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Black Death:

A epidemic that became cause for the death of the nearly one-third of the
population of Europe, this disaster had been occurred at the time of the 14th century
nearly (1346-1353). We can say that was a really a great disaster that led to the
death of many people and also the animals. The life became very miserable and the
people were dying like leaves drop from the tree’s that made a evil sign to every
one and all of them are thinking about what was the cause of this epidemic that
lead to the death of many human lives and made their family put into the miserable
conditions. As at those medieval ages there is a lack of science and technology that
we have now in this growing or emerging world. Many of them used to listen to
the head i.e. higher authority people and make them as a conclusion in the same
way at that critical situation many of them didn’t thought about the root cause of
the epidemic rather than they were thinking that this a very huge disaster than the
earthquakes, cyclones because this were will occur only at the certain period of
time but the epidemic is spreading like anything and that made a lot of worries in
the human kind and they thought that this could be due to the god’s anger as a
humans we did many mistakes and sins that had been overdosed and this lead to
the anger of the god, that lead to the punishment of the human kind. So the people
thought that to escape from this the only way is to satisfy the god so that he will
forgive us from this epidemic so they started to trouble the jews and they decide
that to win the god the only way is to give the lives of human being so they started
to kill the jews brutally to save themselves from this some people have died due to
this foolish act that put forward by the people at that time. But there was no use of
this as the disease is spreading from person to person and also to the animals. This
was the main drawback or we can say the foolishness because the actual disease
was spread from the flues and the bats if they would have recognized this at that
time it would be helpful because without knowing the root cause no one can solve
the problem because they were in the wrong perspective and moved the solution
for the problem from one side to another.

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