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Effect of Methods to Make a Match -Based

Media Flash C ard d natural Improving Comprehension Arabic

Muh. Haris Zubaidillah
STIQ Amuntai, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the flash card -based make a
match method in enhancing the understanding of Arabic students in a sub-material introduction to
school tools. This method uses a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental design ( quasi
experimental design ). The sample consisted of two classes: an experimental class that was given
treatment with a flash card -based make a match method and a control class that was treated with
conventional methods. Data collection techniques carried out by documentation, tests and
observations. Data analysis using one-party t-test ( independent sample t-test ). This research reveals
that oncea man that students can be enhanced by methods make a match based media flashcard , it is
obtained by using t-test analysis on two groups of students. Learning by using methods make a
match based flash card in the Arabic learning can effectively improve the ability never a man
Keywords : make a match method , A rab language , understanding , flash card media
Education as an integral part of people's lives in the global era must be able to provide
and facilitate the growth and development of intellectual, social, and personal
skills. Education must foster various competencies of students. Intellectual skills, social, and
personal built not only with the foundation of reason and logic alone, but also inspiration,
kreat if itas, moral intuition (emotions) and spiritual.[1]
Besides the importance of education, education is also demanded to foster and
develop intellectual, social and personal skills. To grow these various skills, education
requires a bridge to reach it, one of the bridges is the teacher. The intrinsic teacher plays a
very important role in life, which is to bear humanitarian responsibility, especially with
regard to delivering the education of the nation's generation to the gate of enlightenment in
breaking away from the chains of ignorance. How heavy the tasks and obligations that must
be carried out by a teacher so that it demands high professionalism in the learning
process. Through their professional competence, teachers must be able to realize the
steps - steps innovative and creative learning, so that the learning process can be meaningful
as well as transfer of knowledge and the transfer of value can be easily conveyed.[2]
The teacher plays an important role in the teaching and learning process, both in
planning and implementing learning . Teacher quality is one of the factors of student
success. The success of teaching and learning can be seen in terms of the process and in terms
of results. In terms of the process, the teacher can be said to be successful if able to involve
most students actively in the learning process. While in terms of results, the teacher is said to
be successful if the learning that he provides is able to change the behavior of most students
towards mastering good basic competencies.
The learning process will succeed if the teacher is able to foster educational
interactions, namely equality of interaction between the teacher and students in the learning
process so as to enable the process of elaboration of the principles and concepts learned to
build meaningful new knowledge. Therefore, teaching must "turn on" a dead topic so as to
create understanding, mastery, and love for the material being taught and grow in a
commitment to study it deeper. Teaching is ideally able to provide new experiences and
enlightenment to students so that they experience "addiction" to learn more deeply
Learning activities is an effort to be aware of the destination, which is systematically
focused on behavior change. The intended change refers to a process that must be
passed. Without a process of change, nothing is possible and goals cannot be achieved. And
the process referred to here is learning activities as a process of educational interaction.[4]
Students are the main subject in the activities of learning so that all of Akt i Vitas
should be directed to assist the development of students. The success of the learning process
lies in the manifestation of students themselves as independent
individuals, effective learners , and productive workers . Student-centered learning in general
is an active learning that involves students in ak ti Vitas physically or mentally engage
students in thinking.[5]
In connection with this, it needs to be emphasized that the principle of teaching is to
facilitate and be able to provide enthusiasm for learning. So the teacher as a teacher has the
task of providing facilities or facilities in a student learning activity.[6] Learning will be
easier for students if the learning atmosphere is pleasant, so learning feels fun the teacher
should make a variety of teaching methods in learning activities. The use of various teaching
methods that are appropriate to the objectives and the material being taught can overcome the
saturation of students in learning. Please note that students can only concentrate on listening
to lectures for 15 minutes. Teachers need to use variations of teaching methods to make
students more happy and excited in learning so as to provide better learning outcomes.[7]
From the explanation above it is explained that the teacher can be said to be
successful if he is able to involve most students actively in the learning process. This is one
problem that is faced by teachers, because students have a background that is different there
are active and there are also students who are passive. Especially on lessons that require high
Arabic is one of the subjects that requires high concentration because in this subject
students learn to use language that has a unique sound and writing , and Arabic as well as
other languages, it has the nature of always developing, productive and creative.[8]
So, in Arabic subjects it is expected that students to be active so that learning can be
well absorbed. Because in a learning student is not only expected to know about learning but
also understand what has been conveyed. From some of the problems above, it was also felt
by Arabic language teachers at MIN 16 HSU, while teaching only a few students who
actively listened and listened to learning, while some others were sleepy, some were
daydreaming, and some were actively playing with their classmates.[9]
One way to improve student understanding, teachers must apply attractive learning
models and media. With the right methods and media, a learning message will be able to
process effectively in teaching and learning activities towards being achieved. One of them is
by using the make a match method based on flashcard media .
The Make a Match method was developed by Lorna Curran. In make a
match students look for a partner while learning a particular concept or topic in a pleasant
atmosphere. The make a match  method can be applied to all subjects at grade level.[10]
Flashcard is a learning media in the form of a picture card the size of
a postcard size or about 25 x 30 cm.
Among the advantages of flashcard media are :
1. easy to carry everywhere because its size is the size of a postcard ;
2. practical in making and using it, so that whenever students can learn well using this
media ;
3. easy to remember because this card is very interesting, contains letters or numbers, is
simple, stimulates the brain longer remembering messages on the card ;
4. very fun to use as a learning medium, in the form of games.[11]
Based on the description that has been explained, the researcher would like
to examine through experimental research with the title " The Effect of the Make A
Match Method based on Flashcard Media in Improving Arabic Language
Understanding  Class II MIN 16 HSUT 2018/2019 Academic Year."
This research uses a quantitative approach to the type of experimental
research. Experimental research is research that is used to determine the effect of independent
variables ( treatment ) on the dependent variable (outcome) under controlled conditions.
[12] This experimental research was taken because researchers directly participated in the
research process, starting from the beginning to the end of the study. The researcher also
taught Arabic subjects about "school tools" using the flashcard  media make a
match method .
The research design used in this study is a quasi experimental design
research design. This design has a control group, but it cannot function fully to control
external variables that affect the execution of the experiment. This design was used because
in reality it was difficult to get the control group used for research. According Sugi y ono
there are two forms of design quasi  experiment , the time-series design  and nonequ iv alent
control group design.[13] This study uses the nonequ iv alent control group design, which
means that the experimental group and the control group were not radically selected.
In this research, the researcher determines the experimental group class VI A and the
control group class VI B, after that it is given a pre-test to determine the initial state of the
two groups then given treatment and finally given a post-test .
In quantitative research there are two variables, va ri abel independent and dependent
variables. Independent variables are variables that affect or are the cause of changes or the
emergence of Independent Variables . In this study, Independent variables
are flashcrad  based make a match methods . Dependent variables are variables that are
affected or are due, because of the independent variables. In this study the dependent variable
is student understanding.
The population in this study were MIN 16 HSU students from classes I-VI, amounting
to 162 students. Given the large number of population and the limitations of time, cost and
labor, so sampling was not chosen at random (random). The samples taken in this study were
only class VI A and VI B MIN 16 HSU totaling 26 students (class A 13 and class B 13
students). Sampling is done by sampling purpos iv e ie sampling technique with a certain
In a research method of data collection is needed. The data collection methods used in
this study are the test method, the documentation method, the interview method and the
observation method.
To analyze the data, the authors use SPSS version 22 for windows hypothesis testing
can be done by comparing the difference between the mean obtained by the treated group and
the untreated group, with a significant level applied is error of 5%.
The results of the initial data analysis of students 'understanding ability from the pre-
test data of the experimental class and the control class with the help of the SPSS version 22
for windows device resulted in the pre-test distribution of the students' initial values as
Table 1. Distribution of Pre-Test Students' Understanding Ability Data
  N Minimum Maximum The mean Std. Deviation
Experimentation 13 28.89 57.8 41.33 8.14133
Control class 13 28.89 57.8 41.86 8.52755
Seen from Table 1 shows the average (mean) of the experimental class at 41.33 is at
kategor i is low, so is the mean (m ean ) in the control class is 41.86 are in the low
category. It is concluded that the experimental class and the control class have the same
ability in understanding Arabic.
As for the distribution of the initial value on the students' understanding of Arabic
lessons in class in-house expertise i download and the control class as follows:
Table 2. Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Student Understanding Value in
Experiment Classes and Control Classes
Score Qualification completeness Class Total
F % f % F %
80-100 Very high Complete 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00

60-79 High Complete 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00

40-59 Low Not complete 8 61.54 9 69.23 17 65.38

<39 Very low Not complete 5 38.46 4 30.77 9 34.62

amount 13 100 13 100.00 13 100.00

From table 2 above it is known that the ability of understanding Arabic both in the
experimental class and in the majority control class is in the low category with 17 students
out of 26 students. Descriptive analysis of the Arabic comprehension ability data from the
results of the pre-test experimental class majority were in the low category as many as 8
out of 13 students, while in the control class the majority were in the low category as many
as 9 students out of 13 students. The level of completeness of the control class students
measured from the KKM MIN 16 HSU was declared incomplete because all the initial values
of the students' understanding ability had not reached 60 or below the KKM.
The results of the final data analysis capability of understanding the data obtained
from the post-test experimental class and control class with the help of software SPSS version
22 for windows  dihasil the data distribution post-test value understanding capabilities as
Table 3 . Post- Test Data Distribution Student Understanding Ability
  N Minimum Maximum The Std. Deviation
Experimentation 13 33.33 80.00 61.77 8.76655
Control class 13 28.89 71.11 50.96 11,98067
Seen from table 3 shows the mean (mean) of the experimental class of 61.77 is in the
high category, while the mean in the control class of 50.96 is in the low category. The final
grades distribution of Arabic students' understanding ability of the experimental class and
control class are as follows:
Table 4. Distribution of Post-test Ability Values
Understanding of Arabic Language Students
Score Qualification completeness Class Total
f % f % F %
80-100 Very high Complete 2 15.38 0 0.00 2 7.69

60-79 High Complete 8 61.54 6 46.15 14 53.85

40-59 Low Not complete 3 23.08 7 53.85 10 38.46

<39 Very low Not complete 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00

amount 13 100 13 100 13 100

From table 4 above it is known that the majority of Arabic class understanding ability
in the experimental class is in the high category as many as 8 students from 13 students and 2
students in the very high category , while in the majority control class is in the low category
as many as 7 students from 13 students. The level of completeness of the experimental class
students measured from KKM MIN 16 HSU that 10 students out of 13 students were declared
complete, while in the control class there were 6 students who were declared complete (above
The gain score is obtained from the difference in students' Arabic comprehension
ability in the post-test and pre-test. The gain score data for the experimental and control
classes is presented as follows:
Table 5. Distribution of gain score data for Arabic comprehension ability
  N Minimum Maximum The Std. Deviation
Experimentation 13 2.22 31.12 20.44 8.17789
Control class 13 -6.67 24.45 9.10 7.89607
From the table of the gain score  data above, it is known that the mean difference of
the experimental class is 20.44 and the control class is 9.10.
Pre-test normality test results of the experimental class and the control class using
the Shapiro-Wilk test .
Table 7. Test the normality of the pre-test data capabilities
understanding of the experimental class and the control class
Class Shapiro-Wilk
Statistics df Sig.
Pre-test Experimentation 973 13 074
value Class
Control class 954 13 199
Based on the table above shows that the normality test results using the Shapiro Wilk
test the significance value of the experimental class pre-test data is 0.074 and the control
class pre-test data is 0.199. Both the significance value of the control class and the
experimental class are greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that the pre-test data of students'
understanding ability are normally distributed.
The normality of the post-test data results of the experimental class and the control
class are as follows:
Table 8. Test the normality of post-test data
understanding ability
Class Shapiro-Wilk
Statistics df Sig.
Post-test Experimentation 951 13 176
score Class
Control class 954 13 199
Based on the table above shows that the significance value of the experimental class
post-test data is 0.176 and the control class post-test data is 0.199. Both the significance value
of the control class and the experimental class are greater than 0.05, it can be concluded that
the post-test data on the ability of students' understanding of Arabic subjects are normally
The last data normality test is the gain score data, the following are the results of the
Shapiro Wilk test as follows:
Table 9. Test the normality of data gain score ability
understanding of the experimental class and the control class
Class Shapiro-Wilk
Statistics Df Sig.
Post-test Experimentation 932 13 236
score Class
Control class 955 13 398
Based on the results of the normality test above shows that the significance value of
the experimental class gain score data is 0.236 and the control class gain score data is
0.398. Both the significance value of the control class and the experimental class are greater
than 0.05, it can be concluded that the gain score data of students' understanding ability in
Arabic subjects is normally distributed.
Homogeneity test uses Levene test with the help of SPSS Version 22 for Windows
software program with a significance level of 0.05. The homogeneity test results of the
experimental class pre-test data and the control class using the Levene Statistical test the
significance value of the pre-test data of the control class and the experimental class was
0.826. This value is greater than 0.05, so the experimental class and control class pre-test data
have the same variant.
Furthermore, the results h o mogenitas Data posttest control group and the
experimental class is 0.127. This value is greater than 0.05, so the control class and
experimental class post-test data have the same variant.
Hypothesis testing is a step in determining whether a hypothesis is accepted or
rejected. The data used are pre-test and post-test data as well as the experimental and control
class gain scores . Hypothesis testing is done by independent sample t-test, by testing the
difference in the gain score of the control class.
The data analysis gain score the ability of students' understanding of the experimental
class and control class, we can see the probability values in different test results of the
experimental class and control class is 0.000 and 0.000 <0.05 then H  is rejected. Thus it can

be seen that there is a significant difference between the results of the gain score of students'
Arabic comprehension abilities.
Based on the results of the data analyst has been done, it could be concluded that the
ability of students 'understanding on Arabic lessons with sub-material introductions school
supplies at MIN 16 HSU m enunjukkan there is an increase in the ability of the students'
understanding of significant ketikamenggunakan methods make a match based flash cards .
The change in the improvement of students 'understanding ability in the experimental
class of 8 majority students was in the high category and very high there were 2 students,
while the control class also slightly changed because although the majority of students'
understanding ability was still in the low category of 7 students out of 13 students, but there
are 6 students who enter the high category.

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[1] Agus Suprijono, Cooperative e Learning: Theory and Application of PAIKEM (Surabaya, tp,

2009), p.6
[2] Nurdiansyah and Eni Fariyarul Fahyuni, Learning Model Innovations in Accordance with the
2013 Curriculum , cet. 1 (Sidoarjo: Nizamia Learning Center, 2016), p. 9
[3] Nurdiansyah and Eni Fariyarul Fahyuni, Learning Model Innovations ..., p. 5
[4] Abdul Rachman Shaleh, Madrasas and Education for the Nation's Children Vision, Mission and
Action (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006), p. 221
[5] Ridwan Sani Abdullah, Learning Innovation, cet.2 (Jakarta: Bumi Askara, 2014), p.46
[6] Sardiman AM, Interaction And Mot v ation Learning (Jakarta: King Grafindo Persada, 2010), p. 2
[7] Ridwan Sani Abdullah, Learning Innovation ..., p. 47
[8] Fathul Mujib , Reconstruction of Arabic Education (Yogyakarta: Bintang Pustaka Abadi, 2010),
p. 16
[9] Interview on Tuesday, September 12, 2018, with Mr. Hairian, S.Pd, Arabic teacher grade VI at
[10] Miftahul Huda, Cooperat iv e Learning Methods, Techniques, Structures and Models of
Implementation (Yogyakarta: Student Library, 2011), p.135
[11] Dina Indriana, Variety of Teaching Media Aids (Yogyakarta: D iv a Press, 2011), p. 68-69
[12] Sugiyono, Easy Ways to Arrange: Thesis, Thesis, and Dissertation (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2013),
p. 160
[13] Sugiyono, Easy Ways to Arrange: Thesis, Thesis, and Accompanied ..., p. 168-170

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