A2.Elementary - Unit7 FINAL

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Department of English for Specific Purposes



BÀI 1 (UNIT 7: Journeys – page 81-92)

I. Grammar: past simple: negatives and questions,
comparative adjectives,
superlative adjectives
II. Vocabulary: travel verbs, journey adjectives, word focus: than, journey, travel or trip?
Word-building: really/very + adjective
III. Real life (functions): asking about a trip
IV. Pronunciation: Stress and weak syllable / Intonation in questions
V. Listening: Someone talking about the Mayflower
A programme about journey in history
A programme about animal migration
VI. Reading: An article about a flight from the past / An article about space travel

VII. Critical thinking: factor opinion

VIII. Speaking: A journey you made / Your opinion / A general knowledge quiz

IX. Writing: A general knowledge quiz / Text type: a travel blog / Writing skill: so, because

Lesson 1:

Activity 1: Lead-in and Reading – 7 a Flight of the Silver Queen –page 81-82

Activity 2: Grammar - Past simple (questions and short answers) – page 83

Activity 3: Vocabulary - Journey adjectives – page 84

Activity 4: Speaking - Think about a journey you made in the past

Lesson 2:

Activity 1: Vocabulary – Animal migrations – page 84

Activity 2: Grammar – Comparative adjectives - page 84

Activity 3: Listening 4.2.3 – page 85

Activity 4: Pronunciation – page 85

Lesson 3:

Activity 1: Reading – 7c the longest journey in space - page 87

Activity 2: Grammar- Superlative adjectives – page 86

Activity 3: Listening - Real life –asking about a trip – page 88

Activity 4: Vocabulary - 7d How was your trip? – page 88

Lesson 4:

Activity 1: Speaking

Activity 2: Writing

Lesson 1:

Activity 1: Lead-in and Reading – 7 a Flight of the Silver Queen –page 81-82

LEAD-IN: Page 81 (Life Elementary – Student’s book)

Look at the photo and answer the questions.

1. What transport can you see? Sailing ship? Small boats? Airship?

2. What else can you see? Buildings? The city? The sea?

3. Is this the first Mayflower ship or the second?

READING PRACTICE 7a Flight of the Silver Queen– page 82
1. Look at the photo and map of a journey. Where was the flight from or to?
2. The article about the journey is in the wrong order. Number the paragraphs 1 to 4
3. Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)
1. The journey was in 1920.
2. All the aeroplanes landed in Capes Town.
3. The first part of the journey was from England to Italy.
4. Van Ryneveld and Brian stopped between Italy and Cairo.
5. They didn’t have any problems with the plane’s engine.
6. They left Bulawayo in the Silver Queen.
7. The journey took 44 days.
8. They received £ 10,000 from the newspaper.

4. Answer the questions.

1. Why do you think these pilots went on these journeys?
2. Was it for money or was it for something else?
3. Would you like to go on a similar journey?
5. Look at these sentences from the article. Answer the questions.
Four aeroplanes didn’t finish the journey.
The newspaper didn’t give them 10,000.
1. What is the auxiliary verb in past simple negative sentences?
2. Does the negative auxiliary change for I/you/we/they or he/she/it?
3. What form of the verb is after the negative auxiliary?
Activity 2: Grammar - Past simple (questions and short answers) – page 83
UNIT 7: GRAMMAR: Past simple – page 83
LEAD-IN: Read the text below about Tracy and answer the questions.
Yesterday, I went to the movie theatre with my friends to see “The Avengers: End Game”
at 2pm. There were a lot of fans there and it was very difficult to buy the tickets but after
2 hours lining and waiting, we could finally purchase the last tickets of that day. The film
was so interesting that we agreed to watch it again this weekend.
1. Did Tracy stay at home yesterday? Yes/No?
2. Who did she go to the movie theatre with? Her family? Her friends?
Past Simple: Questions and short answers
A. Yes –No questions:

Did S V-bare?
Did they work in London?

B. Short answers:

C. Wh – questions:
Wh Did S V-bare?
Why did they work in London?

D. Ex: - Did she do her homework?

- Yes, she did. – No, she didn’t.
- Where did she do her homework?
- At home.

PRACTICE Exercise : Past( regular & irregular ) Yes/No Questions

1. The students arrived for the test.
Question: Did the students arrive for the test?
Answer: Yes, they did.
Answer: No, they didn’t
2. Mrs. Smith had a good time at the party.
Answer: Yes,………………………………………………………………………….…
Answer: No, ……………..……………………………………………………..…….…
3. John’s cat ate all the food.
Answer: Yes,…………………………………….…………………………….…………
Answer: No, …………………………………………………………………..…………
5. They studied all day for the exam.
Answer: Yes,…………………………….……………………………………….….……
Answer: No, …………………………………………………………………..…….……
6. The woman crossed the street.
Answer: Yes,………………………………………………………………………………
Answer: No, ……………………………………………………………………………...
Further resource: Here is a flashcard of “Past Simple: Questions and short answers” . You can
download and set it as your computer’s screen to memorize the form.

Activity 3: Vocabulary Journey adjectives – page 84

UNIT 7: VOCABULARY: PRACTICE Journey adjectives – Page 84 (Life Elementary –
Student’s book)
Look at the table below to see what these words mean and how they are used. Make 2 more example
sentences for each word.

New word Pronunciation Definition Example

Difficult /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ hard to do, Things are a bit

understand, or deal difficult at home at
with. the moment.
Dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/  able or likely to har It’s dangerous for a
m or kill you woman to walk
alone at night.

Slow /sləʊ / not moving, being The car was

done, or happening travelling at a very
quickly  slow speed.

Long   /lɒŋ/ continuing Liz lives in

or travelling a great Cheltenham, which
distance from one is a long way away.
place to another.

New word Pronunciation Definition Example

Journey /ˈdʒɜːni/ an occasion when They arrived tired
you travel from one place to from their long
another, especially over a journey.
long distance.

Immigrant  /ˈɪməɡrənt/ someone who enters another The majority of

country to live there workers at the factory
permanently are recent
Season /ˈsiːzən/  one of the main periods into In the rainy season,
which a year is divided, each roads became a
of which has a particular type quagmire.
of weather 

Across /əˈkrɒs/  from one side of something This street's too busy

to the other to walk across.

Activity 4: Speaking Think about a journey you made in the past – page 83

Think about a journey you made in the past. Answer the questions

 Where did you go?

 Why did you go?
 How did you travel there?
 Did you have any problems?
 How long did the journey take?

Lesson 2:

Activity 1: Vocabulary – Animal migrations – page 84

VOCABULARY: Animal migrations – page 84 (Life Elementary – Student’s book)
Look at the photo and answer the questions.
1. What can you see? Wildebeest?
2. Where are they going? Serengeti ? Kenya?
VOCABULARY: PRACTICE Animal migrations – page 84
1. Read the text. What kind of journey does it describe?
2. These adjectives describe travel and journeys. Find the opposite adjectives in the text
easy fast safe short

Activity 2: Grammar – Comparative adjectives page – 84

LEAD – IN: Look at the photo below and answer the questions.
1. Is the yellow bottle bigger than the orange one?

2. Is the yellow bottle smaller than the pink one?

3. The pink bottle is bigger than the orange one, isn’t it?

4. Which bottle is the biggest one?

5. Which bottle is the smallest one?


VIDEO: Watch the video below to learn how to form “ Comparative Adjectives”:

GRAMMAR: Comparative Adjectives – page 84
 Comparison 1: cheaper, more expensive (so sánh hơn)
a. Tính từ ngắn: - tính từ có một âm tiết: hot, small, tall,….
- tính từ có 2 âm tiết tận cùng bằng le, er, et, ow hoặc y: gentle, clever, quiet,
narrow, happy, noisy,...
S be Adj-er than O.

He is taller than his brother.

The are stronger than the girls.

b. Tính từ dài: tính từ có 2 âm tiết không tận cùng bằng le, er, et, ow hoặc y và 3 âm tiết
hoặc hơn: crowded, interesting, beautiful, expensive,…
S be more /less Adj than O.
The city is more expensive than the countryside.

She is more beautiful than her mother.

c. Một số trường hợp bất quy tắc:
Good better
Bad worse
Far further/farther
GRAMMAR: PRACTICE Comparative Adjectives – page 84
Exercise :Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences
1. Summer/winter/hot
Answer: Summer is hotter than winter.
2. Football/bowling/exciting
Answer:  ………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Asia/ Europe/big
Answer:  ………………………………………….…………………………………...….
4. Weekends/weekdays/good
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………
5. Cats /lions/small
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………
6. John/ Tracy/ busy
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………
Horses/ cows/fast
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………
8. This movie/that movie/ interesting
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………
9. The sun / the moon/ far
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………
10. My grandfather/my grandmother/old
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………
11. I/ my friend/tired
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………
12. January/ August/cold
Answer:  ………………………………………….………………………………………

GRAMMAR PRACTICE : Comparative Adjectives – page 84

7. Complete the table with comparative adjectives

Adjective Comparative Adjective

big 1………………..

cold 2………………..

hot 3………………..

dangerous 4………………..

cheap 5………………..

expensive 6………………..

long 7………………..

interesting 8………………..

easy 9………………..

high 10………………..

Activity 3: Listening 4.2.3 – page 85

LISTENING – asking about a trip - page 88
Look at the photo below and answer the questions.
1. What are these animals’ names?
2. What do you know about them? Are they land animals?
3. What do you want to find out?
4. 2.3 Look at three animals on page 85 and listen to a biologist describing their migrations.

Match the animals (1-3) with the distances (a-c)

1. saiga
2. loggerhead turtle
3. tree frog

a. 30 metres.
b. 35 kilometres per day
c. 14,000 kilometres in fifteen years

male (n/adj) /meɪl/ [male symbol]

female [n/adj]  /ˈfiːmeɪl/[female symbol]
calf [n]/kɑːf/: a baby saiga
lay eggs/le:jeɡz/ : when a female animal
produces eggs
5. 2.3 Listen again. Answer the questions.
1. Where does the saiga live?
2. What does the female saiga have in the spring?
3. Where does the loggerhead turtle leave as a baby?
4. Where does the female lay her eggs?
5. Where does the tree frog lay its eggs?
Activity 4: Pronunciation – page 85

PRONUNCIATION – page 85 (Life Elementary – Student’s book)

9. Pronunciation stresses and weak syllables /ə/

2.4 Listen to the stressed and weak syllables in the sentences. Then listen again and repeat.
/ə/ /ə/
1. Africa is hotter than Europe.
/ə/ /ə/
2. Australia isn’t colder than Antarctica.
Lesson 3:

Activity 1: Grammar: superlative adjectives – page 86

VIDEO: Watch the video below to learn how to form “ Superlative Adjectives”:


Grammar: Superlative Adjectives– page 86

a. a. Tính từ ngắn:- tính từ có một âm tiết: hot, small, tall,….
- tính từ có 2 âm tiết tận cùng bằng le, er, et, ow hoặc y: gentle, clever, quiet, narrow,
happy, noisy,...
S be the Adj-est

She is the tallest girl in the class.

He is the smartest member in the group.

b. Tính từ dài: tính từ có 2 âm tiết không tận cùng bằng le, er, et, ow hoặc y và 3 âm tiết hoặc hơn:
crowded, interesting, beautiful, expensive,…
S be the most Adj-est

My car is the least expensive one in the store.

He is the most intelligent student in his class.

c. Trường hợp đặc biệt:

Good the best.
Bad the worse
Little the least
Far the furthest/farthest.
GRAMMAR PRACTICE Superlative Adjectives – page 86

9. Complete the quiz about the planets in our solar system with the superlative form of adjectives. Then
answer the questions.
1. Which planet is …………………… (near) to the Sun?
2. Which planet is …………………… (easy) to see in the sky?
3. Which planet is ……………………...(far) from the Earth?
4. Which planet is the…………………..(good) for human life?
5. Which planet is the…………………...(hot)?
Further resource: Here is a flashcard of “ Comparative and Superlative Adjectives” . You can
download and set it as your computer ’s screen to memorize the form.
Activity 2: Reading – 7c The longest journey in space - page 88

7c The longest journey in space – page 88

1. Do you think it’s important to travel in space? Why? Why not?
2. Look at the photos and read the caption on page 87. What is the name of the spacecraft? What did it
take photos of?
3. Read the article. Answer the questions.
1. How many Voyager spacecraft did NASA send into the solar system?
2. Which planets did Voyager 1 visit?
3. Which planets did Voyager 2 visit?
4. Where are the Voyager spacescrafts now?

4. Read the article again. Replace the underlined words in the sentences (1-7) with these words.
Florida - Jupiter’s - Neptune - outside the solar system – Saturn -
- Uranus - Voyager 2
1. NASA sent Voyager 1 and 2 from here.
2. It had a mechanical problem with the camera.
3. This planet is famous for its rings.
4. Scientists learned a lot about its weather.
5. Voyager 2 went to this planet last.
6. This planet is very cold and has lots of ice.
7. Voyager 1 and 2 are on a journey there now.
Activity 3: Listening Real life –asking about a trip – page 87

Real life asking about a trip

4.2.5 Doctor Egan is a biologist. Listen to two conversations he has about his trip. For each conversation,
answer these questions.
1. Is Doctor Egan still on the trip or he back in his own country?
2. What parts of the trip does the other person ask about?
3. What is Doctor Egan’s answer? What adjectives does he use?
5.2.5 Listen again and complete the questions from the conversations.

 Asking about the trip

1……………………...….your flight?


3………………….try the local food?

4. What ……..the weather………..?

5. Why? What……………………..?

Activity 4: Vocabulary 7 d How was your trip – page 88

VOCABULARY: PRACTICE 7d How was your trip? – page 88 (Life Elementary – Student’s
Vocabulary journey, travel or trip?
1. Look at the sentences (1-3). Then match the nouns journey, travel and trip to the definitions (a-c)
1. My journey through the Gobi desert was amazing! It took three months.
2. Travel is good for you because you learn about different places.
3. I had a short business trip to Berlin for two days.

a. the activity of going from one place to another place.

b. when you travel a long distance from one place to another place.
c. when you travel somewhere for a short time and return to same place.

3. Look at the pictures from a work trip. Which of these words can you use to describe each part of the
comfortable delicious really useful tiring terrible very interesting
Lesson 4:

Activity 1: Speaking
A. Pre- speaking
Activity 1: Crossword puzzle.


1. a small official document that you get from your government that proves who you are, and
which you need in order to leave your country and enter other countries

2. an arrangement Traveller
to have something ( a room, a seat, a table) held for your use at a later time.
Nick Barlow loves his work. He’s a British
3. non-taxed
actor and he travels around the world
a mark orTVstamp
programmes. ‘People
on a passport welcome
that allows someone to stay in a country
me everywhere I go and when I get home, I
a place where travellers
all the can sleep
wonderful andthat
things find other services
happened in each country.’ Nick has
6. when something does not happen or start when it should be
travelled to many places but there are a few
7.the that
of he wouldwhen
arriving; still someone
like to make. ‘I’d
or something arrives somewhere
love to visit South America and go back to
Australia one day,’ he says.
8. a piece of paper that allows you to travel on a vehicle
On each trip, Nick travels with a team of people. They bring the cameras and other
you do when you receive dollars for your VND

havingword for “holiday
a good carry-oninluggage”
Australia. When we arrived two weeks
(1)_______ , the weather was bad and (2) _______ was cold. Now the weather is
better and we go to the beach (3)_______ day.
11. to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones that are far away
This week we (4)_______ staying in Sydney but (5) _______ week we went to
B. While- speaking:
Great Barrier Reef. Because the (6)_______ was so warm, I loved swimming
there. The
Activity fish were
2: Answer theall different (7)_______ : red, yellow, purple! Australia
(8)_______ verySay:beautiful. We don’t want (9)_______ home!
1. What’s your name?
2. (10)_______ What
Where do you come tofrom?
bring and why he/she needs it/them
See you the end of September.
3. Where did you How to get
go last to theholiday?
summer camp site
Sue 4.5. Did
How did you Where
get there?
and when you will meet your friend
you book the hotel in advance?
6. What did you do there?( shopping, sightseeing, etc..)

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