The Transcendental Period

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The Transcendental period and Emerson

Optimism, hope for the future the belief that humans can go beyond the spiritual ideals and

empirical values. This is what is known as transcendentalism a philosophy that came about

during the 19th century. At the time America was as a nation was finally beginning to stand on

its own two feet and people were hopeful for the future, so new ideas such as

transcendentalism came about. Ralph Waldo Emerson an American writer is best known for

leading the transcendentalist movement at the time. To say the least it was a belief which

greatly impacted early America, especially through the written works of authors such as

Emerson which dealt with the fundamentals of transcendentalism.

America during the 19th century was an optimistic nation this was in no little part due to

Transcendentalism. This philosophy somewhat taught that one must reject the world as it is

and seek out an ideal world. It also dealt with the notion of intuition; people should follow their

intuition more so than anything else, as well as betterment of the self. Ralph Waldo Emerson

was the leader of the transcendentalist movement at the time. He generally believed that

everything was good because god is good and god works through all things even disease death

and disaster. To sum it up transcendentalism was about seeking a better world by starting with

self improvement.

Emerson’s transcendentalist views can be found to be reflected in his works of

literature. In self reliance Emerson shows how happiness is related to self improvement. “A

man is relived and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best” (246) . In self

reliance Emerson also deals with the notion that people must seek out the good in the world.
“He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but

explore if it be goodness” (247). He also explores the importance nature to a transcendentalist

in his essay Nature. “The lover of nature is he who’s inward and outward senses are truly

adjusted toward each other” (241).

Within the essay compensation Emerson shows ideas relating to one’s own intuition. “It

seemed to me when very young, that on this subject life was ahead of theology, and the people

knew more than the preachers taught” (2). This essay overall deals with the idea that one

grows through perseverance and that by following our intuition and not what others say we can

ultimately achieve more. In His poem The Rhodora he talks about the happiness that can be

found in nature and not material things. “This charm is wasted on the earth and sky; Tell them,

dear, that, if eyes were made for seeing, Then beauty is its own excuse for Being” (1).

Emerson’s transcendentalist ideas are shown in his works.

Transcendentalism greatly impacted early America, especially through the written works

of authors such as Emerson which dealt with the fundamentals. The philosophy involved self

improvement and through this achieving a better state of being. Ralph Waldo Emerson a leader

in the transcendentalist movement explored and showed the ideals of transcendentalism

through his works. His works ultimately dealt with the key points of transcendentalism and how

people can use them. It can be surmised that transcendentalism is about transcending the bad

to achieve the good within one’s self.

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