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To: Nancy Myers

From: Dane Rogers

Date: 4/30/20
Subject: APLED 121-Chapter 7 Summary

Chapter 7
Technical Descriptions and Process Analyses
Define technical descriptions

 A technical description is a step by step description of a mechanism or machine

that shows important features. Used in many different types of technical

Types of Technical Descriptions

 Operations manuals
o Helps the user install, use, control or service a piece of equipment
o Contain technical descriptions
o Shows the features, safety and capabilities of the product
 Product Demand Specifications
o When a product does not exist yet, specifications must be made to
make it a reality
o The descriptions should detail the exact functions the product needs to
 Study Reports Provided by Consulting Firms
o Companies can hire outside firms to assess a problem and come up with
solutions through a descriptive analysis
 Construction Design
o Before construction can begin, definitions must be set.
o These include legal limits or codes to follow, location, size and
o It can also be used to obtain permits and hire contractors and workers
 Sales Literature
o Describing the product will help interest potential customers since they
will know what the product does

Definition of Process Analysis

 Similar to instructions, they tell you a step by step process to follow when doing

Examples of Process Analysis

 Engineering
o To increase tourism, Dubai wants to build several islands of its coast.
They want to build bridges to connect the islands to the coastlines.
Acceptable designs include beam, arch, or suspension bridges.
 Automotive Sales
o Customers interested in hybrid may know that hybrids are supposed to
be good for the environment but does not understand how they are
better. A process analysis would help to explain.
 Biomedical Technology
o Working on a treatment for diabetes using insulin injected through a
catheter but more funding is needs to test the treatment. Explaining the
process can gain the financial support needed.
Criteria for Writing Technical Descriptions and Process Analysis
 Title
o This could be the name of the product or the process the product uses.
 Overall Organization
o Explain your topic and its functions.
o You could also leave a list of its components
o Include specifics like weight, dimensions, parts, capacity, etc.
o Understand the purpose. If it is for a sales purpose, try using
impressionistic words which are vague to get the general idea. Tall is
impressionistic. For a technical description, use photographic words
which use specific details. Saying the object is 6’ 11” is photographic.
o Use special organization, meaning go from top to bottom, left to right,
or whatever is applicable. Do not scatter your descriptions across the
 Highlighting Technique
o Use techniques such as line drawings, CAD drawings, photos, or
exploded views to show each component and give them callouts.
Callouts give the part its names and function.

The Writing Process at Work

 Prewriting
o Write an outline of what needs to be said by using a list.
 Writing
o A rough draft is sent to organize. Images or other descriptors can be
inserted into the document and labeled. Spelling and other minor errors
can be looked over in this state. Just focus on the organization and
make sure it shows what needs to be shown.
 Rewriting
o Corrections and highlighted details are made so the final copy can be
sent out.

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