Click2Go Customer Workflow - Academic Phrasebank

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Step 1: Select category (“Academic Phrasebank”)

Step 2: Select The Academic Phrasebank: 2015 Edition

Personal Copy and click on “View Product”

© Copyright 2015 UMIP

Updated Feb 2015
Step 3: Check tick box and select “Add to basket”

Step 4:

1. On screen info: “Selected licence has been added to your basket.”

2. Mouse over “My basket”
3. Click on “VIEW / EDIT BASKET”

© Copyright 2015 UMIP

Updated Feb 2015
Step 5: Review your basket details and adjust quantity if more than one person requies access to
Academic Phrasebank.

Step 6:

1. Review Licence Terms

2. Scroll to the bottom of licence window
3. Check tick box
4. Select “Submit Request”

© Copyright 2015 UMIP

Updated Feb 2015
Step 7: Confirm request

Step 8: Order Summary

Click on “Make payment” to make an online payment yourself or click on Request payment if you
wish your institution or company to make a payment on your behalf.

Follow on screen instructions to make an online debit / credit card payment

© Copyright 2015 UMIP

Updated Feb 2015
Step 9: Order approved confirmation (by UMIP); click on hyperlink

Step 10:

1. Find your order (“My Account”, “My orders”)

2. Select “Product Files”

© Copyright 2015 UMIP

Updated Feb 2015
Step 11: Select blue download button (prior to licence request approval a red asterisk (*) appears in
its place and software is not downloadable).

© Copyright 2015 UMIP

Updated Feb 2015

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