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Grade 10 Pascal Mon- Tuesday 7:30-8:30

Monday Basahin ang pagpapalalim mula sa pahina 170 at gawin ang Pagganap Gawain 4 (page 180- 181)
Isulat sa kwaderno ang pagninilay

Tuesday (page 182) Pagsasabuhay Gawain 7 (Isulat sa kwaderno)

Grade 7 Mon-Wednesday 8:30-9:30

Monday ( page 372-380) Task 1: Think- Link- Share

Task 3: Treat Me
Task 4: Vocabulary Exercises
Task 5: Literary Journey Read the story “My Father
Goes to Court” by Carlos
Bulosan. Reflect and answer the questions.
Task 6: Answer the sample questions and write their answers on the board.

Task 7: Language Connections letter c

Tuesday (page 380-382) Read the paragraph on page 380 about tourism in the Philippines.
Read the pointers in writing a travelogue
Fill in the organizer on page 380-381

Homework: Bring long bond paper , art materials and pictures of a place you visit for
your travelogue essay.

Wednesday Bring out your materials and your notebook.

Using the graphic organizer and pictures you brought write an essay about your travel.
The rubrics below will be used in evaluating your essay.

Content (x3) 5 4 3 2
Setting, Word
Choice, Description There is a creative There is a title that There is a title, but it There is no title, or
title that sparks is related to the does not appear to the title is unoriginal
interest and is writing piece. be related to the (ex., "Travelogue
related to the writing Some descriptive writing piece. Writing Piece")
piece. words are used to Few descriptive Where and when the
Many descriptive tell where and when words are used to travel experience
words are used to the travel experience tell where and when takes place is not
tell where and when takes place. the travel experience clear.
the travel experience Writer uses a variety takes place. Writer uses common
takes place. of interesting words, Writer uses some word choices. A
Writer uses a wide and creates a mental variation of word mental picture of the
variety of interesting picture for readers. choice. It is difficult setting is either not
words, and creates a The writer's to see a mental clear or not
very clear mental descriptions were picture of the achieved.
picture for readers. clear and setting. The writer's
The writer's comprehensible. The writer's descriptions were
descriptions were Writer incorporates descriptions were vague and
clear, four out of the five common and mostly confusing.
comprehensible, senses. clear. Writer incorporates
creative, and vivid. Writer incorporates one of the five
Writer incorporates 2 out of the five senses, or does not
all five senses very senses. incorporate them at
effectively. all.
Perspective 5 4 3 2

First-person First-person First-person First- person

narration is rarely narration is narration is used narration is used all
used, if at all. Writer sometimes used. most of the time. of the time.
uses first-person Writer will Writer will use
narration once in a sometimes use another mode of
while, or not at all. another mode of narration once or
It is consistently narration in their twice through their
formal and uses a writing piece. It tries writing piece. There
2nd or 3rd - person to be formal and is little formality
narration. objective in tone. and objectivity in
the writing.
Organization 5 4 3 2

Writing is very well Writing is organized Writing is a little Writing is hard to

organized. One idea with clear hard to follow. follow and
or scene follows transitions. Transitions are transitions are not
another with very somewhat clear. clear (ideas and
smooth/ clear scenes seem to
transitions. change randomly).
Spelling, Grammar, 5 4 3 2
and Punctuation.
Virtually no Few spelling, A number of Many spelling,
spelling, punctuation, or spelling, punctuation, and
punctuation, or grammatical errors. punctuation, or grammatical errors
grammatical errors. grammatical errors (interferes with the
- 2-5 errors meaning).
- 6 - 9 errors
- 10 or more errors
Effort & Writing 5 4 3 2
There is a lot of There is evidence of There is some There is little
evidence of editing editing and revising evidence of editing evidences of editing
and revising between the and revising and revising
between the brainstorm, the between the between the
brainstorm, the rough copy, and the brainstorm, the brainstorm, the
rough copy, and the good copy. rough copy, and the rough copy, and the
good copy. good copy. good copy.

Grade 6 Shakespeare M-W 9:45-11:05

Monday Module Inferring Character traits

Tuesday Module Inferring General Mood of the Selection
Wednesday Module Inferring Different Outcomes

Grade 8 Newton ESP M 4:00-5:00

Gawin ang pagninilay sa page 283-285.

Grade 8 Newton M-W 3:00-4:00

Monday activity


This activity is a protocol of inquiries that you can make about the content of what you are reading. This
strategy is designed to encourage you to think beyond the words on the page and to consider the author's
intent for the selection and his or her success at communicating it.
The idea of "questioning" the author is a way for you to evaluate how well a selection of text stands on
its own, not simply an invitation to "challenge" a writer. You will now be looking at the author's intent, his craft,
his clarity, his organization. Go and get a partner. Read an excerpt about the viral video on Korea’s global
sensation called Psy (shortened name for Psycho).

Viral Video Gets Propaganda Treatment

Published: September 20, 2012

SEOUL, South Korea — Ordinarily, a star turn on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” teaching Britney Spears his
dance might be one of the surest signs that a performer has made it. But this week, Park Jae-sang, the South
Korean phenomenon behind a dance video called Gangnam Style, got an even clearer sign of success. North
Korea — so cut off from the world that satellite shots show most of the country plunged in darkness at night —
parodied the video.

Why the original video, released in July, has gained such popularity is anyone’s guess. In it, Mr. Park, 34, does
a “horse riding” dance that looks vaguely like what children do when they hop around pretending to be
galloping. He raps and dances around Seoul, all in the company of pretty women and to a song with an
infectious beat.

In short, the performer, popularly known as PSY (short for Psycho), has done what K-Pop bands have failed to
do. While those groups have choreographed their way to success all over Asia, they have made less headway
in other parts of the world. Mr. Park, with his willingness to allow himself to be made fun of with a buffoonish
performance, is a global success.

What Mr. Park is singing about is Gangnam, a fashionable neighborhood in Seoul where the nouveau riche
shop at Chanel, drive fancy cars and send their children to well-known prep schools. He grew up there, and
although his dance moves are anything but what someone might expect of Gangnam’s sophisticates, the title
seems to both celebrate — and possibly mock — the lifestyle.

That plays especially well in South Korea, where the growing gap between rich and poor is serious enough to
have become an issue in the presidential campaign.

In any case, South Koreans have banded together to celebrate Mr. Park’s success, with media outlets
breathlessly reporting each new sighting.

It does not seem to matter at all to many South Koreans that possibly their most famous cultural ambassador
is, well, less than refined.

1. What is the author telling you?
2. Why is the author telling you that?
3. Is it said clearly?
4. How might the author have written it more clearly?
5. What would you have wanted to say instead?


With all the reading selections given to you, did you notice some problems that Koreans face as they cope with
the challenges of modernity?
Problem-Solution Chart
What is the problem?
What are the effects?
What are the causes?
What are some solutions?
Present in class an example of interview skit incorporating all the tips (before, during, after) discussed in class. Make sure
that all members have task.

1. Group the class into seven.

2. Before you start to design your interview questions, you should have a clear idea of your problem or
objective. This will give you have a clear focus on the intent of each question.
Below is a table that will help you plan for the interview. Write you sample questions in the appropriate

Purpose of the Interview:


Tips My Sample Question

Questions should be open–ended.
Respondents should be able to choose
their own terms when answering questions.
Questions should be as neutral as possible. Avoid
words that might influence answers, for example,
evocative or judgmental wording.
Questions should be worded clearly.
Know any terms particular to the program or the
respondents’ culture. Use locational skills to gather
and synthesize information about your interviewee.
Be careful when asking “why” questions. A “why”
question infers a cause-effect relationship that may
not truly exist. Such question may also cause
respondents to feel defensive that they have to justify
their responses; the question may inhibit their
responses to future questions.

Below is the Interview Rubric that will help you come up with the best interview. This will be given in advance
so that you will have an idea on how you are going to conduct.

Interview Rubric

Criteria Needs Within Meets Beyond

Improvement Expectations Expectations Expectations
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Appearance Overall appearance Appearance is Overall neat Overall appearance
is untidy somewhat untidy appearance is very neat
Choice in clothing is Choice in clothing is Choice in clothing is Choice in clothing is
Inappropriate for any Inappropriate (shirt not acceptable for the type Appropriate for the
job interview (torn tucked, teeshirt, of interview interview
unclean, wrinkled) too much jewelry,
etc.) Well groomed Very well groomed
Poor grooming (ex. Shirt tucked in, (hair, clothes pressed,
Grooming attempt is jewelry blends with etc.)
evident clothing, minimal
wrinkles) Overall appearance is
Greeting Unacceptable Acceptable Well mannered in Very professional
behavior and behavior dealing with the behavior and
language language interviewee language
Unfriendly and Attempts to be Courteous to the (handshake, “hello”,
not courteous courteous to interviewee “thank you”, eye
his / her interviewee contact, etc.)
Friendly and
courteous to all
involved in interview
Content Very inappropriate Inaccurate Questions Are Thorough questions
questions questions acceptable and Questions were very
Did not ask relevant Questions were not accurate well planned and
questions relevant or related to Questions are detailed
the objective of appropriate.
the interview
Communication Presentation shows Showed some Showed interest Very attentive
lack of interest interest Throughout the Speaking very clearly
Questioning is unclear Questioning is interview Exceptionally accurate
– very difficult to unclear– lapses in use of sentence
Understand message Sentence structure Speaking clearly structure and grammar
of what is being said and grammar Perfect in sentence Commitment &
(ex. mumbling) structure and grammar enthusiasm for job is
Knowledge of job is Knowledge and facts very well conveyed
Facts about job not minimal are included / shared Volume conveys
Included Volume is appropriate business tone
Volume is Volume is uneven
inappropriate for (varied)
interview (ex. Spoke
too loudly, too softly)
Body Language Fidgeted – ex. Minimal fidgeting Uses hands and Highly animated
Constant movement (ex. occasionally body to express Expression (not just
of hands and shifting) Eye contact speak: brings
feet Eye contact is When speaking words, sentences to
Lack of eye contact Made intermittently Correct Posture life
Slouching all the time Occasionally Eye contact made all
slouching Throughout the
Sitting straight in
chair all throughout
the interview

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