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Business Communication (Eng301)

Fall 2018
Assignment No. 3
Total Marks: 20
Lectures: 28-36


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Q1. A memorandum is defined as a ‘brief communication written for inter-office

circulation’. Imagine yourself in a situation (given below) where you are required to write a
memorandum to inform your colleagues about the new policies regarding the office

Situation: The higher management has changed and new rules have been devised for
maintaining office discipline. According to these new rules, every employee is subject to
submit a written application in case of arriving late at work. Similarly, in case of early
time-out, they are required to submit an application in both hard and soft form to the
management. (10

Q2. A good formal letter consists of six parts: the heading, inside address, salutation, body,
complimentary close and the signature line. Rearrange the following letter in the order
given below. (10 Marks)

 The Heading
 Inside address
 Salutation
 Body
 Complimentary close
Letter in response to a customer’s query regarding kid’s stolen Ipad.

Have a great holiday!

Just so you know, if the worst does happen (and you want to make a claim), we’ll
need you to have taken ‘reasonable care of the property’. That means:

 lock the doors, boot and roof box,

 close the roof and the windows,
 take your car keys with you and
 put the iPads out of sight in the glove compartment, boot or roof box when
you leave the car.

Tip: It’s worth checking to see if your home insurance will cover a higher value.

If you decide to take out insurance with us, the fastest and easiest way is to apply

Thanks for getting in touch about your kids’ iPads. Sorry it’s taken me a little longer
to reply.

Samsung Service Center,

Northumberland, New England

20th October, 2019

James Brandon (Customer Service Representative)

If the iPads were stolen from your car we’d cover up to £300 of their value.

If there’s anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

I also need to tell you that we don’t cover theft from open and soft-top cars. You’ll
find more information about what is and isn’t covered in our Policy Schedule online.

Hi Mr. James,

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