10 10 12 12
VII 10:04:46:40 Ma 2 1 1 4, 9
V 08:05:45:10 IX 00:03:58:28 Me 10 2 12 2, 11
Ju+ 1 3 4, 9 5, 8
9 1 Ve+ 2 2 1 3, 10
10 12 Sa+ 2 4 2, 11 6, 7
Ra+ 2 12 2, 11
VI 09:05:24:33 VIII 11:03:07:28 Ke+ 1 6 4, 9
Ke 09:27:18:19
Rahu acts as agent for: Mo. (A) - Planets in Occupant's stars
Ketu acts as agent for: Sa. (B) - Occupant of house
(C) - Planets in Owner's stars
(D) - House Owner

IX 03:58:28 X 05:19:42 XI 05:45:10 Dasa Summary

Mo 11:40:15
Bhukti From Bhukti From Bhukti From
Moon Dasa Mars Dasa Rahu Dasa
07-Jul-2016 - 07-Jul-2026 07-Jul-2026 - 07-Jul-2033 07-Jul-2033 - 07-Jul-2051
Moon 07-Jul-2016 Mars 07-Jul-2026 Rahu 07-Jul-2033
Mars 08-May-2017 Rahu 03-Dec-2026 Jupiter 19-Mar-2036
Rahu 07-Dec-2017 Jupiter 22-Dec-2027 Saturn 12-Aug-2038
VIII 03:07:28 Jupiter 07-Jun-2019 Saturn 27-Nov-2028 Mercury 19-Jun-2041
Name: POST PARCEL XII 05:24:33 Saturn 07-Oct-2020 Mercury 05-Jan-2030 Ketu 05-Jan-2044
Gender: Male Ra 27:18:19 Mercury 08-May-2022 Ketu 02-Jan-2031 Venus 24-Jan-2045
Date: Monday, 09/Oct/2017 Ketu 07-Oct-2023 Venus 31-May-2031 Sun 24-Jan-2048
Venus 07-May-2024 Sun 31-Jul-2032 Moon 17-Dec-2048
Time: 04:38:48 PM SID: 17:35:50 Sun 06-Jan-2026 Moon 06-Dec-2032 Mars 18-Jun-2050
Lat: 17:27:00 N Lon: 78:30:00 E
Jupiter Dasa Saturn Dasa Mercury Dasa
TZ: +05:30 DST: 0.00 07-Jul-2051 - 07-Jul-2067 07-Jul-2067 - 07-Jul-2086 07-Jul-2086 - 07-Jul-2103
Place: SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA Jupiter 07-Jul-2051 Saturn 07-Jul-2067 Mercury 07-Jul-2086
VII 04:46:40 PRADESH, India Saturn 25-Aug-2053 Mercury 10-Jul-2070 Ketu 03-Dec-2088
I 04:46:40 Mercury 07-Mar-2056 Ketu 20-Mar-2073 Venus 01-Dec-2089
Ayanamsa: 24° 0' 54" Ma 27:34:25 Ketu 12-Jun-2058 Venus 29-Apr-2074 Sun 30-Sep-2092
[KP Ayanamsa] - Placidus Ve 29:50:28 Venus 19-May-2059 Sun 28-Jun-2077 Moon 06-Aug-2093
Star: Rohini, Pada 1 Sun 18-Jan-2062 Moon 10-Jun-2078 Mars 06-Jan-2095
Star Lord: Moon Moon 06-Nov-2062 Mars 09-Jan-2080 Rahu 03-Jan-2096
Mars 07-Mar-2064 Rahu 18-Feb-2081 Jupiter 23-Jul-2098
Lagna: Leo Lagna Lord: Sun
Rahu 10-Feb-2065 Jupiter 26-Dec-2083 Saturn 28-Oct-2100
Ke 27:18:19 Tithi: Krishna Paksha, Panchami
Ketu Dasa Venus Dasa Sun Dasa
VI 05:24:33 Bal. Dasa: Moon 8 Y, 8 M, 29 D 07-Jul-2103 - 07-Jul-2110 07-Jul-2110 - 07-Jul-2130 07-Jul-2130 - 07-Jul-2136
II 03:07:28 Ketu 07-Jul-2103 Venus 07-Jul-2110 Sun 07-Jul-2130
Su 22:20:00 Venus 03-Dec-2103 Sun 06-Nov-2113 Moon 25-Oct-2130
Me 22:46:29 Sun 02-Feb-2105 Moon 06-Nov-2114 Mars 25-Apr-2131
Moon 10-Jun-2105 Mars 07-Jul-2116 Rahu 31-Aug-2131
Mars 09-Jan-2106 Rahu 05-Sep-2117 Jupiter 25-Jul-2132
Rahu 07-Jun-2106 Jupiter 05-Sep-2120 Saturn 13-May-2133
Jupiter 26-Jun-2107 Saturn 07-May-2123 Mercury 25-Apr-2134
Sa 28:45:26 Ju 05:45:02 Saturn 31-May-2108 Mercury 07-Jul-2126 Ketu 02-Mar-2135
V 05:45:10 IV 05:19:42 III 03:58:28 Mercury 10-Jul-2109 Ketu 07-May-2129 Venus 08-Jul-2135
+ These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Man Machine Systems, Mobile: +91-8939361507 URL:

KP Ezine January 2018 27
· Next comes Sun which gives the month of the event. As per the transits, Sun will be
transiting in Virgo from 17 September to 17 October. Mercury is the lord of Virgo Sign
and it is presently transiting on Moon star which is in our ruling planets. Next it will be
transiting on Mars star from 10 october to 17 october and Mars is also in our ruling
So, Sun should give the event before it leaves Virgo Sign, that is before 17 October 2017.
· Next come Moon transits which gives us the date on which the event will get fructified.
Moon on 9 October 2017 is trasiting in Taurus Sign –Venus, it’s lord, is in our ruling
Now let us see Moon’s transit before 17 october 2017—
1.Moon will be transiting on 10-10-2017 in Taurus Sign on Moon star. Though Moon is
reflecting in our ruling planets twice, it is too short a perod to expect the parcel, as the
post parcel from Chennai will take minmum three to four days even if it is posted on the
9th itself.
2.Moon will be transiting on 11-10-2017 in Gemini sign on Mars star. Mercury is not in
our ruling planets and so not considered. On 12 -10-2017 moon will be transiting in
Gemini sign on Rahu star and both are not in our ruling planets.
3.Moon will be transiting on 13-10-2017 in Cancer- Moon sign- (in our ruling planets)
and on jupiter star up to 07-46 A.M and on Saturn star from then on up to next day 06-
53 A.M.
4.Moon the sign lord, with jupiter star lord and Saturn star lord, all the three are in our
ruling planets. So, I feel that there are more possbilities for the arrival of the post parcel
before the end of the day on 13 october 2017.
· Having arrived at the probable date, now I have to arrive at the time of its arrival with
the help of the lagna on 13-10-2017. Normally the post man comes to our Tarnaka area
only after 11.00 A.M and before 15.00/16.00 hours on any day. Keeping this duration of
the post man’s arrival timings, I have started working for the probable lagna.

Transition Information for Lagna/Location:TARNAKA, SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA PRA-

DESH, India Date:13/Oct/2017/Start Time: 10:00:00 AM - End Time: 04:00:00 PM

Transition Information Table

Time SignLord Star Lord
10:00:00 AM Ma Me
10:53:12 AM Ju Ke
11:51:01 AM Ju Ve
12:46:15 PM Ju Su
01:38:15 PM Sa Mo
02:26:55 PM Sa Ma
03:12:42 PM Sa Ra
03:56:21 PM Sa Ju

From the abve table I have slected Jupiter as sign lord and Venus as star lord, since both
are in our ruling planets from 11-51-01 A.M to 12-46-15 P.M. as a probable time of arrival
of the post man.

FACTS of the case--- the parcel has arrived and delivered to me at 11-05-00 a.m.

KP Ezine January 2018 28

Index of Articles Published in KP-Ezine 2017
By: A J Hoon


6 fold table Sep-04

765 Notable Horoscopes (Book Review) Jul-48
A Case Study of Neurological Ailment on the Basis of KP Astrology Dec-12
A Horoscope with All Nine Planets Signifying 12th House Jan-06
A Re-look on my Horary Analysis Mar-27
ADHD0 Feb-51
American Ephemeris Series by Neil F.Michelsen,R.Pottenger(Book Review) Aug-53
Analysis through KP Ruling Planets Feb-93
Application for transfer of stocks Jan-30
Assassination of Top Legal Advisor to the Myanmar Ruling Party NLD Jul-04
Astrological Study of Serial Killers Nov-17
Automobile Accidents Aug-15
Automobile accidents Sep-24
Badhaka Mar-04
Bail from Jail Apr-24
Birth Time Correction Mar-08
Birth time rectification May-24
Birth time rectification Nov-35
Birth time rectification Oct-39
Birth Time Rectification for Completely Feb-90
Birth time rectification for Year and time Apr-27
Birth time rectification of Sanjay Gandhi Jan-21
Birth Time Verification Dec-16
BJP Mar-30
BJP Mar-33
Blindness by Birth Jul-14
Book Review (765 Notable Horoscopes) Jul-48
Book Review (American Ephemeris Series by Neil F. Michelsen, R. Pottenger) Aug-53
Book Review (Dictionary of Significators in Astrology) Feb-111
Book Review (Elements of K.P. Stellar Astrology) Sep-43
Book Review (Jyotish Abhigyan) Apr-39
Book Review (KP & Astrology 2017) Jun-37
Book Review (Krishnamurthy Paddhati) Dec-27
Book Review (Medical Astrology) Mar-38
Book Review (Medical Astrology) May-35
Book Review (Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases) Nov-42
Book Review (The Only Complete Compendium on KP Astrology) Jan-42
Book Review (Unlocking Time Prediction Through Krishnamurti Paddhati)Oc t-54
BTR of Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarawathi ji Feb-45
Career Oct-49
Change in Occupation Jun-19
Come back to mother land Jun-27
Correction of Birth Time of Sri SP Balasubramanyam Feb-85
Correction of Birth Time Mar-08
Cricket match competition by KP horary May-15
Cricketers Feb-71
Death of Playboy Hugh Hefner Nov-04
Death time Feb-31
Describing Menstrual Problems On The Basis of KP Astrology Oct-41
Diabetes – a dreadful disease and a Super Sweet Life of Ruin Aug-33
Dictionary of Significators in Astrology (Book Review) Feb-111
Divorce Aug-28

KP Ezine January 2018 29

Does Obesity come from a Gene ? Oct-16
Donald Trump Jul-28
Donald Trump’s swearing-in Horoscope Feb-04
Dues Jan-04
Education in KP Astrology Feb-80
Elements of K.P. Stellar Astrology (Book Review) Sep-43
Exact moment of receipt of VPP parcel, when ? KP Feb-99
Eye Injury – Triggering point of planets May-11
Film actor Rajanikanth Jul-36
Fine arts – Cinema – Playback singing – Music & KP Feb-22
Goa Election 2017 Feb-103
Gold earrings are missing Jul-26
Greater Importance of RPs in KP Feb-15
Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh jail for rape Nov-13
Hail RP and KP Feb-82
Hansaben Oct-36
Horary Analysis Mar-27
Horoscope of American Senior Senator John McCain Aug-04
Hugh Hefner Nov-04
Illegitimate Birth Apr-15
Important key points matching the horoscopes Feb-101
Index of Articles Published in KP-Ezine 2016 Jan-33
India Oct-25
Interview latter Mar-20
Iron Deficiency Disorder (IDA) – a live example of Retrograded Jupiter Mar-17
Is it true that Sri Vaikaiah Naidu will be the next President of India ? Jul-34
Is Saturn in 8th house good or bad for longevity ? Apr-04
Is there any chance for the incumbent BJP to come in the 09 December 2017 election ?
Is there any chance for the incumbent congress to come in power on 9 Nov. ’17 elect ?
Is there any importance of the 6 fold table in KP ? Sep-04
Jayalalitha Jan-15
Job Jan-10
Job Mar-22
Job May-29
Job0 Oct-49
John McCain0 Aug-04
Justification of accidental death time Feb-31
Jyotish Abhigyan (Book Review) Apr-39
KP & Astrology 2017 (Book Review) Jun-37
KP Astro 4.5 Nov-33
KP relationship Method (K.P.R.M.) For Marriage Jun-11
KP reveals Debts/borrowing Oct-14
KP sub lord theory – A miracle Oct-33
KP system defines “Who is an Astrologer? What makes an individual to become an A.?” Dec-07
Krishnamurthy Paddhati (Book Review) Dec-27
Las Vegas Massacre Oct-04
Leonardo da Vinci’s Christ painting sold for record $450 million Dec-04
Longevity Apr-04
Manipur election 2017 Feb-96
Marriage Jun-11
Marriage Oct-11
Marriage promised but not materialized Sep-34
Marriage when ? Jul-24
Mayor of BMC Mumbai Mar-25
Medical Astrology (Book Review) May-35
Menstrual Problems Oct-41
Missing Hansaben Oct-36
Missing Jul-26
Mr. Jagan, leader of the YSRC party, to become the next Chief Minister of AP state ? Sep-37
Muharat for the Commissioning of Coal Power Plant Feb-08

KP Ezine January 2018 30

Natal Planets and Fatal Diseases (Book Review) Nov-42
Negative Effects of 11th Badhaka Mar-04
Neymar: Most Expensive Footballer in Transfer History Sep-16
No planet in fully benefic or malefic – A case study May-04
Obesity Oct-16
Occupation Jun-19
PHOBIA – Mental disorder Jun-22
Planetary causes for ADHD Feb-51
Planetary Position for January 2017 Jan-43
Planetary Position for February 2017 Feb-112
Planetary Position for March 2017 Mar-42
Planetary Position for April 2017 Apr-41
Planetary Position for May 2017 May-37
Planetary Position for June 2017 Jun-39
Planetary Position for July 2017 Jul-56
Planetary Position for August 2017 Aug-56
Planetary Position for September 2017 Sep-46
Planetary Position for October 2017 Oct-55
Planetary Position for November 2017 Nov-44
Planetary Position for December 2017 Dec-29
Premature death accidentally by falling in a well Jul-10
Presidents of India Oct-25
Professional Cricketers Feb-71
Promotion in service: A study Feb-19
Punjab election 2017 Feb-28
Purchase of vehicle May-18
Rajanikanth Jul-36
Ramnath Kovind Aug-26
Reaching home by car on the same day – KP horary analysis May-31
Rectification of birth time Aug-11
Rectification of Birth Time – Five Minutes Difference Apr-10
Rectification of birth time of Srikanthdatta Narasimharaja Wadiyar Sep-20
Relation with friend Jan-18
Retirement of Dhoni Jun-30
Retrograded Jupiter Mar-17
Returning time of the husband Feb-39
Reunion with Spouse Mar-15
RPs in KP help us in selection of Bride-groom May-09
Rule of Soul: A new Birth Time Verification Technique Dec-16
Ruling Planets Feb-15
Ruling Planets Feb-93
Ruling Planets May-09
Rwanda presidential election 2017 Aug-07
Sanjay Gandhi Jan-21
Saturn in 8th house Apr-04
Serial Killers Nov-17
Shifting for Career/Job Oct-49
Software KP Astro 4.5 when will get release ? Nov-33
Sri Vaikaiah Naidu Jul-34
Starting a new business project Feb-13
Study of Fatal Automobile Accidents Aug-15
Study of Fatal Automobile Accidents Sep-24
Sub lord theory Oct-33
Survival from Swine Flu Oct-47
Swine Flu Oct-47
The Only Complete Compendium on KP Astrology (Book Review) Jan-42
Third Marriage Oct-11
Transfer in Job Mar-22
Transfer of job – A developing story (III) Jan-10
Unlocking Time Prediction Through Krishnamurti Paddhati (Book Review) Oct-54
Unnatural, sudden, violent and mysterious death of late Y.S. Rajasekhar Sep-28
UP election in 2017 Feb-42

KP Ezine January 2018 31

Use of ruling planets to ascertain to correct birth time Jul-45
Uttarakhanad election 2017 Feb-87
Vehicle May-18
Vijay Mallya Aug-22
When I will get job ? May-29
When my run away wife will become back ? Jul-06
When will GST Bill pass ? Jan-28
When will I be in a position to acquire a flat ? May-21
When will I get a job ? Dec-22
When will I get my dues ? Jan-04
When will I get my permanent resident visa card ? Mar-11
When will I get parcel ? Feb-16
Whether BJP will win Uttar Pradesh State Elections 2017 Apr-22
Whether my marriage would end in divorce or not Aug-28
Who will be Mayor of BMC Mumbai, BJP or Shiv Sena ? Mar-25
Why Megastar Chiranjeevi of Telegu screen had a rise and break in cinema field Jul-18
Will BJP win Goa Election ? Mar-33
Will BJP win UP election 2017 ? Mar-06
Will BJP win up elections in 2017 ? Mar-30
Will BJP win Uttrakhand election 2017 ? Apr-08
Will Congress win Delhi MCD Election 2017 ? May-07
Will Donald Trump be dethroned/impeached from the president ship of USA ? Jul-28
Will I able to change my current job or any chances of getting promotion in current job Aug-31
Will I regain chairmanship ? Jul-42
Will I win election ? Jul-31
Will Jayalalitha survive and come out safely ? Jan-15
Will Mrs. Shashi Kala acquire any pivotal position in ADMK party or in ADMK govern. ? Apr-32
Will my Mother get ZP election ticket ? Mar-35
Will our cousins get their money from their uncle ? Apr-19
Will PM Modi come out successfully ? Feb-49
Will Ramnath Kovind be next President of India Aug-26
Will there be spinalcord surgery for me ? Nov-30
Will Vijay Mallya be extradited to India from UK and be imprisoned for his fin. Crimes ? Aug-22
Youngest French President with 24 Year Older Wife Jun-04

KP Ezine January 2018 32

Questions & Answers
By: Tin Win

There are three ayanamsas in KP:

Which Ayanamsa is to be used, while preparing the chart as per KPAstro 4.1.

The KP ayanamsa, i.e. KP new ayanamsa in KPAstro 4.1 is to be used, as explained by
the evolution of KP ayanamsa below:

KP Ayanamsa: Evolution
KP Original Ayanamsa (KPOA)

This ayanamsa is based on 291 A.D. chosen by Sri K.S. Krishnamurti as the year of coinci-
dence of both Sayana and Nirayana zodiacs or the year of zero ayanamsa, and the annual
precession rate of Newcomb’s 50.2388475 sec per year. The ayanamsa values for the year
1840 to 2001 are given in deg. and min. only. (KP Reader I p 58) The formula was not given,
and for years beyond 2001 the Newcomb’s annual precession rate, 50.2388475 sec, is to be
added per year to the ayanamsa value for 2001. (ibid p 59)

KP Straight Line Ayanamsa (KP St Ln)

While there was a lot of discussion on the KP original ayanamsa in the K.P. & Astrology
magazine, the KP Straight Line Ayanamsa was introduced by using 2 figures as given by
Shri K.S. Krishnamurti, i.e. year 291 A.D. of zero ayanamsa and Newcomb’s annual preces-
sion rate of 50.2388475 sec.:

KP St Ln = T*P/3600
T = Y- 291 (Year of zero ayanamsa)
Y= Calendar year for which ayanamsa is required
P = 50.2388475 sec per year (Newcomb’s annual precession rate)
Source: MC Khare in the Astrology & Arthrishta Oct. 1978 issue pp 6-8.

KP Straight Line (Adjusted) Ayanamsa

KPSTLA = T*P/3600
T = Year for calculation - 291 (zero ayanamsa year for KP Ayanamsa)
P = Newcomb’s annual precession rate = 50.2388475 sec (for KP Ayanamsa)
Note: For T as a fractional/decimal year taking days between required date and 15th April,
it gives up to date ayanamsa value.

The KP Straight Line (Adjusted) Ayanamsa values are different from the KP Original Aya-
namsa by 4-5 mins but very close to the Lahiri Ayanamsa with 30-40 sec. difference.

KP Ezine January 2018 33

KP New Ayanamsa (KPNA)
KPNA = B + [T* P + (T*T * A)]/ 3600
B = 22+1350/3600 = 22-22-30 @ 15 Apr 1900
P = 50.2388475 (Newcomb’s annual precession rate)
A = 0.000111 sec per year (Annual precession rate adjustment)
Note: 23 March, 291 A.D. is assumed as date of zero ayanamsa

Ref: KPNA by Prof. K. Balachandran in “KP & Astrology” Year Book 2003, pp 88-89 based on
the article of M.G. G. Nair who had questioned the Newcomb’s rate and desired a correction
for this.

The KPNA was published in the KP & Astrology Year Book 2003, pp 92-93, together with Sri
KSK’s second son and magazine editor K. Subramanium’s declaration that the values of
ayanamsa published supersedes all the previous Tables of ayanamsa published in K. P.
Reader I and all ephemeris (Krishman & Co.), K.P.T.O.H. and H.T.O.H. etc.

There is not any significant difference between the KP original ayanamsa and new aya-
namsa. The KP new ayanamsa gives a formula for calculating the ayanamsa correct to the
value of seconds and for any date in the calendar year.


Sub lord theory was the discovery of Sri KSK.
Sub lord and cuspal inter link theory of Mr SP Khullar is the extention of sub lord theory ,
with addition of SS Lord and with a different kind of significations of his own way.
When KP sub lord theory works as per KP Ayamansa up to sub lord, why it will not work
up to SS lord?.

Mr SP Khullar has taken new Ayanamsa to calculate the chart. It is only + 4 minutes and
44 seconds to the KP Ayamansa. With this Ayanamsa, only SS lord will change and up to
sub lord both the charts will be same.
I do not understand the logic behind it.

Again, for marriage he has taken 5,7 and 11 houses instead of 2,7 and 11.
He has given his own reasons for not considering 2nd house. I am sure that Sri KSK was
well aware of the reasons mentioned by him.
I wanted to contact him, but I understand that he is no more.

I request you for your comments/remarks.

Answer 2 :
In the K. Baskaran’s book:” Principles of Cuspal Interlinks”, Sagar Publication, First edi-
tion, 2000 and S.P. Khullar’s book: “True Astrology: Kalamsa & Cuspal Interlinks Theo-
ry”, Sagar Publication, First edition, 2004, the basic astrological rules are generally the
same , and the major difference is that the cuspal interlinks of "sub" lord is applied in the
first book and "sub-sub" lord in the second book.

In their cuspal interlinks theory, the houses 5,7,11 (not 2,7,11 in KP) are considered for
marriage. In KP house 2 is taken for increase in family members by marriage or for forming
a family by marriage, and house 5 is considered for love affair or love for fun which may be
enjoyed without marriage.

In the calculated example charts of the book “Your True Horoscope: Birth Time Rectifi-
cation – by S.P. Khullar, 2005”, the KP Straight Line (Adjusted) ayanamsa was used by

KP Ezine January 2018 34

mentioning as KP (New) ayanamsa .
Later the above mentioned the KP straight line (Adjusted) ayanamsa originally introduced
by MC Khare is named as the Khullar Ayanamsa giving the following formula which gives
the same value of the origin:

AyanKP = (50.2388475/3600)*((YR-292)+(261/365)+(((MN-1)*30+DY)/365))
YR stands for year
MN stands for Month
DY stands for Day
Source: SP Khullar: Kalamsa & Cuspal Interlinks Theory (revised), Sagar Publications,
2008, p 34

Q 3 : Punarphoo: Prediction in Horary

While predicting the natal charts for marriage, if there is any punarphoo dosha, in the
charts, it can be confirmed that the marriage may take place at a later date say about 30
years for the native( even the native is about 25 years age, at the time prediction).
Like this, in horary also can we say that the marriage may take place may be after 2/3
years. OR is there any time limit for the predictions for the horary charts?

A 3:
A delay in marriage is expected when Punarphoo is formed in the natal as well as horary
chart as generally assumed above but without time limit.


About the positional status of a planet there are different views:
1. The planet where it is situated, is the significator of that house.
2. apart from above, the above planet is also is a strong significator for the houses owned.
The positional status is only, when there are no planets in its stars.
I request your valuable suggestion to educate me.
Of course it is other than the GOLDEN RULE of KP.

The golden rule in KP is in addition to the positional status of the planet OR once the golden
rule is applied, is that the planet looses its positional status?.
I request you for your clarification

A 4:
A planet without having any planet in its stars is the strongest significator to give the re-
sults of the houses by occupation of positional status and by being the cuspal sub lord to
those houses. It is the same as in Golden Rule in KP: to take the planets which are posited
in the sub of significators whose constellations are not tenanted.

Q 5 : KPDP Marriage Matching

I am a KP astrologer from Hyderabad.
I am very much impressed by KPDP marriage matching and I am very strictly following the
same, for matching the horoscopes.

Recently, one marriage has taken place between a boy and girl.
As per KPDP matching, it is 80%. The score of criterion no: 10 point is 50%. Still, after fif-
teen days of marriage, the boy is not happy and he wants to divorce the girl.
I am enclosing the charts for your comments.

The marriage was celebrated on 04-12-2017. From 20th of December on wards, the boy
started that he is not happy with this marriage and want to diverse the girl.

So, Sir, I am referring it to you for your comments/remarks.

KP Ezine January 2018 35

A 5:
By Kanak Bosmia’s experience of KDPD marriage matching, the KPDP criterion no. 10 score
is more important than the overall matching score, and more than 50% score of the criteri-
on no. 10 is preferable for marriage matching in order to prevent the possibility of separa-
tion or divorce.

KP Ezine January 2018 36

Book Review - Astrology for Overcoming Cancer

By: Tin Win


Astrology for Overcoming Cancer

by Mridula Trivedi and T.P. Trivedi
Sukriti Nikunj. 2008, 407 pages

“Astrology for overcoming Cancer” is a research work based on 27 well researched articles
written by eminent astrologers in the September 1982 special issue of “The Astrological
Magazine” of Dr. B.V. Raman which was dedicated to an astrological approach to Cancer
disease and the study of 250 birth charts of cancer patients.

Regarding the planetary configuration of the suffering by cancer, there are remarkable dif-
ferences in the observations among various astrologers. Research work should be continued
for perfection and authenticity which may be applicable to all the cases of cancer patients.
Many astrologers have taken Moon chart instead of the birth chart of the Cancer patients
for their study because the time of birth was not known. The authors opine that correct out-
come is not possible by considering Moon chart only.

The authors have found that apart from the planetary position in the birth chart of the na-
tive, constellation position, navamsa signs etc. must be considered carefully before reaching
any conclusion. Rahu is the most poisonous planet with regard to suffering through cancer
provided it has a negative effect on Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury. A few survived and
others expired after the diagnosis. They have also tried to find out whether the native will
survive under such circumstances. What planetary configuration will save the native and
which will not?

In the face of near incurability of cancer, medical science today underlines the importance
of early diagnosis. With the help of astrological consultation in time, the otherwise avoidable
sudden shock and damage may be reduced.

KP Ezine January 2018 37

1. Cancer and the sub - continent
2. Rendezvous with Medical Astrology
3. Kaalpususha and the Human Body
4. Diagnosing Cancer Astrologically
5. Cancer – An Astrological Approach by Dr. B.V. Raman
6. Cancer – An Astrological Approach by Mr. R. Santhanam
7. How to spot Cancer by Mr. V.A.K. Ayer
8. Combinations for Cancer Disease by Dr. Jagannath Rao
9. Astrology and Cancer Disease by Mr. H.R. Shankar
10. Analysis of Cancer Disease by Mr. P.S. Sastri
11. Astrological Indicators of Cancer –I by Mr. P.S. Sastri
12. Astrological Indicators of Cancer – II by Mr. P.S. Sastri
13. Astrological Indications of Cancer Disease – A Statistical study by Mr. K.M.
14. Horoscopic Factors in Cancer by Mr. N. Sundra Rajan
15. Astrological Indications for Cancer by Mr. N. Sundra Rajan
16. Horoscopic Diagnosis of Cancer by Mr. P.S. Iyer
17. An Astrological Study of Cancer Disease by Mr. Surendra Pai
18. Cancer Aspect in Astrology by Mr. Surendra Pai
19. An Astrological Study of Cancer Disease by Mr. Surendra Pai
20. Astrological Exploration into Cancer Disease by Mr. Bepin Behari

21. Astrology and Cancer Disease by Mr. V.M. Natu

22. Astrology and Cancer by Mr. A.K.Sinha
23. Cancer Disease and Rahu – Ketu Axis by Mr. Chandrakant S. Kothare

24. Can Spiritual Hymns Cure Cancer? By Dr. Aman

25. Cancer – An astrological Approach by Ivaturi Aghorapati
26. Planetary Vibrations and Cancer by Mr. Cyrus D.F. Abayakoon
27. Curing Cancer

KP Ezine January 2018 38

Planetary Positions
For O5.30 AM Ahmedabad
January 2018

Date SID Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu
01/Jan/2018 11:32:47 Sg 16:29:24 Ge 00:46:59 Li 20:08:57 Sc 23:56:06 Li 22:55:01 Sg 14:30:22 Sg 07:22:20 Cn 22:52:43 Cp 22:52:43
02/Jan/2018 11:36:44 Sg 17:30:31 Ge 16:04:52 Li 20:46:22 Sc 24:55:24 Li 23:05:06 Sg 15:45:52 Sg 07:29:21 Cn 22:49:33 Cp 22:49:33
03/Jan/2018 11:40:40 Sg 18:31:39 Cn 01:20:00 Li 21:23:46 Sc 25:58:00 Li 23:15:05 Sg 17:01:22 Sg 07:36:21 Cn 22:46:22 Cp 22:46:22
04/Jan/2018 11:44:37 Sg 19:32:47 Cn 16:22:14 Li 22:01:09 Sc 27:03:32 Li 23:24:57 Sg 18:16:51 Sg 07:43:21 Cn 22:43:11 Cp 22:43:11
05/Jan/2018 11:48:33 Sg 20:33:55 Le 01:03:37 Li 22:38:31 Sc 28:11:41 Li 23:34:44 Sg 19:32:20 Sg 07:50:19 Cn 22:40:01 Cp 22:40:01
06/Jan/2018 11:52:30 Sg 21:35:03 Le 15:19:12 Li 23:15:53 Sc 29:22:09 Li 23:44:25 Sg 20:47:49 Sg 07:57:17 Cn 22:36:50 Cp 22:36:50
07/Jan/2018 11:56:26 Sg 22:36:11 Le 29:07:09 Li 23:53:14 Sg 00:34:43 Li 23:53:59 Sg 22:03:18 Sg 08:04:14 Cn 22:33:39 Cp 22:33:39
08/Jan/2018 12:00:23 Sg 23:37:19 Vi 12:28:14 Li 24:30:34 Sg 01:49:08 Li 24:03:26 Sg 23:18:47 Sg 08:11:09 Cn 22:30:28 Cp 22:30:28
09/Jan/2018 12:04:20 Sg 24:38:28 Vi 25:24:57 Li 25:07:52 Sg 03:05:13 Li 24:12:48 Sg 24:34:16 Sg 08:18:03 Cn 22:27:17 Cp 22:27:17
10/Jan/2018 12:08:16 Sg 25:39:36 Li 08:00:55 Li 25:45:10 Sg 04:22:49 Li 24:22:02 Sg 25:49:44 Sg 08:24:57 Cn 22:24:07 Cp 22:24:07
11/Jan/2018 12:12:13 Sg 26:40:45 Li 20:20:10 Li 26:22:27 Sg 05:41:47 Li 24:31:11 Sg 27:05:13 Sg 08:31:48 Cn 22:20:56 Cp 22:20:56
12/Jan/2018 12:16:09 Sg 27:41:53 Sc 02:26:46 Li 26:59:43 Sg 07:02:00 Li 24:40:12 Sg 28:20:42 Sg 08:38:39 Cn 22:17:45 Cp 22:17:45
13/Jan/2018 12:20:06 Sg 28:43:01 Sc 14:24:26 Li 27:36:57 Sg 08:23:21 Li 24:49:06 Sg 29:36:10 Sg 08:45:28 Cn 22:14:34 Cp 22:14:34
14/Jan/2018 12:24:02 Sg 29:44:10 Sc 26:16:31 Li 28:14:11 Sg 09:45:46 Li 24:57:53 Cp 00:51:38 Sg 08:52:16 Cn 22:11:24 Cp 22:11:24
15/Jan/2018 12:27:59 Cp 00:45:18 Sg 08:05:50 Li 28:51:23 Sg 11:09:09 Li 25:06:34 Cp 02:07:06 Sg 08:59:02 Cn 22:08:13 Cp 22:08:13
16/Jan/2018 12:31:55 Cp 01:46:26 Sg 19:54:49 Li 29:28:34 Sg 12:33:26 Li 25:15:06 Cp 03:22:33 Sg 09:05:46 Cn 22:05:02 Cp 22:05:02
17/Jan/2018 12:35:52 Cp 02:47:33 Cp 01:45:33 Sc 00:05:43 Sg 13:58:35 Li 25:23:32 Cp 04:38:00 Sg 09:12:29 Cn 22:01:51 Cp 22:01:51
18/Jan/2018 12:39:49 Cp 03:48:40 Cp 13:39:56 Sc 00:42:51 Sg 15:24:31 Li 25:31:50 Cp 05:53:27 Sg 09:19:09 Cn 21:58:41 Cp 21:58:41
19/Jan/2018 12:43:45 Cp 04:49:46 Cp 25:39:53 Sc 01:19:58 Sg 16:51:14 Li 25:40:00 Cp 07:08:53 Sg 09:25:48 Cn 21:55:30 Cp 21:55:30
20/Jan/2018 12:47:42 Cp 05:50:51 Aq 07:47:26 Sc 01:57:02 Sg 18:18:40 Li 25:48:03 Cp 08:24:19 Sg 09:32:25 Cn 21:52:19 Cp 21:52:19
21/Jan/2018 12:51:38 Cp 06:51:56 Aq 20:04:53 Sc 02:34:06 Sg 19:46:49 Li 25:55:57 Cp 09:39:44 Sg 09:39:00 Cn 21:49:08 Cp 21:49:08
22/Jan/2018 12:55:35 Cp 07:53:00 Pi 02:34:52 Sc 03:11:07 Sg 21:15:39 Li 26:03:44 Cp 10:55:09 Sg 09:45:33 Cn 21:45:58 Cp 21:45:58
23/Jan/2018 12:59:31 Cp 08:54:03 Pi 15:20:14 Sc 03:48:08 Sg 22:45:09 Li 26:11:23 Cp 12:10:33 Sg 09:52:03 Cn 21:42:47 Cp 21:42:47
24/Jan/2018 13:03:28 Cp 09:55:05 Pi 28:23:51 Sc 04:25:06 Sg 24:15:19 Li 26:18:53 Cp 13:25:56 Sg 09:58:31 Cn 21:39:36 Cp 21:39:36
25/Jan/2018 13:07:24 Cp 10:56:05 Ar 11:48:20 Sc 05:02:03 Sg 25:46:07 Li 26:26:16 Cp 14:41:19 Sg 10:04:57 Cn 21:36:25 Cp 21:36:25
26/Jan/2018 13:11:21 Cp 11:57:05 Ar 25:35:30 Sc 05:38:58 Sg 27:17:35 Li 26:33:30 Cp 15:56:41 Sg 10:11:21 Cn 21:33:14 Cp 21:33:14
27/Jan/2018 13:15:18 Cp 12:58:04 Ta 09:45:46 Sc 06:15:51 Sg 28:49:42 Li 26:40:35 Cp 17:12:03 Sg 10:17:42 Cn 21:30:04 Cp 21:30:04
28/Jan/2018 13:19:14 Cp 13:59:02 Ta 24:17:35 Sc 06:52:43 Cp 00:22:27 Li 26:47:32 Cp 18:27:23 Sg 10:24:01 Cn 21:26:53 Cp 21:26:53
29/Jan/2018 13:23:11 Cp 14:59:58 Ge 09:07:01 Sc 07:29:34 Cp 01:55:51 Li 26:54:21 Cp 19:42:43 Sg 10:30:17 Cn 21:23:42 Cp 21:23:42
30/Jan/2018 13:27:07 Cp 16:00:54 Ge 24:07:43 Sc 08:06:23 Cp 03:29:56 Li 27:01:01 Cp 20:58:02 Sg 10:36:31 Cn 21:20:32 Cp 21:20:32
31/Jan/2018 13:31:04 Cp 17:01:48 Cn 09:11:35 Sc 08:43:10 Cp 05:04:40 Li 27:07:32 Cp 22:13:21 Sg 10:42:42 Cn 21:17:21 Cp 21:17:21

KPEzine January 2018 39

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