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Star Gunao


Reading and Writing Skills

ACTIVITY 1: Narrative

Parents are often not appreciated enough, and even at times,

taken for granted. However, a parent’s love to their child often
knows no boundaries. But when asked about the parent who takes
care of us the most and who nurture us, almost everyone of us
thinks of our mother. Children always prefer their mothers above
their fathers due to the bond they share with them since birth.
But it is very important for all to remember that fathers are
equally indispensable for a child’s growth. A father contributes
the same and sometimes even more towards the development of their
The man of the story, is a father who begs for a living, not
by choice. There are a lot of people in the world who begs for a
living, but they are not beggars by choice. Being on their shoes
is not easy feat as some days, they felt like dying. Despite the
harsh circumstances, they refused to accept their fate and
educates their children. They acknowledged that it is difficult
for their children to have a normal school life due to the
family’s financial difficulties and because they had trouble
paying for the exam fees. However, the determined father like the
man in the picture would tell his children that they can afford
to miss exams as the biggest exam is the life which they are
given every day. Parents will sacrifice everything for their
children, they will do everything they can to give their children
a bright future. A father's love and care shouldn't be degraded
since they love their children unconditionally and will give them
everything he can just like what mothers do. Father's mostly
portrayed as the bad cop but all they want was for their children
to be secured, they would always sacrifice the picture of being
the best dad ever by depriving his child to do whatever they want
just to keep them safe. We should always be grateful for our
father's love, care and attention towards us, we should love them
equally and respect them dearly. They deserve credits once we
grow up to be respectful and responsible because they've been
living their whole life just to see us in that way.
I hear it so often. That there are forces of good and evil;
light and dark; balance and chaos. I see it in books, on
television, in movies, and in so many other mediums of elaborate
epics. I see it in people and the very forces of nature. But I do
not see it the way as most others. We are told from an early age
that balance is good and that chaos is evil, but what if that is
not the case? We are told that balance is the natural order and
that chaos is anything that clashes against it. But if that is
the case, then wouldn’t earthquakes be harbingers of balance? Are
hurricanes not holy heralds from the heavens, seeking to cleanse
the land? If balance is the natural order, and natural disasters
are a part of that order, then wouldn’t all natural disasters be
deemed “good”?. For what is more natural than our very planet
itself? And if chaos is anything that defies this order, then
what about miracles? Are they anything more than a random and
defiant spark against the very fabric of the universe? No,
miracles are chaos because they were not supposed to happen. And
what is more miraculous than the birth of a living being? What
balance, what order, exists in a concoction of flesh and blood
thrust into existence? Is not our very creation just an act of
chaos? And if so, then why are we so obsessed with this idea,
this notion of balance? And how have we fooled ourselves into
thinking we’re a part of it?
Humans are not balance. We think, we adapt, we grow, we
change, we fight, we build. That is not balance. A volcano will
erupt and destroy everything around it and will cause fires,
devastated homes, and slaughter countless lives without remorse.
This is balance because the volcano did what it has to do; it has
not control, not power, over its fury. Only the laws of science
control what the volcano does; only order.
Humanity is chaos not only because of our making, but also
because we do something that no natural force in the universe is
capable of doing. We choose. Choice is arguably the most chaotic
concept in the cosmos. Balance is something that happens on its
own, that dictates itself; it isn't natural to choose. We choose
to run from the volcano; the volcano doesn't choose to kill us.
While everything else is bound to follow the rules of its
upbringing, we are free to ignore our primal purpose.
We are not divided, we are all one under the same universal
fact: that nothing we do makes sense. Not in accordance to the
laws of balance, of order. We do what we do because we want to,
because we can, because we are able, and because we are chaotic.
It is our birthright. And there is nothing more chaotic than
being born.

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