LSCM Assignment 1 - Diet 1 2019 - 20

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SESSION 2019/20 – DIET 1

Aims of the Module/Assessment:

 To facilitate students’ appreciation of the strategic and competitive importance of

Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) in modern businesses and of
LSCM’s underpinning role in high-performing companies.
 To develop students’ critical understanding of methods, approaches and resources
that drive logistics and supply chain excellence, allowing companies better to
compete in dynamic markets both domestically and internationally.

The learning outcomes assessed in this assignment include the student’s ability to:

 demonstrate a solid understanding of the different types of strategic impact and the
ways to add value that can be facilitated through enhanced LSCM capabilities
 understand the crucial importance of supply partnerships and collaborative
practices in driving supply chain excellence and capability
 realise the benefits and associated risks of international supply chains which offer
different types of goods/services and are operating in a variety of challenging
 appreciate the increasing importance of Corporate & Social Responsibility
throughout the full supply chain (for Customers, Suppliers & Contractors)
 explore the relevance and interdependence of the LSCM functional activities in the
supply chain, such as Procurement, Manufacturing Operations, Corporate Affairs,
Warehousing and Distribution, and Customer fulfillment.

Assessment Medium: Business Report

Word Limit: 3,000 words (+10%)

Number of References: A minimum of 20 sources should be cited

Format: Written report, word-processed (Arial 11; 1.5 line


Referencing: QMU Harvard referencing system (as per QMU Write

and Cite)

Submission medium: Electronic submission via GradeMark

Weighting: 100%

Anonymous Marking: Yes

Submission Date: 12th December at 4pm

Submission Grademark DropBox only.

Note: No hard copy is required.

The Assessment Exercise:

Background & Context

Since early in this millennium, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) stance that a
company adopts (and is measured by) has grown in importance for all their major

The functional areas of LSCM are playing an increasing role in achieving and sustaining
the company’s CSR agenda as it strives to meet stakeholder expectations and deliver on
its CSR strategic goals.

CSR involves a high level of associated costs, risk and barriers that companies must
overcome, particularly in the current trend of extended (sometimes global) supply chains.

In this business report, you are asked to examine CSR to identify and consider the key
issues (Benefits, Risks, Opportunities and Practices) across the wider LSCM community,
at both a general level and for a specific fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) company
with which you are familiar.

The Assessment Question
From the perspective of an LSC manager, develop a business report which critically
evaluates the CSR-related challenges faced by FMCG companies. Particular attention
should be paid to the role played by the various component areas of LSCM, and the ways
in which CSR has an impact on these.

This assignment should start at the general level by examining the core theory, and by
investigating why and how the functional areas of LSCM exert an influence upon, and drive
a positive and cost-effective approach towards, CSR.

Students should then develop a focused piece of work on a single FMCG company to
realistically evaluate the approach to CSR in that company’s business context.

The discussion and analysis should explain and evaluate the benefits of the approach as
well as specific challenges and risks the FMCG company faces in delivering and
sustaining a positive and effective CSR agenda. Recent market examples should be used
in order to highlight areas of FMCG ‘best practice’.

Suggested Structure:


 The report’s primary focus and key outcomes should be presented.

 The impact and implications of LSCM, and its competitive power in modern
businesses should be noted.
 The basic structure of the report should be explained.


 Examination of CSR (theory, value, impacts and risks) alongside the desired
outputs from the associated and complementary LSCM functional areas.
 Overview of the chosen company, with consideration of its products, its supply
chain, the unique set of challenges it faces. Consideration of the company’s
approach taken to address these challenges, and the impact this has on meeting
its CSR objectives.
 Critical evaluation of the CSR impact and the implications vis-à-vis: the company /
its major stakeholders / the wider community if the LSCM arena


 The key points resulting this evaluation.



Indicative Answer:

Important elements include:

a. Introduction to the report and its structure; introduction to CSR in the context of the
report and its input and influence in terms of the various LSCM functions; identifies
significant outcomes from the study.

b. Identification of an FMCG company’s typical major stakeholders, and the impact of

CSR on these stakeholders; identification of the complementary LSCM functions
that can drive, influence and use CSR to the benefit of a company and identification
of the inherent risks involved in delivering CSR in the current business climate.

c. Profile of an FMCG company is presented (to include the company’s product,

market, competitive set, position, market challenges) and used to demonstrate
CSR in the business environment. Consideration of both the inputs, processes and
likely outcomes into the CSR agenda, and of how LSCM functions positively
interact with each other.

d. Critical evaluation, weighing the theory (as discussed above) against the reality in
the dynamic/challenging business world from the perspective of a company, of your
choice, operating in the FMCG marketplace. The impact and influence should be
considered of the LSCM functions working together; what they must do, what they
must avoid, what the likely outcomes are should be considered. Ways in which a
positive CSR agenda can benefit the company should be highlighted.

e. Conclusion to contain a penetrating focus on the (at least THREE) elements that
‘really make a difference’ in CSR in a leading FMCG company.

f. The use of diagrams etc. to help illustrate, as well as credible (referenced)

examples to support your position is strongly encouraged.

g. IMPORTANT NOTE! The overall purpose of the question and this structure is to
encourage students to engage in critically applying concepts covered in the module
to an FMCG company and to evaluate the successful operation and sustainability
of CSR.

Matriculation No:_________________ Mark: _________%

Criteria Comments
Address and interprets the question

The report correctly interprets the

question and develops a coherent and
connected line of argument.
Instructions in the question are carried
out (e.g. discuss, evaluate and / 25%
analyse). Readership and purpose
are considered. Provides clear
conclusions which highlight the
implications of key issues drawn from
the analysis.
Knowledge and content

Applies relevant LSCM concepts and

theories and provides evidence of
research and examples across a
broad range of academic and industry / 40%
literature. Presents an overview of
demand chain as well as
organisational overview of a FMCG

Critical analysis

Evidence of critical engagement with

the literature throughout. Applies key
/ 25%
issues from above sections to the
context and critically evaluates the
practical challenges and possible
tensions for the FMCG company.
Presentation and referencing

Quality of the overall presentation;

clarity of expression; grammar, / 10%
punctuation and spelling; rigour and
accuracy of citation and referencing.

Marker A Date

Moderator Date

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