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Saw 6-year-old kids swearing and listening to

So me and a friend of mine (lets call her M) went out to a park and saw some little kids. They were
playing football but they were listening to 6ix9ine (we don't live in a country where english is our first
language so they kids probably didn't know what the song was saying).

This made me and my friend kind of angry because these kids are too young to swear like that and
listen to this kind of music, and when we where their age, which was not too long ago, we would
have been punished for doing that. Mind you, these kids were also unsupervised (we later learned
that their parents where somewhere near, but not somewhere where they could watch their

We asked the kids their ages and they replied 5-7! We asked where their parents where and they
said that they were there alone, which was thankfully a lie. While we were asking politely and telling
them that they shouldn't be listening to these kinds of music, nor saying these words they cussed us
out and one of them even gave us the middle finger! This infuriated me and M since they were too
young to even know what the middle finger was (we didn't even know at their age).

Since we were infuriated and had lost all our faith, we decided to leave.

After we calmed down we decided to go back to that park to find their parents, since there was no
way that they were alone. After some akward talking with grownups that were sitting near the park,
we found the mother of one of the kids (not the one who flipped us oof unfortunately) and we told her
what her son and his friends were up to. She gave him a talking too for a bit but then told us that
these kids don't understand that swearing is wrong (which they definately did, as we did at their age
and they also cussed us out to insult us) and when we told her that, she told us that times were
different then (which they are not, since we were their age less than 10 years ago).

Then, me and my friend left, since we had had enough of hearing little kids swear and incompetent
parents justifying their actions.

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