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Jl. Gunung Rinjani No.6 Taman Himalaya, Lippo Village Karawaci, Tangerang 15811
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Mata Kuliah : English I Waktu : 19.30 – 21.10

Dosen : Florence Trifosa, M.Th Sifat Ujian : Close Book
Program Studi : Sistem Informasi Tanggal : 03rd June 2020

Type 1
1. If he ……..(come), I ……..(give) this book.
2. You….(be) there before Monday if you … (leave) now.
3. If they….(come) on time, I …….(talk) to them.
Type 2
4. If she ……(be) a bird, she ….. (fly) all over the world.
5. If he…….(be not) busy this time, he ……(help) you.
6. I ……(eat) Japanese food if I ….. (live) in Japan.
Type 3
7. She …..(be not) angry if you ….(tell) her the truth.
8. If the rain ….(stop), the party …..(be) nicer.
9. If he ….(go) to the concert last night, he ….(see) Akhmal.
Complete the blank
10. If I were sick, …………
11. I always cry if ………...
12. If I hadn’t had money, ………..

Translate in English with Conditional Sentence

11. Prabowo akan menjadi presiden Indonesia 2019-2024 jika dia menang dalam pemilihan
12. Jika Petrus sungguh-sungguh percaya, dia akan berjalan di atas air. (kondisinya Petrus
adalah tidak percaya)
13. Jika Yesus datang kedua kali, dia akan menghakimi dunia.
14. Ibu saya akan bahagia jika melihat saya sukses.
15. Jika Ahok adalah pilot, dia akan jalan-jalan keliling dunia.
Answer with True or False
16. I will give you money if my car is sold.
(Saat mengucapkan mobilnya belum laku terjual dan ada peluang besar akan terjual sehingga
peluang untuk memberikan uang masih besar.)
17. Present tense: If Jack was here, he would know what to do.
(Jika Jack ada di sini, dia akan tahu apa yang harus dilakukan) Tapi pada kenyataannya Jack saat
ini tidak ada di sini.
18. If I had studied hard, I would have been graduated.
(Jika aku dulu belajar giat, aku pasti sudah lulus). Pada kenyataannya dulu saya tidak belajar giat
sehingga saya sekarang masih tinggal kelas/tidak lulus.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the brackets

19. If she gives back my money, I ( save)____in the bank.

20. What ( you, do )_______if she were here now?
21. His father will add his pocket money if he ( study)___well.
22. If she had been here at that time what ( you,say)______.
23. If I were you, I (apply) _____for the job.
24. Would you be happy if she (meet)_____you now?
25. If she had studied, she (get)______.
26. What (you, buy)_____if you had had a lot of money?
27. ( you, go)_____back to your hometown if you graduate?
28. He (fall)______off his bike if she had not been careful.

29. Describe about Gerund!

30. Write in detail about Future Tense and Present Continous Tense!

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