Mailbox Importer: Reference Guide

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Mailbox Importer

Reference Guide


Installation Guide
Administration Guide
User Guide

Foundation EP3
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The software described in this document is
furnished only under a separate license agreement and may be used or copied only according to the terms of
such agreement. It is against the law to copy the software except as specifically allowed in the license
agreement. This document or accompanying materials contains certain information which is confidential
information of Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates, and which is subject to the confidentiality provisions
agreed to by you.
All data, names, and formats used in this document’s examples are fictitious unless noted otherwise.
Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under
copyright law, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or
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Hyland® and Hyland Software®, as well as Hyland product names, are registered and/or unregistered
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trademarks, service marks, trade names and products of other companies are the property of their respective
© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Document Name .......................................................................................................... Mailbox Importer
Department/Group.......................................................................................................... Documentation
Revision Number ............................................................................................................Foundation EP3

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates ii

Mailbox Importer
Table of Contents

Applications ...............................................................................................................................................1
Licensing .....................................................................................................................................................1


Requirements ............................................................................................................................................3
General Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Licensing............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Installation .................................................................................................................................................3
Installer Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Installer User Permissions................................................................................................................................... 5
Installer .NET Framework Requirements............................................................................................................ 5
Installation using the MSI Installer ......................................................................................................6
Running the Installer ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Change, Repair, or Remove an Installation ....................................................................................................... 10
Mailbox Importer Command Line Installation Options.................................................................................... 10
Feature Names ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 11
DB_SERVICE_USER .............................................................................................................................. 11
DB_SERVICE_PASS .............................................................................................................................. 11
NTSERVICE_USE_DOMAIN_ACCOUNT .............................................................................................. 11
NTSERVICE_USER ............................................................................................................................... 12
NTSERVICE_PASS ............................................................................................................................... 12
SERVICE_LOCATION_NT_AUTH ......................................................................................................... 12
SERVICE_LOCATION_DISPLAY_NAME .............................................................................................. 12
SERVICE_LOCATION_SERVICE_PATH ............................................................................................... 12
SERVICE_LOCATION_DATA_SOURCE ................................................................................................ 12
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 13
Enabling Messages in the Diagnostics Console .............................................................................................. 13
Viewing Messages in the OnBase Client .......................................................................................................... 14
Testing Mail Server Connections ...................................................................................................................... 14
Potential Issues.................................................................................................................................................. 15
Attached Message File Formats ............................................................................................................... 15
Signatures ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Switches ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
General ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Contacting Support ............................................................................................................................... 16

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates iii

Mailbox Importer
Table of Contents


Configuration Overview ...................................................................................................................... 19
Example of a Mailbox Importer Configuration ................................................................................................. 19
Definitions........................................................................................................................................................... 20
Mailbox Importer Document Types................................................................................................................... 20
Mailbox Importer Keyword Types ..................................................................................................................... 21
Setup ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Adding an Account............................................................................................................................................. 22
Adding an IMAP, POP3, or EWS Account .................................................................................................. 23
Adding an MS Graph Account ................................................................................................................... 26
Changing Account Settings ................................................................................................................ 30
Renaming an Account ......................................................................................................................... 31
Making an Account Active or Inactive .............................................................................................................. 31
Account Rules..................................................................................................................................................... 35
Rule Behavior .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Adding a Rule .............................................................................................................................................. 36
Renaming a Rule .................................................................................................................................. 39
Changing Rule Actions ........................................................................................................................ 39
Adding Conditions to a Rule ............................................................................................................... 40
Updating Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 44
Deleting Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 46
Applying Rules to an Account ........................................................................................................................... 48
Encryption Keys ..................................................................................................................................... 50
Revoking Encryption Keys ................................................................................................................................. 51
Assigning an OAuth2 Profile to Accounts ........................................................................................................ 53
Migrating Accounts to Use an MS Graph Type ................................................................................................ 55
The Mailbox Importer Configuration File ....................................................................................... 57
Configuring the Application Server and Account Information ........................................................................ 58
Hyland.MailboxImporter .................................................................................................................................... 58
Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 59
System Interaction ................................................................................................................................ 59
Exporting and Importing .................................................................................................................................... 59
Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 60
Studio .......................................................................................................................................................... 60


Usage ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
Special Considerations for Users of Mailbox Importer ................................................................ 62

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates iv

Mailbox Importer
Table of Contents

Illegal Attachment Name Characters................................................................................................................ 62

Failed Email Upload and Download .................................................................................................................. 63
Invalid or Corrupt Attachments ................................................................................................................. 63
Email with non-Unique ID ........................................................................................................................... 63
Failed to Connect to the Mail Server................................................................................................................. 63
Archiving from a POP3 Email Connection ........................................................................................................ 63
Accounts Requiring HTTPS Connections ......................................................................................................... 63

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates v


The Mailbox Importer module lets you configure OnBase to automatically import new
messages from an email server that supports the IMAP, POP3, or Exchange Web Services
(EWS) protocol. Email messages become documents and, through the definition of conditions
and rules, each document is associated with a Document Type.
When Mailbox Importer is running, email messages that arrive in your inbox are entered into
OnBase without user intervention. Attachments are captured in the same way. Email messages
and their attachments can be sent directly to a scan queue for further indexing. Additionally,
image attachments can be automatically run through an OCR process upon import.

• Human Resources departments can use Mailbox Importer to sort and archive
resumes. For example, accounts can be configured to separate resumes based on
the position applied for.
• Technical Support departments can use Mailbox Importer to poll a central support
email account. Email concerning technical issues can then populate a Workflow that
load balances the issues and assures that follow-up is complete.
• Loan processing centers can use Mailbox Importer to identify and archive incoming
loan inquiries.

The Mailbox Importer module requires a Mailbox Importer license, a valid Client license, and
proper licensing of a third-party email application that supports the IMAP or POP3 protocol.
The Mailbox Importer module’s OCR functionality requires a valid Batch OCR or Ad-hoc
Document OCR license.
The Mailbox Importer module’s ability to send email messages and their attachments directly
to a scan queue requires a valid Document Imaging license.
Check your current licensing status by selecting Utils | Product Licenses from the
Configuration module.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 1

Mailbox Importer

Installation Guide

Foundation EP3

The following sections outline requirement information specific to Mailbox Importer in OnBase
Foundation EP3.

General Requirements
For general requirement information that applies to Mailbox Importer and other modules, see
the sections on the following topics in the Installation Requirements manual:
• Database Requirements
• Supported Desktop Operating Systems
• Microsoft .NET Framework Requirements
• General C++ Requirements
• Client Retrieval Workstation Hardware Requirements
• Miscellaneous Requirements

See Licensing on page 1 for licensing requirements.

Standard (EXE or MSI) Installers — There are two methods for running OnBase installers:
Interactive and silent. An interactive installation requires user interaction with dialog boxes
during the installation process. A silent installation does not require user interaction during the
installation process.
OnBase installers may consist of both an executable file (.exe ) and a Windows Installer
Package file ( .msi ). When performing an interactive installation, and both an executable file
and MSI are available, use the executable file to ensure a complete installation. The executable
validates that all prerequisites are met before proceeding with the installation. If any missing
prerequisites are identified, the installer alerts the user. Most missing prerequisites can be
installed directly from the installer before continuing the installation process.

Note: The Microsoft .NET Framework prerequisite must always be installed separately before
running either the EXE or MSI installer.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 3

Mailbox Importer

When performing a silent installation, and both an executable file and MSI are available, use the
MSI. Since the MSI package does not validate prerequisites, you must ensure that Windows
Installer 3.0 or greater is installed on each workstation and that all other prerequisites are met
before running the MSI. If any prerequisites are not met, a silent installation from the MSI will
fail without alerting the user.
For more information about configuring a silent installation, see
ClickOnce Installers — Some OnBase modules are installed for deployment using ClickOnce.
ClickOnce is a Microsoft technology that installs a deployment package to a central server.
This package can then be accessed by users to install the application on their local
workstations. The application is installed entirely under the user’s profile, ensuring that it
cannot interfere with other applications installed on the workstation.
ClickOnce deployments also have the following advantages:
• Previously installed versions of the module can be easily and automatically updated
to the latest version with little or no user interaction, as long as the deployment
server and deployment instance name are not changed.
• The module is installed on a per-user basis and does not require administrator
privileges for local installation.
• There can be multiple instances of the module deployed, allowing for different
versions of the module to be installed on a per-user basis, to match the version
requirements of the workstation it is being installed to.
For more information on Microsoft’s ClickOnce technology see

Note: ClickOnce-deployed applications are not supported by Microsoft within a Remote

Desktop environment.

OnBase modules that are deployed using ClickOnce should either take advantage of the
ClickOnce deployment method as an alternative to a Remote Desktop deployment, or the
module should be installed using a standard installer and deployed using the Remote Desktop

Note: Not all OnBase modules that support ClickOnce have a standard installer available.
Contact your first line of support if you are unsure how to install and deploy a specific module.

User Account Control (UAC) — If Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, the installer
must be run with elevated administrator privileges, even if an administrator is currently logged
on. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the installer executable and selecting Run as
Administrator from the right-click menu. MSI files cannot be run using the Run as
Administrator option. Instead, you must launch the MSI package using the command line. For
more information on installing files through the command line, refer to your Microsoft support
information or see
Silent Installation Using setup.exe — If you are running setup.exe silently from the command
line you must use the /q switch and the /CompleteCommandArgs switch, followed by the
required command-line arguments.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 4

Mailbox Importer

The q switch specifies quiet mode and is required to suppress the GUI. The
CompleteCommandArgs switch must be followed by the command-line parameters required to
configure and install the desired components.
The complete string of command-line parameters must be included in double quotes after the
CompleteCommandArgs switch. If a parameter in the string also requires double quotes, those
quotes must be escaped using \ . For example: setup.exe /q /CompleteCommandArgs
"INSTALL_PROPERTY=\"my value\" INSTALL_PROPERTY_2=\"my value 2\"" .

Note: You should check the return value of the setup.exe process. A return value of 0 (zero)
indicates success. Any other value returned may indicate that an error was encountered and
the installation failed.

Installer Prerequisites
The installer must be run on operating systems that support the Windows® Installer 3.0+
The installer setup executable ( setup.exe ) detects most of the prerequisites for the module
that are also required for installation and installs them, if necessary. If the installer fails to run,
install all of the requirements for the module separately before relaunching the installer.
Module requirements can be found in the installation chapters of the corresponding module
reference guides.

Note: If installation is being performed using the installer MSI file, the requirements for the
module must be installed before launching the installer.

Installer User Permissions

You must be logged on to the installation machine with administrator privileges in order to run
the installer.
If installing under Windows operating systems with UAC enabled, the installer must be run with
elevated administrator privileges, even if the user currently logged in is an administrator.

Installer .NET Framework Requirements

The installer must be run on a machine that meets the .NET Framework requirements of the
module being installed. Module requirements can be found in the installation chapters of the
corresponding module reference guides.
OnBase requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later. The .NET Framework can be
obtained from the Microsoft Download Center at

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 5

Mailbox Importer

Installation using the MSI Installer

Mailbox Importer is only installed by using an MSI installer. The following section describe how
to install Mailbox Importer using the MSI Installer.

Running the Installer

Launch the Mailbox Importer by executing the Hyland Mailbox Importer Service Windows
Installer Package. This executable is usually located in the \install\Mailbox Importer\ folder of
your source installation files.

Note: If the installer is being copied from the source location to be run from a different
location, the entire Mailbox Importer folder and its contents must be copied to the new

1. The Hyland Mailbox Importer installation welcome dialog is displayed.

2. Click Next . The Destination Folder dialog box is displayed.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 6

Mailbox Importer

3. Enter the top-level installation directory in the field provided, or click Change to browse
to it.

Note: This location does not affect components not installed under the top-level directory. If
the installer provides for the installation of multiple components, the specific installation
locations of each component can be changed later in the installation process.

If Change is clicked the Change destination folder dialog box is displayed.

Enter a Folder name in the field provided or select it from the Look in drop-down list,
then click OK .
If the Destination Folder is not changed, the default location is used.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 7

Mailbox Importer

4. Click Next . The Service Location dialog box is displayed.

5. In the Display Name field, enter a user-friendly name for the service location.
6. In the Service Path field, enter the full URL to the Service.asmx page on the OnBase
application server. For example, http://MachineName/AppServer/Service.asmx.
7. In the Data Source field, enter the ODBC connection for the data source this component
will use to connect to OnBase.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 8

Mailbox Importer

8. Click Next . The NT Service User Account dialog box is displayed.

9. If you would like to specify if a domain account should be used to run the NT Service,
select the Specify domain account to run NT Service box. If you select this option,
continue to step 11. If you decide to not specify a domain account, continue to step 14.
10. If you selected Specify domain account to run NT Service, enter the domain account
user name in the User Name text field.
11. If you selected Specify domain account to run NT Service, enter the domain account
password in the Password text field.
12. If you selected Specify domain account to run NT Service , enter the domain account
password again in the Confirm Password text field.
13. Click Next . The OnBase Service Account dialog box is displayed.
14. In the User Name text field, enter the user name of the service account that has been
configured in OnBase under Users | User Names/Passwords
15. In the Password text field, enter the password of the service account that has been
configured in OnBase under Users | User Names / Passwords .
16. Click Next . The Ready to install dialog box is displayed.
17. Click Install to continue with the installation, or click Cancel to cancel the installation.
18. When the installation is complete, click Finish .
In order to ensure that the required system settings take effect, it is a best practice to

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 9

Mailbox Importer

restart the installing machine once the installer has finished.

Change, Repair, or Remove an Installation

After initial installation, the setup program can be used to change, repair, or remove
components from a previous installation. After launching setup.exe or the *.msi installation
package, and clicking Next at the welcome dialog, the Change, repair, or remove installation
dialog box is displayed.
Select the option for the actions you wish to perform:

Option Description

Change Add or remove components using the Custom Setup dialog.

Note: This option is not available if the installer has no independently

selectable features.

The steps for adding selected components are the same as those under the
Component Selection section of the installation instructions, if applicable to
the installer.

Note: Change does not allow you to alter configuration options originally set
during a previous installation of components contained in the installer.

Repair Repair errors in the most recent installation of the component, such as
missing and corrupt files, shortcuts, and registry entries.

Note: This option is not available from all installers. Repair does not include
errors made in the configuration options set by the user during installation.
For specific troubleshooting information regarding an installed component,
see the module reference guide for that component.

Remove Removes all previously installed components.

Mailbox Importer Command Line Installation Options

When running the installation for Mailbox Importer from the command line, there are several
variables that can be used to control those aspects of the installation available from the user

Note: If the requirements for installation are not met, you are prompted to run the Mailbox
Importer installer with the user interface in order to install the required files. See Running the
Installer on page 6 for more information.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 10

Mailbox Importer

Feature Names
You can control the installation of components from the command line using the ADDLOCAL
property. Each OnBase component is assigned a feature name. To install a component, pass its
feature name to the installer using the ADDLOCAL property.
The table below lists the feature name for each component.

Note: Feature names are case sensitive and must be added to the command line exactly as
they appear below.

Component Feature Name

Mailbox Importer SubscriptionServer

The ADDLOCAL property is appended to the end of the install command line, as shown here:
msiexec.exe / i "Hyland Mailbox Importer.msi" ADDLOCAL=SubscriptionServer

Configuration Options
The following properties can be used during installation of Mailbox Importer.

The user name for the OnBase service account that the installed services use to connect to
OnBase. This user account must be configured as a Service Account in OnBase (see the
Configuration module help files for information on creating a Service Account).
For example: DB_SERVICE_USER="user name"

The password for the DB_SERVICE_USER user name entered.
For example: DB_SERVICE_PASS="password"

Enter 1 to run the installed services under a specified domain account. Leave empty to not
specify a domain account. If you do not specify a domain account, the installed services run
under the Local System account. If this property is not included, the default value of 1 is used
and a domain account must be specified.

Note: The domain account specified must have sufficient privileges under the domain to install
and run services. The installer assigns the Log on as a service privilege to the user account
entered. In most cases, this privilege is all that is required.



© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 11

Mailbox Importer

The domain user account to use if NTSERVICE_USE_DOMAIN_ACCOUNT is set to 1 . This must
be entered in the domain\username format. If this property is not included, the default value of
domain\username is used.
For example: NTSERVICE_USER ="domain\username"
Required when NTSERVICE_USE_DOMAIN_ACCOUNT is set to 1 .

The password for the NTSERVICE_USER user name entered.
For example: NTSERVICE_PASS = "password"
Required when NTSERVICE_USE_DOMAIN_ACCOUNT is set to 1 .

Indicates if the Service Location will use Active Directory or LDAP Authentication.
Set this property to true to enable Active Directory or LDAP Authentication, set to false
For example: SERVICE_LOCATION_NT_AUTH="true"

Indicates the Service Location Display Name.
Set this property to the Service Location Display Name.

Indicates the Service Location Service Path.
Set this property to the Service Location Display Name.
For example: SERVICE_LOCATION_SERVICE_PATH="https://[WebSite]/[Directory]/

Indicates the Service Location Data Source.
Set this property to the name of the Service Location Data Source.
For example: SERVICE_LOCATION_DATA_SOURCE="DataSourceName"

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 12

Mailbox Importer

While the Mailbox Importer is enabled, users with Administrative rights can view messages
posted by the Mailbox Importer. Viewing these messages may aid in troubleshooting your
These messages can be accessed in two places:
• Mailbox Importer tab in the Diagnostics Console
• The OnBase Client
Messages viewed in the OnBase Client are errors and warnings from the database only. All
other information in regards to running Mailbox Importer can be viewed from the Diagnostics

Enabling Messages in the Diagnostics Console

When the Mailbox Importer is enabled, messages can be viewed in the Diagnostics Console. To
enable messages from the Mailbox Importer in the Diagnostics Console, the traceEnabled
setting must be configured in the Mailbox Importer configuration file.
To enable messages in the Diagnostics Console:
1. Open the Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe.config file. By default, the
Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe.config file is located in C:\Program Files
(x86)\Hyland\Services\Mailbox Importer .
2. Configure the following settings within the Hyland.MailboxImporter node:

Setting Name Description

traceEnabled Enter true as the value to use the Diagnostics Console to display all
messages that are displayed in the Mailbox Importer console window. These
messages are displayed on the Mailbox Importer tab in the Diagnostics

traceLevel Enter the level of logging for the Mailbox Importer service. The levels that
can be entered are: Trace , Verbose , Warning , or Error .

Note: This value is case sensitive.

3. Configure the logging level for Mailbox Importer messages within the Hyland.Logging
section, under the DiagnosticsConsole route. The log level controls the types of
messages that are logged to Mailbox Importer log files.
For more information on configuring the logging level, see the section on setting the log
level in the Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console documentation.
4. Save and close the Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe.config file.
For more information on the Mailbox Importer configuration file, see The Mailbox Importer
Configuration File on page 57.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 13

Mailbox Importer

For more information on the Diagnostics Console in general, see the Diagnostics Service and
Diagnostics Console documentation.

Viewing Messages in the OnBase Client

If a user holds Manager or Administrative rights, they will be able to view errors and warnings
that occur in the database. To access these messages:
1. Open the OnBase Client.
2. Navigate to Admin | Transaction Logs | View All Messages | Mailbox Importer Log .
3. Click Yes when asked to run an unrestricted query.
4. The Mailbox Importer transaction log is displayed. Error messages and warnings from
the database can be viewed here.

Testing Mail Server Connections

If issues arise concerning connections to the mail server, you can run a test to verify whether
the mail server is configured and installed properly.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 14

Mailbox Importer

To test mail server connections:

1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the location of Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe .
In a default installation, this is located in C:\Program Files
(x86)\Hyland\Services\Mailbox Importer .
2. Enter Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe /test and then the parameters to be tested
and their corresponding values. Not all available parameters have to be used during
testing, and they do not have to be entered in any particular order. However, the
parameter must always be followed by its corresponding value. For example, -port
993 . The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description

-port The port number used for the mail server account.

Note: If the configured Account Type is using EWS, a port number is not

-username The user name for the associated mail account. Typically, this is an email

-accountType The type of account the mail server uses. For example, IMAP , POP3 , or

-useSSL Whether the account uses SSL encryption. The value is either true or
false .

-serverURL The mail server account address. For example, .

Note: Ensure that the parameters in the command line match exactly the values entered in the
Account Settings and Mail Account dialog boxes in the Configuration module. For more
information on locating these dialog boxes, see the section on adding an account in the
Configuration chapter of the Mailbox Importer module reference guide.

For example, to test all the available parameters, enter the following command line:
Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe /test -serverURL
-port 993 -username -accounttype imap -usessl true
3. Execute the command. If the -username parameter was entered, you are prompted to
enter a password. The server is tested, and either a successful or failed connection is
displayed. If a failed connection is encountered, a failure reason is also displayed.

Potential Issues
Attached Message File Formats
My email has an attachment that is in the .msg file format, but when archived, it’s an .eml
file. Why is this?

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 15

Mailbox Importer

The attachment’s Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) format is actually that of a
multi-part MIME message and is being properly archived.

In my email client, I configured a signature to be displayed on outgoing messages, but it isn’t
When using the OnBase Mail Message Dialog Box, signatures are not available. To display
signatures, compose emails in the native email client dialog.

When I launch the OnBase client, I receive the following message:
Subscription Server has been redesigned and is no longer part of the client executable. This
message is a reminder to update the mailbox setup in the configuration executable to
continue processing the mailbox handled by this workstation. For more information, see the
Mailbox Importer module reference guide or contact your support representative. After
updating the configuration you can prevent this message from appearing on startup by
removing the -SUBSRVR and -SSAUTOLOAD command line switches.
Versions of Mailbox Importer prior to OnBase 14 required the -SUBSRVR and the -SSAUTOLOAD
switches to perform certain tasks. This is no longer the case. Mailbox Importer no longer relies
on the OnBase Client to operate. If you have successfully upgraded to and configured Mailbox
Importer for OnBase 14.0.0 or beyond, you may remove these switches from the OnBase Client

When I attempt to use or configure Mailbox Importer, I receive the following error message:
No public keys are available. The NT Service must be registered with the database to
configure Mailbox Importer.
The Mailbox Importer Service must be running. Check to make sure the Mailbox Importer
Service is running or, if it is already running, try restarting the service.

Contacting Support
When contacting your solution provider, please provide the following information:
• The OnBase module where the issue was encountered.
• The OnBase version and build.
• The type and version of the connected database, such as Microsoft SQL Server 2014
or Oracle 12c, and any Service Pack that has been installed.
• The operating system that the workstation is running on, such as Windows 10 or
Windows Server 2012 R2, and any Service Pack that has been installed. Check the
supported operating systems for this module to ensure that the operating system is

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 16

Mailbox Importer

• The name and version of any application related to the issue.

• The version of Internet Explorer and any Service Pack that has been installed, if
• A complete description of the problem, including actions leading up to the issue.
• Screenshots of any error messages.
Supplied with the above information, your solution provider can better assist you in correcting
the issue.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 17

Mailbox Importer

Administration Guide

Foundation EP3

Configuration Overview
Caution: If you have a previously-configured version of Mailbox Importer or Subscription
Server, an older version of the client must be used to configure and run the process. Mailbox
Importer for OnBase 14 requires the existing NT Service. By configuring a new instance of
Mailbox Importer or upgrading an older version, any existing Subscription Server configurations
are ruled incompatible. When configuring the service for the first time, the Update
Confirmation dialog is displayed: This will update any Existing Subscription Server
configuration to the new Mailbox Importer format. These changes are incompatible with
older versions of Subscription Server. Click Yes to update to Mailbox Importer.

In order to configure Mailbox Importer, you must have an understanding of how the Mailbox
Importer works. When configuring the Mailbox Importer, accounts , rules , actions , and
conditions are needed. Each account has rules applied to it, and each rule is made of
conditions and actions. In other words, conditions and actions control how rules work, and
rules control how accounts work.

Example of a Mailbox Importer Configuration

If you would like to import all attachments from Kevin Smith into OnBase as Document Type
Check Image:
4. You would first configure the email account to which Kevin Smith would be sending the
check images. You would make sure this account is active.
5. Next, a rule is needed that would define which emails are to be imported.
6. Actions would be applied to this rule. An action would designate that attachments from
Kevin Smith should be saved as the Check Image Document Type.
7. Conditions would be applied to this rule. A condition would indicate that emails with a
" From " value of Kevin Smith should be imported.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 19

Mailbox Importer

8. Assign the rule to the account created in Step 1.

Account - An account designates the email account through which Mailbox Importer processes
emails and attachments. Each account created in OnBase directly corresponds with an email
account on the server. An account is governed by rules.
Rule - Rules are applied to accounts and determine how these accounts behave - they
define the criteria for bringing a document into OnBase through an account. Rules can
be used on multiple accounts. Rules function according to the conditions and actions
applied to it.
Condition - Conditions allow you to designate which emails Mailbox Importer will import into
OnBase. Each rule is made of conditions.
Action - Actions determine how an email or an attachment are imported into OnBase. Actions
dictate which Document Type email messages and attachments will be imported as, which
Scan Queues they enter, and whether the message will be stored as plain text or not.

Mailbox Importer Document Types

Before configuring Mailbox Importer, you must create and configure the appropriate Document
Types to be associated with email and email attachments.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 20

Mailbox Importer

Mailbox Importer Keyword Types

Certain Keyword Types are pre-configured for use with Mailbox Importer. See the table below
for more information on these System Keyword Types:

Note: If the Use Local Time for Mail Date Keywords Global Client Setting is not selected, time
and date keywords are stored in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) format.

Keyword Type Description

MAIL Attachment This Keyword Type is used to store the number of attachments on the
Count email message.

MAIL Attachment This Keyword Type is used to store the name of the email attachment or
Name file.

Note: Each value in the field is stored as an individual instance of the

System Keyword Type.

Note: If the MAIL Attachment Name Keyword Type is assigned to the

Document Type used for email messages, each email message will be
indexed with each attachment name as a separate Keyword Value. If the
MAIL Attachment Name Keyword Type is assigned to the Document
Type used for attachments, each attachment will be indexed with its own
attachment name.

Note: Illegal characters in attachment names are replaced with

acceptable alternatives. For more information, see Illegal Attachment
Name Characters on page 62.

MAIL Cc This Keyword Type is used to store the value in the Carbon Copy field of
the email as it is displayed to the user.
MAIL Cc Address This Keyword Type is used to store the email address in the Carbon Copy
field of the email.
MAIL Date This Keyword Type is used to store the date on which the email was sent.
MAIL Date Time This Keyword Type is used to store the date and time on which the email
was sent.
MAIL Date Time This Keyword Type is used to store the date and time on which the email
Received was received.

MAIL From This Keyword Type is used to store the value in the From field as it is
displayed to the user.
MAIL From This Keyword Type is used to store the email address from which the
Address message was sent.

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Mailbox Importer

Keyword Type Description

MAIL MessageID This Keyword Type is used to store a value created when an item is
accepted into the mail system (e.g., a unique value created for the item
within the Exchange server).
MAIL State This system Keyword is not supported by the Mailbox Importer. Therefore,
a blank value is always stored for this system keyword.
MAIL Subject This Keyword Type is used to store the value contained in the Subject
field of the email.
MAIL To This Keyword Type is used to store the value stored in the To field as it is
displayed to the user.
MAIL To Address This Keyword Type is used to store the email address in the To field of
the email.

Note: The MAIL Certified , MAIL Return Path , and MAIL Bcc Keyword Types are not supported
for use with Mailbox Importer.

Caution: System Keyword Types should not be included in Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Groups. Doing so will cause documents to be improperly indexed. Additionally, the MAIL To
Address , MAIL Cc , MAIL Cc Address , and MAIL Attachment Name Keyword Types should not
be included in Keyword Type Groups because only the last value will be indexed.

The following topics outline the creation of accounts, rules, actions, and conditions and the
application of rules to accounts:
• Adding an Account on page 22
• Making an Account Active or Inactive on page 31
• Account Rules on page 35
• Applying Rules to an Account on page 48

Adding an Account
A mail account must be configured with the account’s server information and mail account
information, for example, user name and password. Rules and conditions are applied to these
configured mail accounts.

Note: The Mailbox Importer Service must be running prior to adding a mail account.

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Mailbox Importer

The following are considerations when creating a mail account:

• You cannot create a mail account that shares a name with a previously configured
mail account.
• You must configure Mailbox Importer to use an account that has access to Disk
Groups from your database.
• The same email address can be configured multiple times, but only if a different user
name is provided for each connection.
See the following sections based on the type of account you need to create:
• Adding an IMAP, POP3, or EWS Account on page 23
• Adding an MS Graph Account on page 26

Adding an IMAP, POP3, or EWS Account

You can create an IMAP, POP3, or EWS account to use with the Mailbox Importer service. An
account contains necessary information such as the username and password to the account

Note: The Mailbox Importer Service must be running prior to adding a mail account.

To add an IMAP, POP3, or EWS mail account:

1. From the Configuration module, select Import | Mailbox Importer | Accounts . The
Accounts dialog box is displayed.

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Mailbox Importer

2. Enter a unique name for the account in the field below the Accounts list and click
Create . The Account Settings dialog box is displayed.

3. From the Server Information section, enter the email server address in the Address /
Tenant ID field. For example, if you are connecting to an email server, the address
should be entered as https://[SERVER]/EWS/Exchange.asmx .

Note: The same email address can be configured multiple times, but only if a different user
name is provided for each connection.

4. In the Port field, enter the associated email port number. Ports are configurable and
may vary in different environments. The default ports are:
• IMAP (non-secure) Port = 143
• IMAP for secure HTTPS binding = 993
• POP (non-secure) Port = 110
• POP for secure HTTPS binding = 995

Note: A port number is not used with EWS. The Port field is disabled when EWS is selected
from the Type drop-down list.

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Mailbox Importer

5. In the Polling Period field, enter the number of minutes between polling periods. Polling
periods can range from a minimum of 1 minute to a maximum of 1,440 minutes.
The polling period takes effect after all messages are processed in the user’s mailbox.
If the polling period is set to 1 minute, a sleep cycle of 1 minute initiates after Mailbox
Importer connects to the configured mailbox and processes all messages. After the
sleep cycle ends, Mailbox Importer checks for new messages.
6. From the Type drop-down list, select the port type to associate with the account. The
available port type options are IMAP , POP3 , and EWS .

Note: When messages are archived into OnBase using a POP3 email connection, they are
automatically deleted from the email server.

7. Select Use SSL if the mail server address requires a connection using SSL or TLS.

Note: The Use SSL option is disabled when EWS is selected in the Type drop-down list.

8. In the Mail Account Information section, click Modify Mail Account . The Mail Account
dialog is displayed.

9. In the Username field, enter the user name or email address associated with the mail
account you want to use.
10. In the Password field, enter the password associated with the mail account.
11. In the Verify Password field, enter the password for the associated mail account again.
12. From the Workstation drop-down list, select the workstation to associate with the
13. Click OK . The Account Settings dialog is displayed.
14. If you are using an institutional database, select an institution from the Institution drop-
down list.

Note: For users with non-administrative rights, accounts designated an institution are only
displayed for users within that institution.

15. Click Save .

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 25

Mailbox Importer

Adding an MS Graph Account

You can create an MS Graph account if you have an Office 365 mail account with OAuth2
authentication. This type of account requires the Client ID and the Client Secret of your Office
365 mail account. A Client ID and Client Secret can be applied to multiple MS Graph accounts.

Note: The Mailbox Importer Service must be running prior to adding a mail account.

To add an MS Graph mail account:

1. From the Configuration module, select Import | Mailbox Importer | Accounts . The
Accounts dialog box is displayed.

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Mailbox Importer

2. Enter a unique name for the account in the field below the Accounts list and click
Create . The Account Settings dialog box is displayed.

3. From the Server Information section, enter the Tenant ID of the mail account in the
Address / Tenant ID field.

Note: A port number is not used with an MS Graph account. The Port field is disabled when MS
Graph is selected from the Type drop-down list.

4. In the Polling Period (Minutes) field, enter the number of minutes between polling
periods. Polling periods can range from a minimum of 1 minute to a maximum of 1,440
The polling period takes effect after all messages are processed in the user’s mailbox.
If the polling period is set to 1 minute, a sleep cycle of 1 minute initiates after Mailbox
Importer connects to the configured mailbox and processes all messages. After the
sleep cycle ends, Mailbox Importer checks for new messages.
5. From the Type drop-down list, select MS Graph as the port type to associate with the

Note: The Use SSL option is disabled when MS Graph is selected in the Type drop-down list.

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Mailbox Importer

6. In the Mail Account Information section, click Modify Mail Account . The Mail Account -
OAuth2 dialog box is displayed.

7. In the Username field, enter the user name or email address associated with the mail
account you want to use.
8. Click Web Integration Settings . The Web Integration Settings dialog box is displayed.

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Mailbox Importer

9. Click Create . The Web Integration Settings dialog box is displayed.

10. From the Integration Type drop-down list, select Mailbox Importer .
11. From the Service Type section, select Office 365 .
12. From the Settings section, in the Client ID field, enter your Office 365 account Client ID.
13. In the Client Secret field, enter your Office 365 account Client Secret.
14. Click Save and then click Close from the Web Integration Settings dialog box to return
to the Mail Account - OAuth2 dialog box.
15. From the OAuth2 Profile drop-down list, select your configured Client ID.
16. From the Workstation drop-down list, select your workstation to associate with the
17. Click OK . The Account Settings dialog box is displayed.
18. If you are using an institutional database, select an institution from the Institution drop-
down list.

Note: For users with non-administrative rights, accounts designated an institution are only
displayed for users within that institution.

19. Click Save .

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 29

Mailbox Importer

Changing Account Settings

The settings configured when the account was created can be changed. To view or modify
account settings:
1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Import | Mailbox Importer | Accounts .
2. Highlight the name of the desired account and click Settings :

3. The Account Settings dialog window is displayed. Make the appropriate changes and
click Save .

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 30

Mailbox Importer

Renaming an Account
To rename an existing account:
1. Double-click the name of the account in the Accounts list dialog box.
2. The Rename Mailbox Importer Dialog window is displayed.

3. Enter the new name in the New Name text field.

4. Click Save . The name change is reflected in the Accounts list dialog box.

Making an Account Active or Inactive

If multiple accounts are configured, you may make specific accounts active or inactive. This
allows you to choose which mail accounts you would like to upload and archive messages from
without deleting and re-adding temporarily unneeded accounts.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 31

Mailbox Importer

To make an account active or inactive:

1. From the Configuration module, select Import | Mailbox Importer | Accounts .
2. The Accounts list dialog box opens. Inactive accounts display an X in the Inactive

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Mailbox Importer

3. To activate an account, highlight the name of the inactive account and click Activate :

The X will be removed from the Inactive column to represent this change.
To deactivate an account, highlight the name of the active account and click Deactivate :

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 33

Mailbox Importer

An X will appear in the Inactive column to represent this change.

4. Close the Accounts list dialog box to save your changes.
5. If the Mailbox Importer is already running, reset the Application Server cache or restart
the Mailbox Importer service.

Caution: If the Mailbox Importer service is already running and an account is activated or
deactivated, the Application Server cache must be reset. If the cache is not reset, the changes
will not be reflected until the Mailbox Importer is restarted.

Caution: Using the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration or the Reset Server Cache
option in OnBase Studio may have a negative impact on system performance. Requests to the
Application Server will be forced to wait until the cache is rebuilt before they can be processed.
Depending on the size of the OnBase system, as well as the current server load, the
performance impact of resetting the cache may be severe.

To avoid performance issues, only reset the cache of the Application Server during off-peak
hours. For more information about the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration, see the
System Administration documentation. For more information about the Reset Server Cache
option in OnBase Studio, see the Studio documentation.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 34

Mailbox Importer

Account Rules
In order for email to be routed and indexed to the correct Document Type, the account must
include rules. A Rule consists of:
• the Document Type to be associated with the email,
• the Document Type to be associated with any email attachments,
• the Scan Queue to be associated with the email and any attachments, and
• the conditions that an email message must satisfy in order to be acknowledged by a
particular account.
Email messages that do not match a configured rule enter into the SYS Unidentified Emails
Document Type and their attachments enter into the SYS Unidentified Email Attachments
Document Type.

Rule Behavior
The following points describe rule behavior:
• Rules define the criteria for bringing a document into OnBase through an account.
• Multiple rules can be assigned to an account. If the incoming document meets the
criteria of any of the rules, it will be archived into OnBase according to the account.
• You can have multiple rules associated with an account.
• You can have multiple actions associated with a rule.
• The business need will help you decide how mail will arrive in a profile.
When an email qualifies for more than one rule, the email is accepted by the first rule in the
Rules list dialog box that it qualifies for. Then, the conditions for the rules are evaluated.

For example, if an email message qualified for the Import Receipt Images rule, the Import
Receipt Images Vendor 2 rule, and the Payroll Responses - NYC Office rule, it would be
processed by the Import Receipt Images rule first since it appears at the top of the Rules list
dialog box. The Import Receipt Images conditions are then evaluated.

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Mailbox Importer

If the conditions for the Import Receipt Images rule were not met, then the email message is
processed by the Import Receipt Images Vendor 2 rule since it is the second rule in the Rules
list dialog box. The conditions for the Import Receipt Images Vendor 2 rule are then evaluated.

Adding a Rule
After mail accounts are added, you can create rules to associate with the mail accounts. A rule
controls the determination of whether an external email message should be imported into
OnBase and in what format it should be uploaded.
To create a rule:
1. From the Configuration module, select Import | Mailbox Importer | Rules . The Rules
dialog box is displayed.

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Mailbox Importer

2. Enter a unique name for the rule in the field below the Rules list and click Create .

Note: You must enter a unique name. The Create button is disabled if you enter a name that
was used for a previously configured rule.

The Modify Actions dialog box is displayed.

3. From the Email Document Type drop-down list, select the Document Type to associate
with the body of an email. If None is selected, only associated email attachments are
uploaded. The email message is not uploaded.
4. From the Attachment Default Document Type drop-down list, select the Document Type
to associate with email attachments. If None is selected, only the email message is
uploaded. Any attachments are not uploaded.
5. From the Scan Queue drop-down list, select the Scan Queue to associate with the email
message and any email attachments.

Note: The Scan Queue drop-down list is only available if you are licensed with a valid
Document Imaging license. See the section on licensing in the Overview chapter of the Mailbox
Importer documentation.

6. From the Rule Name Keyword drop-down list, select the Keyword Type whose value can
be set to the unique name of the rule. The value of the selected Keyword Type is set
when the corresponding email message is archived.

Note: If None is entered in the Rule Name Keyword field, no Keyword Types are set to the
unique name of the rule during archive. Additionally, if None is entered in the Email Document
Type field, the Rule Name Keyword field is disabled.

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Mailbox Importer

7. Select any of the following options as needed:

Option Description

Store Email as plain text Converts incoming emails to plain text. When an email is stored
as plain text, the MAIL Date Time Keyword Value in the text file
is displayed based on whether your Application Server is
configured to use local time or UTC time. The following are
examples of what may be displayed for each type:
• Local time: Tue, 20 Jan 2020 7:44:35 -05:00
• UTC time: Tue, 30 Jan 2020 12:44:35 Z

Note: Local time and UTC time is determined by the Use local
time for MAIL Date and MAIL Date Time values Global Client

Exclude embedded Prevents archiving embedded attachments and images in an

attachments from archival email. When embedded attachments and images are excluded,
their values are not imported to the MAIL Attachment Name or
MAIL Attachment Count Keyword Types.

Set batch as fully-indexed Sends incoming email messages and attachments to the
Awaiting Commit or Committed Scan Queue instead of the
Awaiting Index Scan Queue.

Note: This option is only available if you are licensed with a

valid Document Imaging license and a Scan Queue is selected
from the Scan Queue drop-down list. See the section on
licensing in the Mailbox Importer documentation.

Send Image Attachments to Sends email image attachments to a queue for OCR processing.
Awaiting OCR
Note: This option is only available if you have the Batch OCR or
the Ad Hoc Document OCR license and a renditionable Document
Type is selected from the Attachment Default Document Type
drop-down list.

8. If you are using an institutional database, select an institution from the Institution drop-
down list.

Note: For users with non-administrative rights, rules designated an institution are only
displayed for users within that institution.

9. Click Apply .

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Mailbox Importer

Renaming a Rule
To rename an existing Rule:
1. Double-click the name of the rule in the Rules list dialog box.
2. The Rename Mailbox Importer Dialog window is displayed.

3. Enter the new name in the New Name text field.

4. Click Save . The name change is reflected in the Rules list dialog box.

Changing Rule Actions

Actions applied to a rule at creation can be edited at a later time. To view and change Actions:
1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Import | Mailbox Importer | Rules.
2. The Rules dialog box opens. Highlight the desired rule and click Actions :

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Mailbox Importer

3. The Modify Actions dialog box opens. Make the necessary changes.
4. Click Apply to save changes.

Adding Conditions to a Rule

After a rule is created, you must apply conditions to the rule. Conditions allow a rule to interpret
incoming emails and attachments.
Rules can interpret incoming emails and attachments by performing text comparisons based
on the value entered for the condition. The following are exceptions for text comparisons when
using conditions:
• The values of a condition are compared to text in incoming emails and attachments
as case-insensitive.
• The values of a condition are compared to text in incoming emails and attachments
as independent of culture. For example, depending on the natural language in which
your environment is configured, any specific text comparison rules attributed to the
selected language are not used in the text comparison.
To add a condition to a rule:
1. In the Configuration module, select Import | Mailbox Importer | Rules . The Rules dialog
box is displayed.

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Mailbox Importer

2. From the Rules list, select the rule to which you want to apply conditions and click
Conditions . The Conditions dialog box is displayed.

3. Select an email property Keyword Type from the Keyword column drop-down list at the
bottom of the Conditions dialog box.

The following email properties are available:

Email Property Description

Attachment Count The number of attachments on the email message. This value is stored
in the System Keyword Type MAIL Attachment Count .

Cc The display name in the Carbon Copy field. This value is stored in the
System Keyword Type MAIL Cc .

Cc Address The email address in the Carbon Copy field. This value is stored in the
System Keyword Type MAIL Cc Address .

Certified This property is not supported for use with Mailbox Importer.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 41

Mailbox Importer

Email Property Description

Date Sent The date on which the email was sent. This value is stored in the System
Keyword Type MAIL Date .

From The display name in the From field. This value is stored in the System
Keyword Type MAIL From .

From Address The email address in the From field. This value is stored in the System
Keyword Type MAIL From Address .

Message ID The value created when an item is accepted into the mail system (for
example, a unique value created for the item within the Exchange
server). This value is stored in the System Keyword Type MAIL
MessageID .

Return Path This property is not supported for use with Mailbox Importer.

State The read or unread status of the email. OnBase indexes all messages as
read, and stores a value of 1 . This value is stored in the System Keyword
Type MAIL State .

Subject The text in the Subject field. This value is stored in the System Keyword
Type MAIL Subject .

To The display name in the To field. This value is stored in the System
Keyword Type MAIL To .

To Address The email address in the To field. This value is stored in the System
Keyword Type MAIL To Address .

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 42

Mailbox Importer

4. Select an operator from the Operator column drop-down list at the bottom of the
Conditions dialog box.

The following operators are available for all email property Keyword Types:
• Equal To
• Not Equal To
The following operators are available for the To , To Address , From , From Address , Cc ,
Cc Address , and Subject email property Keyword Types:
• Contains
• Begins With
• Ends With
The following operators are available for the Attachment Count and Date Sent email
property Keyword Types:
• Less Than
• Greater Than
5. Enter a value for the email property Keyword Type in the field below the Value column at
the bottom of the Conditions dialog box.

The value can be an exact measure or a range, depending on the operator selected.

Note: The values of a condition are compared to text in incoming emails and attachments as
case-insensitive and independent of culture.

6. Click Create .
7. In the Required Conditions section of the Conditions dialog box, select one of the
following options:
•Any Condition Satisfied : Allows you to monitor emails and attachments that satisfy
at least one of the conditions specified.
• All Conditions Satisfied : Allows you to only monitor emails and attachments that
satisfy all conditions specified.
8. To reorder conditions, select a condition and click Move Up or Move Down .
9. Click Close .

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 43

Mailbox Importer

Updating Conditions
Conditions can be updated in the Import [Rule Name] dialog box. To update a condition:
1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Import | Mailbox Importer | Rules . The Rules
list dialog box opens.
2. Select the desired rule and click Conditions . The Import [Rule Name] dialog box opens.

3. Select a condition in the list and make the desired change(s) to the condition.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 44

Mailbox Importer

4. After the change(s) have been made, the Update button will become available.

Click the Update button to apply your changes to the condition.

5. Click Close to save the configuration and to close the Import [Rule Name] dialog box.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 45

Mailbox Importer

Deleting Conditions
Conditions can be deleted from the Import [Rule Name] dialog box. To delete a condition:
1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Import | Mailbox Importer | Rules . The Rules
list dialog box opens.
2. Select the desired rule and click Conditions :

3. The Import [Rule Name] dialog box opens.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 46

Mailbox Importer

4. Select a condition in the list and click Delete to remove a previously configured
condition from the rule.

5. Click Close to save the configuration and close the Import [Rule Name] dialog box.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 47

Mailbox Importer

Applying Rules to an Account

After accounts, rules, and conditions have been created, you must apply rules to the
appropriate accounts. To apply a rule to an account:
1. Navigate to Import | Mailbox Importer | Accounts . The Accounts dialog box opens.
2. Select the Account you would like to apply rules to. Click Rules .

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Mailbox Importer

3. The Account Rules dialog box opens. On the left, you will find Available Rules . On the
right, you will find Selected Rules .

4. To apply a rule to the account, select it in the Available Rules list and move it to the
Selected Rules list by clicking Add . Repeat this step for each rule needed on the

Note: If needed, changes can be made to rules and new rules can be created by clicking
Manage Rules . This will open the Rules dialog box. For information on creating and editing
rules, see Account Rules on page 35.

Rules can be removed from the account by selecting a rule in the Selected Rules list
and clicking Remove .
5. Once more than one rule has been added to the Selected Rules list, you may reorder
rules within the list. Click the Move Up and Move Down buttons to reorder rules.
6. Click Close to save the configuration and to close the Account Rules dialog box.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 49

Mailbox Importer

Encryption Keys
Encryption Keys assigned to registered workstations using the Mailbox Importer can be
revoked at a later time. Doing so may help keep your information secure. Revoking an
Encryption Key will clear the Username and Password fields in the Mail Account settings

The assigned Workstation will remain associated with the account after key revocation. For
more information on the Account Settings dialog, refer to Adding an IMAP, POP3, or EWS
Account on page 23.

Caution: Revoking an Encryption Key will invalidate any accounts associated with the key in

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 50

Mailbox Importer

Revoking Encryption Keys

To revoke an Encryption Key from a registered workstation:
1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Import | Mailbox Importer | Encryption Keys .
The Encryption Keys dialog box is opened:

2. A list of Registered Workstations is available. Click Refresh at any time to update the
list of Registered Workstations.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 51

Mailbox Importer

3. Select Reset application server cache on revoke if you would like, upon clicking
Revoke , the application server cache to be reset:

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 52

Mailbox Importer

4. Select a Registered Workstation . Click Revoke when you are ready to revoke the
Encryption Key:

5. You are asked to confirm your choice.The Confirmation dialog states:

This will invalidate all accounts associated with the revoked keys. Are you sure you
would like to continue?
Click Yes if you are sure would like to revoke the Encryption Key.
6. The Workstation is removed from the Registered Workstation list and the Username
and Password in the Mail Account settings dialog are cleared.
7. When finished revoking Encryption Keys, click Close to close the Encryption Keys

Assigning an OAuth2 Profile to Accounts

You can assign a configured OAuth2 profile to one or more Mailbox Importer accounts that are
currently unassigned to an OAuth2 profile. For more information on creating a Mailbox Importer
account that uses OAuth2 authentication, see Adding an MS Graph Account on page 26.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 53

Mailbox Importer

To assign an OAuth2 profile to Mailbox Importer accounts:

1. From the Configuration module, select Import | Mailbox Importer | OAuth Profiles . The
OAuth Profiles dialog box is displayed.

2. Select an OAuth profile from the OAuth profiles list that you want to assign to existing
Mailbox Importer accounts.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 54

Mailbox Importer

3. Click Accounts . The Assign Accounts dialog box is displayed with a list of available
Mailbox Importer accounts not assigned an OAuth profile.

4. Select the accounts you want to assign an OAuth profile from the Available list and
click Add . The selected accounts are moved to the Selected list.
5. Click Close . The accounts are assigned to the selected OAuth profile.

Migrating Accounts to Use an MS Graph Type

You can migrate multiple Mailbox Importer accounts with assigned types of IMAP, POP3, or
EWS to an MS Graph type. When migrating these accounts, you can also automatically apply a
tenant ID for OAuth authentication. For more information on creating an account to use an MS
Graph type, see Adding an MS Graph Account on page 26.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 55

Mailbox Importer

To migrate Mailbox Importer accounts to use an MS Graph type:

1. In the Configuration module, select Import | Mailbox Importer | OAuth Migration . The
OAuth Migration dialog box is displayed with a list of configured Mailbox Importer
accounts using an IMAP, POP3, or EWS type.

2. Select the Mailbox Importer accounts you want to migrate to use an MS Graph type.
3. If available, in the Apply Tenant ID field, enter a tenant ID you want to associate with the
selected accounts once they are migrated to use an MS Graph type.
4. Click OK . A confirmation message is displayed.

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Mailbox Importer

5. Click Yes . The Mailbox Importer dialog box is displayed with the list of Mailbox
Importer accounts migrated to use an MS Graph type.

6. Click OK .

The Mailbox Importer Configuration File

The Mailbox Importer Configuration File ( Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe.config ) is an XML file
used to configure the Mailbox Importer and control its behavior and feature sets. The file
contains plain texts and resides in the same folder as the Mailbox Importer application
( Hyland.MailboxImporter ), To change features, edit the appropriate value, and save and close
the file.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 57

Mailbox Importer

Configuring the Application Server and Account

In order to connect your Mailbox Importer account to your OnBase system, you must correctly
configure the Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe.config . To do so, follow these steps:
1. Open the Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe.config file. This file is typically located in the
Hyland.MailboxImporter directory.
2. Specify the information for your Application Server or Web Server within the
ServiceLocations node.

Setting Name Description

ServicePath The URL to the Service.asmx page of the Application Server or Web
For example, http://[Application Server]/appserver/
service.asmx .

DataSource The data source name (configured at the Application Server) to

connect to.

3. Save and close the Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe.config file.

Note: You must manually restart the Mailbox Importer service if you modify the
Hyland.MailboxImporter.exe.config while the service is running.

The Hyland.MailboxImporter section of the Mailbox Importer Configuration File contains
information on the Service Account configured to run Mailbox Importer. Service Accounts
determine which, if any, institutional database is accessed by Mailbox Importer.
Setting Name Description

UserName The Service Account name.

Password The Service Account password.

traceEnabled Set this option to true to output detailed messages to the Diagnostics
Console. If nothing is specified, the default value is false .

Note: This settings is inserted into the Configuration file manually and is
used for troubleshooting. Your instance of the Configuration file may not
contain this setting.

Note: This setting is case sensitive.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 58

Mailbox Importer

Setting Name Description

traceLevel Determines how severe an error must be to be displayed within the

Diagnostics Console.
Insert Error to show error conditions only.
Insert Warning to provide a message when a condition occurs which may be
a problem, but is not explicitly an error.

Note: If no traceLevel is specified, Warning is the default setting.

Insert Verbose to expand upon certain messages included with the above
Warning setting.
Insert Trace to receive high detail reports which may prove useful when

Note: This settings is inserted into the Configuration file manually and is
used for troubleshooting. Your instance of the Configuration file may not
contain this setting.

Note: This setting is case sensitive.

retryCount Determines the number of import attempts per email that Mailbox Importer
will make after the first failed attempt. For example, if retryCount ="4" , the
maximum number of import attempts that Mailbox Importer will make is 5.

Note: This setting is optional and must be added to the Mailbox Importer
Configuration File. If this setting is not added to the Mailbox Importer
Configuration File, retryCount will be set to 9 by default, yielding a
maximum of 10 total attempts.

Periodically check the SYS Unidentified Emails and SYS Unidentified Email Attachments
Document Types to ensure that all the documents being archived are correctly identified.

System Interaction
Exporting and Importing
Mailbox Importer configuration items can be exported and imported using OnBase
Configuration or OnBase Studio.

Note: Export packages can only be imported using the OnBase Configuration module or using
the module from which they were exported.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 59

Mailbox Importer

In OnBase Configuration, in addition to the configuration items listed in the System
Administration module reference guide, the following Mailbox Importer configuration items
can be exported and imported:
• Mailbox Importer Accounts
• Scan Queues
When importing an export package, additional associated configuration items may require
For more information, see the System Administration module reference guide.

In OnBase Studio, in addition to the configuration items listed in the Studio module reference
guide, the following Mailbox Importer configuration items can be exported and imported:
• Scan Queues
When importing an export package, additional associated configuration items may require
For more information, see the Studio module reference guide.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 60

Mailbox Importer

User Guide

Foundation EP3

To archive emails, the Mailbox Importer must be installed and running with the appropriate
To retrieve documents archived by the Mailbox Importer, the user needs to log into the Client as
a member of a user group that can access the associated Document Type.

Special Considerations for Users of Mailbox Importer

While there are no specific usage instructions for Mailbox Importer, there are special
considerations that should be noted while using the Mailbox Importer. This section covers
events that may occur while the Mailbox Importer is running.

Illegal Attachment Name Characters

Some characters in attachment names cannot be used with Mailbox Importer. If a message
arrives with an attachment name that contains illegal characters, the illegal characters are
replaced with alternative characters. The MAIL Attachment Name Keyword Type reflects this
The following table lists illegal characters and their replacements:

Illegal Character Replacement Character

\ -

/ -

: ;

* +

? !

" ’

< [

> ]

| !

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 62

Mailbox Importer

Failed Email Upload and Download

If Mailbox Importer attempts to download an email and fails, the email is converted to a text
document and then downloaded.

Invalid or Corrupt Attachments

If a message with an invalid or corrupt attachment is to be uploaded, the invalid attachment is
converted to a .ctx text document. The converted document is archived to the appropriate
Document Type Group.

Note: If the invalid attachment cannot be converted to a .ctx text document, the corresponding
message will not be uploaded.

Email with non-Unique ID

At times, an email that does not have a unique ID may fail to upload, download, commit
changes, or be marked as read successfully. If this occurs, the email with the non-unique ID
must be manually removed from the mailbox.

Failed to Connect to the Mail Server

If Mailbox Importer fails to connect to the mail server, Mailbox Importer will attempt to connect
to the mail server again after the Polling Period configured for the Mailbox Importer account.
After the first failed attempt, the polling interval is doubled and the service will attempt to
reconnect. For example, if the Polling Period is set to 1 minute, Mailbox Importer will attempt to
connect again after 2 minutes. If this attempt fails, Mailbox Importer will again attempt to
connect after 4 minutes. Regardless of the Polling Period value, the polling interval will only
increase to 240 minutes (4 hours), and additional attempts are made every 4 hours until service
is restored. A Failed message appears in the Diagnostics Console for each attempt.

Archiving from a POP3 Email Connection

When messages are archived into OnBase using a POP3 email connection, they are
automatically deleted from the email server. POP3 does not expose a method to mark items as
read. All items that exist in the mailbox are scanned to be imported.

Accounts Requiring HTTPS Connections

If a mail account requires an HTTPS connection, the appropriate certificate must be installed
on the workstation(s) running the Mailbox Importer service.

© 2020 Hyland Software, Inc. and its affiliates 63

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