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An Instructor’s Solutions Manual to Accompany STEEL DESIGN, 5" Edition WILLIAM T. SEGUI FIETHEDITION} STEEL DESIGN 2)» CENGAGE «© Learning o's CENGAGE «© Learning (© 2013, 2007 Cengage Leaming ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No par ofthis work covered by the ‘copyright herein may be reproduced, ransmitte, stored, or Used in any form or by any moans graphic, electronic, o mechanical, including but not limited to photocopyin, recording, seanring, ding, taping, Web aistnbuton, information networks, or information storage and retrieval systems, excapl as permitted under Section 107 or 108 ofthe 1878 United States Copyright Ac, without the prior written permission ofthe publisher except as may be permitted by the feense terms below. For product information an technology assstane, contact us at ‘Cengage Learning Academie Resource Cant 15800-423-0563. 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Ths Agreement wt be Governed by ane consitued pursuant Io the laws of he Stale of ‘Now Vor, without rogarato such State's con flaw rls. ‘Tank you for your assistance in helping to safoguard tho inogity| ofthe content contaned inthis Supplement. We rst you find the ‘Supplement 9 use teaching to! INSTRUCTOR'S SOLUTIONS MANUAL TO ACCOMPANY STEEL DESIGN FIFTH EDITION William T. Segui Preface Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Contents Introduction Concepts in Structural Steel Design Tension Members Compression Members Beams Beam-Columns Simple Connections Eccentric Connections Composite Construction Plate Girders vi 2-1 3-1 5-1 6-1 71 9-1 10-1 PREFACE This instructor's manual contains solutions to the problems in Chapters 1-10 of Steel Design, 5" Edition. Solutions are given for all problems in the Answers to Selected Problems section of the textbook, as well as most of the others. In general, intermediate results to be used in subsequent calculations were recorded to four significant figures, and final results were rounded to three significant figures. Students following these guidelines should be able to reproduce the numerical results given. However, the precision of the results could depend on the grouping of the computations and on whether intermediate values are retained in the calculator between steps. In many cases, there will be more than one acceptable solution to a design problem; therefore, the solutions given for design problems should be used only as a guide in grading homework, I would appreciate learning of any errors in the textbook or solutions manual that you may discover. You can contact me at A list of errors and corrections in the textbook will be maintained at http://www.ce.memphis.edw/segui/errata html, William T. Segui August 15, 2011 CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION 15-1 (a) P = 20(67) = 1340 Ib A 19.7 (b) Since B= £, = £2 68.02 9 355 10-8 «=F = 3,000,000 => 35*10 15-2 (@ LL = 9/sinds° = 12.73 ft AL = ef = 8.9 x 10+ x 12,73 x 12 = 0.136 in, L = 0.136 in, 8.9 x 104 x 29,000 = 25. 81 ksi P = fA = 25.81(1.31) = 33. 8 kips E = 30,000 ksi b) 74.9 ksi ot] 154 Spreadsheet results: (a) (b) Load Stress (Ib) (psi) microstrain 2,000 10,186 47 2,500 12,732 220 3,000 15,279 500 3,500 17,825 950 4,000 20,372 1,111 4,500 22,918 1,200 5,000 25,465 1,702 30,000 25,000 2 F 20,000 & + % 15,000 & 10,000 5,000 ° 0.000000 0.000500 «0.001000 0.001500 -—0.002000 Strain © Slope = 9,210,000 psi = modulus of elasticity [1-2] (Note: These results are very approximate and depend on how the curves are drawn.) (a) (b) © (d) ©) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Stress (ksi) ° 0.05 ot ots 02 0.25 Strain 03 60 =A 50 Z~ 40 . Zz Stress (ksi 20 10 Z 0 0.002 0.004 0.006.» 0.008. 0.0 Strain 012 Farop © 47 ksi E = 40/0.004 = 10,000 ksi 52 ksi Fy, = 70 ksi 013] (f) = 0.1963 in? Tite = 50.94 ksi = 0.0015, 5p = eb = 0,0015(8) = 0.012 in, = 0.012 in, 1546 Spreadsheet results: @ Load Elongation Stress 0 0 0 0 100.0010 5.094 0.0008 2.0 0.0014 10,19 0.0007, 25 0.0020 12.74 0.0010. 3.5 0.0024 17.83 0.0012, 5.0 0.0036 25.47 0.0018, 60 0.0044 30,570,022 7.0 0.0050 35,660,025 8.0 0.0060 40.75, 0.0030, 9.0 0.0070 45,85. 0,035 10.0 0.0080 50.94, 0.0040, ILS 0.0120 58.58 0.0060. 120 0.0180 61.13 0.0090 (b) 70 60 = = 40 3 20 ° 20 10 ° 0 0002 0.004 ~—=«0005=S(0.008 001 Strain 01-4] © akkg = 13,600 ksi 3,600 ksi @ Foy = 38 ksi © = 60k 15-7 Spreadsheet results: (@) Load Elongation x 10° Stress Strain x 10° (kip) ) (indi) 0 0 0 05 0.16 0.080 1 0352 0.176 1s 0,706 0353 2 1.012 0.506 25 1434 125 3 172 15 35 1.986 1718 4 2.286 45 2612 5 2.938 35 3.274 6 3.632 65 3.976 7 4.386 15 4.64 8 4.988 85 5.432 9 5.862 95 6.362 10 7304 10.5 8.072 52.5 1 9.044 55 us 1131 57.5 12 14.12 #0 125 20.044 62.5 13 29.106 65 11-5] (b) Stress (ksi) ° 2 4 6 8 m8 Micro strain 56 (©) Using the dashedline, B= ———S8 os 15,600 ksi E = 16,000 ksi @ Foyt = 42 ksi ) Fy = S8ksi [1-6] CHAPTER 2 - CONCEPTS IN STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIG 2 D = 30.8 kips, L = 1.7kips, L, = 18.7 kips, S = 19.7 kips Combination 1: 1.4D = 1.4(30.8) = 43. 12 kips Combination 2: 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.58 = 1.2(30.8) + 1.6(1.7) + 0.5(19.7) = 49, 53 kips Combination 3: 1.2D + 1.68+ 0.5L = 1.2(30.8) + 1.6(19.7) + 0.5(1.7) = 69.33 kips (a) Combination 3 controls, 69.3 kips (b) Since Py < $ePn, 69.3 kips Px _ 69 P (©) Pa = ope = os = 77.03 kips P, = 77.0 kips (d) Combination 3 controls. Py = D+ (L, ot Sor R) = D+S = 30.8+ 19.7 = 50. Skips Pa = $0.5 kips © Pas Py = QPq = 1.67(50.5) = 84. 34 kips Py = 84.3 kips o 22 D = 6 kips, L = 15 kips, L, = Skips, S = 8 kips, R = Skips, W = 8 kips Combination 1: 1.4D = 1.4(26) = 36.4 kips Combination 2: 1.2D + 1.6L +0.5S = 1.2(26) + 1.6(15) + 0.5(8) = 59. 2 kips Combination 3: 1.2D + 1.65+0.5L = 1.2(26) + 1.6(8) + 0.5(15) = 51. 5 kips Combination4: — 1.2D + 1.01 + 0.5L +0.55 = 1.2(26) + 1.0(8) + 0.5(15) + 0.5(8) = 50.7 kips (a) Combination 2 controls. kips {b) Since Py < Pr, o-Pn = 59.2 kips [2-1] (©) Pa = 9G" = Biay = 65.78 (@) Combination 6a controls. $n ~ 59.2 8 kips Pg = D=0.75(0.6W) + 0.751 + 0.735 = 26 + 0.75(0,6)(8) + 0.75(15) + 0.75(8) = 46. 85 kips Py = 46.9 kips (©) Pas Fe, Py = OP, = 1.67(46.85) = 78. 24 kips Py = 78.2 kips a 23 D = 0.2kipsift, L, = 0.13 kips/ft, S = 0.14 kips/ft Combination 1: 1.4D = 1.4(0.2) = 0.28 kips/ft Combination 2: 1.2D + 1.6L +0.55 = 1.2(0.2) + 1.6(0) + 0.5(0. 14) = 0.31 kips/ft Combination 3: 1.2D + 1.65 = 1.2(0.2) + 1.6(0.14) = 0.464 kip (a) Combination 3 controls. 0.464 kips/ft (b) Combination 3 controls: Py = D +S = 0.2+0.14 = 0.34 kips/ft P, = 0.34 kips/ft 24 (@) LRED Roof: D =30psf, L- = 20 psf, 5 = 21 psf, R= 75(62.4) = 20.8 pst Combination 1: 1.4D = 1.4(30) = 42.0 psf Combination2: 1.20 + 1.6L +0.58 = 1.2(30) + 1.6(0) + 0.5(21) = 46. 5 psf Combination 3: 1.2D + 1.68 = 1.2(30) + 1.6(21) = 69.6 psf Combination 3 controls. Py = 69.6 psf (22) Floor: D = 62psf, L = 80 psf Combination 1: 1.4D = 1.4(62) = 86.8 psf Combination2:; 12D + 1.6L = 1.2(62) + 1.6(80) = 202 psf Combination 2 controls. Py = 202 pst (b) ASD Roof: Combination 3 controls; D +S = 30 +21 = 51.0 pst Floor: Combination 2 controls: D +L = 62 +80 = 142.0 psf Pq = 142 psf 25 D = 13.3 kips, L = 6.9 kips, Ly = 1.3 kips, $= 1.3 kips, W= 150.6 kips, E = 161.1 kips (a) LRFD Combination 1: 1.4D = 1.4(13.3) = 18. 62 kips Combination 2: 1.2 + 1.6L + 0.5L, = 1.2(13.3) + 1.66.9) + 0.5(1.3) = 27. 65 kips Combination 3: 1.2D + 1.654 0.5W = 1.2(13.3) + 1.6(1.3) + 0.5(150.6) = 93.34 kips Combination 4: 1.2D + 1.0W+ 0.5L + 0.5L, = 1.2(13.3) + 1.0(150.6) + 0.5(6.9) + 0.5(1.3) = 170. 7 kips Combination 5: 1.2D41.0£ +0.5L + 0.28 = 1.2(13.3) + 1.0(161.1) + 0.5(6.9) + 0.2(1.3) = 180. 8 kips Combination 5 controls. 181 kips (23) (b) ASD Combination 5 controls: D+ (0.6W or 0.7E) = 13.3 + 0.7(161.1) = 126. 1 kips Pz = 126 kips [2-4] CHAPTER 3 - TENSION MEMBERS 324 For yielding of the gross section, Ag = 1/8) = 2. 625in.2, Py = FyAg = 36(2.625) = 94. 5 kips For fracture of the net section, Ae = GI8)[7- (14+ 4) ] = 2.203 Py = FyAe = 58(2.203) = 127. 8 kips a) The design strength based on yielding is uP, = 0.90(94.5) = 85. 05 kips The design strength based on fracture is $ePn = 0.75(127.8) = 95. 85 kips The design strength for LRED is the smaller value: iP, = 85.1 kips b) The allowable strength based on yielding is Py _ 94.5 a 1.6 6. 59 kips ‘The allowable strength based on fracture is Pu _ 127.8 _ B, ~ 72.00, ~ ©3-9 kips ‘The allowable service load is the smaller value: Alternate solution using allowable stress: For yielding, F, = 0.6Fy = 0.6(36) = 21. 6 ksi and the allowable load is F,A, = 21.6(2.625) = 56.7 kips B-1] For fracture, Fy = 0.5Fy = 0.5(58) = 29.0 ksi and the allowable load is F,4¢ = 29.0(2.203) = 63. 89 = 63. 89 kips The allowable service load is the smaller value = 56.7 kips 3.22 For A242 steel and ¢ = % in., F, = 50 ksi and F, = 70 ksi. For yielding of the gross section, Ag = 8(1/2) = 4in2 FyAg = 50(4) = 200 kips For fracture of the net section, An = Ag ~ Atotes =4-(y(I +4) x 2 holes = 2.875 in2 In = 2.875 in? Ae = FyAe = 10(2.875) = 201.3 kips a) The design strength based on yielding is Pq = 0.90(200) = 180 kips The design strength based on fracture is Pn = 0.75(201.3) = 151 kips ‘The design strength for LRFD is the smaller value: b) The allowable strength based on yielding is P, _ 200 _ 199 kips oh = PR = 120kips The allowable strength based on fracture is, (22) Pa _ 201.3 Q, ~ “2,09, ~ 101 Kips The allowable service load is the smaller value P/Q = 101 kips Altemate solution using allowable stress: For yielding, F, = 0.6F, = 0.6(50) = 30 ksi and the allowable load is FiAg = 30(4) = 120 kips For fracture, Fy = 0.5F, = 0.5(70) = 35 ksi and the allowable load is Fide = 35(2.875) = 101 kips The allowable service load is the smaller value = 101 kips Gross section: Py = FyAg = 50(8.81) = 440. 5 kips ¥ Net section: Hole diameter = 1 + in, ¥ Ay = Ag 2tedy = 8.81 —2(0.501)(1. 125) = 7. 683 in? Ag = 0.94y = 0.9(7.683) = 6. 915 in.? Py = Fide = 65(6.915) = 449. 5 kips a. Gros $:Px = 0.90(440.5) = 396 kips Net: $:Py = 0.75(449.5) = 337 kips Net section controls: b. Pn _ 440.5 _ b. Gross: Ft = 480.5 — 264 kips [3-3] oe Pu 2 489.5 Net, Gt = SECS. — 225 kips Net section controls: PyiQy = 225 kips 3.24 For yielding of the gross section, Ag = 6(3/8) = 2. 25 in? Py = FyAg ~ 36(2.25) = 81.0 kips For fracture of the net section, = 2.25 in? Ae = Py = FyAe = 58(2.25) = 130. 5 kips a) The design strength based on yielding is Pn = 0.90(81.0) = 72. 9 kips The design strength based on fracture is GP n 75(130.5) 97. 88 kips The design strength for LRED is the smaller value: b) The allowable strength based on yielding is Pa _ 81.0 _ Ge = Tey = 48:5 kis The allowable strength based on fracture is Pn _ 130.5 _ 5 kips Be = ROG = 65.25 kips The allowable service load is the smaller value: Alternate solution using allowable stress: For yielding, F, = 0.6Fy = 0.6(36) = 21. 6 ksi [3-4] Pai Qu = 48.5 kips and the allowable load is Fig = 21,6(2.25) = 48. 6 kips For fracture, Fy = 0.5Fy = 0.5(58) = 29.0 ksi and the allowable load is F,Ae = 29.0(2.25) = 65. 25 kips ‘The allowable service load is the smaller value = 48.6 kips 3.25 Gross section: Aq = 8(12) = 4.0in2, Py = Fydg = 36(4.0) = 144.0 kips Net section: Hole diameter= 14 +4 =12 in, Ae = je = Wat = (8 ~ 1.25)(1/2) = 3.375 in? Py = FyAe = 58(3.375) = 195.8 kips a. Gross: $,P, = 0.90(144.0) = 130 kips Net: $P, = 0.75(195.8) = 147 kips Gross section controls; $.P, = 130 kips Factored load: Py = 1.4(95) = 133 kips or Py = 1.2(95) + 1.6(9) = 128 kips (133 kips controls) Since 133 kips > 130 kips, member does not have enough strength b. Gross: Px = 144.0 _ 36,2 kips Q, 1.67 (55) et, Pu = 195.8 _ : Neti Ge = PER - 97.9 kips Gross section controls; P,/; = 86.2 kips Load: Py =D+L=95+9 = 104kips Since 104 kips > 86.2 kips, member does not have enough strength 3.246 Compute the strength for one angle, then double it. For the gross section, Py = FyAg = 36(1.20) = 43. 2 kips For two angles, P, = 2(43.2) = 86.4 kips Ay = 1.20- (4)(4+4) - 0.9813 in? Ae = 0.85An = 0.85(0.9813) = 0.8341 in? P,, = F,Ae = 58(0.8341) = 48. 38 kips For two angles, P, = 2(48.38) = 96. 76 kips a) The design strength based on yielding is O:Pn = 0.90(86.4) = 77. 76 kips ‘The design strength based on fracture is uP, = 0.75(96.76) = 72. 57 kips The des n strength is the smaller value: @-P, = 72.6 kips Py = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(12) + 1.6(36) = 72.0 kips < 72.6 kips (OK) The member has enous [3-6] b) For the gross section, The allowable strength is Py _ 86.4 Bi = ASH = 51. 74 ips Alternately, the allowable stress is F, = 0.6F, = 0.6(36) = 21. 6 ksi and the allowable strength is F,4, = 21.6(2 x 1.20) = 51. 84 kips For the net section, the allowable strength is Pa _ 96.76 Q 2.00 = 48. 38 kips Alternately, the allowable stress is F, = 0.5Fy = 0.5(58) = 29 ksi and the allowable strength is FA, = 29(2 x 0.8341) = 48. 38 kips The net setion strength controls; the allowable strength is 48.4 kips. When the only loads are dead load and live load, ASD load combination 2 will always control: Py =D+L=12+36 = 48kips<48.4kips (OK) The member has enough strength. Gross section: Ag =3.37in2, Py = FyAy = 50(3.37) = 168. 5 kips Net section: Hole diameter = Ay = 3.37 0.22(2)(1.0) = 2. 93 in.? Ae = 0.854q = 0,85(2.93) = 2.491 in? Py = FyAe = 65(2.491) = 161. 9 kips [3-7] a, Gross: iP, = 0.90(168.5) = 151.7 kips Net: $:Py = 0.75(161.9) = 121.4 kips Net section controls; ,P, = 121.4 kips Let Py = Pr 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2D+1.6(3D) = 21.4 kips D = 20.23 kips, P = D+L = 20.23 + 3(20.23) = 80. 9 kips P = 80.9 kips Pa _ 168.5 b. Gross: Gt = TRF = 100. 9 kips Po _ 161.9 _ Net Ge = A6h2 ~ 80. 95 kips Gross section controls; P/Q; = 80.95 kips Let Pa = $2 D+L = D+3D = 80.95 kips D = 20.24kips, P = D+L = 20.24 + 3(20.24) = 81.0 kips P = 81.0 kips LAT _ 9.706 a1 = 0.7060 Ag = AgU = 5.90(0.7060) = 4. 165 in? 4.17 in2 (b) Plate with longitudinal welds only: =1.25, U=0,75 in? S 4 (8) Ae = AgU = G x4)(0.75) = 1.125 in? ©@ U=1.0 Ae = AgU = ie x 5)(1.0) = 3.13 in? @) U=10 Ag = 0.5(5.5) = 2. 750 in.? An = Ag—Abotes = 2750-434 4) = 2.313 in? Ag = Ag = 2.313(1.0) = 2. 313 in? Ae = 2.31 in? (@ U=10 4 x6 = 3.750 in? An = Ag ~ Abotes = 3.750 = AU = 3.125(1.0) = 3. 125in.? Gross section: Ag~8(4)=4.0in2, Py = Fry = 36(4.0) ~ 144.0 kips Net section: 5 U=0.87 AgU = 4.0(0.87) = 3. 48 in? F,Ae = 58(3.48) = 201. 8 kips (a) Yielding: $,P, = 0.90(144.0) = 129. 6 kips (39) Rupture: $P, = 0.75(201.8) = 151. 4 kips $:Pn = 130 kips Yielding controls: Pa _ 144.0 _ 36.23 kips () Yielding: Ge = > Py _ 201.8 _ Rupture: Ge = Sige = 100. 9 hips Yielding controls: Ppy/Qy = 86.2 kips jp —2tdy = 3.88-4(L (241) -2 88 in? 2.S48 — 0.784 -1- he Ae = AgU = 2.88(0.784) = 2. 258 in. Py = FyAe = 70(2.258) = 158. | kips Py = 158 kips 33. Gross section: Ag = 6(1/4) = 1.5in.2, Py = FyAy = 036(1.5) = 54.0 kips. Net section: lp 1.5in2, Py ~ Fude ~ 58(1.5) = 87.0 kips Ae = (a) Yielding: ¢:P, = 0.90(54.0) = 48. 6 kips Rupture: $,Py = 0.75(87.0) = 65.25 kips Yielding controls: oP, = 48.6 kips (b) Yielding: fe = ae = 32.34 kips [3-10] : 87.0 s Rupture: Ge = S10 = 43. 5 kips Yielding controls: PalQs = 32.3 kips 335 Net section: Hole diameter= 2 + 4 = 1.0 in, Aq = Ag —Atydy = 13.3 ~4(0.565)(1.0) = 11, 04 in? a, From the properties of a WTS x 22.5, ¥ = 1.86 in. uai-4 Gate = 0.7933 < 0.9 Ag = AU = 11,04(0,7933) = 8. 758 in? Px = FuAe = 65(8.758) = 569 kips Px = 569 kips b. Check with alternative U value, * = 44 ~ 0.497 < & «. this shape does not qualify for U = 0.9. Since there are more than 3 bolts per line, U = 0.85. Ae = AnU = 11.04(0.85) = 9. 384 in.? we = 65(9.384) = 610 kips 610 kips Gross section: Py = FyAg = 50(6.08) = 304.0 kips Net section: An = fp Rtudls = 6.08 — 3(0.282)(Z = 1 8 u=1-£ [3-11] Ae = AnU = 5.234(0.9069) = 4. 747 in.? Py = FyAe = 65(4.747) = 308. 6 kips a) The design strength based on yielding is $:Pn = 0.90(304.0) = 273. 6 kips The design strength based on fracture is Px = 0.75(308.6) = 231. 5 kips ‘The design strength is the smaller value: ¢,P, = 232 kips Py = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(60) + 1.6(125) = 272 kips > 232 kips (NG) The member is not adequate b) For the gross section, The allowable strength is e = 304-0 — 182.0 kips Alternately, the allowable stress is F, = 0.6F = 0,6(50) = 30.0 ksi and the allowable strength is FA, = 30(6.08) = 182. 4 kips Px _ 308.6 _ For the net section, the allowable strength is 5% = 3068 154. 3 kips Alternately, the allowable stress is F = 0.5Fy = 0,5(65) = 32. 5 ksi and the allowable strength is F,Ae = 32.5(4. 747) = 154. 3 kips ‘The net setion strength controls; the allowable strength is 154 kips. When the only loads are dead load and live load, ASD load combination 2 will always control: Pz = D+L = 60-4125 = 185 kips> 154kips (NG) The member is not adequate, [3-12] Gross section: Ag = 2% 1,69 = 3.38 in? Py = FyAg = 36(3.38) = 121.7 kips Net section: OTS — 0.9094 > 0.9 use U=0.9 8 a U=1- Ae = AgU = 3.38(0.9) = 3. 042 it Py = FyAe = 58(3.042) = 176. 4 kips (a) Gross: $ Px = 0.90(121.7) = 110 kips Net: $.P, = 0.75(176.4) = 132 kips Gross section controls: $Px = 110 kips Pa _ 1217 (b) Gross: or = Per = 72.9 kips Pa _ 4 Pa 176 Net Or 772.00 = 88.2kips Gross section controls: PriQy = 72.9 kips 3 For A242 steel, Fy = 50 ksi and F, = 70 ksi (based on flange thickness) For yielding of the gross section, Py = FyAg = 50(4.79) = 239. 5 kips For fracture of the net section, An = Ag Atoles = 4.79 — [3-13] Ae = AgU = 4,353(0.80) = 3. 482 in? Py, = FeAe = 70(3.482) = 243. 7 kips a) The design strength based on yielding is $:Pp = 0.90(239.5) = 215. 6 kips The design strength based on fracture is Pn = 0.75(243.7) = 182. 8 kips ‘The design strength is the smaller value: ¢,P, = 182.8 kips Let Py = $:Pn 1.2D + 1,6(2D) = 182.8, Solution is: {D = 41. 55} P=D+L = 41.55 +2(41.55) = 124. 7 kips 125 ki b) The allowable strength based on yielding is Pu _ 239.5 Fe = FS = 143. 4 ips The allowable strength based on fracture is Po — 243.7 _ : Ge = BAT — 121. 9kips The allowable load is the smaller value = 121.9 kips P= 122 ki Alternate computation of allowable load using allowable stress: For yielding, = 0.6F, = 0.6(50) = 30.0 ksi and the allowable load is F:Az = 30.0(4.79) = 143. 7 kips For fracture, F, = 0.5F, = 0.5(70) = 35 ksi and the llowable load is FiAe = 35(3.482) = 121.9 kips -. P = 122 kips [3-14] 3.41 a, Gross section: Py = FyAg = 36(5/8 x 12) = 270 kips Py, = 270 kips b. Netsection: Hole diameter = = tin Possibilities for net width: Wy = 12-2(7/8) = 10.25 in vy = 1230718) + BD n= 12-3078) + GQ) = 12.5 in w, —3¢7/8) + BY, ] at »=[2 3CTI8) + Seay @) |x he = 12.88 in Wy = [12-2078 + GE] <4 = 12.99in ay , GF), Wr = [12-3078 + GF GEE = 12.65 in The effective net area is Ae = An = ty = (5/8)(10.25) = 6, 406 in.? Py = Fue = 58(6.406) = 372 kips Gross section: Py, = FyAg = 36(5/8 x 10) = 225.0 kips Net section: Hole diameter + = 1.0in. Possibilities for net width: w, = 10-1.0 = 9.0in. wy = 10-3(1.0) + 2 = 8, Sin 4(3) Wa = [10 —2(1.0)] x z = 9,333 in, [3-15] wy = (10-3(1.0)]x 1 = 12.25 in The effective net area is Ae= n= tw, = (5/8)(8.5) = 5.313 in? ‘we = $8(5.313) = 308, 2 kips a) The design strength based on yielding is $:P, = 0.90(225.0) = 202. 5 kips The design strength based on fracture is ¢:P, = 0.75(308.2) = 231.2 kips The design strength is the smaller value: $:Pn = 203 kips b) The allowable strength based on yielding is Pn _ 225.0 5 Be = BSD = 134. 7 ips The allowable strength based on fracture is 308.2 Be ~ APR? = 154.1 kips ‘The allowable load is the smaller value fe = 135 kips qos. Alternate computation of allowable load using allowable stress: For yielding, F, = 0.6Fy = 0.6(36) = 21. 6 ksi and the allowable load is F,Ag = 21.6(10 x 5/8) = 135.0 kips For fracture, F, = 0.5Fy = 0.5(58) = 29.0 ksi and the allowable load is Fide = 29.0(5.313) = 154. 1 kips “. P= 135 kips [3-16] 3.43 Gross section: P, = FyAg = 50(7.02) = 351.0 kips Net section: Hole diameter tatin Ay = 7.02 — 2(7/8)(0.400) = 6. 320 it or [7.02 — 3(7/8)(0.400)] x t 8,358 in? - - 1_ sy ] - 2 or 7.02 — 0.4(7/8) o.a00{ Z 40.5) x2 = 6,47 in, - - 2_ 5% i) Z 2 or (7 02 - 2(0.4)(7/8) 0.40 t- 405 |)*% = 7.256 in. Use A, = 6.320 in.? The effective net area is A, = A,U = 6.320(0.8216) = 5. 193 in? Pr 65(5.193) = 337.6 kips a, Gross: $P, = 0.90(351.0) = 316 kips Net: $:P, = 0.75(337.6) = 253 kips Net section controls: OP, = 253 kips o Pr _ 351.0 _ b. Gross: a ey” = 210kips Net: 2a = 337.6 — 169kips Net section controls: PriQy = 169 kips [3-17] 3.44 (a) Gross section: Pp = FyAg = 50(11.8) = 590 kips (b) Net section: Hole diameter= 3 + 1 = 2 in, An = 11.8 ~0.305(7/8)(2) = 11. 27 in? or 11,8 -0.305(7/8) - 0. 305] -0. sos(7is)-0.305[ 2 - GY) - 11.19 in? Use 4, = 11.19 in? fe = 3, 0.305 _ 9.5275 in. 87 2 =1- £21 0.5275 _ u-1-4 FE = 0.9188 Ag = AgU = 11.19(0.9188) = 10. 28 in.2 F Aq = 65(10.28) = 668 kips P, = 668 kips 4-5 Gross section: Py = FyAg = 36(2.89) = 104,0 kips Net section: Hole diameter = = tin An = 2,89 — 2(T/8)(5/16) = 2. 343 in. oruses = 1.5 in, g = 2.25+2- 5 = 3.938 in, and Ay = 2,89 — (5/16)(7/8) =n) i Ae |- Croom = 2.114 in.?(controls) The effective net area is [3-18] Ay = 2.114 in? Py = FyAe = S8(2.114) = 122. 6 kips a. Gross: $-P, = 0.90(104.0) = 93. 6 kips Net: $,P, = 0.75(122.6) = 92.0 kips Net section controls; $:P, = 92.0 kips Factored load: Py = 1.21) + 1.6(31) = 86.8 kips Since 86.8 kips < 92.0 kips, member is adequate, b. Gross: ee 62.3 kips a Pa 122.6 Net: G2 = 122-5 = 61.3 kips Net section controls; P,/, = 61.3 kips Load: Pa =D+L=31+31 = 62 kips Since 62 kips > 61.3 kips, member is not adequate. 3.46 Compute the strength of one channel and double it, Gross section: Py = F,Ag = $0(5.87) = 293. 5 kips for one channel. Net section: Hole diameter = Ay = 5.87 0.379(5/8) = 5. 633 in? [3-19] 5.699 in? or 5.87 (0.379)(5/8) - 0. 79] #7 AG) ] Use An = 5.633 in. 0.606 _ nay ~ 09621 The effective net area is A, = A,U = 5.633(0.9621) = 5.420 Py = FyAe = 65(5.420) = 352. 3 kips for one channel (a) Gross: $:Px = 0.90(293.5) = 264. 2 kips Net: $yP, = 0.75(352.3) = 264. 2 kips For two channels, §,P, = 264.2(2) = 528. 4 kips Let Pu = Pn: 1,.2D + 1.6L = 1.2D +1.6(3D) = 528.4 kips D = 88.07 kips, P = D+L = 88.07 + 3(88.07) = 352. 3 kips P= 352 kips (b) Gross: fe = 2835. = 175.7 kips Net: Br ~ Pog 7 176-2 kips D+L=D+3D = 351.4 kips P=351ki [3-20] 3.51 the shear areas are Ag = (3/8)(7.5) 2 = 5. 625 in? and, since there are 2.5 hole diameters in each line of bolts, Any = (I8)I7.5 ~2.5(3/4 + 1/8)] x2 = 3. 984 in? The tension area is 0.6094 in? Ant = (3/8)[2.5 ~ 1(7/8)] Fy = 30 ksi, Fy = 70 ksi Ry = 0.6F cA + UssFuAne = 0.6(70)(3.984) + 1.0(70)(0.6094) = 210 kips Check upper limit: 0.6F gy + UssFuAn = 0.6(50)(5.625) + 1.0(70)(0.6094) = 211 kips > 210 kips Ry = 210 kips 3.5.2 The shear areas are Ags = FMQ = 8.75 in? = Any The tension area is An = Ag = zO = 3.75 in? Fy = 36 ksi, Fy, = 58 ksi Ry = 0.6F py + UssFvAne = 0.6(58)(8.75) + 1.0(58)(3.75) = $22 kips Check upper limit: 0.6FyAgy + UssFuAn = 0.6(36)(8.75) + 1.0(58)(3.75) = 407 kips < 522 kips Ry, = 407 kips [3-21] the shear areas are Agy = 0.250(13.5) = 3.375 i and, since there are 4.5 hole diameter Amy = 0.250[13.5 ~ 4.5(7/8 + 1/8)] = 2. 25 in.? The tension areas are Aggy = 0.25(7.85 ~ 4,5) = 0.8375 in.? Aqg = 0.25[7.85 — 4.5 —0,5(1.0)] = 0.7125 in? Fy = 50 ksi, Fy = 65 ksi Ry = 0.6F Any + UssFvn = 0.6(65)(2.25) + 1.0(65)(0.7125) = 134 kips Check upper limit: 0.6F yAgy + Ute uy = 0.6(50)(3.375) + 1.0(65)(0.7125) = 148 kips > 134 kips Ry = 134 kips 354 The shear areas are Ay = 4(7.5)(2) = 7.5 in.? = Aw The tension area is. Aq = Age = (6) = 3.0in2 F, 'y = 36 ksi, Fy = 58 ksi Ry = 0.6F uy + UssFudns = 0.6(58)(7.5) + 1.0(58)(3.0) = 435.0 kips Check upper limit: [3-22] 0.6F yAgy + UssFuAne = 0.6(36)(7.5) + 1.0(58)(3.0) 336.0 kips < 435 kips Ry = 336 kips (@) LRFD: Ry = 0.75(336) = 252 kips (b) ASD: Rul = 336/2.0 = 168 kips @) The shear areas are Ag, = 0.210(7.5)(2) = 3. 15 in? and since there are 2.5 hole diameters, Any = 0.210[7.5 = 2.5(/8)](2) = 2. 231 in? The tension areas are Ag = 0.210(3) = 0.63 in.2, Aye = 0.210[3 ~ 1,0(7/8)] = 0.4463 in. F, 36 ksi, Fy = 58 ksi Ry = 0.6F Any + UssF une = 0.6(58)(2.231) + 1.0(58)(0.4463) = 103. 5 kips [3-23] Check upper limit: 0.6F gy + UnsFuAn = 0.6(36)(3. 15) + 1.0(58)(0.4463) = 93. 92 kips < 103.5 kips LRED: Ry = 0.75(93.92) = 70.4 kips ASD: Ry/Q = 93.92/2.00 = 47.0 kips © 14 The spacings and edge distance are the same as in Part a, but the thickness is different. ‘The shear areas are Agy = (3/8)(7.5)(2) = 5. 625 in? and, since there are 2.5 hole diameters, Any = (3/8)[7.5 —2.5(7/8)](2) = 3. 984 in? ‘The tension areas are Ag = (3/8)(3) = 1.125 in Fy = 36ksi, Fy = 58 ksi An = (3/8)[3 - 1.0(7/8)] = 0.7969 in? Ry = 0.6F vA + UssFuAn = 0.6(58)(3.984) + 1.0(58)(0.7969) = 184.9 kips [3-24] Check upper limit: 0.6F gy + UnsFuAn = 0.6(36)(5.625) + 1.0(58)(0. 7969) = 167.7 kips < 184.9 kips LRED: Ry = 0.75(167.7) = 126 kips ASD: Ry/Q = 167.7/2.00 = 83.8 kips Find the strength of one channel and double it. Ay = 5.51 in.2, t = 0.487 in. Gross section: GPa = 9F yg = 0.9(50)(5.51) = 248. 0 kips; 248.0 x 2 = 496 kips Net section: Hole diameter= 2 + 4 = 1 in. Ay = 5.51 — 2(1.0)(0.487) = 4. 536 in? u=l1- le 2.565. - 0.9058 The effective net area is, Ag = AnU = 4,536(0.9058) = 4. 109 in? Py = 0.75F ude = 0.75(65)(4. 109) = 200. 3 kips; 200.3 x 2 = 401 kips Check block shear, The gusset plate controls; its thickness is 3/8 in., whereas the channels have a total thickness of 2(0.487) = 0.974 inch, Also, the gusset plate is of a lower strength steel, and its shear length is larger. ‘The shear areas are Agy = (3/8)(9)(2) = 6. 75 in? and, since there are 2.5 hole diameters, Amy = (3/8)[9 ~ 2.5(1.0))(2) = 4. 875 in? [3-25] The tension area is An = (3/8)[4 - 1.0] = 1. 125 in? Fy = 36ksi, Fy = 58 ksi Ry = 0.75[0.6F Amy + UssFuA, = 0.75[0.6(58)(4.875) + 1.0(58)(1.125)] = 176 kips Check upper limit: 0.75[0.6F Ags + UtsFwAn] = 0.75{0.6(36)(6.75) + 1.0(58)(1.125)] = 158 kips < 176 kips The upper limit controls; $R, = 158 kips Block shear controls, 3.6-1 (a) Py = 1.2D + L.6L = 1.2(50) + 1.6(100) = 220.0 kips or Py =1,.2D+1.0W+0,5L = 1,2(50) + 1.0(45) + 0.5(100) = 155.0 kips Use Py = 220 kips, i —_Pu _ _ 220 2 Required 4s = yp = Tetsqy > 879i Required 4, = —Px— = —220__ 0.75F, — 0.75(58) Required rain = Try L8 x 6 x 9/16 Ag = 7.61 in? > 6.79 in? — (OK) rnin = rz = 1.30in.>0.80in, (OK) Ay = 7.61 ~2(1.125)(9/16) = 6. 344 in.? From Case 8 in AISC Table D3.1, use U = 0.80 [3-26] Ag = AqU = 6.344(0.80) = 5, 075 in. > 5.06 in? (OK) (b) P, = D+L = 50+ 100 = 150 kips or — D+0.75L +0.75(0.6W) = 50+ 0.75(100) + 0.75(0.6)(45) = 145. 3 kips Use P, = 150 kips Required 4, = 1s0_ 2 Tea 7&4 ~ Pe _ 150 2 Required 4. = T's = Ts¢sqy 7 5: 17in Required rain = 20012) _ 9 gi, 300 300 81 Try L8 x 8 x 1/2 Ag = 7.84in2 > 6.94in.2 (OK) Pain = Pe = 1.59 in. > 0.8 in, — (OK) Ap = 7.84 2(1.125)(1/2) = 6.715 in? Ae = AnU = 6.715(0.80) = 5,37 in.? > $.17 in.? (OK) Use an L8 x 8x % Py = 1,2D + 1.6L = 1.2(20) + 1.6(60) = 120.0 kips Required Ay = wis =F 300 = 3.70 in2 Py 120 2 Required 4. = SR = TqE Sy ~ 2 76in L__ Sx12_ Required rain = hq = 1a = 0.6 in. Try 2L5 x 34 xt Lx, long legs back-to-back: [3-27] Ag = 2.07x2= 4,14 in? > 3.70 in? — (OK) re = 0.853 in, ry = 1.43 in., +. rnin = 0.853 in. >0.6 in. (OK) Ay = 4.14—1.0(1/4) = 3. 89 in? From Case 8 in AISC Table D3.1, use U = 0.80. nU = 3,89(0.80) = 3. 11 in.? > 2.76 in.? (OK) LLBB (b) Pa = D+L = 20+ 60 = 80 kips Required A, = 42 = Ps 80 2 O5F, ~ O55m ~~ 76 Required Ae = eo rnin = ~~ = 1502) _ Required rnin = 35q = —Zgg— = 2-6 in Try 2L5 x 34 x4, long legs back-to-back: Ag = 2.07 x2 = 4. 14 in? > 3.70in.2 — (OK) re = 0.853 in, ry = 1.43 in., +. rin = 0.853 in. >0.6 in. (OK) Ay = 4.14—1.0(1/4) = 3. 89 in? From Case 8 in AISC Table D3.1, use U = 0.80. AU = 3.89(0.80) = 3. 11 in.? > 2.76 in.? (OK) LLBB (@) Py = 1.2D + 1.6L + 0.58 = 1.2(38) + 1.6(115) + 0,5(75) = 267. 1 kips Px _ 267.1 _ 5 94 in? Requited de = Tye = Porsyy [3-28] ° Py _ 267.1 2 Required Ae = 73m ~ 9.75(65) ~ > 48 im L _ 20x12 _ sho = agg = 0-80 in Required rnin = Try ST10 x33 Ag = 9.70 in? > 5.94 in.2 (OK) rin = 1.19 in, > 0.80 in. (OK) Ay = 9.10 = 2(T/8)(0.795) = 8. 299 in. Use Case 7 of AISC Table D3.1 to determine U. by = 6.26 < 2/3d = 2/3(20.0) = 13.33 (d is for an $20 x 66) Use U = 0.85 Ae = A,U = 8.299(0,85) = 7, 05 in? > 5.48 in.? (OK) Check an ST9 x 27.35. Ag =8.02in2 > 5.94in2 (OK) rain = 1.00 in. > 0.80in. (OK) Ay = 8.02 — 2(7/8)(0.691) = 6. 811 in? Use Case 7 of AISC Table D3.1 to determine U. by = 6.00 < 23d = 2/3(18) (dis for an S18 x $4.7) Use U = 0.85 Ag = A,U = 6.811(0.85) = 5. 79 in? > 5.48 in? (OK) Use an ST9 x 27.35 (b) Py = D+L = 384115 = 153 kips or — D+0.75L 40.755 = 38 + 0.75(115) + 0.75(75) = 180. 5 kips Use P, = 180.5 kips Required Ay Required 4, = ~Pe— = 180.5_ _ 5.55 in? [3-29] 20(12) L 300 ~ 300 ~ 81 Required rain = Try an ST9 x 27.35. =8.02in.2 > 6.02in? (OK) rain = 1.00 in.>0.80 in. (OK) An = 8.02 — 2(7/8)(0.691) = 6. 811 in? Use Case 7 of AISC Table D3.1 to determine U. by = 6.00 < 2/3d = 2/3(18) (dis for an S18 x 54.7) Use U = 0.85 Ae = AnU = 6.811(0.85) = 5.79 in? > 5.55 in.? (OK) Use an ST9 x 27.35 @) 2 = as = 8.64 > 8 ©. load combination 1 controls. Py = 14D = 1.4(216) = 302. 4 kips i = Pu _ 302.4 _ 9 33 jin? Requited 4e = gm ~ Gorey ~ 2-33 im - Ps 302.4 _ 2 Requited 4e = a73R- = Tyetagy ~ 695 im Required rain = Try S12 x 40.8, Ag = 11.9 in? > 9.33 in? (OK) rain = 1.06 in. > 0.88 in. (OK) Ay = 11.9 2(1)(0.462) = 10. 98 in? Use U = 0.70 (Case 7, AISC Table D3.1) Ae = AnU = 10.98(0.70) = 7. 69 in.? > 6.95 in.? (OK) Use $12 x 40.8 [3-30] (b) Py = D+L = 216 +25 = 241.0 kips Required 4g = Fe = wa Tao = 11.2 in2 ined 4, - Pa = 241 = g 31 jn? Required 4e= Gg = Gatagy > 83m Required rnin = ho = 20} = 0.88 in. Try S15 x 50 14.6in.? > 11.2in.2 (OK) rain = 1.03 in, > 0.88 in. (OK) An = 14.6 ~ 2(1)(0.550) = 13, 5 in? Use U = 0.70 (Case 7, AISC Table D3.1) Ae = AnU = 13.5(0.70) = 9. 45 in? > 8,31 in.? (OK) Use $15 x 50 Required 4, 1.65 in? squire Py __ 52.0 2 Required de = TF8R- = ZAsteqy > 16 aquired ram = A. = 8X12 ~ 93 Required rain = 3h = S24 32 in, Try Pipe 3 Std. Ag = 2.07 in2 > 1,65in.2 (OK) rin = 1.17 in. > 0.32 in. (OK) Ae fe = 2.07 in? > 1.16in® (OK) Use Pipe 3 Std (b) P, = D+L = 10 +25 = 35 kips Pa Required 4, = Ft [3-31] _ 35 0.5(60) Required 4. = = 1.17in? _ 8012) _ 300 300 Required rain = 2 in Try Pipe 3 Std. Ag = 2.07in2 > 1,67in? (OK) rain = 1.17 in. > 0.32in, (OK) Ae fe = 2.07 in? > 1.17in® — (OK) Use Pipe 3 Std 3.6-6 Py = 1.2D + 1.6L = 1.2(54) + 1.6(80) = 192. 8 kips or Py = 1.2D + 1.0W+0.5L = 1.2(54) + 1.0(75) + 0.5(80) = 179. 8 kips Use Py = 192.8 kips c = Pu _ 192.8 2 Requited 4e = T5gr- = T-outsmy 7 428 in equire Py _ 192.8 _ 2 Required de = Tag = T 7s¢esy 7 396i Required rnin = 3h = ALsele = 0.7 in, Try C10 x 20: Ag = 5.87 in? > 4.28 in? — (OK) Pain = Py = 0.690 in, Tin, (say OK) Ae = AgU = 5.87(0,85) = 4. 99 in? > 3.96 in? (OK) Compute U with Equation 3.1 2 1 0.606 _ U=l1 7 1 9 0.9327 ‘The next lighter shape that meets slendeess requirements is a C10 15.3 with Ag = 4.48 in2, rin = 0.711 in., and = 634 in, [3-32] From Equation 3.1, a1- 0.634 u=1-4 $ = 0.9296 Ae = AgU = 4.48(0.9296) = 4. 16 in? > 3.96 in.? (OK) Use a C10 x 15.3 (a) LRFD: Load combination | controls: Py = 1.4(43) = 60. 2 kips Py 60.2 Required 4» = 955 75%) ~ T750.73GH = 1.845 in? Let HE = 1,845, d= 1.53 in. Required d = 1,53 in, Use 15/8 in, (b) ASD: Load combination 2 controls: P, = D+L = 3 +4 = 47 kips F, = 0.395Fy = 0.375(58) = 21.75 ksi 47. = 2 Spas = 2-161 in Required 4, = Let 2 = 2.161, d= 1.66 in Required d = 1.66 Vin, 372 (a) Dead load = beam weight = 0.036 kips/ft Wy = 1.2wp + 1.6, = 1.2(0.036) = 0.0432 kips/ft Py 2Pp + 1.6P; = 1.6(30) 8.0 kips Because of symmetry, the tension is the same in both rods. [3-33]

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