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Parents are often not appreciated enough, and even at times, taken for granted. However, a parent’s
love to their child often knows no boundaries. But when asked about the parent who takes care of us
the most and who nurture us, almost everyone of us thinks of our mother. Children always prefer their
mothers above their fathers due to the bond they share with them since birth. But it is very important
for all to remember that fathers are equally indispensable for a child’s growth. A father contributes the
same and sometimes even more towards the development of their child.

The man of the story, is a father who begs for a living, not by choice. There are a lot of people in the
world who begs for a living, but they are not beggars by choice. Being on their shoes is not easy feat as
some days, they felt like dying. Despite the harsh circumstances, they refused to accept their fate and
educates their children. They acknowledged that it is difficult for their children to have a normal school
life due to the family’s financial difficulties and because they had trouble paying for the exam fees.
However, the determined father like the man in the picture would tell his children that they can afford
to miss exams as the biggest exam is the life which they are given every day. Parents will sacrifice
everything for their children, they will do everything they can to give their children a bright future. A
father's love and care shouldn't be degraded since they love their children unconditionally and will give
them everything he can just like what mothers do. Father's mostly portrayed as the bad cop but all they
want was for their children to be secured, they would always sacrifice the picture of being the best dad
ever by depriving his child to do whatever they want just to keep them safe. We should always be
grateful for our father's love, care and attention towards us, we should love them equally and respect
them dearly. They deserve credits once we grow up to be respectful and responsible because they've
been living their whole life just to see us in that way.

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